Nearly 750,000 dislikes.
All the above marxist trash got their faggot asses handed to them
Good night sweet prince.
Nearly 750,000 dislikes.
All the above marxist trash got their faggot asses handed to them
Good night sweet prince.
Shitskins BTFO
I see what you did there you filthy hooknose
someone respond #femininitysofragile. they love responding #masculinitysofragile when we bitch about shit so fuck it
Cry more stormcuck.
This cuck should go back to tweeting about the X Files
Literally the only video on youtube I've ever 'disliked.'
Pic related is the director of this abortion.
Best trailer
Webm plox
Obviously the kikes overstepped their bounds. They haven't learned that they can't be so overt with their promotion of feminism and multiculturalism yet.
Especially when it comes to beloved classics like Ghostbusters.
The funny thing is that there were only about 500,000 dislikes a week or so ago, when I first started noticing SJW relatives and friends on Facebook and Twitter linking to cuck writers wringing their hands over the amount of dislikes and encouraging people to "like" the trailer just to show the evil MRAs "what for".
There's a little sayijg that any publicity is good publicity. Win or lose in the box office it is still another layer in the spectacle of society. The agenda is still being pushed.
I mean, disregarding all politics, that trailer was objectively bad. The fake dramatic music abruptly stopping for the straight-faced gag, the bland arhythmic humor,
the obvious shoehorning in of female empowerment….it was all around terrible.
What a min this is from March
Fuck outta here slowpoke
Trump is the star example of that
This movie is gonna be such a flop.
These people are so delusional. They honestly do have no idea just how much and how many people are so fucking tired of hearing about their whiny little shit problems.
This whole time period of the late 2000s and mid 10s is going to be looked back on and have books written about it. And all those book are going to end with a chapter about how everyone that was not them all collectively at what seemed like the same moment finally told them all to fuck off.
What's this bitch crying about? All he does is pander to feminists, like a bitch.
This reaction is basically all that matters, not the explanation.
I feel so sad seein this guy's twitter post. I just don't understand a single thought going through this guy's head. I mean, are you kidding me. That's your idea of humor? I just feel a little bit lost is all. What is he trying to prove? at this point I almost feel like a bully saying this, because his perspective is really on the downturn, i just don't understand why people feel the need to inject this shit into literally everything
its like, "oh haha, I'm the only one who doesn't hate women!!! look at me!!!"
dude, we don't hate women either. you're basically accusing everyone who thinks this movie is pandering political bullshit of hating women, and actually that's utterly disgusting behavior
why are we so soft on these fucking parasites?
i mean, he's being a fucking parasite. he's being a divisve, hateful piece of shit. he's saying if you don't agree with his perspective, YOU HATE WOMEN. YOU HATE FEMALES.
he's saying that if you don't agree with his perspective, YOU'RE A FUCKING MISOGYNIST. you're not a "real tolerant person" if you DON'T LIKE THE FUCKING MOVIE TRAILER FOR THIS SHITTY MOVIE.
he's a fucking parasitic thought policing piece of shit
I'm tired of going soft on these pieces of fucking human shit
What's his name?
Salty Spic is owned by Disney. Why do you think he gave a positive review to The Cuck Awakens? The reason he is allowed to throw Cis-Busters under the bus is because Sony is currently the "bad-goy" studio in Hollywood.
Stop posting him.
Do you even know what website and board you're shilling? Do you have a functioning brain? Should I call an ambulance?
Kikes are spooks
Women are spooks
Media are spooks
Feminists are spooks
Manginas are spooks
Reddit are spooks
Father's with no sons are spooks
Daughters are spooks
Stormcucks and "muh white wimminz" are spooks
Stirner, you're drunk.
Go home.
He said stormcuck not stormfront user. Those are two different things. Nobody likes stormcucks.
Eat shit
Top fucking Kek.
Stormcuck detected. Go shill for your white feminists sluts somewhere else you bottom bitch.
I guess they were trying to go with the "SyFy" method here.
Make a movie so utterly terrible that people watch it ironically or just to see how' bad it actually is.
Typical Jewish money grabbing scheme if you ask me.
Let the D&C shilling commence.
I'm convinced that's why Space Jam is making money for Warner Brothers after all this time.
I've been known to watch the IMDB bottom 100 for keks. Space Jam and the movie Night of the Creeps is always worth watching if you want to laugh while having a beer.
It's not D&C when you were never apart of something you marxist retard.
Space Jam wasn't a bad movie though.
It was fucking awesome and anybody who says otherwise is an unfunny piece of shit and probably Jewish.
