Alex Jones Loses it on Beck

Surprised I didn't see this on a Friday Night.

Alex Jones fucking lost it today. Call him what you will, but he lost it.

Even pulled waterworks. It was on Drudge earlier as well, is now on BB so making the rounds around Conservative Media.

This is good.

Other urls found in this thread:

beck's such a faggot. everyone who messes with trump gets JUST'd

Alex Jonestein has been great lately. Fuck the marxist shills who talk shit.

that's because this happened several days ago

Just caught the date on the Youtube, you are right. I caught it on Drudge today so thought it was new. Still rather "fresh" though.

I think you mean "Cuckservative Media"

And even though Beck deserves the rope just as much as Jonestein, he blew him the fuck out with the thing about Sheen.

I still wonder if Charlie's diagnosis has anything to do with Alex's divorce.

Two people who love sperging out and attracting attention, who cares.

eh no worries, it's a pretty funny clip. glen beck deserves all the shaming he can get.

although it does seem to me like Holla Forums these days is more filled with meta-topics and spam than up to date news stories. unless its something on twitter.

I love this one from a month ago. Watch it if you haven't seen it op.It's hilarious

Never change, Jonestein.



Beautiful. Made my night, thanks user.

Here's a rare pepe for ya.

Thank you, user.




Why did Beck ever decided to get this picture taken?

we call these "trolls" apparently.

Glenn Beck and Alex Jones are two of the most infamous "trolls" around.

He's most likely a fan of the kids who didn't die at Sandy Hook.

"He's committed to Satan!"
Well, he is a Mormon.

He was always prone to cry on air and took that on as his identity.
When Esquire magazine called and wanted to do a photo shoot, he decided to shoot a gimmick where he put shit in his eyes to make him cry.
He's a phony and always has been.

Why would God give a shit about some idiots going on a fast anyway?

I've never watched an Alex Jones report but this is fucking hilarious. My sides exploded when he started talking about the Basset hounds and the braindead kid

The jews control him because Beck runs a media outlet that needs to be funded.

I think Alex Jones will be Holla Forums levels of redpill one day. He really is baby stepping towards it. Hes currently calling out kikes, but only in Israel, not our duel citizenship kikes in our government and heads of major corporations. He still says "globalists" for them. But honestly, thats probably for the best. Win over the public easier like that. He still says "Nazi" like its a bad thing. I think he'll eventually see how stupid that is and let it go. His audience will continue to tell him to quit calling people Nazis because it makes no fucking sense and he'll stop it.
You heard it here first.

buddy, alex jones has been co-opting popular truth movements since the 90's. Don't be stupid, he ain't gonna say shit about jews.

Why does he sit like a faggot?


how can you take a man seriously who sits like this?
Its like he has his balls in a leg lock.

where is this hair from, originally?

masonic yoga, shit is textbook

Isn't this called "presenting" in the animal kingdom?



LOL he's more effeminate than I thought

That faggot needs to be on testosterone replacement therapy.

Thats fucking vile.
My girlfriend rolls her hip like that when she's trying to drop the signal that she wants anal tonight.
In the animal kingdom, beta males will present their ass as sign of submission to the alpha. Glenn can't help but sit like that while discussing Trump.

watch this

superior version

but Jonestein is still a traitor who deserves the rope

Shit, conservatards, get it together.

Jones is Christian? I thought he said "im a jew" in one episode

kek he almost says it

The full context of it was something like "If you hate jews, I'm a jew. If you want to kill the jews, you're going to have to go through me."

he really almost did

man his ex kiking him must have woke him up.

I swore off of Jones a decade ago but his behavior during this election (especially giving Roger Stone a platform) has me watching him occasionally (mostly just the Stone interviews and his team's commie chimpout videos from the Trump rallies) and forgiving past grievances.

he's entertainment but that's it

if you don't name the jew you are misguiding people who would otherwise come to know

I'm with Jones 100% on this. Beck is one of the most evil people I've seen. Cruz is the same.

