Storm's a brewin' lads…


same time manlets learn



No Donald Trump

I don't care for Trump.
But Hillary


It never starts. That's the joke. They've been promising to make America great again since before most of you snot nosed shits were even born,, yet the nation continues to decline. (while the rich get richer)

Tell me about the past, oldfag.

Reagan did make it better after Carters complete fail moron.


Not really, but it sure felt like it was better.

Know thine enemy, it is furry

you don't know what the fuck you're talking about


its not happening

media with greatest influence is in the state of permanent corporate clinch

with no way to animate voters, you will forever be voting for the same option

you lot are done fucked

I'm only here to check those doubles


Hillary 4 Prison

No Donald Trump.

Then we target the media. I'd like to see the Jew York Times occupied and I'm sure CNN would have some trouble broadcasting their lies when a flash mob with megaphones barges in. They aren't afraid today and that needs to change.

…til the storm encounters cooler temperatures and upper level wind sheer and dissipates. I forecast dissipation to occur on exactly Nov 8, around 9:30 PM EDT give or take an hour.

They said that about brexit m8.

But ho ho ho. Who'se got the last laugh now?

the polls said he wouldn't win any states they were all wrong enjoy your butthurt when TRUMP takes office

Trump is going to destroy Hillary








I'm an old guy, I lived through the carter and reagan years. My investments took a dive during reagan, the stock market crashed in 1987, the jews kept interest rates down since, punishing savers.
I missed the good old carter days when a simple CD would pull 12% interest.


and the loans at 15%pa, did you enjoy those too?

no dubs
but a nice pair

Trump will get less than 200 electoral votes.

Screencap this.
