All these native american rants the whole day. Its gonna get deleted soon no way

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That's Australian tier bants.

Fucking brilliant, has any politician ever put her on blast like this without backing down?

Trump ain't a pussy, he ain't deleting shit!



How do you spell 'racist' in smoke signal?

Yep. He didn't even delete that tweet that basically called Heidi Cruz an ugly bitch.



This woman is what (allegedly) percentage native?


Wow, so stunning and brave.



what the fuck


Why can they never have a standalone insult?

Sounds pretty sweet, cam.

He's trying way too hard to be a 'sensitive man' and a political agitator at the same time. He must be desperate for pussy.



They aren't laughing anymore

That might just be his funniest tweet yet.

With all the Jew and finance revelations I sure as fuck hope that Trump is playing the long game and isn't betraying us.




How fucking new are you? Trump isn't out to fuck us over.

Making baitposting great again

We can probably make him cry by calling him a potato nigger, since he never heard about it and seem sensitive he most likely will fall for the bait.

Fuck you man i'm cautious by nature and if you were an oldfag you'd be old and jaded too.


The man is absolutely on fire. Holy God, can you imagine what'll happen when he wins?

Strayam8 here, can confirm for top tier bantz.

Fuck that was funny.


Trump will shitpost his way into the white house.


This one's pretty great too.

Fuck you, most men have a receding hairline. Don't be an idiot.



CIDF detected

What did Elizabeth do anyway to piss him off? Or did he start the fight this time?


Enjoy this collage of asshurt

The same kind of things Megyn Kelly used to do. Every time Warren writes an article in the news it's "Donald Trump is a bad guy". So Trump gets fed up and boom, he fights back. She doesn't take her own medicine well.

I like to think that Trump low-key browses /cow/.

When you start Trump-posting to make fun of him, you've already lost.

Leftist cunts always lose their minds when they can't have control over a man.

Insert "She's on the warpath" gags here.

I know there's a medicine man joke here but I can't think of one.

if she has any casino-nigger flowing in her veins then she's going off the one drop rule. she's like all these faggots here down south with this "muh great great grandmother was a cherokee" despite that generations of irish has made them a ginger headed fuck.

in 2 years this guy will be sentenced to

Today Warren's name is All Talk No Action.
Later Warren's name will be Tuck Tail. She's already used it!


Be like trump. He never gets rustled.

ultimate slave/10, would sit on the couch and watch the elections with. Don't forget, monday is workday!

be less of a faggot, trump is less of a faggot

Can you imagine the asspain when the current few generations are in their fourties and fifties, and somebody runs on a hard paleoconservative platform?

He got a Jew to manage financing for his campaign, not his cabinet. And seeing as he's self-funding, that's a token position if there ever was one.


to be fair that "new york values" comment rustled him something fierce.

Holy shit, the Emperor has his enemy emulating his speech patterns. There's no stopping him now.


That's not rustled, that's actual anger.

shes about as much indian as i am klingon

these tweets arent real

Progressives have really driven themselves insane, is there anything they can actually fucking achieve nowadays? They can't even insult anyone because they're so terrified some random fuck is going to arrive and go "oh no, muh offended feelings".

Truly, young progressives are an endless source of entertainment. They hoped to take control of the social and political discourse by creating a language minefield, and then forgot where they planted the fucking mines.

Is Trump self-sabotaging?

How does this offend Natives tho?

I thought he was just calling her out for being a fake

yeah, but shitlibs can't process anything beyond what the talking heads explicitly tell them

Look at the shitlib responses. Look at their races.

Quit responding to that shill.

lol, he's not stopping.


Is Warren? The cunt is like 1/64th Cherokee or some shit and she claims to be Native American.


He really is Andrew Jackson.

didnt warren say she was an indian to get into harvard law or something?


Damn, this whole stream is based.

"I didn't inherit the Republican Party, I won it!" You fucking morons!

I don't know, check Trump's twitter feed. lol.


Warren has admitted that she 'might' only be 1/128th Indian herself, and even that's highly suspect.

If she did and she's less than 1/16, she was lying. Legally you have to be 1/16 Indian to call yourself that. It's the only race still regulated that way. The others might as well be one drop.

Leftcucks always do this but I've never seen it mentioned before

In the Don also the Donald Duck?


Carey "I Cry Daily" O'Donnell

He was clearly rustled in the first rally after Chicago, thinking people applauding him were trying to disrupt him.




Trump + Twitter = Gas Chambers

doin my part to contriboot

Did she really delete them?

I think you mean 0/64, the closest she has been to a Cherokee was that time she rode in a Jeep Grand Cherokee

fugg dis is gud


All jokes aside, it's absolutely disgusting how these liberal fucks will reach desperately into their family tree to self-identify as anything but white.

High Test results in balding head. So stfu beta faggot

Uh huh. She keeps awfully close track of her pedigree for someone who hates ancestry and heritage.

I've heard that, but it's pretty contrary to observation, so have some alternate explanations:

1. nu-males process test poorly, so there's more of it observed in their system, but less actually affecting their behavior. the "unprocessable test" causes hair loss.

2. nu-males have weak girly-follicles that die to testosterone more easily than in normal men.

or, just as a little bit sugar is super amazing germ food, but a lot of is is a toxic environment, too much test causes nu-maleness and baldness both. They get overwhelmed by it, lose receptors for it, and it affects their behavior less than the smaller amount of testosterone does in normal males.

Should be 32/32 jackass
Otherwise youre implying the only good part of her is her indian part

I get real pleasure out of seeing Trump do this sort of thing. See, my issues are pretty simple as a voter. Government shouldn't work for wall street, government shouldn't work for the security-industrial complex, government shouldn't work for multinational corporations. It should work for the citizens, and stay within the limits of the Constitution and especially the Bill of Rights. That's it.

Liz Warren is one of the MANY politicians on the left that has been talking the above talk as her platform and it keeps getting her re-elected, but as Trump says she's "no action."

Didn't she do something once a long time ago?

So we are supposed to allow emotionally unstable individuals decide who is the best candidate for POTUS?

Fucking rekt

Why is he being mean to someone who's on his short list for VeeP?

Based Trump realizing the injuns are absolute garbage.

Because that list is full of shits that would tank his election?

It's fake…








I'm sure all 20 of the Natives left will be horrified.

it's a political singularity

nobody knows what will happen when we cross it

…never heard that

I have noticed that bald guys are usually very manly though
more dominant behavior, angrier, macho, etc

Interesting pic.
On the back corkboard there is a dream catcher on the right (cherohonky detected).
The office is mostly staffed by women. Judging from the placement of the items.
There are stacks of some manual recently printed on the left.
The. Glass top desk and computer type combined with casually but neat attire makes me think "design shop". It's tempting to say academia but his shit is too clean and the office layout seems out of place although it still may be.
(He must be their pet. He probably thinks he has it good but though they'll call him "sweet" and may even fuck him, because he is good on paper; they will secretly long for bad boys)

You've never heard it because he compete completely made it up.

amazing digits friend

i bet trump shed a tear on 9/11 unlike this cuck

"i lost hundreds of friends"

It's not.


Not really into scat tbh, the taste of shit makes me somewhat nauseous.

Fuck these people are stupid. No wonder the US is going to shit, you guys need to get your shit together so your hat can start making money again and you can leech free healthcare off us.

Trump built a wall of butthurt, and Elizabeth "Goofball" Warren paid for it. Sad!

Chief Swallow Bitter Pill?