Dude, Alex Jones is on point. Beck is a rat fuck. I love seeing someone call out a rat fuck like this. I wish we saw this on TV and in Hollywood. Instead we all make concessions for these people.

They're sick as fuck. Jones has really helped me tonight with this talk and made me feel a lot better.

Those who join Trump can have their sins absolved in fighting for a new future.

Yeah but it can't be denied he's a feeder system for people to the Jew red pill. More than Breitbart.

Alex doesn't outright shill for Zionism and the JWO. He's just danced around it and uses codewords.

He has a net positive effect imo.

He also will have guests on that name the Jew.


Do you know how many people who are undoubtedly our enemies at least pretend to support Trump? No redemption unless they smite the parasite.

You're right he doesn't but he still plays an important part, user.

Many people, myself included, would have never made it to this site (among others), without first encountering Jones-tier conspiracy theories, which inevitably lead one to race realism and nationalism.

Just let him play his part.

Misdirecting people into thinking the jews dindu nuffin and it's all the Nazis?

Why is Alex Jones's mouth/chin up to his nose dark red. His forehead is very reddish as well.

Any doctors in the house that can enlighten us to this kind of appearance shift?

Heart issues? He sounds constipated and his throat sounds fucked up, more than usual.

I've been noticing this in most of his previous videos.

Not sure if anyone else has noticed. It's bothering me.

Prolly got a plug in his ass fam.

That's right. I would have never been red pilled with out gojng through his show and site for a year or two.

Every other person I know in real life that is Jew wise is the same. Jones listeners for a year or two, then the Jew redpill.

I and still made it here, misdirection or not.
Plenty of others too. I think it was one of the commenters on his site that mentioned Stormfront or something Jew-related that first got my attention.

Yeah because he's not for us. I have to fast forward his show when he starts the disinfo shit.

I still think he's the best feeder system out there for us.

But the vast majority of his listeners never will.

If it weren't for Jonestein, we'd be in much better shape today.

So you're saying Jones is a gateway pill to becoming Holla Forums?

why does his voice sound like he just swallowed an entire jar of bacon grease before the show?

why does his face always look like he just swallowed an entire jar of bacon grease before the show?


Because he swallowed an entire jar of bacon grease before the show.

He does do that. No doubt. But he lays a very solid foundation for understanding the Jew World Order.

He also will have guests on that do expose the Jew and Israel. So his show is still ok becuase his listeners do occasionally have exposure to redpilling.

I'm here after listening to his show for several years
I haven't listened consistently to him since 2014, but he has been doing a lot better during this election, I may start listening again.

Just skip over the dis-info and penile-ads :)

.webm related is a good example of dis-info

I've realized that for a long time, a lot of people I know that are "red pilled" tend to be Jones viewers.

I am a little biased because I grew up with Bill Cooper, who had a beef with Jones.

Bill was gunned down, yet here Jones sticks around. So obviously I'm naturally more skeptical of Jones than those who didn't know Bill.

Jones could be real or fake, but it's still a gateway. That's how that term "Gatekeepers" was born. I think

He directs his viewers everywhere, but somehow misses the mark on Judaism and the Rothschild.

I've heard all sorts of theories. Jones is Jewish, Jones is a Jesuit, Jones is a Mason. Lots of theories. To me, he's an entertainer. Sometimes I find him entertaining.

Beck hasn't killed himself yet?

So during the tears, he mentions the NASA lithium atmosphere shit for research or whatever.

I'm still not entirely convinced that has all these horrible negative effects meant to harm us like is claimed.

They make this big scare claim about lithium, but it's not just straight lithium, it's some kind of lithium compound that I don't think any of us know what it really does because we aren't chemists (well, I'm not, maybe you are?) Different things in different configurations have different effects. Vitamin A is something your body needs, but you will die if you overdose on it. Many substances that can be created also naturally break down and change into other, harmless forms.

