Post your waifu roll pics

Post your waifu roll pics

Why would you have the picture saved on your computer?
Wtf is wrong with you? Do you actually expect anything to come out of it?

roll ;_;

I have it so roll threads can continue to exist.
Also, rolled trap roll

00 GET

alternatively, sophie get

Why do you want roll threads to continue to exist?

roll what happened to the dice?

trying again

Why? Didn't want Roastie McSlutface?
Also roll for OP

Well, I got her twice so I guess I have to accept the fact that I'm gonna get cucked.

do a barrel roll

So you can roll Jerome

Not OP, but I enjoy these as they allow for some light self reflection of who you are and what kind of person you'd like to hook up with.

Lately I also evaluate which one of these describes me best. Closest is Avery (31-35), as long as semi-obscure 70s soft rock and 80s synth schloc counts as hipster music.


No, the second time you got a 14 which is Sabina

whelp, time to abandon thread.

Drat, was hoping for Chloe (01-05)

I thought you were rolling for the OP lol now I see

I want 16-20 (Holla Forums)


We must not be looking at the same pictures


