ITT: Holla Forums pimps
ITT: Holla Forums pimps
A lot of BTAS villains were pretty pimp.
Penguin is top pimp. Though I like how even cold blooded Mr. Freeze, who probably can't even have an erection anymore, decided like: yeah, my subordinate bitches need to have their legs showing.
Oh come on, we can't have even Duck Tits?
Remember the Farmer with the Superstrong Daughter? I think that qualifies more as master farmer then pimp but still.
Boy was that a stupid episode.
Also this motherfucker
Bruce Timm really likes that episode.
As did I. That girl is waifu-material, I tell you hwat
it's like a silver age or early bronze age gimmick. Wouldn't surprise me if it was adapted from one of those issues
Sure but it needed more jokes. It was like generally serious batman stumbles into a golden age story.
It need a bit more of "We need to lure these giant chickens into this giant oven robin!"
But I said stupid, not bad. It is a fun episode.
It was entirely original. I think it was made as a sort of reference to bad 50s Sci-fi movies.
That daughter, though..
I remember it gave me a weird boner as a kid.
Freeze is literally just a head with a robot body in that episode
She can lift Bullock right over her head. Just imagine the kind of things she could do in the bedroom
even better then
She's hot, she's strong, she's sweet. What's not to like?
Well, she is slightly evil if that sort of thing bothers you
It only makes it better, who can be bothered by that…
Well, after all, you'll have a nice break from her once she goes off to jail and once she inevitably breaks out, there's always the possibility of fugitive sex.
that's ironic tho
only unironic pimps here
So no favorite Lil' Pimp?
Am I the only one who wonders if Bullock's design is partially based on Fred Flintstone?
How is it ironic? Butters literally became a pimp. He's the only real pimp here.
Are you autistic? It was a self aware ironic joke - haha, Butters became like a real pimp unbeknown to himself.
Do you actually know what irony means?
It's probably a coincidence
It's the hair and lack of defined neck.
No one really knows what irony means.
Ironic, isn't it?
James Gandolfini got that a lot
The joke was Butters was viewing it as an innocent kid thing
Omelette du fromage…
Sorry, someone had to do it.
Do any of you fools know what steroids do to a woman long term?
Really? Nobody?
I think that's just the "generic gruff working-man" look
We need more harem shows.
Lifting heavy things all day is not steroids.
A farmer who doesn't give a shit about the bible?
That's fucking feminism, but produced by Frederator?
That's a subliminal loss.jpg and besides she ate a special kind of steroids.
Eddy got a gun and bitches
that first pic is terrible
That's WAAAY far from the truth, user…
That's why it's amusing.
I need R34 of those girls, STAT!
Everything went down to shit when he got redesigned
bitches love Norville Rogers and his amazing belt buckle collection
Was this Mystery Inc or something else?
Washing of the feet is Christian, right?
Shaggy got to fuck an alien.
I wanna fuck an alien
You just know even if Marcy and Peppermint Patty did become lesbians, they would make the exception (or hell, invitation) for Chuck.
This image is a disgrace to what it's referencing.
Finn is the farthest thing from being Dr. Dick.
No, I think those are from the newer movies.
Any female Holla Forums pimps?
More like Dr. Cuck
I would totally do Marceline
With my dick charged with Ripple energy
just go to a trump protest. you'll find plenty of illegal ones.
Come on heeelp me Doctor Cuck, cause my love life's all fucked up, and my girls with some young buck, dickin' her deep deep deeeper
There he goes, Home-boy fucked an martian once.
Their AJ Lee looks better than the real thing
So, what's a nice name for a girl pimp?
There's no such thing, only whores and sluts.
Vicky's a vixen though.
He should have suspected it. There are no attractive Injuns anymore.
What are you? Some kind of do-gooder queer?
How did this even air?
All the girls on Star Vs. are horndogs.
kill yourself
Fiona obviously, what are you a race mixer?
A harem route is fine too
user according to /cuckquean/ the vixen is the other woman in the relationship
no u