What I'm getting at is that I don't just immediately buy into the "NASA = Chemtrails = bad" without some solid proof of a negative effect taking place as a direct result of their actions.

Beck will kill himself when he knows for sure he can convince his followers to go out with him.

Pic related, it's you.

How about this new Jonestein video?
Pretty good

True support not pretend support. We can see the false bandwagon jumpers from a mile away. Jones has been on board and shilling Trump hard well before it was popular or inevitable.

That's not what I said. Of course it's happening, that was in the fucking news.

What I wanted proof of is a negative effect on people.

And you will believe the lugenpresse when they tell you "yes goy, it's perfectly safe"

I didn't say that either.

I don't believe anything, because I haven't jumped to any conclusion. I'm trying to find proof of either negative effects or proof of no negative effects. Whichever one is true, I want to know.

No, he was claiming Trump was working for Hillary and calling him a Nazi up until September/October, long after it was clear that Trump was the front-runner.

he's been providing good footage too
solid lengthy video of local happenings

He changed his tune about Trump after Roger Stone setup up that interview for him, and it got well over a million views.

Compounds used for NASA tracers:
Tri-methyl aluminum (TMA),
Lithium, and

None of them are safe for inhalation. The amount that actually makes it to the ground is probably negligible.

The fact they are doing it is reprehensible, despite the fact it is most likely harmless unless repeated continuously or enough times to pose a risk.


This is a given, yeah.

That's part of what I was thinking. How high in the atmosphere is it being deposited, and does it actually make it back down, and if it does how much and where?

I definitely agree that there should have been a lot of openness about the experiment and the intent behind it rather than the secrecy. Years of internet speculation builds pressure and will lead to backlash even if the project is actually good and helpful.

yfw he actually does it after Cruz failed

WebM for ants version.

Yeah he's an entertainer/journalist/film maker.

He's not willing to be out right antisemetic for PR and financial reasons.

I wouldnt be shocked if he was controlled or bribed to not get into the JQ though. I just don't really think it's the case.

Holy fuck Jonestein is redeeming himself, so much that I will now call him Jones again

Sure about that?

The original title was "Alex Jones puts David Duke supporter in his place"

We're not there yet.

Remember to buy muh organic formula whatevers and filters.

Last year he went to Italy to talk about the Vatican and all of the Jesuits were "Mama Mia-ing". After that, he had Dr Duke on his show and all the Talmudicists were "Oy Vey-ing". Now he supports TRUMP and maybe he'll finally get one over on the globalists?




Jonestein is even worse than Goy Veck, at least Beckstein is just a crazy fucking alcoholic mess, Jonestein's obvious theatrics are absolutely pathetic, he's a paid actor and a shill, he doesn't believe an inch of what he's saying or care about it.

Burn in hell Jonestein.

god damnit, why cant alex jones just becom a WN once and for all, what is he waiting for

N-No goy that's wrongthink.

You need to join the legitimate alt-right movement and become a moderate civic nationalist, no need to be one of those extremist skinheads.

Now just watch this three hour and thirty three minute documentary on neo-nazism in the 21st century and how it has destroyed the traditional family, maybe we'll let you watch Schindler's List afterwards if you're a good enough goy.

Let's hear you make a suggestion rather than coming into this thread and whining about perfection.

Suggest a more favoured pundit.

perhaps if viewers started calling in to alex jones, to join the WN side, once and for all, he would consider it more greatly?

Alex Jewnes hanging himself would be a good start.

controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition controlled opposition

You're not as interesting as you think you are…


this fucking faggot lost me at "jesus christ"

controlled opposition alex jones talking shit on controlled opposition glenn beck

and he brings up the fictional controlled opposition character Jesus Christ like 2 minutes in HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA holy fucking shit

Ronald Chump is controlled opposition.

None of you are men. You are fucking pussies and are eating up this fucking charade because none of you have the balls to do a fucking thing about anything.

