Chalk up ANOTHER Win for Gamergate!
Other urls found in this thread:
pretty sure he's not a pole
lol'd I didn't even notice that part, user.
Shame GG got co-opted and shifted focus. They were on the verge of discovering something huge with the Digra links and Common Core, but then just fell into SJW baiting and e-celeb cancer.
What the hell is wrong with these one or two burnout faggots who can't stop talking about gamergate
Kill yourself. Everyone here sees your d&c shilling and ignores it.
He looks kinda like Sarkeesian's pet, Josh or whatever his gay name is…
Meaning he's a commie kike.
You let it be coopted by apathetic leftists and you're paying the price
Maybe you cucks should have spent all this energy you waste shitting up our board on your actual enemies, so we wouldn't have to keep shitting on you while you're down.
I am so triggerd that they are simply cutting the two norms in half and splicing them together like some kind of freek!
It should have a triangle head, square body and circle legs and dragondildos for arms! Fucking cis gendered fascist white made that sign!
I found the game.
Holy shit he got fat. Feminism, not even once.
"let's make our own AAA gaming company"
"I'll defend your right to make shitty feminist games lmao guys"
"le fart and signal boost this guy's status signal"
Wow, some jew puts something to trigger you and you got triggered.
Now go to the real world. Gaming chats are turning into Holla Forums.
Sage for shit thread. No I'm not a GGer. Kill yourself OP.
It's just niggers and women taking down straight white men.
They're probably some of those faggots who tried to hijack Gamergate and make themselves its self appointed leader, got BTFO, and now they're eternally salty about it because they're too autistic to let go
You did not win anything Holla Forums you made it worse.
What a fag.
Who is it dividing? We don't want the cucked redditors who failed at their simple task.
So the answer is yes, you're one of those faggots who tried to hijack Gamergate and appoint yourself leader, got BTFO hard, and now you're perma assmad. Meanwhile nobody cares anymore
You guys are priceless.
Anyone who is still following GG is a retarded berniecuck.
nice try shlomoberg. now get back to clickin' dem shekels
That shit looks terrible.
You failed at your goal, anything that is not explicitely and constitutionally right wing will eventually become left wing and continue to go left until they become marxist faggots like Zoë.
Moot may have been right.
His response.
If you think like a bitch, you might as well act like one.
Ah, I see now. It's a Jim worship thread.
Please continue to suck that cancerous faggot's asshole for all of us from all to you.
>>>Holla Forums
>>>Holla Forums
kill yourself.
This. Gamergate is fucking dead. It's been dead since after airplay. A couple e-celebs and autists are trying to keep it alive because either they're making money or they don't want to give up the only thing that gave their lives meaning.
Not enough Karkov in the world, Jim. It's not our fault your idol got AIDS from his yellow fever.
Confirmed for kike
Well there are three possibilities, user. You're buttmad and autistic for the reason I put forward or buttmad and autistic for a different reason.
Either way you're a buttmad autistic
Just delete this thread, man. Or take it to Holla Forums.
Worst Kikes on the planet. Worse than the worst disease known to mankind. Commie kikes deserve nothing but back of a roaring oven.
I wonder if his wife cucks him….
Based Vavra
For those that aren't gamers, CliffyB earned a reputation for being kind of a unapologetic non-political correct developer. He was always over the top with his comments and was a womanizer. The guy since leaving Epic has since turned hardcore SJW feminist. It's more confusing because even his hardcore fans have no fucking idea where this is coming from.
He's jewish.
And apparently I'm not awake yet
is Guacman no longer AI?
I've noticed a few of them on twitter like twitter.com
Who doesn't shut up about GamerGate. He bitch and moan about the same things as everyone that still discusses it while at the same time everyone that talks about anything related to GamerGate is just horrible.
Why the fuck should we care about yet another pozzed up game getting released? Don't buy it. Laugh at the stupid fucks that may buy it.
We have a lot more significant stories that come up on a regular basis that we don't really need our board being shit up even moreso because you autists are hung up on a hashtag that is dead.
This SJW/cultural Marxist philosophy seems to have gotten popular over the past decade, especially with those wanting to consider themselves edgy. It acts like a religion where you can atone for prior sins by repeatedly cucking yourself to those higher up on the progressive stack.
