What's your thoughts on the Miley Cyrus conspiracy theory?
Is she really dead? Did they replace her?
What's your thoughts on the Miley Cyrus conspiracy theory?
Is she really dead? Did they replace her?
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who cares
shes pretty cute tbh even with the dyke hair. or maybe im just turned off by fame & power.
I think she's dead.
It would be great if an user posts the screen cap from half/pol/
she looks disgusting
you have shit taste
They a found a perfect replacement but that nose is a dead giveaway.
The hips are the same, but there is another difference, the cute miley is covered in massive amounts of makeup while the other is not, so this comparison is a bit off.
the cute miley is also about 12 years old
It is a proven fact that stars get cloned and the original get killed by a brain aneurysm.
Just asked Tila.
(((They))) tried to kill her too but her strong aryan genes prevented her from dying.
There was also some nigger rapper who made a song on this.
So she was nice and tender. I wonder how many kikes got in on all that.
id fuck miley cyrus in a hot second. not ashamed of it either
Why would the elites clone celebrities if they could just mind control them?
Of course mind control has it's flaws…
Why wouldn't they reprogramm a clone from scratch?
It is not like they already mastered this.
German scientists working in Area 51 were colaborating with lizard jews from saturn after they lost the war.
(((They))) Are decades ahead of us.
Stop it user, there are people here dumb enough to believe you.
I heard the CIA cloned her from a butthole hair from the original Miley and that's why the new one is defected .
You're all blind.
Do you have an archive of that news article that confirms that shes in pieces somewhhere the image states?
It's just a ruse cruise. The same conspiracy theory happened with Avril Lavigne
Do your own research then…
When did the Bieber Transition?
No, not about that. It's the lizard people from Saturn. Lizard people are from the prehistoric times you stupid fuck. Saturn is completely lifeless like 99% of the universe.
Proof of lizard people?
look for a bucket of dick scales in their bathroom
text me when her porn tape comes out
I think she's on the compilation video 'Rough Sluts Volume 2 - Hobos in Alleyways'
I like to imagine I'm one of those elites, who can pick any girl, even a celebrity, and have my way with her. I also like to imagine the elites are pushing women into submission by encouraging this behavior. Celebs who dress like sluts and slut walks force women to dress more sexily to attract attention. This is an inherent loss of power for women. When she dresses that way a girl is admitting she is asking for attention for her feminine attributes, as opposed to other functions that could give her social power.
I wish all women had to both lose weight and dress like sluts just to not be ignored.
Yes, Eminem has also been replaced a few times.
Miley was replaced by a jew robot
One of three things happened.
1. She had an emotional meltdown as a result of some trauma that she has experienced (probably molestation).
2. This is a rebellion against crazy strict parenting/rules handed down by Disney handlers. She's not the first rich girl to morph into an uber slut.
3. There's more to it than either of the above, and your crazy tinfoil shit might have some merit behind it.
She had a nose job, duh. That whole narrow nose thing is a jew plastic surgeon specialty, its how they hide their members.
She's hotter now, IMO. Of course, I like sluts.
The Jews killed her.
You deserve death.
Why does nobody point out the dozens of times Mr. Jones was replaced?
Look at how her eyes change as she gets crazier.
no thanks my friend. i prefer to use my dog. he can sense evil. true story its like he has some psychic sense
If you look into his history, you will dig up some very interesting connections. Apparently one of his great-ancestors that stayed in Scotland, S.L. MacGregor Mathers, was a satanist who frequently collaborated with Aleister Crowley. Crowley of course being the main catalyst for Occultism in the modern era. He and his disciples very quickly hijacked all forms of media and controlled the biggest acts from the palms of their hands, one of which being Led Zeppelin. One search that will get you guaranteed results is to look into what Jimmy Page's symbol, known as the "ZoSo" actually means (you'll hear a lot of claims, but what it really means is something a lot more sinister)
According to legend, a comet stroke over Led Zeppelin's tourbus around October 1972 and supposedly Jimmy Page knew at that moment someone significant had been born. You can probably figure out who from the context. I can't remember the source for the light of me though, and can't find anything related to comets streaking over at that point in time.
Now, on to the nature at hand.
If you check various hoax sites he supposedly died originally on December 22nd 2000. Of course, it's a similar case with Miley as well, but it does make sense on some fucked up level.
His voice noticeably changes between his second solo album and his first album with D12, which came out in mid-2000 and mid-2001 respectively. Barely 12 months between each other, and when you take into account the recording, probably much less than that. They did a good job with finding someone who looked 90% like him but he sounded off in some way. Not quite the same voice. Doesn't help that he spent most of early 2001 behind a Jason Voorhees mask as if to conceal his identity. I think the first replacement may have been around when the original Marshall was still alive. It's subtle, but you know the mirrored 'E' they introduced on the album covers starting from the second one? That I think is a hint stating that it wasn't just one person doing all of the vocal work. I've noticed they like to do that a lot, I mean look at Prince. Couldn't use his name so they introduced that weird unpronounceable symbol. Also there was that album that was cancelled after it was released, The Black Album. Only a handful of people got a hold of it before it was memory-holed for 7 years. There's some very weird stuff on that album, and I sense that WMG may have replaced some of the content on the 1994 version so make sure you listen to a ripped bootleg of the '87 original if you're interested in listening to it.
