Mandela effect

Let's talk about this.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's called "remembering something incorrectly and it's for normalfags or /fringe/-tier autists.

how do those blue pills taste?


or we don't

Next you'll be telling me meme magic and kek aren't real

luke, i am your father


lmao guys
i watch cartunes now XDDD

sex in the city never was "sex and the city"
human memory is imperfect.

no, i am your father

but it is, look it up.

r u sayin it was always the other way around?

its always "sex and the city" because google said so.

it proves my point even harder, if the "infographic" says it wrong

I never watched most of that shit and haven't seen the others since childhood.

As for Star Wars, Forest Gump, Silence of the Lambs, Jaws, etc.; people are going to hear and see references to these movies more than they're ever going to watch them. So perhaps it's a subliminal thing where you're going to hear what you expect - what you've been conditioned by various sources to hear. I've never seen any of them but still know the quotes, so if it had never been pointed out to me I'd probably hear it like as well unless I was paying a lot of attention to specifics for some reason.

When it comes to these, I find actual events to be more interesting (Mandela dying in prison, Billy Graham funeral), I wish people focused on stuff like that more.

jk fam
the info is right you're a millennial.

no, u r. A faggot. That watches shit like that. And u didnt catch me saying its the other way around.


My own personal list, let's who agrees with me

Mother owns all episodes. It's sex and the city

>no, I am your father
>You're going to need a bigger boat

Daily reminder that every quote from movies in my native language is the first one. I dont know what is going on in america.

No, are you retarded?

I never understood why it was called the "Mandela" effect. It's common knowledge that he became the president of South Africa after the appartheid ended, who the fuck doesn't know that and think he died in prison?

You remember things wrong, but in your case your ego doesn't let you admit you may possibly have remembered something incorrectly

Now fuck off

Nice Kek dubs you have there. Praise be Kek.

You must have missed the Holla Forums GATE threads. The rabbit hole goes deeper than you may at first believe.

Thread I:
Thread II:
Thread III:
Thread IV:
Thread V:

Big Rooster became Red Rooster
obviously this is part of a communist plot

Looney Toons / Looney Tunes

Fabreeze > febreze

Sounds plausible until you realize how widespread around the world this is. If its in the collective mind of multiple people a different way than it is now, how do you explain it.



What color is my underwear?

shit brown

nice psyop shill. giant threads loaded with woopy spoopy shit talk that amounts to nothing, a gigantic waste of a read and totally unrelated.

No, it's thousands and thousands of people being told the wrong thing by someone who sounds credible and no one corrects them.
That's why it's important to tell someone they're using something incorrectly, if you don't, idiots will start insisting the wrong is right.

That list of glitches is a joke, too. Three quarters of those are obvious, the last quarter I just don't care about

shills must really not want this to be talked about, I mean look at this piece of shit, sitting here in this thread they don't even like, trying to convince me that I'm wrong about something we all know we are clearly right about. look at this shill. now look at this image.

make sure to save this image and post it whenever you see a shill, and remember to also tell others to save and post it. shuts them up reeally fast.

You're just an eyesore. First, you have the ignorance to believe what you heard years ago then claim to be a modern cynic. Then, you shamelessly flaunt your ignorance in the face of evidence with a "I can't be wrong, so that means the world is wrong," mentality.

You will be ignored. You will be forgotten.

shill please

your buzzwords only hold meaning within this cozy hugbox of yours

cry harder

I can sense your hesitation. it is delicious

this is what a sad defeated shill looks like. screen cap this so we can laugh at it again and again. lets show others as well.

judge me by how many times I fell and rose again.


You call

this an attempt at proving your theories correct?

You're just circle-jerking using the tears from your failures. A bad troll is a bad troll.

;^) wow you sure told us

It was always the Berenstain bears

I actually remember it as the "Bernstein" bears, not "Berenstein" bears which is the common version of the misremembered name

Both are the result of "Berenstain" being an awkward and unnatural word and the brain "correcting" the thought. The brain does that quite a bit with visually reading and remembering language.

Take this following sentence for example:

This is because your brain already knows the original form of the word and does not literally read every single letter of the word with the same veracity. It quickly corrects this based on you already being familiar with the original word.