Fucking cucks.

i used to entertain the thought that he was bill hicks, but then I heard "Jesus Christ" in this video hahahahaha yo speaking of that

^ Sorry, but Hitler wasn't red pilled. Bill Hicks was.

Some of you are very very very very very very very stupid, so I am going to post again.

Alex Jones has a bunch of CIA friends….. uhhhhhhhhh

are you fucking retarded?

He is shilling for Chump….

HMMMM WHO COULD BE BEHIND THIS????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

When is this meteor gonna fucking hit? You guys are hopeless. The human experiment failed.

Controlled opposition doesn't usually cause massive shifts in public discussion and opinion of border security and deportation of illegals.

That's something a bad goy would do.

But at the end of the day, even if you are right, what are you going to do about it?

Will you get out and do what needs to be done to turn the tide? Or will you keep shitposting on Holla Forums?

Hell is forever!

Trust me, this government isn't going to last much longer. Keep on shilling pussy. Your days are numbered.

Were you paying attention the last 10 years or were you jerking off to anime pillows? There were hints before every major event in movies and other shit. Hmm… people were saying Barack Obama is going to be the last president … hmmm WHAT COULD THAT MEAN??????

If you seriously think we are just going to continue down the Ronald Chump yacht club path and forgive him and all his friends who created these problems, you are in for a fucking surprise.

You do go through a period of absolute hatred towards AJ when you get red pilled on the Jews. You feel like your teacher betrayed and lied to you…Like the very thing that you thought you were fighting against was staring you in the face the whole time.

Especially after you keep listening to him and he does his OBVIOUS misdirection shenanigans.

Then when the dust settles after a few years, you realize the sumabitch was the reason you came to the redpill…and the anger goes away a bit. It's there but you just ignore him.

Now I actually see him as an extremely important strategic piece in bringing people to our side.

Who is the ambassador of pol? Give me your best guy. I will debate him and fucking destroy him. You are nothing but the millionth retarded cult on this planet. There is only one opinion allowed here, and every time somebody throws in some critical thinking whoever is patrolling for the POL NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH comes out and scream SHILL!!!!!!!!


and before somebody comes in and scream SHILL! or SAMEFAG or whatever the fuck, I was just linking my post to continue it. Fuck you.

and before somebody comes in and scream SHILL! or SAMEFAG or whatever the fuck, I was just linking my post to continue it. Fuck you.>>5930769

No offense, but people who use one of the 5 pol approved jokes like >>>>reddit are fucking retarded. You must all be the same person or something, because nobody ever comes up with something new. I love the ego free anonymous discussions, but the retarded "INSIDE JOKES" are fucking gay. So are things like reaction images. They have literally no effect on anyone any just make people ignore your stupid ass post.

You seem upset. Did you mom force you go to to therapy again?

Whatever you say Glenn Beck.

Stop spurging out and make your point.

Alex Jones is a possible intelligence asset?

No shit. Anything else?

He's good becuase he's a feeder system of people to become Jew wise and racially conscious…Like many in Holla Forums and other forums/websites have.

God you are a really pathetic outsider shill.

Have you seen yourself bitch? You went from a 5.0 QT to became an ugly beta Jon Stewart, and there is nothing worst.

If you've watched Jones's show before in the past years, he's had people interviewed that have attempted to do analysis on the chemicals. I recall a man sample analyzing his topsoil for Barium and noticing that it increased a lot, (topsoil area of his home was in plane routes). He's had some person form the air force interview about some sort of plane and chemical compounds on it. That's all I remember. Just do some searches and you'll probably find these things yourself.

Also taking a sample from the air is apparently illegal I recall reading somewhere, you can't trail a plane's exhaust and capture it.

That was from geoengineering, not from NASA's tracer program.

That's why all aerosol spraying operations should be immediately shut down, audited, investigated, and then all perpetrators punished to the full extent of the peoples wrath.

