Tfw mixed race
What country are you OP?
what mix are you?
you can always get sterilized and adopt some pure white kids to help the white race.
You can be a saboteur during the race war.
Half white half indian (india indian, not native american).
I want my own white kids, but the best I can do is 75%.
I though you wanted to help the white race, no let it stay deluded.
north Indian or Dravidian?
circle your skin color in red on the chart.
The first law of nature is that the strongest reproduce. Everyone abides by that law regardless of race. I must try my best to reproduce with the best mate that I can find just as any other living thing must do.
No idea. I'm not entirely sure which shade I am but I think it may be 23.
this is proof that race mixing breeds unhappy people I cannot understand why media is shilling it if evidence shows the opposite effects
If you were a hapa, there's / used to be a thread over on /cuteboys/ about how hapas need to be sissified to serve cock since they can't get women.
This close, OP, this close.
nice trips
It's people like you that want to "whiten" their bloodline, but end up fucking it up, and polluting our race.
Just admit it you are a SHITSKIN and there is nothing you can do about it. Best you could do is kill some degenerates and AN HERO
Drop the Holla Forums shtick pro, get off that wagon. The outside word is right to dismiss and hate them. They're basically a bunch of /fringe/-tier gnostics who think their feels and shitty sources equal reals. Live your life and quit being a bitch. If you live in a civilized country, you're already ahead of the game.
Marry for money.
You're going back to where ever the hell you came from.
But I came from America and still live in America.
who was the poo poo, your mom or dad?
Mom. Though she is not from India, she is from the Caribbean.
Your dad is either a huge cuck or your mom is really hot.
My father is no cuck. My mother is not attractive to me, but before she had me she was skinny and she talks about how she used to be attractive and skinny sometimes.
Kill yourself. No, do it.
Guess what? Unless you get off your ass and work, make yourself into something and find some sex appeal deep within that shit-valley that is your soul, you're not gonna get there.
Girls don't want a man who bases his self worth entirely on her. They want a man that already has worth, because only there can one find stability and comfort in a relationship.
Or, they leech you dry of your work and property and leave you. Luck of the draw, I guess.
PRO TIP: Just find another mixed Indian girl and start your own race faggot. Why pollute pure whites when theres a not bad looking girl just like you somewhere. Us mongrels must act like unicorns. Can't fuck horses but sure as hell not gonna fuck a donkey.
This would be a good idea but the thing is, there are hardly any mixed Indians.
Most poopoo's are ugly as fuck so they end up sticking to themselves.
Maybe OP should move to India with his american degree and knock up an upper class indian women.
Underrated strategy.
That is actually a pretty good idea. I have seen some Bollywood actresses with fairly light skin and decent facial features (probably courtesy of mudslime dick downs when they occupied India to spread Islam for some hundred years).
Afghanistan has some nice ladies. Of course, stick with the upper-class.
this is what I think to be the most intelligent path.
guarantee future for better race = higher chance to be reincarnated as better race
btw OP, why won't Indians use deodorant?
I was in a graduation ceremony, in a university level, and they still smelled like sweat without any deodorant on.
That picture… oh my god, the cringe, ahh, it's killing me.
you must be 13
Your problem is not being half white, your problem is you're a self hating cunt and nobody wants to be around that kind of poison.
stop going on fucking Holla Forums idiot, nothing is wrong with you.
fuck, you are beyond stupid, never mind just kill yourself
Except for having poo in loo blood coursing through his veins under his stained skin. I still accept you for the mongrel that you are though OP
Black people don't kill themselves because they have no sense of shame.
Do not listen to these left-wing retards.
As a Libertarian National Socialist my best and peaceful solution I can offer for your predicament is simply adopt white children. The same way those white Hollywood
idiots who adopt nigger kids.
For fucks sake user just say you're a paleocon. You look like a fucking retard when you say that
M8 the tumblr doesn't exist anymore and i badly need sauce
Nevermind, the girl is Lola Taylor