I want to rewatch the original now after seeing this shit.
Now, now my friend, why would you call me something like that?
All these fucking immigrants think they will be high up overlords if they agree with liberals on everything. They don't understand they are footsoldiers. I know all these iranians and indians that are doing canvassing for hillary and they all think they will be senators or ambassadors even though they have iqs of 90 and can barely read english.
Le Moon Face full battle
Sony will spend big money on Anita sarkeesian cameo reshoots
Will it be a critical flop? Definitely
Will it make tons of money though? Unfortunately, it probably will.
The memes were too popular. So expect a bunch of idiots to pay to see this trainwreck in theaters just so they can talk shit about it and be part of the zeitgeist.
The kikes will still end up making money while pushing their agendas and then they'll gloat about how they beat those "evil sexists"
It would have been better if people had just completely ignored this.
People said that about DmC Devil may cry & fox fantastic 4 reboot.
it honestly doesn't look that bad. It's bad but not as bad as I would have expected. There are so many bots on youtube, Sony probably paid to get that many dislikes so that it would create controversy and generate revenue.
What is even going on in that picture. Are they resorting to making ads which appeal to fetishists?
Modus operandi of leftism
“Ghostbusters reboot: How Sony hijacked Ghostbusters 3”
Feminist Amy Pascal and faggot Paul Feig ruined Ghostbusters. They don't care about profit anymore. Only their agenda matters.
The Japs need to step in and clean house. Why do they allow themselves to be jewed like that? Sony need to bring the Shoah.
Hey man, Michael Jordan is alright in my book.
It's not my fault that the rest of niggers are niggers who misinterpret his influence.
Michael Jordan got his father killed over gambling debts as well as keeping Isaiah Thomas off the 1992 Barcelona Dream Team.
Honestly, just gas yourself.
Yes, Michael Jordan was a degenerate gambler and many NBA insiders have said his first "retirement" was actually because he was caught gambling. Goddamn.
No good niggers, user.
the saddest thing about that trainwreck is that the devs and journos still insist that DMC fans only hated the game because of Donte's hair
they even gave him white hair on the cover of the definitive edition thinking that it would push sales
The hilarious part is they think they are "anti-corporate"
Nov. 6th, 2017 is the day.
When Trump lays his right hand down on the Bible and swears his oath of office.
They are already getting BTFO.
You can also play the game if you want a new movie. It's both fun and comfy as hell.
it's also my go to drinking game.
Whoops, forgot the pic… not that it really matters.
Though another fun tidbit of information I left out is that it uses the premise the new movie was initially going to have.
faggotry is afoot here
Holla Forums just can not stop sucking dicks.
And it would still have been watchable, but Hollyjews are beginning to brutally sabotage their own creations.
I am really disappointed right now.
Was that a serious post? Are you actually going to defend CISbusters?
OP is a racemixer
could have been done better got a mild kek out of me
thats a big nigger
Back to tumblr
Furious Felipe
Stormcucks have been defending this movie and it's director/cast since day one because it shows white women in a powerful light. Never mind those "white women" are communist feminist cancer.
No we havn't
Why do these (((people))) always try to flip our insults against Trump, are they that pathetic that they can't think of anything new.
Every Holla Forumsack has been against this movie
Here's the bigger version.
This is going to be one of those cult classics like "The Room" where people go out of their way to watch it just to see how bad it is.
4 yall fam 💯👌💦
Who is that cuck?
tfw I think the sheboon looks like an ogre from WoW
then I look to the right image and there is a comparison
Fucking hivemind.
Uhh nope, those are feminists defending that movie. Not "stormcucks", "stormcucks" would protest the movie for having women in a position of power at all since storefront derives from natsoc ideals which include the woman being a helper, homemaker and dependant housewife without independence to promote the bond of the nuclear family as is natural with patriarchal society. An independent woman is the matriarchal plan.
Top fucking Kek its a triple K mask.
The most painful bit is that the remixed theme tune sounds pretty good and whoever did that has to watch his career be ruined by association.
Kill yourself.
You're either terribly confused about what "stormcuck" means or you're intentionally lying through your teeth.
Which is it?
Who said anything about stormfront?
StormCUCKS. Are you blind? You even repeated it.
Webm version.
Any sources that stormfags have been promoting this movie since day one? Sounds retarded to be honest.
Holy shit. I thought the hate was just because they cast a bunch women as the Ghostbusters. But that trailer didn't contain a single funny joke, exciting moment, or anything even remotely interesting. It is just a legitimately bad movie. I love it when kike plans turn to shit. This movie is going to flop like a mother fucker.