I would guess this guy is still a womanizer, he probably just found acting like a SJW worked well for signalling how great a beta male he is to the various women he came across on the internet and thinks this would make him more attractive to women.
Damn, nigger. You actually typed all that out???
tl:dr lol
Never seen it before.
Holla Forumsedditors need to leave.
He was a shitty mapper as well. Worst levels in Unreal.
Daily reminder
Kingdom Come: Deliverance is in good hands.
Is that the video that triggered all the frustrated virigns on GG because IA actually had contact with a real life woman?
I remember how booty blasted they were. Bouncing off the walls, calling him every name in the book. That was cringey as fuck. Little did we know how worse it was gonna get..
How about you watch it and find out kike
Vavra is awesome
This isn't the (not at all GG related even) drunkstream with the fingering, this is the "explaining yet again why I left GG when it was getting pozzed" stream.
He was born in the eastern block, what do you expect?
You're fighting for fantasy worlds while the real world is falling to shit.
Rome is falling, and you're concerned with the quality of the bread and circuses.
Was made and used by 4cuck hotpockets.
Looks like a dude with his cock tenting his pants
Great image to showcase how 1/3 of gays molest children
I guess they were right and caught the leftist cooption of GG early on.
some good shit, I know the 6 fags that still shitpost in the general won't listen but it's nice to think of what could have been.
Wait, there's a difference?
cliffyb is and always was a something awful goon. there, now you know why this retarded thread got posted here, fuckin goons.
back to Holla Forums
Kill yourself scope shill.
I see a lot of these attempts around, trying to connect anything SJW don't like to Jews.
Gamergate doesn't care about kikes. They care about vidya. That is all they care about. They don't even see this shit as propaganda, they see it as "they're trying to ruin my fun with their politics!".
Who gives a shit about them now? We're talking about faggots like CliffyB (((virtue signaling))) and (((propaganda))) in the most popular modern entertainment medium while you're coming out of nowhere to say "no goy who cares stop looking into it".
don't you have a containment board to go back to?
How the fuck is a gender neutral bathroom any different from a unisex bathroom?
GamerGate was founded over a Kikebart article written by a jewish faggot, before that you autists were just trolling Zoe Quinn.
Who cares? It's e-celeb bullshit.
Yeah. It's what they do. Unless you have a plan to force him to change it, this thread is just useless whining.
looks shitty and outdated, like it came out in 2006/2007
Reddit is the shithole of the internet, no one likes them.
Kingdom Come is gonna be great. Shame what the cucks at Hanger 13 did to Vavra's old franchise.
Smug anime avatar raises an interesting point. Perhaps gender neutral statements in a video game world where no one poops are a statement that no one actually wants to use them.
Jim is and was right.
GG fell into that pit of faggotry right at the verge of all that corporate mindfuck shilling being exposed.
Other than /ggrevolt/, GG has been dead since around November of 2014.
Just taking down whites in general I think, see
gamergoys in a nutshell
oh boy you're in for it now.
those fags in the Holla Forums general lose their shit when you say stuff like that.
And now some goon has trolled them into leaving the site entirely to endchan.
I know you're not a kike, because you aren't very good at it. So stop it with this amateur hour shit.
GGrevolt goes after SJW scalp. That's why the gamergoys from Holla Forums and reddit hate them.
GGrevolt is the Holla Forumslack version. So they shit all over it.
This is true equality.
This is just dumb. Snowflakes wearing half-dresses with single pant legs? What happens when they all trigger each other inside? Do they have urinals or is anything related to men just immediately secksist and muhsoggyknee?
No, they left because this site doesn't work half the time.
His brother helped found Vox, that SJW shithole click bait rag. When GG started to take off he was oddly silent about it even tho he had always tried to be an edgy anti-PC bro, it's not surprising that he's gone full cuck levels of faggotry.
Also, need source on that stream. I thought Jim stop associating with other peoples when he dropped the IA name
You done it, boy
Fucking faggot's leaving YouTube again, even though I enjoy his shit.
I remember when he took on the WITCHER 3 IZ WAYCIS junk last year.
You're so triggered, that the first thing you do when you come into a thread is CTRL+F "revolt"??
Was your mom gangraped by them or something?
It's because he's an attention seeking faggot.
