Milo will attempt once more at writing something about the alt-right.
Im gonna cringe am I ?
Milo will attempt once more at writing something about the alt-right.
Im gonna cringe am I ?
No I don't. I don't like her copyright maximalist ass at all.
How would a faggot know why?
Swift is a hot blonde that has no tattoos or scrap metal in her face and she wears classy dresses. It's that simple.
also blue eyes and her pose with a swastika. basically shes just a meme no one in the alt-right, I assume, actually likes her for her.
hmmm I wonder why…..I wonder why.
Not sure what this is about. Not sure if "alt-right" really applies to me. Don't follow Milo. Don't ever use Twitter. Haven't read anything "thing" he's written about Taylor Swift. Don't really know much about Taylor Swift. Only one song I like called "Shake It Off", but not to really enjoy it as much as it's got this part at the beginning "nothing in my brain" that reminds me of Hillary Clinton.
He's going to call her Nazi Barbie at least once.
You guys need to stop bumping this faggot Jew. It is clear by now that his role is to hijack the term "alt-right" and steer it in a kosher direction. He needs to be viciously attacked by all who consider themselves right wing until he finally breaks down and goes full kike. He needs to be purged.
he's gonna say it's because feminists called her Nazi Barbie so the alt-right reacted by actually making her a nazi-doll icon even though it makes 0 chronological sense and how it's all satire and a reaction to the authoritarian left blablabla muh cultural libertarian
Don't call yourself alt-right then; it's just a fucking label. If Milo works to help make nationalism more acceptable, that is a good thing, even if you yourself need a new fucking label to separate yourself from his views.
I'd fuck Milo deep in the ass.
all this, simple as that.
Out of all the cancers the GamerGoyim brought to Holla Forums, this kike is the worst.
When are you faggots going to realize that no kikes can be trusted, let alone ones that are overtly pro-Israel and promoting miscegenation?
Was getting called a newfag part of your plan?
you've summed it up pretty well, that's exactly what it's going to be
Watch Taylor Swift date a negro just to spite the super "racist, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic" "alt-right" that supposedly loves her, so she can show us all how grand and moral she is. She is a celebrity, after all. Image is everything, and the media, not the people, are the ones you need to appease.
Never, in case you haven't noticed the Trump posting that's been going on for the last year. Holla Forums has been fully co-opted by shit sniffing gamers and mentally ill fantasists.
I seriously wish he would shut the fuck up with his signaling. How much you want to bet he includes a direct link to 8ch in his article today?
She is pleasant on the eyes, but other than that she is just another vapid celebrity with vapid celebrity opinions.
Please kill yourself
"alt-right" is a buzzword.