(((Paul Feig)))
You might be too retarded to live, user
You seem illiterate or butthurt.
Doesn't matter which.
Everyone hates the concept of this film
ITs real sad, because the fat chunky white girl?
Was in THIS movie. And its actually pretty funny.
Melissa McCarthy is gonna kill her career on this.
Normies don't understand the battle being waged, user. They don't recognize the threat they face, because the wolves wear sheep's clothing.
Spy honestly was a really funny movie. I know Jason Statham's character was suppose to be a parody on the tough guy, super masculine image, and portray that image as a joke. But that shit was fucking funny.
Okay you faggots why don't you explain what the hell you're talking about than instead of nobbing on cocks.
What the fuck is a "stormcuck" other than a slur against stormfront?
The Dark & gritty power rangers reboot that will have 9/11 imagery during Megazords battles will probably do better than Cisbusters
I don't know if this should make me laugh or cry….
That's all it is. But apparently (((OP))) is trying to push the idea that stormcucks are fake stormfront when all it does is create more confusion, the word stormcuck is just a Jew term for stormfront viewers that apparently a lot of globalists like to use because…?
Isn't Pascal a white surname?
Bill Murray is IN this shit, and if the Sony leaks are correct, he was threatened with a lawsuit to be in it.
I think Jason Statham loved doing that bit. He loved it. He was trying his damndest the whole time to not break into smiles.
And it WAS an excellent parody. It was parody done right. It wasn't hateful or even really emasculating(to Jason. The Swede though.). But it was ridiculous.
And it was a parody on female action heroes too. And extremely well done, and honestly? Her assigned spy roles were actually fairly competent.
Why are you posting seven dollar sanchez on Holla Forums?
Guy is an obnoxious spic manchild who lacks the balls to tell femicunts and sjw to fuck off and instead panders to them while pretending they dont exist/arent a problem. He white knighted sarkeesian ffs.
If there's somebody in your neighborhood who hasn't checked their privelige; who you gonna call?
Reitman made the original movies
he was brought onto this project when it was going to be GB3 but then Feig got involved
Feig pissed off Reitman to the point he walked out on the project and Feig then created this POS feminist movie
Sony panicked when they saw what Feig had done and begged Reitman to come back and try to salvage this turd
Sony and Rietman ordered a shitload of re shoots and they are still re shooting part this close to release
Feig is solely responsible for this turkey, Reitman is just trying to salvage as much as he can at the moment
there's nothing spookier to a spade
There is nothing 'stormcuck' about wanting families in our Nations, migfag.
Stormfags are fags, yes, but wanting families is a good thing.
Oh god, please don't tell me the actual ghost from the ghostbusters logo is going to be the main villain in the abomination. There's no way they could possibly sink to such levels of nostalgia-baiting and sheer stupidity
Nov. 6th, 2016 is election
Jan. 20th, 2017 is inauguration day, you fucking moron
She made me laugh in that movie with Jason Bateman too where she's a con artist.
That trailer is the reason why SNL stopped being funny over a decade ago. They ruined that show and now they ruined Ghostbusters
this is a movie trailer
I've been watching Silicon Valley and this cunt is basically the same in real life as in that when it comes to the virtue signaling.
It probably will be, and he'll probably be the ghost of a KKK grand wizard or some shit.
that is the main villain and his name is Rowan
and apparently THIS is making a cameo in the film
That's not a movie trailer. This is a movie trailer!
They actually made this into a Hollywood movie? I thought it was some low budget b movie.
Also, why do they keep picking the ugliest possible black people for this forced diversity, like the Star Wars guy.>>5910417
When did stormfags ever care about the new Ghostbusters though?
she's one of the few controlled sheboons who would do such a role
there's a delicate balance of power when it comes to getting a black person to act like a token black "i sho does loves be some wamelon and fri chikn" character and not realize how racist and appropriated they are being treated
Sony America isn't owned by Japanese I don't think.
So is every other Jew name that isn't Levi.
Take a guess as to why Jews have that surname.
Heh, that's not what I expected here.
Thought it could be about trying to normalize the ugliest possible black woman to encourage race mixingl
seven dollar spic?
assblasted alphonso?
They're going to re-release the original and make it a double feature. Pay for one movie, get to see both. They're going to do this and then count all the revenue for the double features as revenue for the new movie in order to save face.
Stormcucks are cancer.
I find it funny how the black character is a gigantic ape minstrel show…..
The original film was a lot classier.
would be great if he were pol incarnate
They put a bow tie on the villain so you know it's a man. The original ghost was no specific gender.