Also, the scrambled version of the word "sentence" has an extra "e". This didn't fuck you up either and your brain just disregarded it subconsciously as it corrected.

Now does that mean the word "stcenene" with one less "e" is thus correct? No, it's just less awkward to you. Your subconscious doesn't have a flawless understanding of what is correct or not, and sometimes that's impossible to discern.

What may seem "wrong" is just your idiosyncratic preference of something being a bit off and thus correcting it.

Thus how your mind changed the memory of a name you never fucking saw in the real world versus a more german/jewish sounding name that you could actually believe existed in the real world.

the fact of the matter is that we have all grown up with the bernstein bears books. we remember JCpenny, and Sketchers, and the Mona lisa never smiled. You can not trick us, You can not fool us. You will not make us forget. deal with it.

oh shit nigger i just got woke.

never heard that one. that makes it sound less like a sitcom and more like porn

even if those idioms are derived from slightly altering quotes from movies, they don't count.


like the copy pasta? humiliate these shills by pasting it in every shill thread.

Or like when WWF became the WWE. Supposedly this took place in 2002, but the last time I watched the WWF was in 2015. Stopped watching due to losing interest and all of a sudden it's WWE now. I'm like "WTF just happened?". I'm certain I'm from a timeline where WWF still exists, where Berenstein Bears is Berenstein Bears, where Nelson Mandela did die in prison.

By the way, in my original timeline, Al Gore was president for 8 years, McCain won in 2008, but lost to Obama in 2012.

Your example of reading scrambled text doesn't necessarily have anything to do with how people remember bernstein bears. I've only ever heard it pronounced st + ine as in swine. If I hear that, I'm gonna spell it "stein" because that's how I've seen other examples spelled. This is a conscious decision I made.

are you the shill pretending to post as the person the shill was arguing with?

If you're more concerned with being stubborn than being right, than more power to ya.


Do you actually have any arguments beyond supposition of alternate realities and shunning?

People forget about communist leaders. Why, you ask? Because communism always fucking fails. There is no new version of communism that will work. It will never work. It looks good on paper but when it is put into practice it always fails.

Funny part of all this is that I used to work for you guys. do you remember me? that one son of a bitch you always hated? My friends are still there with you. can you guess which ones are your friends, and which ones are mine?

Well good on you for having a theory that you refuse to allow to be challenged in the slightest without blindly assuming everyone who doesn't agree with you is a shill out to get your or something.

Y͏ou͏ ̶knów͡ w͘hat?͞ ̨F̀iǹe̶,̀ yo̵u͟ ̸caugh̛t m͟e.
I͝'͜m ̸pa̕r̕t̸ ̶of͘ ͢th͡e Qu͏a̷ntum-͞Dimeǹsio̷nal̛ Mat̶h͜ema͘t́ics Enc͘l͜av͜e a͡nd̨ I spȩn͟d̷ a̢l̛l ͢"day̵"͞ ̴(y̶oùr͠ 4̨th ͢D́i͞men̡s͟io͏na͞l Mind͡ c҉an͝'t͢ f̴a҉th̢om̢ wha͜t a "da͞y" a͞t ̸my͢ ̢c̛úrr̡e͢n̢t fŗeq̀uenc͜y ís͡)͡ ҉on 8͝ch̢áņ ǵu͞a͜rd̶i͜n̢g̀ ͝ag͝ai͏ns̸t S͝p̨iri͡t҉ ̸Şcie͘nc͝e͟ ̵I͞nf̶ar̀ed Pi̢l̶ls.
I̴t ͝is v͡ér͝y̕ ͝relev́a̡n̛t t̵o̕ ̧o̶ur҉ ͏c̀o͏ns͠pir͟àc̵y e͜ff̀o҉r̸t͞s ͠t͟h͞at p̴eo̵ple͝ ̢w̶ho ͏s͟tar͢t̴ ͞g̵e̸tt́in͢g convince̢d ͢o͞f̛ ͜th͡e͝se ̷d̡imęns͞io̧n̕s̕ ̀ge̛t̶ i͞nc͢rea̷s͢i͢n͘g̛ly̶ ̴p̨a͡ŕa҉noid of̨ ̕pęo͘p̵l͜e who̧ ͢ar͟ȩ n̸o͞t yet a̴wa̴r̵e,́ ̕las͠hi̢ng ̨o̵uţ ͝at a̵ny̸òn͠e͘ w̨i͝t͟h͞ a̢ ge̷nu͝in͠e d҉iśa͞gre͢ȩm͢e͟nt́,͠ ánd ͏t̶hu͏s ̨coŗr͏upti҉ng̢ ͝pe͝opl̴e ̴l̡i͝ke͠ ỳo͘ư i̷n ̷b͝eing̀ ǫu͡r own̶ "͢Co͝Įnt͡el͞P̀RO͡".