But I digress. The mirrored 'E' stayed once the original died. It was all by accident though, I believe. He only wrote enough content for 3 solo albums at the most, that's why Encore is such a huge step down from the previous three albums he made. They probably wanted him to stay around a few more years, write a few more hits then snuff him out once they had enough content for at least a decade's worth of albums. But that backfired, so they had to resort to plan B, which is what you have now.
Then personally I think the first replacement died somewhere between '05 and '07, and they used a lookalike during the intermission. I still refuse to believe the picture of a fat dejected white MC dressed in black/red with his ass hanging out of one pocket and his fingers forming a peace gesture is him. If you dressed him in regular clothes I would never have thought he was famous, let alone Eminem. His face is all wrong. It's interesting to note that aside from the candid grainy magazine shot of when he was even fatter, that is the only photo of Eminem taken in 2007. Go ahead, look it up. There are no other photos of him from that year. The few that you supposedly see are not from 2007, they're from the years immediately before or after.
Second replacement was very shortlived. This changeover was acknowledged through the name of his very first song since his comeback through 3AM. The dawn of the third man. From April 2008 to some time in late 2009, fuck knows. He looked convincingly like the original, but sounded even more off than the first replacement. They designed him to try and replicate the voice the real one had at the beginning of his career, and I don't know exactly what happened at the cloning centre but something fucked up big time, and he ended up sounding like a drugged up Jamaican with his balls in a mousetrap. Even people who never really paid attention to his music knew something was majorly wrong. They got rid of him very quickly.
3rd replacement, aka no. 4 is a bit backwards in the sense that it appears to me they're using a voice actor of British descent (as noted by his use of terms such as Wallop) and a look alike who can't actually perform. This is why he's been suspected of lipsyncing, because his voice just doesn't work now. If you look at his current logo too, the I and the N appear to form an "IV" when conjoined. That's how I know he's #4.
For those uninitiated you get sucked into this through learning what happened to Paul McCartney in the mid 60s. Then when you look in further you have the stomach-churning realization that at least 80% of the entertainment industry is made up of clones. It's fucking horrendous. And until we can awaken more people to its existence it will keep happening until we band together to stop it.
I have a very good theory on how it started and why it continues to this day. I haven't got the precise idea nailed down though I can tell you it is very aligned with Holla Forums's own beliefs. All I'll say for now is that at the core of it, it's about money. Ever wondered why famous people only ever seem to spend their money on petty, inconsequential things like cars and houses? Most of what they earn DOESN'T EVEN GO TO THEM. Make sure you learn this point well. Once you earn a certain amount of money (can't tell how much exactly, but it's in the millions) you get put on a watchlist, as you have enough power to change the world as you see fit. From there, They then make the decision to clone an actor/singer (the two most commonly replaced types of famous people, seems they can't replicate sporting talent well so if you want to be famous but in little danger of being replaced then git gud at a sport) and once They figure out the target is profitable enough, They hunt the real one down like a fucking dog. Martin Lawrence was not insane. He knew what was going on. I won't spare you the details of what happened once he was detained but he works for Them now. And once They get you, They don't give a shit about your wellbeing. Just look how ridiculously far into the red Kanye is financially. Every single one of us in this thread is millions of dollars richer than he is, simply by virtue of not being broke. But have you ever wondered why he is broke to begin with, considering the tons of money he ought to have made over the past decade through album, concert and merchandise profit? Where the fuck did it all go?
I might come back later on and divulge some of my findings if you can tell me who, not what, the connection between Courteney Cox and Sting (The Police) is. Who is behind the two of them. Who made them famous. Then I know I'm not talking to a pretender. Him or his brother, it doesn't matter. As long as you nail the surname I'm not concerned.
No, it's the real Miley. Her dad found her first vibrator and threw it away… her craziness is spawned from the resulting psychological trauma and her need to hurt him in revenge.
A legend propagated by people who don't understand comets, perspective, or the shape of the Earth.
Who cares
no its the real miley
all american women are whores, she probably got pimped out to elderly hollywood jews from a young age
she had to look cute and virginal while she was jailbait but as soon as she was legal she didnt need the mask anymore
No, they just masterly turned her into a product. Being a product is now her everything, and she'd eat herself fat on fetuses if she was asked to in the name of publicity.
She has been taking cock in her ass since she was 11 years old. At an age when many girls hate the taste of asparagus, she was learning to like the taste of semen.
She died inside a long time ago.
What's that you say about 11 year olds?
I thought they wore pants?
underrated post
Is this Miley's people trying to get attention? Nice try. We're not biting
There was already a 7 chan. And that is not it.
Confirmed dead
Bowie always looked like he had fas
She's just smashing the patriarchy while she can.
there is no conspiracy.
she hired Larry Rudolph as her manager.
this is the same Larry Rudolph who worked extensively with Britney Spears.
as well as:
dude has basically dedicated his life to degeneracy.