Winston, a guy just looking for a regular paycheck, not afraid of getting his hands dirty (ended up studying for a science degree by the second film)
Patty, token sassy black
Getting women to promote national socialism could be effective, or at least numb the public further to the "if you don't like it you're sexist/racist" meme the left pushes. Bring up how the jews treat women, all the violence against women in the old testament and rabbinical approval of rape and child abuse in the talmud.
that's why we need this movie. the ciswhiteheteropatriarchial norms that oppress lgbtwtfbqq of colour need to be smashed.
No, the saddest part is that the top developers are a negro and poo in the loo shitskin and it's called a "Western" studio.
Leaving aside that the original Japanese franchise is one of the many tributes to Italian heritage and culture that Japanese people make, while the reboot is disgusting mess that has nothing to do with Europeans in any shape or form.
This stupidicy makes Episode 7 look like a good idea.
I guess they could go full Force Awakens and say "This is the GhostBusters movie for people who don't like GhostBusters".
guess what s funnier :
you ll still all pay to see this shitty movie, just to see how shitty it is
much shekles, such view, wow
He's a beta orbiter with zero sexual value. He figures if he signals to feminists, one of them might fuck him.
This doesn't work.
Not when you're trying to get people to give up money for something
Why isn't McCarthy's figure fat?
artistic licence,
Lurk more faggot. Do you cucks even know what a cuckservative is or do you think people are referring to actual conservatives?
ghostbusters 3 would of been dogshit anyway. I mean has anyone looked at akroyd and harold ramis(before he died)? also check out this Ivan guy's casting choices…. He just wanted a bunch of kikes.
But that's wrong you dumbass. Firstly, there's a big black she-boon prominently displayed in the film. Secondly, NatSocs don't want women in a powerful light. We don't hate women, don't want to kill women, and think reproduction is something worth pursuing, but we think a woman's place is as a helper and supporter and not as a leader. There is literally nobody on Holla Forums who fits into the little box of straw you've constructed.
It is referring to "actual conservatives", you dumb fucker. Conservatism is a cancerous ideology that, through its insistence on stagnation, will invariably differ from liberalism only by about five years or so. Traditionalism and reactionary ideology are probably the ideas you're actually thinking of when you say "actual conservative".
Anyone who disagrees with teenage life advice is a mgtow faggot who can't get laid.
this is ghostbusters 3 and its not bad
they tweeked the script for GB3 to turn it into a game and give the original cast more of a part because it was going to be a handing over to the new guys film due to the casts age
DJ Khaled
What the fuck is a stormcuck? Did you decide stormfag wasn't cool anymore?
Also, I'd like some evidence of these so-called stormcucks suporting this movie.
for jews
Your father probably likes Larry the Cable Guy.
One of the only games better on the Wii. Those Wii controls were fucking phenomenal.
Coincidentally, one of the worst PS3 ports in history too, & it's a completely different game compared to the wii/ps2 version.
tell me this is a fking fake
Where have you guys been? A stormcuck is a pro-white feminist. He think a matriarchy is ideal as long as it's white women in control. He always pushes pro-white women shit. They way marxists in conservative clothing are cuckservatives. Marxists in stormfront clothing are Stormcucks.
Here is an example. This thread right here is made by a stormcuck:
Where have you been all this time, user?
They deserve much worse than a tanking movie after using those dying kids to promote this film. Some of them weren't even conscious when they were taking pictures with them. So fucked up.
Yeah, I mean they fucking knew when the kids were asking for the ghostbusters they didn't ask for these overweight cunts, but for Bill Murray and Co.
The movie hadn't gotten a proper trailer before they pulled this stunt, really, what child wants to see a bunch of fat dykes cosplaying the ghostbusters?
Your so broken and disgusting that your autistic flailing are somewhat pathetic.
Hello, Stormcuck.
Found the beta cuck. Better filter the butthurt.
at least you tried
Man, it's been years since I've watched a Pissed Off Pablo video. "I don't want this to be real" /thread
Cuck a doodle doo.
Reality Check: Mainstream women won't actually swamp SJW Ghostbusters since the leads besides Chris Hemsworth are so repellent.
Go look up the bulk of visual works, toys, magazines, and romantic novels directed at girls or women that actually have mainstream appeal (as in not social media feminists and their white knights). From Barbie, Cosmopolitan, Japanese series like Sailor Moon. They have a habit of featuring glamorous ladies built like supermodels as leads or poster girls. Women by large don't dig fatties or a horse-face in their works as leads or poster girls. Chris Hemsworth's role as the secretary is really there to draw in mainstream women since the lead actresses are so repellent.
