Anti Semitism?

Real talk. Why do/have people hated jews throughout time. I have never understood why throughout time they have been hate targets.
And it is fucking beyond me why all you faggots hate them on here in this day and age.
Explanations please

it's less about actual jews and more about monopols and shit ppl only caring about their profit

why are jews hated historically?
ever hear of a fag called jesus? he's sorely missed and da jews done it.

One of the reasons was that they kidnapped gentiles for their religious sacrifices. Look up the original meaning of the word holocaust to learn more.

It's in the Old Testament. Basically they say the chosen tribe of Israel will be killed and hated by everyone throughout all time, by every nation despised, etc, etc. So they act like standoffish manipulative cunts in advance and carry around a constant simpering victim complex ensuring people will get sick of their shit and kick them out to retroactively justify it.

Self-fulfilling prophecies are strong as fuck. Sadly, this is a bizarre consequence of the original Hebrews being one of the first races to bother or figure out how to write down and actually preserve their various dumb cultural shit.

Serious answer? Religion is a big part of the hate for Jews, plus how they are wholly migrants wherever they are. Weber also proposes that they are to blame for capitalism due to them believing that whatever money they have when they die is an indication of where they will end up in the afterlife (simplified explanation). On here they are hated because fuck it, why not, everyone is.

politics aside
that is enough for me to hate a group

Its easier to think some people are just born evil and to create a strawman than understand the system allows for awful people to obtain ownership over the means of production and abuse or lie to the rest of us.

boo fucking hoo. jews have been prosecuted and marginalized ;(

Nigga, you're the "prosecuted" one (it's persecuted). One day I hope you get that porky dick out of your mouth and punch him right in the face.

Because they have always ran scams wherever they went, from coin chipping (literally peeling coins to steal the metal), usury, cons and all the bullshit they do up to this day.
They have always been like that, the reason people hate jews is because of the jews.

You're gonna be hating practically every religious group there is then

That's not really at the root of the problem, every fucking race creed, gender, whatever acts shitty. You may as well say "because white people like to project shitty things onto them".

Usury. They are destroying every country they touch with banks and corporations. They also use mass immigration to profit more at the expense of European people. Fuck capitalists AND communists.

It's 99% of the time just because people need something or someone to blame their troubles on, and there's plenty of tinfoil-hattery out there to support the theory that Jews are the reason for all problems.

To be fair though, I am a Jew and attend a Jewish school, and I've never met such a concentration of annoying fucking people. I've met cool Jews before, but holy fuck everyone I'm surrounded by is just absolutely awful - so maybe we're just annoying and that's why.

OP is a most definitely a shill or someone sent here to deliver a pro-kike agenda

fuck off kike

Can you tell me where your school is, Schlomo?



We have an infiltrate!







Why do people hate niggers? All they do is eat fried chicken and don't own the media.

Why do people despise cockroaches worldwide?

Because cockroaches persist no matter how much you try to exterminate them.

I don't, they're victims of the Jews, a proud race turned into a perennial slave and then a welfare culture. Jews owned the slave ships and Jew activists created the welfare state that keeps blacks in a never-ending cycle of poverty and despair while destroying their family unit and work ethic.
If we're not careful whites will be next.




Christcuck Zionists are the real problem.



usury. dumfuk xtians were too good to handle money and handed over the financial industries to the joos. ever hated since.

Honesty in banking, the world isn't ready for Christian Banks.


I'm Asian and white mixed this pol shit is retarded, lots on left and right and dif races fuck people over, I agree they have lots of power but there isn't anything you can do about Jews civil wars and race wars would be disaster for everyone.

I think this might be a reason.

Also the Muslims invasion chestnut. The uk has 6% Muslims and the younger ones don't give a shit about religion they drink fuck women both white and Pakistani, it will take 200-300 years before they have any meaningful population and there will be more shit going down before them. What British Muslims think channel 4 gives a balanced non/pol or lefty pol view.

They have tanks literally shooting into gaza city like asshole they bombed gazas only power plant assholes




"The Jew cries in pain as he strikes you."
Ever wonder where that saying comes from? Think on it for a while.

Success breeds jealousy.

Jews have, in general, been persecuted throughout the ages. All this is largely thanks to their old holy book, the Talmud.

See image #3 of



G-d complex. Victim complex. Diversity for you, not for me. "We're your greatest ally, now give us more shekels to further destabilize the most fubar part of the world"

He said jews were annoying, and says he knows from being around them because he is one. A jew that doesn't jew and you want to cut him off. Even if you hated him for being jewish you could've talked to him, got info about jews and how they are usually annoying to learn and help bolster your argument, and maybe convinced him to break off from jews. It's not all black and white. You're such a fucking idiot. Have this fun little fact - 6% of Americans are genetic psychopaths (inability to care about anyone but themselves) and that rises to 21% on average in offices of power (ceo's, politicians). 1/5 of leaders in the US have from birth the inability to care about you, and feel about you has the feel about a toaster. That's not counting the genetic sociopaths and the nongenetic sociopaths(care about themselves and their close friends/family only - the public can fuck off to them) and psychopaths. You don't know how to discuss, how to argue (look up philosophy - even Hitler used it, faggot), public speaking (it'll help you not sound like an antsy 13 year old), and if you really wanted to win people over for a cause your pathetic lazy ass couldn't even look up social engineering. You're the reason evil cunts take over the world - you don't get off your lazy, uneducated ass and do something about it. You don't pressure the public, you don't file complaints, you don't even act covertly if you think it's to dangerous and counterproductive - you just shoot off a three worder and inadvertently build a foundation of arguments the jewish people you dislike can use against you (literally - your argument equates to 'fuck you'). What would corporate and governmental jews do without a fool like you?

Doesn't a Supreme Gentleman like yourself have a school or two to shoot up?

As a collective they try to gain control of every society they've ever been in, and prior to Hitler every society was successful in removing them for it.

"Allies" supposedly didn't even know about the "Death Camps" prior to invading Germany, so the Jews were able to lie about what the blown up remains of the camps were being used for, and guilted the goyim into believing they were persecuted, and did the exact same thing they always do, but now they had a reason to shut up any dissenting parties by claiming hate speech.

from what i can tell, in ancient times jews were nomads who travelled to cities to take advantage of pre-existing infrastructure without having to actually build anything of their own. naturally the people who built those cities would not take kindly to this and eventually kick them out to either save on resources or just to get them out of the way during a siege or just because they don't like parasites. keep in mind jews believe themselves to be god's chosen people for whom the world was created to serve; they avoided manual labor and made other people work for them.

fast forward to now and…nothing has changed whatsoever.