"Wo͝w͟ ͡wh҉at ̡a ̀p̀ąra̸n͢oid ̸ass̵h̛olé,͘ t̕h̷a̧t͢ ̵th҉eo̴r̸y ̨mu͘s̷t͢ be f͞als͜e t̶h̸e͞n" i͢s̵ ̧t͢h͞e s̷eed̨ ̢w͟e ͞pla̧nt wi͡t̷h ̛y͜ou̢ ͡as̴ the̶ ̡fe͢r̀ti̴li͜z͠ér.̢ ̀ ͝
Th͞is ҉c͡i͏rc̸u͝m̀stan̶c̨e͝ i̧s ̷a҉lso͏ ąn éxc̛epti͡o̶n͠ to Protocoĺ ̶Ƕ͝ ͡- ͢Б3͡ ̕w͜h̨e̢re ̀I ͠can ou̶t҉r͜igh҉t͏ te͘ll̴ ̸y̶o̷u̧ the̕ ҉plan҉ ̧as ̶it f̛ur͟t̸h̕ers t̴hat͟ ̕g̷o̧a̴l wi̵th̵ m̕ińi҉ma̢l̨ r̸is̡k͞.̛

well hello there person from a different dimensional thread

It's completely relevant to the concept and the person. Do you even know who Mandela is?

Bullshit or legit. can you pull me out of the matrix? I want out.

Yes, we are talking about the same person are we not?

Welcome to the Madela effect

with an "n" even

Welcome? Why would you assume I'm new to it?

Just had a thought


the "looks good on paper" argument looks good on paper but in practice it always fails.
I don't give a fuck about communism or whatever you guys are arguing about, just pointing out your retarded rhetoric.

You are the idiot here. The "looks good on paper" argument denies communism to the fullest extent. It's not some meme to promote communism, it is the opposite.

I agree with this user. And the reason that people are now finding to their dismay that Bern "stein" was in fact Bern "stain" is that so many people made the conscious decision to spell it as Bernstein that there was not enough people left at the time to speak up and make the correction; because if they did they would have been corrected in response. "Bernstein" was a false consensus. If one person can make mistakes, why cant a group of people make mistakes?

Nice try OP, the bears were never jews.

why are people like you so strongly attracted to these threads where you try so fucking hard to disprorove and discredit what thousands of people swear they remember? who the fuck are you people? fuck off.

see guys they changed the subject

lemme get this straight
you think JCPenney is spelled without an "e"
Skechers has a "t" in it
and you have better knowledge of a 500 year old painting than the majority of the world for 500 years
you tell those shills what for, they'll believe you eventually, you have mindfuckery on your side

It is called that because a small amount of the Population came about the information from the news that mandela had died in prisión! Not only gossip but actual news they remembered seeing on the tv or radio and then outta nothing history changed for them! Not only that but they look up the wrongful news given to them and couldn't find it cause it actually never existed


Most of those "glitches" are just obvious things that show that people remember the memes more than the reality.

People quote "Luke, I am your father" because it adds context and makes sure you know it's a star wars reference.

People say "Life IS like a box of chocolates" because that's the fucking correct tense if you're saying it in the present. Forrest Gump said "was" because he was speaking past tense, but you don't reference-quote things in past tense usually.

"Mirror, Mirror" was used in alternate versions and parodies, just not the original one people think of.

Simple one-syllable words like "In" and "And" sound VERY similar when said quickly, so it's not hard to hear "Sex in the city" when someone says "Sex and the city". People hear it wrong and spread the wrong one.

Pretty much all of these come down to one of these very simple things.

Chic-fil-a got me, but I don't assume it's because reality changed or something.