Why are you trying to convince us anyone is a loser but you?
Stormcucks are jews pretending to be white nationalists to make them look bad.
Why are you trying to convince us anyone is a loser but you?
Probably. Whatever they are, they're cancer.
kill yourself Holla Forums
Haven;'t watched the trailer. But is there really a sassy black woman that goes "oh HEEEEL nah!" in this movie?
Oh yeah.
wow /paul/, you really need to get some better taste, don't you like old movies?
see for yourself, my friend :^)
Is that the actual fucking bike in the movie?
Jesus fucking Christ. I could've made a Honda CB750 look about 100x better than that piece of shit. The whole thing lacks imagination, dooesn't even remotely capture the spirit of the original movie and that faggot looks like a retard riding it.
Really… This is the fucking best they could do for a motorcycle/dirtbike for Ghostbusters? No fenders, no imagination, holy shit. I'm sure they paid someone thousands to "create" this fucking retardmobile. Fucking really?
Just Ghostbuster my shit up, tbh fam.
opinion discarded
Umm… aren't all magazine covers "Limited Edition"? The next month, it's a different cover.
are traps the ultimate redpill?
There is literally nothing wrong with National Feminism.
I though OP was pulling my leg, but low and behold, they do exist. Bye Bye stormcucks, back to tumblr or whatever shithole spawned you.
Nigger, is that Lena Dunham in the 2nd pic there???
Did you use Lena Dunham to convince us to become "national feminists." Does term even fucking make sense to you???
I feel like I woke up in the twilight zone. Where am I?
It's called virtue signalling, call them on it and watch the salt flow.
Reminds me of the scene in American History X where he flashes his tats to get the attention of the white supremacists.
Someone should shoop Obama where his swastika is or something.
That's fucking disgusting. Holy shit.
Actually deserves a news or something.
I have now found something that looks worse than my bike. Way to fucking go.
And not knowing who hemsworth is really, I though he would look less like a skinny faggot (or are you fucking with me?). Is the double a man or woman?
So… a stormcuck is a sinead?
If I ever fucking see you, (((ad7399))), I will fucking throw you to los zetas, because trump knows that cucks like you aren't worth gas nor ovens.
Dubs of stupid faggotry
No. You're a degenerate faggot and destroyer of the western civilization for daring to think such idiocy.
Shitskins will do anything if they think it will get them some white pusspuss. White tunaholes are the cream of the crop that every man of every race desires.
It has a lot to do with if you're ugly or not too. Which must be the case if acting as alpha as you are now isn't working :^)
Resident Evil 4 was another. The wiimote and nunchuk actually work like a mouse and keyboard in a lot of ways.
Did you guys recently have a meeting to decide this was the new way to shill? Repurposing words to destroy or control ideas slowly is the definition of jewish bullshit.
It's the same people pulling it from different angles. For some reason they really want us to associate feminism with nationalism.
Also referred to as "Moral Posturing". Uttering two simple words that aren't commonly put together forces them to think about it, or just feel stupid they dont know what it means. It'll probably lose it's effectiveness if overused though.
God fucking damn it those breasts are fucking perfect. Why the hell is there a penis attached to that?
They'd be fantastic except that they didn't bother to rebalance the game with faster aiming in mind so it becomes far too easy. At least that's optional though, it's undocumented but you can use a GameCube controller with it.
Daily reminder that MGTOW, thirsty for senpai approval, is eternally fucking assblasted that Holla Forums calls them faggots and purple pills for understanding the nature of women but not being able to manipulate and mold them into what they want, and they have been strawmanning the fuck out of us ever since by pretending we're some White Knight bastion of pussy suckers. Nobody on Holla Forums supports women in positions of authority. The difference between MGTOW and Holla Forums is individualism and defeatism vs collectivism and pragmatic optimism.
She looks just like my ex GF.
Is this the actual advertisement or a parody thereof?
I cant tell the difference anymore.
I think that has more to do with the actual white knighting that is common on Holla Forums, though a lot of it comes from shills.
And if the old farts are any sign, molding only goes so far when all women, the government, and the media are telling them to fuck you over at the first opportunity. Unless you only have daughters. Then you'll be a pack mule until you die telling everyone else how great your family is.
The only thing that should matter is who is better seeing and understanding reality, i.e. the redpill. THEN worry about the solutions.
There has been no white knighting on Holla Forums that I've ever seen, just people telling MGTOW to fuck off. MGTOW calls anything that isn't kissing it's ideology's ass "white knighting."
