
Can someone explain to me how Joseph Stalin was a communist?
Honestly stalinism doesn't seem anything at all like communism.
t. Holla Forums

Come on Holla Forums, you know that nobody was able to impliment real communism because of fascists like stalin. You won't challenge this because you hate the idea that communism might just work. Proof is that nobody can refute this.

Communism won't work because it simply can't be implemented.

because it fulfilled the planks of the communist manifesto

lol wow jek my dups

Stalinism was (one of) the end results of Socialism and Communism. Sorry you can't wrap your brain around that fact, but reality doesn't change just because you're too stupid to understand it.

The USSR did, later… But stalin didn't, and by the time he was dead the US was actively sabotaging communism.

Why don't you come home, to Holla Forums?
Take a redpill or two and enlighten yourself.
Forget about your teenage delusions.


You should make the text even smaller next time.


Doesnt matter. The only way communism or socialism can be implemented is if the following conditions are met:

1) all ingroups are eliminated save for one
2) society is so fundamentally changed that everyone works for the betterment of themselves and their neighbors, because in doing so they are bettering themselves. which is national socialism you morons
3) two completely seperate economies are developed and implemented, one for necessities and the other for luxuries

And thats not even accounting for the fact that even if you eliminate all ingroups and have a racially homogeneous society new ingroups will form from because of geographical distance and opinions that are formed on the actions of others.

Even under the best conditions your utopia will never be possible with groups larger than a small village


He wasn't he was a free market capitalist who loved freedom and helped make the soviet shithole great by importing Bolshevik Jews (not communist or shekel-grubing merchants) and then russia was diverse and multicultural and liberal.

get the fuck back to your quarantine board, lefty. you'll infect us with your socialist disease

What are you refering to?

Stalin had his moments.

The state he established controlled both the means of production and the output. Also known as the literal definition of communism.

Rape yourself with a carrot and go back to/leftypol/ you sack of shit.

Killing all those kikes was one of the good things he did, yes

ingroups are just a spook like economies.

Stalinsim was more of like a jews kill all the white people -ism
and communism is more like a jews kill all the white people -ism


No, the SU practiced so-called state capitalism. Communism is when the workers themselves control the means of production

nice meme, bet this priest-school dropout that killed 95% of jews i the party must have been some jew
