My co-worker is an SJW who is easily triggered, what do?
I would say she needs to get laid, but damn, who wants to fuck a Tumblr cunt?
My co-worker is an SJW who is easily triggered, what do?
I would say she needs to get laid, but damn, who wants to fuck a Tumblr cunt?
You know what to do OP
Write on his desk with a permanent marker, user.
hang up XY and XX on the bathroom doors
I guess I should mention she likes Homestuck and proudly started to walk about it.
It's not about her, it's about the fact that you lumped the show in with actual danger signs without having a single clue as to what the show is like.
quote some sweet sweet milo
Meh, the implication I was getting at was that she was Reddit/Tumblr as fuck.
Keep digging that grave, user.
Are you really that bothered by one line in a post? I have seen the show and yea, it's pretty fucking brutal.
Still, point is, I got a massive faggot co-worker who gets butthurt over people not agreeing with her. I'm a little nervous because she comes off as someone who would cry to HR about some petty shit.
work up a good relationship with the hr guy and you'll get a little buffer from that stuff
Faggot, this board is not your personal toilet for times your neckbeard ass spilled your spaghetti at work. Take the shitty unfunny "off my chest" stories to halfchan r9k, no one cares about your personal life here.
Found the landwhale!!
user Fellow redditor I'm on Holla Forums, do you really think I'd be an sjw?
Passable tranny here, been using the women's room for over a decade. Lmao that all a sudden this is an issue. I only date black men, I having a penis, is no threat to anyone in the bathroom. My life would be at stake if I was forced to use the men's room, at the very least it would cause a lot of confusion..
Although I'm in my 20's
Do you still stand to pee?
At home yes. In public I sit on the toilet. Once again, I don't want any confusion from the stall next to mine.
Bro I don't want to be that guy, but the men's bathroom isn't a free-for-all brawling match. People mind their own, if you walked in the worst of your average bigot might laugh or make a comment. Normies might check to see if they wandered in the wrong room, or apologize, or just awkwardly give you a wide berth as spaghetti dribbles from their pocket and they wash their hands instead of pissing because their nerve infused body is now locked down tighter than Fort Knox and they gotta get the hell out.
You think that, but everyone around you knows better.
why do u fucks care if a man uses womens bathroom, or the other way around? is it about flopping dicks at urinals? Urinal stand already have walls, u can just add the doors. Im saying the solution is a general toilet, not sex-segregated toilet
There's already a handicapped toilet
ye, and both men and women go to handicapped, if they r handicapped, so why mens or womens bathroom? The only reason i see is that bitches would block the shitters and force men to w8 when its a pressing shit. But it shouldnt be a problem, if the bathroom is generally twice as big
I like you
what's the doujin that pic is from btw?
Don't you dare associate Rick and Morty with SJWs.
Tumblr is what draws my pictures though
Nice Bait
The whole bathroom things is bullshit designed to trigger their base over "muh childrens" as if most molesters would do it in the bathroom. A non problem with no reported cases vs millions of cases all involving "trusted" members of the community, the very type of suckers let be around their kids.
Parents so concerned about bathrooms but not about effective sex ed to prevent teen pregnancies or effective school funding to educate their children. Suckers.
why is it pink? why so many cartoon heads and so little gore on front page?
follow the fat fuck into the bathroom, if she's chill then use the next stall and proceed to loudly shitfart
but what about people with XXX or XXY. isn't there a disorder where you get three sex genes? Not downs.