George Carlin Thread

I'd like to dedicate this thread to one of the greatest comedians of our time: the late George Carlin. Who'd like to share their thoughts on him?

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Carlin stole from Bill Hick fuck off OP

I was watching some of his work the other day. Good artist with good meaningful material.

love him. I happened to stumble onto a video earlier today that uses a clip of him

Bill Hicks was better.

A true great for free speech in the US.

Alex Jones?

Bill Hicks
Doug Stanhope
Richard Pryor

top 3



Carlin was an unfunny cuck who stole material only normies that don't know comedy think he was good

Are these supposed to be funny?

Compared to your face, no.


That was just about as funny as he was. Not at all.

Fuck him, he would have made fun of our trump

anyone doxed the faggot racemixing with OUR women? He already impregnated four married trump girls:


i guess we should have this…


I watched some bit of his on Youtube once. there was not a single joke in it. he just preached his views for like ten minutes

sure I agree with a lot of what he said, but it's not comedy any more than the John Oliver Show is. it's just preaching to the choir, and that's not entertaining

unfunny cuck said nationalism doesnt make sense and that white people kill brown people.

Old man with big mouth normies liked him because he was "enlighting" anything he said could be think of with normal logic but i guess normies dont use logic.

I demand webms

here you go

Thanks user

Actually, everyone stole from him.


World Record Holder for Longest Time Being a Comedian Without Ever Actually Saying Anything Funny

And he stole from Lenny Bruce.

I laughed. You're just too big of a normie, and you think your owners care about you.

It has nothing to do with his message, he got too caught up in being some wannabe philosopher. He went for applause, and it's not enough for me to agree with what a comedian is saying.

Hell, even Hicks could make me laugh sometimes and the only thing I really agreed with was his genocidal hatred of memes.

Bill was the best

Just stop,newfag

Are you fucking kidding me? Carlin is the epitome normie tier "humor." He makes painfully obvious statements and rants that aren't funny in the least - which is then revered by normie scum.

Get the fuck out of here. He was his generations Jon Stewart, except with a smaller nose.

God's love? What the fuck is he talking about? Is he calling the presence of a system for experience to occur within, God? Or was he just superstitious and believed that the cosmos loves him? Reality doesn't give a shit about us, that's why it's physically possible to burn for several minutes before dying. He can't believe in non-duality while also believing in God. Was he a poser?

Of course he was a poser - an edgy, try hard faggot too.

He was a tin foilly that are too many mushrooms.
Still a funny wanker.

No such thing as too many mushrooms, just too little processing power to make sense of it. "Love of God," the fuck… Meh, not that funny anyway. Carlin gets a little too self-satisfied after a couple of sittings as well. I guess that's my thoughts, OP. You shouldn't need to hear it from some entertainer. He made me laugh a few times, though.

I love how people are saying this about Carlin, yet this perfectly describes Bill Hicks here. All of his statements on nafda were painfully obvious for example.

it's true

He would have blasted trump a new boypussy

How does that change any validation of the criticism towards Carlin? And I didn't say jack shit about Hicks. Positive or negative.

Not funny, bitter old man - just like Hicks.

Edgy and intelligent when you're in your teens and lonely, and that does deserve credit. But in the end he never manages to add something positive or constructive to his criticism of (elite) society. Keeps getting stuck in retarded views when it comes to religion as well.

I'm bitter and negative buhuhu, I wonder why all the bitter and negative things always have to happen to me. Man the fuck up, get out there and make shit happen.


It was a very sad day when we lost George Carlin, may he find peace down there, screaming up at us.


Yes that's a funny meme, how does it relate to my post?

That no one cares about him?

Do you always ask everyone to think for you?

Clearly people do care about him.
2/10 bait, work on your shitposting my friend.

As he said himself, he has no emotional investment in the matter. Why would he waste his time making things change (as if he could if he wanted to, or anyone else for that matter) when people are happy about things? Not defending his unfunny comedy, just pointing out how big a normie you are.