With Jones, it's mostly about ego. To this day, he still claims to be the guy who predicted 9-11 when he clearly just ripped off his rival Bill Cooper.

Also I've never understood why Americans love an obvious bullshitter. The more you come across as a b-grade salesman, the more fans you get.

I'm one of those people that never wasted time watching these talking heads, so could someone explain to me why Beck is so popular?

And Bill Cooper just read a CNN article.

Patriot radio really was shit in the 90s.

I was bluepilled from years of public schooling. In middle school I began to dabble in conspiracy theories, which led me to Info Wars, and this is what led to my eventual redpilling years later. I can tell you that when I was bluepilled I would immediately tune out anyone denying the holocaust or saying the Nazis weren't pure evil.

You can't just shatter someone's world view, they won't accept it, it has to be incremental.

Alex Jones' three kids are half Jewish, you moron.


He is poisoning his body.
Is it alcohol? Is it drugs? Is it junk food?

Who knows.
But he looks fat and bloated like Penn Jillette. Penn claims to be like Trump and not have done alcohol.

But Trump and Jones and Jillette all are high energy successful businessmen who all look fat and bloated and unhealthy.

I think Jones and Trump should take a leaf from Jillette's book and choose good nutrition and up the ante on cardio and weight training.

I mean, I've got a great physique and I'm lower middle-class. But if I was rich, I'd have cooks making me the best scrambled eggs with the best organic spinach for breakfast every single morning. I'd have a nutritionist counting my calories and macronutrients for me.

I'd have a personal trainer guiding me through health and fitness and strength and endurance training.

I'd have a doctor counting my bloods and my T levels and measuring my weight and fitness and strength and bodyfat.

Alex and Donald. If you are reading this, consider my words.

Your health is in your hands.


Roger Stone is a CIA operative and a sexual degenerate, just like Alex Jones. That's why Jones has him on his show.

"I would have to admit the best times I’ve had is with my clothes off. I am tri-sexual. I’ve tried everything." - Roger Stone

Roger Stone and Alex Jones are both lifelong CIA operatives.

You've been taken in by a clever CIA psy-op.

I bet Jones has too. Note that Alex Jones' Jewish ex-wife divorced due to sexual issues. Check out his divorce trial proceedings to see all the sex therapists who were called for written depositions.


holy shit, what a fucking waste

He's another hilarious video of Jones talking about Beck.

In this video he accuses Beck of being a closested homosexual.

Notable part:







Not really fair because she's a dyke who likes pretty women. It's in her interest to present herself as handsome and sharp. The problem glasses also predate our present situation.

Alex Jones is pushing our narrative. I don't understand. I thought he was retarded.

Clearly he took a Cialis & the erection is lasting longer than 4 hours.
He should probably contact a physician.


i legit loled

LOL…. you don't know about Alex Jones and cocaine? You fucking serious?


haha this. back in 06 or so I was talking to a guy that did work for alex (technical work for his shows) trying to convince him that jones is a fear mongering shill sell out. he pretty much confirmed that dude is coked up, drives nice cars, etc. total paid operative.

I like the work that Jones is doing now. but he's still a coked out shill.

nice dubs but why the fuck would you need a nutritionist to count your calories and macronutrients? do you need someone to wipe your ass, too? If anything having your own organic farm that's tested for micronutrients would be the best autistic thing you could do, along with having your own cows, honey production, eggs, etc. And let's not forget some ducks because you need that pate. Oh and your own fish farm because who can possibly survive without caviar?

While I don't disagree, could you not tell us about your degenerate behavior? Thanks marry her and produce White chilluns fag

jesus christ he got fat as fuck.

Does he know about Pastor Anderson?

I agree with everything he said 100%. I don't get why kids act like it's wrong to actually fucking give a damn about what's happening to your country. It's like this feminist culture has affected everyone here to the point where even on Holla Forums you see people acting like it's wrong for a man to get angry…