Is the decentralization meme going to happen?

Is the decentralization meme going to happen?

I don't think so.

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Nice thread faggot.

I also don't think so. Not until there's some kind of hybrid between decentralized and centralized anyway. Both have their advantages.

When are the Pedophiles going to stop flooding every new decentralized tech, assuring each one is dead at birth?

"They're" always going to be there since it's a good way to kill any decentralized system that govt don't like. We need a way to hunt them and dox them.

the devs meeted today and talked about a common api. lynxchan will be getting implementation first. it's happening.

josh's 16chan announcement

czaks' announcement:

If a cryptosystem can't protect pedophiles, it's not worth using.

No. Look at git, decentralized yet in practice it's more centralized than things ever were with subversion. People hate decentralized.


You either protect everybody or protect nobody when it comes to cryptography. There are no half measures.

I disagree. Cryptography should have backdoors to expose pedophiles.

Those backdoors will expose you too. Backdoor = Broken. Broken for one group means its broken for all groups.

Hello FBI! Are you afraid of a little bit competition in that department?:

At this point, it's like closing the barn door after the horse has bolted.

Who would be stupid enough to want to host Holla Forums content without some revenue and without control over the moderation?

I would, but that's assuming it doesn't cause a significant dent in my wallet in comparison to income from my wageslave job.

I'd ban pedos though, because I have no interest moderating such an obnoxious and legally dubious crowd.

i don't know whether it's actually happening because you didn't include a ron paul gif to assure me

I read somewhere that Spotify does something like this. Can't confirm for sure

Without falling for the bait, it's still worth noting that F2F systems such as RetroShare handle that problem gracefully. If people don't friend pedophiles, they won't have pedophile content shoved in their face.

hiddenchan had a board that they didn't federate but they shut down because $reasons

open posting attracts the spam not pedonerds, in my experiences running oniichan, the majority of the spam was from LEA traps and clearnet spammers via

i don't get it, why do people think that actual pedos would spam their collection on sites that don't want it?

Are you retarded?
Are you literally just looking at github and assuming everything that uses git is there, because the only git things you can see are the ones there?

I use git, with my own repositories, locally and with my own server and almost none of my shit is on github (or any other publicly reachable server).

And lots of companies do/use the same. And devs generally have local repos that only push one or two branches to a central location.


people who use github hate decentralization as those types tend to not understand that git is decentralized to begin with, all they know is "you use github with git because github has git in the name".