Do you know this feeling?

Right now, I hate every single one of you. Everybody who is just a slightest better looking. Or has a job. Or a gf. Or anything I don't have. Fuck you.

At the same time I love everybody who has it more miserable than me. (If that's possible.) If you're agoraphobic, or have 0 friends in your life, or never had a gf or sex, or is obese. I am sorry, but I like you.

Anybody else?

it's called autism

nah, i think this is "envy"

envy of people that aren't autistic

ebichu is a basass anime

…I like you too,user

You have a job/a gf/are better looking?

Your hate fuels me to never go back to being homeless again. G-D and I love you

lol fuck people who have what I don't, they're basically taking it from me, right?

Your worldview is so infantile and immature that I can't do anything but feel pity for you. You don't yet understand that it is just a tiny bit of work and discipline spread out over a long period of time that gives the people who have more than you the very things they have. Instead, you shut them out and seek solidarity in the people who don't make you feel bad by comparison. That way, you won't have any motivation to improve, no reason to go through the trouble of getting off your fat ass and making something of yourself.

At least I have the testicular fortitude to feel bad for my own shortcomings and take responsibility for it instead of offsetting it to other people. Nobody forces me to act this way, I choose to.

Go donate more money to Bernie Sanders, fuckwit.

lol I'm not thinking like that by choice
but thx you're right
I have to improve

Once you realize people are taught to hate their ambition and betterment it gets easier. Stop falling for the normalfag trap.

srsly this sentence gave me a mind blow
thank you user!



Jealous hatred is one of the most impotent human emotions. There's nothing wrong with having discriminating taste, but within these parameters it just comes across as insecurity about your own station in life. Hatred of those you view as having 'what you don't' versus those 'more miserable' than you is a defacto admission of your own feelings of inferiority (and trust me, between the haves and have nots, nobody *actually* gives a shit about these things but you ).

Your odds for happiness increase the less you compare yourself to other people.

This nigga be talking smart stuff. Listen to him.

Jesus, OP. You're like the least respectable excuse of a man on all the chans.

Thank you. I am a woman.

Then how could you possibly feel anger for people who have what you don't have? I am now genuinely curious because I thought the only justification for that was the commie line of thinking.

it's not anger, it's jealousy.
seeing my "friends" succeed in life, while I'm here playing one mmo after the other
simple pathetic pity for myself
it's disgusting

Then consider yourself average. Women aren't respectable, period.

OHH, it isn't a persecution complex at all.

It's an "I want what you have without doing the work you did to get it" complex.

Got it. Stop that. You're in control of your own life and actions, I know someone who was homeless in his youth and now he's a manager with a qt waifu.

It's never too late to do an about-face and tackle your life head on.

Holy shit stop making up these bullshit diseases. You have fucking autism.

Oh hey you're a woman. Confirmed for just wanting attention. Fuck off

that wasn't me but whatever

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thank you user

What fucking planet are you from dipshit? Do you just hate words?

That explains everything.

aww don't be jealous

No, I hate little snowflake shit heads who need to be beaten until their autistic heads are cured.

youre both right
the fear of going outside does exist
most snowflakes don't have it though just want attention
now hug and kiss