Very well put.

The only investment he has is financial. He milked his audience like a cow. Told them what they wanted to hear. If he actually helped those folks (which is easy to do: travel, play tennis, play golf, study law) nobody would've returned to his cliché shows.

George Carlin was shit, I thought he was really funny a couple years ago. But I re watched some of the videos up on him and he doesn't really complain about anything meaningful. And when he does it's about something everyone already knows. It may have been different at the time, people didn't think the same as they do now. But what do I know i'm only 6 years old.

Bill Hicks could only complain and make loud noises. I'm glad he died young.

Good post Matt.

I remember watching these with you years ago. Good times man

Anyone into Bill Burr? I just got into the dude via Conan, I always see him and Carlin put in the same category

Doug Stanhope has succeeded and surpassed both Hicks and Carlin imo.

Not liking a comedian doesn't make you a hipster and cool right?


Fake quote

Fuckin love Bill Burr.

Look at the Bill Burr circlejerk. 8ch is loving him even when he commits the exact same sins as Carlin.

Care to elaborate?

Points out obvious shit and goes on rants that aren't funny in the least. People here are a bunch of hypocrites.

He has some funny stuff but like link, but if thats how you feel then, you know like whatever man.

He makes 'jokes' about smashing some bitch's muffins. Lmao is this your people's idea of comedy, are you all so easily entertained? If you think that's funny you're probably 12 years old.

Carlin usually has substance in what he says, and puts humour in at the same time.

Not fake, it's a direct excerpt from Last Words.

I like Lewis Black more.

Ill give him credit for probably being the first person to make those revelations but its still the same as you mentioned prior. Pointing out (obvious shit in current times) stuff and goes on rants.

Its just we like the stuff we can relate to with some funny quips.

Also he sounds like a cuck


After watching the second video it seems more like he is pushing a political point half the time and then adds in another funny jab to push the point; and then continues with his political rant. Again if you relate to it and like it fine but at least with the punching muffins its like what most comedians go with and thats experiences/ideas they thought were funny and put it in stand up form.

Holla Forums could be influencing me but excellent exchange of ideas. I look forward to your next point.

You're right, user. He has such a simple and easy schtick that anyone can do. In fact, you should become a standup comedian and do it yourself. It's all laid out for you already since these are all very obvious observations he's making. It shouldn't be too hard for you to reach his popularity. Let me know how you do.

Why are you expecting non obvious stuff after he made it obvious? He did this shit fucking decades ago, and when he did it like you said it wasn't obvious. He was exceptional during his time. It's like playing Doom 2 and crying about the graphics, it's still a great game it's just not up to the times.

It's not even cuck like, it's a play on the idea that women are more motherly and careful, less likely to neglect her children and fuck things up. Given all the major world wars, mass murders, and fucked up shit, we men do fuck up things at least a little bit.

So in general it's stupid to compare one comedian to another?

Ah the old "if you don't think x is greater than y, quit your job quit everything then do what x did even though you have no experience in that field but devoted most of your time to another field, otherwise your point is invalid."

Shitty argument is shitty.

It's about as shitty as calling people underage because they find someone funny and you don't. You see someone in here post Bill Burr and another poster who says he likes them, and your first reaction is to go into a shitfit and accuse them of a circlejerk.

What bugs you so much about someone liking something you don't, user?

If you laugh at "hahaha punch a cupcake xDDD" then you are 12, sorry.

If you can't handle people liking things you don't like, you've got bigger problems than I do, user.

Funny is funny, man. You seem to think that every joke needs to be super "deep" and "intellectual" and "important".

*I haven't actually watched that Burr vid, I just see no problem with the premise

It sounds like those people who say things like "jokes about rape are never funny.

Its obvious you like his agenda

George often went on about "poor dindus and mean cops!"
Yeah, poor niggers, causing most of Americas gun crimes!

Seems like he loved to say how he didn't care about society while also acting sympathetic towards nogs, huh?