Official Language

Should English be the official language of the United States? A city near me a few years ago passed a law that required all business signs to have at least an English version of their name. This made lots of the immigrants very butthurt because they only wanted to do business in their native tongues and only with their own kind of people. The city stuck to its principles and all the signs were changed to include English. Shouldn't this be the law for the entire country? Is there a good reason why people should be allowed to immigrate to the United States while pretending to still live in the country they came from?

I think it was an oversight by people who never expected white nations to prostrate before non-whites.

Yes, absolutely. This isnt even a question.

I love the people who bring up the plaque beneath the Statue of Liberty. The give you your poor, your yadda yadda yadda.

Let them go through their spiel, then ask them this simple question:
"what language is it written in?"

They fucking choke hard.

if the best thing for a person is to be immersed among their people and their own culture,

and if in a nation there were to be ANY percentage of an ethnic minority

they either sacrifice their people and culture for a new people and culture, or meet half-way and they have their own bubble (with restriction on their population growth)

Odd how many of them think it is a legal document like the Constitution. It's just a poem some woman wrote. It has no more authority than the writing in a McDonald's advertisement.

a jew actually
another jew also came up with the idea of America as a "melting pot"

This seems to be handled as a state-level matter. Something like 30 US states have English as their sole official language. Hawaii also has Hawaiian as an official language.

That would be fine if we didn't have such a huge federal government and the individual states were allowed to decide who to permit to move there. But since it is the federal government that (poorly) controls immigration, it is up to them to set the standards by which new immigrants are selected which in most cases should include English proficiency. Also the federal government shouldn't be required to provide services in other languages as often it is by the courts in the name of equal access.

There is no such thing as an Official Language in Common Law, it's a Civil Law thing.

No English-speaking country has a legal official language. At least not in the sense that a Civil Law country does.

Speaking of McDonalds

Doesn't mean we can't. Put it in the Constitution and it doesn't matter what common law tradition from the middle ages does or does not have. Pretty sure just because it hasn't been done nationally in a common law country before doesn't mean it couldn't be done here, either by statute or by Constitution.


The UK and Wales do.
Welsh is the official language of Wales and all documentation must be available in Welsh.

English is the primary trade language in much of the world. If it's declining, then it's because you're not helping tutor foreigners in mastering it. You don't need to take up the sword to counter multiculturalism. You can do it best with a pen and patience with helping a child build confidence with our language.

Under HR 123 it required anything with federal and local to be under English. Why would be impossible we make commence and business required to use English?

fun fact: when the rebellion was originally underway, they debated this very question, as there was a sizeable German language population (in addition to the smattering of all the other European languages).

12th post worst post

Sounds like you don't understand what common law entails exactly.

American corps are pure cancer.

Maybe you should push for Hebew to be the official language.
When people ask why you should say because the USA is a puppet state of Israel so why not reflect Jewish supremacy in the official language.

It might get people actually thinking about who is actually in charge of the country.

Yes, no question. It's a winning election issue too. Every time it's been polled, support for it is over 70% nationwide yet most Republicans are too cucked to run on it.


The manga was better.

It's a gift from fucking France. Probably paid by some zionist jew scum.
We used to only take in EUROPEAN immigrants. That las changed in the 60's.
Time to go back

The poem was written by one Emma Lazarus. Look at this portrait and see if you notice something funny about her.

I'll give you a hint: I have her portrait saved in my Rare Merchants folder.

Good. Kill them all.