I just got a C&D email from my ISP for torrenting shit. Am I going to jail?
I just got a C&D email from my ISP for torrenting shit. Am I going to jail?
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Convert to Judaism and flee to Israel as soon as you can.
You're going to the pokey,faggot
Who the fuck torrents anymore.
Next thing you will tell me you have a MySpace page.
I upload all muh torrents to muh MySpace
Hit me up on yahoo messenger,bruh.
I need some music
k, send me ur yahoo nick on icq
What did they catch you downloading? You probably won't go to jail over it, but either use a public IP next time, or at the bare minimum, use a proxy, if not a VPN, or both.
I've torrented shit for years, but I never download a lot of stuff at one time, and I never try to download anything that's brand new. Trying to download brand new stuff is what will get you fucked. Nobody gives a shit if you download Forest Gump or some shit, but trying to get the newest movies or games on a bare IP is a surefire way to get the attention of your ISP.
OP is probably already in gitmo for piracy
RIP in peace, sweet prince
my ISP told me to stop downloading so much seinfeld 14 years ago
they were right, seinfeld sucks
where do you get your filthy porn then, normie?
OP, with so little as 2 $ a month you can afford VPN and torrent whatever the hell you want
these trips were checked.
sienfeld is available free on crackle.
with commercials but fuck those
In case anyone including OP was too retarded to catch what I meant by "public IP", I meant using a wifi access point such as at a local restaurant or bar. Some place where they can't track shit back to you. If you want to be really careful, learn how to spoof your MAC address, and if you're really worried about getting caught, don't log into anything that can be used to personally identify you, like email, bank accounts, or really anything at all that's attached to your real name. Just don't be a retard and use the same IP for anything that can be tied to the real you. Booting off a live linux USB is probably the best bet if you're really worried about getting caught.
T-thanks. I'll sip a beer to celebrate my heavenly triple. Have a blessed evening, user. Repeating digits are in your future. Have faith.
Seinfeld sucked then, and it sucks now. Your IP wasn't trying to send you to jail, they just wanted to let you know you were downloading shit shows.
It seems like you learned your lesson
Jesus wept that is fucking depressing. Fitting though.
What the hell do you guys do? Download 500 gigs of your favorite jap cartoon?
I've done that and I haven't gotten a letter.
Yo op i got a C&D as well and i still kept torrenting after it and have been fine for 4 years now
As long as it isnt expensive shit or illigal/bordering illigal porn youre fine dude
Just torrent music and such, if you have to shell out 10 bucks for your favorite chinese cartoon dont be a kike about it and pay the nips for sitting in their basement drawing tiddies
Very important note to this post, use a paid VPN! Free vpns mean it is you who is the product, and they most likely have some sort of malicious adware installed.
I got a C&D once for pirating a pirate show (black sails). Chuckled and continued to download.
I feel like torrenting is a bit like viruses. You can be safe if you know what you're downloading, and from whom. Almost wish I was able to see all the things I've torrented over the years. How much fucking money I've saved.
Torrenting is so normal these days, I don't think they can ever really crack down on it.
You're retarded, and I mean that in a way showing the most concern for your well being possible. Follow and or you will get comeuppance from your jewy ISP.
Serves you right for being retarded. Get a VPN.
It's just an email,I got one a few years ago.
They are trying to scare you.
I got one of those emails once for pirating porn.
I was seeding the torrent so the sent like 20 fucking emails.
Why can't they do anything against you though? Isn't there evidence enough to force you to pay?
If there's a lawyer here, please stand up, please stand up, please stand up
this is a joke. torrenting is a fucking joke
you can whatever you want
what a joke
what a joke
what a joke
what a joke
what a joke
what a joke
what a joke
what a joke
such a joke
what a joke
I have no clue really.
They got me for a goddamn cartoon I got for my kid.
I started being a nigger after that,I stopped seeding immediately after it was finished.
No problems since then.
That was about two years ago when I got that email and I haven't stopped.
Yes, yes you are. Prepare your anus
That hurt me just looking at it.
You aren't going to jail. Somewhere between 6-12 of those and someone will threaten to sue you in an attempt to get you to settle out of court, but their case would go nowhere and you can safely ignore the threats. Your isp might eventually punish you though. You can avoid these by just using darknet filesharing for new movies/music/games.
maybe it depends on the country
No just don't respond and stop torrenting for a bit
what's the point of a vpn? Literally routing all your traffic through another node so one more entity can do the usual surveillance and data mining on it?
where else am i supposed to get my neet priced animu and mp3s
that's why you don't get ANY vpn, but gotta inform first
research carefully and pick one where you have the option that your data won't be saved.
read the fucking contract
what stops them just tsaving it anyway? Besides,them being altruistic doesn't mean shit if they're compromised by another party that just fucks my shit all the same. The only way to feel safe using a proxy is if the owners of the machines it's on aren't aware of it's existence in the first place..
not sure, but if it says in the contract that they cannot give your info to a third party, you could sue them if they did, right?
but thats just theory. you cannot win against them