Who should be the villain in the inevitable TruthSeeker movie? I nominate Ghost...

Who should be the villain in the inevitable TruthSeeker movie? I nominate Ghost. He's the opposite of the big TS politically, yet he also really loves Loony Toons.

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godamn ghost trolling is hilarious.

My tbh fam

Villian should be a neo nazi, alt right, ceo to mcdonald's.

Marvin the Martian tbph famalam

We should make this happen. Straight up call into Ghost AS TruthSeeker and just fucking communism his ass. What voice should he have though?

I vote Bernie Sanders

or this one vocaroo.com/i/s0Ajz7qlkRgI

Meant this one vocaroo.com/i/s06plHEADvGq

t. AusTruthPoster

Ghost is too popular. We need someone who streams with about 15 livestream viewers.

How about your channel?

Yeah I don't see the downside

Ghost is perfect tbh.
Call in: Argue Gommunism.
If he disagrees simply state: NOT REAL COMMUNISM till her hangs up. Rinse and repeat.

Guys reign it in a bit. This truthseeker meme is getting out of hand. It's drawing in youtube autists as well.

The senior of zir university who banned zim for the wymyn's studies class for creep out the students with a banner "LOOK FOR A GIRLFRIEND FREE OF A BOYFRIEND"

He should be an Egyptian drumpf supporter who pretends to be a true communist.

I haven't been lurking here in a while, why do people care about this dumb namefag?

cause it's memeacino

He is all of us

Which iteration of TruthSeeker should call, the one who curses or the one who calls people soggy salads?

Every single one, same voice but call in being just entirely contradictory

Soggy salads?

When's his next show?

False communism?

We need more radio shows to troll

I wish the original TS posted a vocaroo of his voice so I could imagine just how autistic an argument between him and Ghost would get.

Going to do a dramatic reading of his freak outs, anybody got screen shots/pasta?

Original TS, who by the way I think may be here 8ch.net/tv/res/591882.html#592531

The kicker is the sudocuck absolutely fucking hates TruthSeeker posting.

Which is hilarious because it only fuels the fire, As I've said TS is the perfect meme. It pisses off Holla Forums because they think it's serious (I guess the real one is but still), It pisses off Holla Forums because they think it's a falseflag and not just autism/shitposting, it pisses off sudocuck becauseā€¦he's retarded, it pisses off "We are a serious board" posters, it pisses off newfags and outs them as they don't know how to bantz.

It's not a meme,
It's a fucking nuke

I'm the real TruthSeeker and I would never support failed """communist""" ramblings like you see in that thread.
Also yes, if you have a good voice do it for the glory of real communism.

All it really does is lower the board quality. It's low energy shitposting that completely derails threads without delivering any lulz.

How is that funny? It's retarded.

The comics have potential but as it stands they are garbage too.



eat shet



I'm lovin' it!


Only thing I could find