Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Study Confirms What We Knew: Anime is for People with Autism

In other words, the reason they watch it is because it's easier on their retarded brains than real life.

Other urls found in this thread:

Like imageboards?

Well, that would be "less conventionally social" so, yes.

Also, this completely explains why they can never argue with people when attacked and resort to just posting anime pictures and deflecting as much as they can. Their mildly retarded brains can't handle it, just like in an actual social situation.

Getting into one on ones on an imageboard is the most social aspect of it and they can't cope.

I like anime and I probably have autism. I'm certainly not retarded and I'm only bad dealing with people with below average IQ. Most of my friends are scientists.

Also, that guy at the bar with the pillow is alpha as fuck.

Retard is just internet speak. It's probably just a mild case of Autism. Have you ever seen a doctor about it, user?

I doubt you're pic related levels of autism

Kike on a stick.

damn right. he's making her stand and didn't even buy her a drink.

He certainly is.

That man makes more money than you ever will, OP. His wife also takes all of those pictures with him and his body pillows.


Has anyone even followed the link or read the articles? There's no mention about neither anime nor vehicles. Either OP linked the wrong shit, or is trolling y'all.

Actually it's retards who get triggered by anime because their primitive animal brains probably process those characters as hostile alien lifeforms, which triggers increased adrenaline production, anger and hostile behavior (butthurt)

Every time you post an anime image, you trigger a fight or flight reaction in some animu-hater

No, I haven't. What are they going to do, give me pills? I guess you could say that the most defining feature of my autism is that I'm unyielding with my principles. Once I started to take the red pill and realized that casual sex was harmful both to myself and to the girl who I'm defiling, I stopped. Why continue to have sex when it's antithetical to the world I wish to live in? When I believe something, I believe it passionately with the force of a thousand autistic suns.

Anime is only palatable because it's the only media where black cocks aren't shoved into my face. Most of the girls are submissive and take up matronly roles in the show without feeling subjugated. What makes 3DPD inherently better? Katanagatari stirred my soul more than any movie in recent memory save for maybe Interstellar.

At this point, the people protesting anime seem more autistic than I. Not every show is moe-blobs or Naruto trash. I'd be interested to hear what your gripes with anime are, as a medium, other than maybe one shouldn't watch too much anime lest it interfere with being a productive individual which is true of ALL hobbies.

ID is different, hopped on a different VPN exit node

That quote is directly from the article. You're either retarded or lying. Tell me, do you watch anime?

Damn, it was a simple question in need of a simple answer, I don't need your life story. Did not read a word. Are you Autistic or something? Oh, wait…

This, they are pathetic



so fucking kc tier


Just checked the link. The archive was wrong. Here:

The sole reason anime looks the way it does is because Japs are meat robots who have trouble interacting with other human being outside of their strict code of conduct. It's a society of autists that makes "art" for autists.

Here's the correct archive:

I have autism, but I don't watch anime. I do have a large anime folder at this point, though. I used to dislike anime posters, but they slowly grew on me over the years.

I still get upset over the constant dubs posting, I must admit. I never complain about it, because it just is what it is.

About what I expect from an autist.

Anti-autist is a codeword for anti-anglo.

Sheehs, all you had to do was double-check before posting. Is that so hard, you fucking projecting retard?

True. Only mental defectives care enough about cartoons to hate.

Have you considered that it's not the Khazarian Priestesses that make people angry but what the posters using them generally say and do?

This so much.

Get fucked animu haters.

They know, shut it down!

Animals find it easy to interact with each other because of their low mental complexity, which mostly consists of stimuli processing.

Humans, especially uber-humans, find it much harder because they have many other variables they need to sync for communication to be successful. That's why they need a social code, so their life is easier.

Jew fears the anime wizards

This. Explains EVERYTHING. And the reaction to this thread proves it right even more so.

you didn't link the article, you linked their homepage

LMAO Spoken like a true autist. 10/10 thread OP.

Yeah keep calling me an autist, schlomo.

how is this political?

I keked

Honestly I've tried watching anime and I have been recommended many 'good' anime shows that I have to admit had very appealing staging, creative worlds, and interesting battle scenes.

The problem is that without fail, every single anime series is 60-90% girly emotional bullshit drama for no reason other than filler or some incredibly kitschy 'fan service'.

I am not watching a show about mech warriors in space to listen to the drama between high school kids for half the show or some 'pretty' stupid girl who for some reason ends up piloting an expensive experimental piece of military hardware for no reason other than autistic fans want to jerk off to cutesy cartoon girls.

In short, anime has huge creative potential that is entirely squandered on appealing to emotionally stunted autists.

Fuck anime

Joker Game

Such is life in capitalism

You were turned off by it because you're not mentally defective.

Seriously, it seems like every day it gets easier to claim autismbux. Now all you have to do is download a shit-ton of images of anime and trains.

They always deteriorate into insulting everything this board believes in when it's implied that they won't be allowed to watch anime any more, they're more of a hindrance than a help.

You sound like you're frustrated by your own diminished responses toward non-social stimuli.

Maybe because you are one, you fucking Autist. Maybe the reason you can't grasp this simple concept is because your damaged brain won't allow you to.

Both sides are autistic as fuck.


How's Tel Aviv?

I always figured I was bit autistic. lel.

Top kek this nigga called it.

I wonder what's the verdict on people who spend countless hours watching all that shit "softcore porn" on T.V. like games of thrones,
jessica jones or whatever faggot T.V. show people circle jerk about.

I wish someone would give me back the time I spent reading Game of Thrones. They need to make an abridged version removing the chapters worth of scenes involving food descriptions.