By which metric MGTOW loses utterly, because it is literally Don't Breed White Man: The Ideology.
MGTOW is a bastion of degenerates and PUAs. They diddle while Rome burns.
Man, the last time they did that it sure worked out well.
>There has been no white knighting on Holla Forums that I've ever seen
Then you haven't paid attention. When something happens to or because of a white woman, usually a third of the responses are how you can't blame her or about how she is still valuable. That is white knighting.
I agree. But the ones who are focused on changing society, rather than wanting 'equality' like MRAs or just fucking off to play games, are doing what needs to be done so that they can have those kids in the future. We aren't women. We don't have the same shelf life.
And I think they see the dangers more clearly, if the number of clueless here talking about their gfs is any sign.
I thought the narrative was that they were neckbearded virgins and whatnot? That shit is degenerate, but when society punishes the K-selected and feeds the r-selected, don't be surprised when humans adapt.
Agree more or less.
I love what shilling has become now. By its overuse we have shifted its meaning to "being an advocate for ideas or motions with impropriety to the collective they belong to". Misanthropic sophistry at worst, ignorant shitposting at best. Paid to push points without regard for morality, or a general lack of ordering of one's own priorities.
Meanwhile cucking is "intentionally letting events transpire that are unfavorable to one's own priorities."
A BTFO'ing like this needs to be savored. I propose we do this:
Buy a ticket to the movie. No, really, give schlomo 8 fucking bucks to see the movie. This is a paltry sum for what you are about to unleash upon them. You see before you go into the theater, you will have consumed several of the raunchiest burritos you can to give you the biggest case of indigestion you can imagine. You will be supremely flatulent. Eat what will cause you to give a smell of "a dead skunk" (or just bring a dead skunk in even better).
Now you've made it into the theater prepared. You have your ticket, and you are a fucking stinking timebomb. But this isn't far enough (unless you actually smuggle in a skunk… you insane bastard). You are going to give the jew a few more shekels. Why? You need the biggest fucking tub of popcorn you can get. The jumbo. Bring in a trashcan and fill it if they let you kind of big. You will need it for the show.
Take your smelly ass and your tub of popcorn into the theater (just pretend to be gay for five minutes… the asspain will be worth it). You already know what to do once the movie has been playing for all of ten fucking minutes. Let the farts out, release the skunk, and let the tears start to flow. But then you ask, why the popcorn?
This part is where you likely get banned from the theater (unless you are fast, and managed to not be someone they would recognize). Those whales sitting in the seats? Throw popcorn down there and feed 'em. Do this while singing this improvised bastardization of the ghostbusters theme:
Weight Watchers!…
If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood
Who ya gonna call (weight watchers)
If it's somethin' weird an it don't look good
Who ya gonna call (weight watchers)
I ain't afraid a no whale
I ain't afraid a no whale
If you're seein' things runnin' thru your fridge
Who can you call (weight watchers)
A gravity well… sleepin' in your bed
Oh who ya gonna call (weight watchers)
I ain't afraid a no whale
I ain't afraid a no whale
Who ya gonna call (weight watchers)
If you're all alone pick up the phone
An call (weight watchers)
I ain't afraid a no whale
I hear it likes the snacks
I ain't afraid a no whale
Who you gonna call (weight watchers)
Mm… if you've got a tale
Of a freaky whale baby
You better call weight watchers
Bustin' makes me feel good
I ain't afraid a no whales
Don't get caught alone oh no… weight watcher
When he eats through your door
Unless you've just got some more
I think you better call weight watchers
Ooh… who you gonna call (weight watchers)
Who you gonna call (weight watchers)
Ah, I think you better call (weight watchers)
I can't hear you… (weight watchers)
Who you gonna call (weight watchers)
Louder weight watchers
Who you gonna call (weight watchers)
Who you can call ghostbusters… (till fade)
If anyone else has any other ideas, please reply
if dubs, Holla Forums does stuff like this when the movie is launched to trigger tubblrinas everywhere
if trips, Holla Forums films themselves doing it (since you're smuggling stuff in anyways
if quads… a tumblrina kills itself
You sound like a sexually frustrated retard, stormcuck.
Women have little to no agency. This isn't White Knighting, which you would know if you could pull your head out of your own ass.
Niggers are giant children. It's why Africa will never progress, and why all blacks in first world nations will only ever drag them down. They are not adults, and should not be treated like them.