He only goes after low hanging fruit like SJW's and niggers, with the occasional shitposting because it's low effort that his "fans" can fap to.
You've composed about a 1/4 of this thread and it's mostly drivel.
This is why people hate GamerGate as a topic on Holla Forums, all it seems to involve is a lot of shitposting rather than entertaining or informative dialogue.
You could condense all meaningful comments made in this thread to just one or two posts.
Black man, white woman heros vs Presumed white man, asian woman villians
damn she looks high as fuck
also "white" guy taking a shit with his electro-dreds
Nice turtleneck there dude. Try looking down if you can.
Nice quads son.
I never heard of the O'Sullivan's Law. I will take that into account for the future
You forgot…
Holy shit. Is he stuck in between 2008 Reddit and current year tumblr? Someone dare him to call out Muslims in Twitter.
fucks sake they're not even being subtle with this dehumanizing propaganda anymore
Jim's right. If GamerGate had stayed right-wing (like it was in the very beginning) and gone full shitlord ala Donald Trump, GG would've ended well over a year ago. Anita and Zoe would be laughing stocks.
Actually, that isn't the first thing I do. I saw that user mention revolt and wonder how many Holla Forums poster it will attract
it's precisely when they were told about common core that they turned away from pol 100%
because common core was the real, realistic, non-tinfoil-hat link right in their faces and they couldnt handle the truth
as long as our theories were tinfoil or nazi they could entertain them and give them some airtime
as soon as we dug up the common core REAL, OMINOUS, IN THEIR FUCKING CUNTFACES link they ran away like the cucks they always were
fuck gaymergays
Ever since the nomination Holla Forums and /n/ have seen a large number of threads claiming that Trump is a kike and that no one should support him. For whatever reason when SJW get triggered they hit the JEW button and start acting like Hollywood Nazis.
I noticed.
There really is a problem with money grubbing leftist pushing kikes in GG though, its the reason it went to shit. Guys like lo-ping who used GG to get shekels then told everyone to be good goys (muh PR, muh dev support) and defanged the whole thing.
I care why?
This Holla Forums does great work. Best work is nazi work.
why do kikes have Polish last names?
Because a shit load of them lived in that area. Same reason why loads of them have -berg or -burg suffixes, because a shit load of them lived in Germany.
In any movement it's a couple core people who do all the work, it's the same here. Whoever was investigating that god bored.
What do you want people to do? Call him names? Send him pizzas? There is literally nothing you can do to stop him or his company.
probably shooped.
its quite easy to rubber things out in an image.
And every time he comes back and does the same shit. If he didn't care for the attention he wouldn't keep acting like an attention whore.
No that was investigated as fully as it could have been and all info was dumped. Gamergate just ignored it and wrote it off as tinfoil.
Oh look, another shill thread astroturfed by twitterfags. Definitely unrelated to the Hillary/anti Trump raiding I'm sure.
Current difference between cuck/pol/ and full/pol/: 0
It is tinfoil.
Nevermind that shit, look at Guacman's comment; it has become self aware!
oy vey
More eternally-butthurt goons shitting up Holla Forums.
Right out of the gate it's, "LOL GG BTFO xDDDDD" when this tweet has nothing to do with GG, doesn't mention GG, nor is it anyone who participates in anything having to do with GG.
They just cannot stop being asshurt about GG. Not for a single attosecond will they NOT be asshurt & whining about a moment they consistently claim is dead.
Say it with me: Revolt. Are. Lolcows. In. Denial.
So this motherfucker decided to put his 2 cents in and decided was Gamergate started as? Is he fucking serious?
What the fuck is that suppose to mean? pure from what?
Nigger this shit was about fucking journalist lying to people saying your game was great because you gave them your ass. It WAS about ethics.
Now I see why GG being co opted became a meme, it was because of this fucking faggot saying they are the voice and reason as to why GG became what it is.
GG had nothing to do with left or right wing, it was about a hobby being invaded by journalist who thought they had the power over other people's opinion and decided to push their own opinions by promoting shitty games and it was because of eron did the whole fucking thing came to light. We always knew that AAA companies were buying reviews but no one expected it coming from the inde scene . Before shills they were called viral marketers.
Man, fuck this guy, pure fucking disinfo.