Can we have a Holla Forums humor thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
Linux, am i right?
[laugh track]
Buy more Apple products then.
HAHAHAHA! This is fucking amazing! I have a vague memory of this. Is there more?
I need this, where can I get it?
...What's the joke?
This image isn't an exaggeration, the shills on /g/ were adamant that Metro was the future
The guy who made these makes me embarrassed to be alive
Microwaves fucking with wifi.
He's nitpicking either things he just doesn't like or bugs. That's low, damn
The part about the scroll bar overlapping shit is true though.
Microwaves have a mesh to attenuate 2.4GHz and up
But it's clearly a bug and not a feature
Never leave your laptops alone.
that would make much more sense as XML. Defining relationships between things is pretty much the entire purpose of XML.
This concept could make a good horror novel
Can some one link me to his youtube, or where ever he post this shit?
pretty good channel
>lol didn't read rest
Totally garbage. Author should be ashamed.
That guy definitely swallowed the gay-variant of the meme.
Holla Forums swallowed the GAHNUU meme.
Big guys use Linux.
RIP small t-shirters
Or a Lovecraftian short story where the protagonist loses his mind at the end.
Did not know he had AIDS, I thought it was cancer?
I love how salty a browser optimized for real OSes with working fork() makes these winfags
for you
You mean a botnet optimized for botnet OSes with working botnet()?
lol anyone know the name of this guy?
nvm, the answer came when i updated le thread
hes rite tho
anyone got the original video file for this?
MSI took it down before I thought to download it.
that post is one of the last things i expected to see again
thanks for that. lol
Which one user? There's three of them....
jesus fucking christ, is it safe to play this near my computer?
thanks man
glad someone else noticed
mint and ubuntu are casual tier but their attitudes are accurate, all of the attitudes
commies and freedums can't into humor
Aside from all the >install gentoo meeming, gentoo is a good OS.
Should update that to the TPPA, since so many eurofags browsing here had the misconception that it doesn't affect them at all.
Pretty sure people have valid reasons for using it.
His bookshelf is full of boxes instead of books. I really do not give a fuck what consumer electronics he buys but holy fuck nothing says idiot like that shit.
do you also have that absurdly accurate drawing of it?
You realise humor is purely subjective right? What one person finds humorous another will find that to them it is shit.
Did you just post a SSN ?
On Steve Jobs. Who's dead.
I have also seen a couple of screenshots from the time he posted his desk on /g/ and people spotted him
thx fam
Someone actually saved my ebin joge.
Good. Manlets can fuck off.
I wear XL shirts because I'm tall and have broad shoulders.
dude what
a brief history of web design
It's well documented that autistic people can't comprehend true humor, and half these "gomedy :DDDD" posts are staged bullshit like .
Is not humor. Nor is "lolz guys windows is dumb and bad right?" nor "hey look here's a true fact about a program's development THIS IS GOMEDY :DDDDDD"
Top kek, windows wins again.
Sure user, we believe you, it's your shoulders.
They get recycled.
Everyone quick check your babies ssn card. If they have the jobs number; pillow smother, it's the only way.
I still have a whole folder of that barbie shit
Projecting zeroes and ones already makes few sense, but why project them to the side of your students?
Plus the teacher's laptop is turned so that neither the teacher nor the students can see what the screen says
Could anybody post the buttpad copypasta?
Th-the memes are true, aren't they?
Do you have the one with the teacher asking the black kid to unplug something, and he responds with negrospeak like "ooga booga KFC watermelon"? Saw it on Holla Forums not long ago and had a hearty kek.
...does he do this on purpose?
I love how salty Jewglefags get when we do not use their shit-tier botnet.
KDE, everyone! Bloat covered with shit design.
did linuxfags forget how to install gentoo?
That's would be a great laugh.
You want RAM at the speed of USB 2.0? That's like saying you agree with NVIDIA's decision on including the last .5GB of VRAM in the 970.
this is a gay thread and you should feel gay for making it
Anyone have the collection of wallpapers? I remember them saying stuff like emmental O's, elementarosaurus, "Bringing Pretty to the Poor" among other things.
You have a problem with this?
When did SO turn into reddit?
It's a joke you fucking autist.
god damn motherfucker
png is god-tier
Linux is the best m8
"Joke" ---------------------->
Your head.
Surely an ordered list would be more appropriate
Me when I get in my car from now on.
Not only does he do it on purpose, but after he does it he explains to you what happened and why it's bad. I've learned to never be lazy about capacitor orientation thanks to his videos.
What a waste of good icescream.
Good one.
I bet you have a "smart" thermostat for your central air system too.
Did Stallmeme ever give an inevitable rage response?
No, because it was /g/, dumbfuck.
How come nobody is going public with this shit? I bet a lot of moms who would nuts if they knew who mr.wu is
What is it like not having ABS or any other electic safety feature?
No nigger that's not a real quote, that's just the counter-pasta to the interjection.
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People who just need to get things done:
For people who have nothing better to do than wait while their hotpockets are in the microwave:
so Holla Forums finally became /g/ full time
Low quality AMD shilling.
Stallman never even saw it. Someone just tricked Torvalds into thinking Stallman would ever post on Google+.
Are you alright?
Have you been diagnosed with autism recently?
Those lucky sevens haveth revealth the truth.
i don't get it
Read the text.
I still don't know what to look for.
The expansion of the acronym.
Hold the fuck up, that's an absolute kind of disgusting even in psudeocode. Also a horrific misuse of psudeocode given that "Fuck you guys" would have achieved the same meaning more clearly and succinctly.
It's fine in proper pseudocode.
i ← 1until i = 100 if 3 | i ∩ 5 | i print "Fizzbuzz" else if 3 | i print "Fizz" else if 5 | i print "Buzz" else print i i ← i + 1
Fuck I thought that's what it meant. Like I knew it was the other one but I'm in my designated retarded state for the month.
Gay. someone needs to send this to stallmeme, keks will be had.
I advise you to do webm related.
it's been too long.