Women are the same way. If a child misbehaves, it's because of poor parenting. If a woman misbehaves, it's because she doesn't have any good men in her life to set her straight. The most fundamental, level one learning about female behavior is that what they ask for isn't what they want. Feminists, who have never even met a strong man in their lives, spend all of their hours thinking about rape and sex and arguing for wild and uncivilized barbarians to be let into their nations to do as they please. This is not a fucking coincidence. Women shit-test men. It is their singular biological imperative. So it should come as no surprise that, when given political power, they create a political movement (i.e. Feminism) that is nothing more than one giant multi-layered shit-test.
They literally crave being taken in hand. MGTOW is men who are incapable of taming a beast that longs to be tamed.
No, men are, for not being able to stop this. The women are doing what they've always done, for the last six thousand years at least.
This is how you can tell a Holla Forumsack from an MGTOW, and it's why the MGTOW's are purple-pilled at best.
MGTOW actually thinks women are responsible for their own actions. You actually think they have agency. That they think before they act. They don't. They never have. Women are impressionable, like wet clay. They take the shape of the society they exist in. That society is created and driven by men, not women. If women are fucked up, that's the canary in the coal mine that society is fucked up, and if society is fucked up, it's because men allowed it to become that way.
Which we did. It was a white man who signed the documents that gave blacks civil rights. It was white men who agreed that women should be allowed to vote, over the protests of many women who argued against it, I might add. It was a white man who saw the dangers of Communism in America, and it was white men and male Jews who fought against him to stop him from rooting them all out.
It is funny that you claim "the only thing that should matter is who is better seeing and understanding reality," because the entire point of MGTOW is to deny reality. The whole setup is scapegoating women for problems created by men not having enough spine and guts to stand up for their own interests.
You'll blame the stupid sluts of today for society, when the true traitors are your own fathers and grandfathers, of whom you say nothing.
My initial assessment was correct. We didn't have this "Holla Forums are White Knights" shilling until MGTOW came here trying to recruit us and we told them to fuck off for being selfish degenerate whiners. It has only been since then that this narrative has been pushed. It is MGTOWs who do it, because they are butthurt that we didn't kiss their asses, and you are clearly one of them, since you hold the exclusively MGTOW stance that women should be held responsible for the state of society.
If a dog shits on the floor, it's because it wasn't properly trained.
Spoken like a true stormcuck.
They didn't. It's the new shill thing to force storm onto every word as if we care. As if this is whatever that storm website is 2.0.
That game is ghostbusters 3. I suppose we could see the main character as ourselves.
its primitive bait, dont mind him …
kinda like how we are big boss
Wetback Willy
SJW Spic
Fuck that fucking retarded wetback spic faggot. Donald Trump better send his fucking faggoty beaner ass back to Mexico, or even better. Shoot him and bury him under the fucking wall.
Sony is bad goy? They're massively infiltrated by the kikes though. Sony Columbia and Sony Music are pretty much kike runned.
Get in the oven mgtow homo
We need to do more damage against this shit by starting a twitter campaign saying these toys are racist and so is the movie. They they portray the nigress as dumb and useless. The toys are portraying her as a self hating black who dons a kkk hood.
let me stop you right there and point out how fucking wrong you are. how do you expect to bring women back in the fold if you're this fucking clueless?
the problem with Holla Forums dismissing MGTOWs out of hand is that they actually offer legit insight and a perspective that every man should at least familiarize himself with.
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." - Aristotle
I'm not interested in bringing anyone back into the fold. I'm interested in pushing female sexuality back into the box it came out of, and you don't do that by making compromises.
Fuckers like you are the reason things like GG failed. You know why the Puppies is still ongoing? Because they didn't compromise for the sake of "bringing people in." GG did, and it got overrun by plebbit, and that was the end of that.
I have already convinced women, even some liberal women, that women should not vote, by pointing out pic related combined with "if women couldn't vote, Hillary Clinton would not even be in the running."
Niggers like you are the reason we're in this mess to begin with. You're exactly like your fucking father and grandfather, self-rightious about your ability to compromise with the enemy.
Women will do whatever authoratative men tell them to do if it is framed as being emotionally positive and in the best interests of their children. That includes giving up their own right to vote.
You're full of shit. Revolutions, organizations, and political movements don't need a women's auxiliary, a handful of token faggots, and a pet negro to succeed. Only cucks and liberals believe otherwise.
Women will side with us just for being strong. If you don't believe me, explain why the number one selling pornography in Israel for women is men dressed like Nazis bullying them. If you don't believe me, explain how feminists who claim to only care about women's rights are converting to Islam and defending Muslim immigration into our nations.
MGTOW are purple pilled losers and failures. You're washouts. Even a weak and pitiable man would find honor and strength in fighting for his nation and people. All you want to do is bang sluts and be left alone while the world burns.
The problem with MGTOW is that it keeps saying this, and yet it never articulates exactly what these hidden nuggets of wisdom are. You also fundamentally misunderstand women, which makes it even harder to take you seriously when you claim to have the secrets of the universe in your man-purse.
solid logic there.
did you actually comprehend anything I wrote? because judging by your response it doesn't seem that way.
except for the hours upon hours worth of material doing exactly that.
I guess I was giving you too much credit with the Aristotle quote.
There was no part of that which seemed funny.
They are just aberrations you fetishize over because you're actually a homosexual.
I wouldn't know, but I had a really good time with the PC version.
Or the soul of cinder.
a small mercy
yep, its just a shame we will never get to see just how bad this film was gonna be before Reitman and the re shoots
it will still suck donkey balls but this film would have been an affront to god in its original Feig cut
its genuine marketing for the movie
If that is Kalindrachan, then those breasts are fake.
Here's a real trap with amazing breasts.
that is ECTO 2 it was filmed but how long its seen in the film we have no idea
not fucking with you, that is Thor now playing Kevin (the blonde bimbo secretary)
What the fuck?
Why is this fag using jump cuts mid-sentence?
Because he's making fun of e-celebs that do that sort of thing, you mongoloid.
I almost feel like this is evil.
The blonde one is cute
Yeah I didn't get past the first ten seconds
She actually embodies everything SJW about women
what a great idea. wew
You forgot to not change your ID, shill.
If all you have left are inappropriately punctuated and capitalized fragment sentences desperately trying to insult me, then this conversation is over. Nice try, better luck next time.
wew, a trap, had me fooled.
it even had the sense to make the narrowest point of the torso appear to above the navel in the photo.
a traps tits are gonna gook better because
1) are fake and 'man made' to order
2) skin is tighter to begin with
3) tits are younger by several years compared to real woman
Honestly the movie looks fine, I'm just sick of this girl power bullshit.
It's actually insulting to most women. How many girls want to be engineers and physicists?
Almost none. They want to be mothers, psychologists, and biologists. And that's perfectly fine.
These kind of movies make women feel inadequate. Like they aren't good enough because they don't like doing male things.
not even worth a pirate
This shit is worse every time I see it.
He didn't even want to do the original, he only did it on the condition that they would also produce his pet project "The Razor's Edge."
Expect some very subtle subversion of his forced task.
I'm not saying I agree or not, but if I have a dog that acts up, it may not have responsibility like a man, it certainly doesn't think ahead like a man, but I still give it consequences for it's actions.
What I don't do is defend its actions or say it is blameless for not having agency. If it bites an innocent, yes it is my fault for not training or controlling it, but I would still put it down in a heartbeat.
The difference is that you can not own women like that, so you can not have that level of responsibility. Yet.
I agree about the shit-tests and feminism. I try to educate men about those things. So are you apparently. So do many mgtows. We can say that women need to be taken in hand, but until we reach more men it won't matter because you can't take a herd of 100s of millions in hand by yourself.
I never said that. I certainly think they act like shit when unrestrained.
You say 'we' a lot. I don't recall doing all this shit, just like I didn't cause communism. I actively oppose feminism. So do mgtows (as far as I know.) So why are you complaining about us?
I know exactly where the men in my family stood on this and politics, I don't need to bring it up. And I recall clearly the things my dad told me even as a kid about women.
did they start a club? A team?
You don't have to be mgtow to point out white knights.
Do you know how IDs work? Find where I even implied such a thing.
I agree completely. My problem with white knighting is that it a tool to make men attack each other. Men who would otherwise be forming those movements.
I don't have words for how pathetic that is.
do people actually talk "like" "like" this now what the fuck happened im only 30.
If you watched the video here you'd know that it is in fact going to be the final monster.
What are you even talking about?
That cuck is none other than Paul Feig, director of this mess.
Whatever happened to Kalindrachan?
Are people actually still watching jewlywood movies?
So, apparently this is how its done now. Like "The Force Awakens" you just basically reshoot a previously successful movie only with a diversity cast. Then get butthurt when everyone points out that it's just a shitty remake of a classic.
Why didn't you just embed it?
More like Troll 2
Too bad the director is jewish as with most shit in hollywood.
Look at this faggot making up words on the spot. Even going so far as to try and co-opt our Hakenkreuz.
As someone who used to watch tranny porn in my dark days, I can assure you that 99% of trannies have gross, fake, plastic looking breasts when the clothes come off.