Breaking News: Red Ice and Radix team up

OK guys, this is big news for pro-White nationalists everywhere. Check out what red ice is doing in collaboration with Radix

For those who don't know, red ice went from kook UFO stuff to now almost solely identitarian.

Other urls found in this thread:

Red Ice has a lot of redpilled guests on their show, so maybe Radix won't be so bad. Anyways, bump.

Radix announcing it here

One of these things is not like the other, user

Richard Spencer celebrates Trump's Indiana victory

Well, they consign with all of the Alt-Right niggers, but if they talk more about White Nationalism as a legitimate political platform, then I'll give people like Richard Spencer a try.

Why are the major Alt-Right people no good? Seriously, Spencer and others like him put out high quality pro-White content and don't shy away from the JQ. The idea that they are pro-Israel or pro-Jew is some kind of bullshit meme spread around on Stormfront.

Richard Spencer's whole thing is white nationalism. A lot of people don't like him because he pushes pan-Europeanism. He's an open white nationalist.

you don't get it.

Holla Forums is alt-right. alt as in not mainstream.

milo isn't alt-right and doesn't even consider himself it. he's trying to court them though.

Just ignore the e-celeb faggots so we don't fall in cuckgate's trap.

what hole did you faggots crawl out of?

Yea, Milo is just calling himself alt-right for attention, he isn't really.

He has some dream of a united European government, but unlike the EU people he is against destroying nations and national culture.

He's pretty good, actually, he's awakening a lot of people to taking race and White issues seriously.

Also people saying he's gay are full of shit.


Well, there goes my membership to Red Ice.

The latest Red Ice broadcast is full of references to the JQ, you're full of shit.

Well, looks like Dick 'muh PR' Spencer will probably go back on his partnership.

This is such typical trolling man, are you even trying? Tryharder

This slide thread?

This exact thread gets posted and ignored constantly for the past week and a halfish.


This is a new announcement from today, you dumbshit


nigger, it's been used before ramzpaul showed his true colors and milo decided to talk about the alt-right.

Sounds like he's read Mosley


more like Yockey

A lot of peoples "Pan-European" version they hear in their head was far off from what he was ever implying. He flirted with a unified European peoples over external threats and people lost their shit thinking he means merging cultures and creating a WN European Union stripping sovereignty.

He's pretty much clarified that already but a year later it still resonates with people in the wrong sense.

Europeans have EU-PTSD, imho

the word 'Europe' scares them, actually, since they associate it with Brussels. The EU should be called Merkelstan by nationalists to clarify the EU is not pro-European.

fucking arrogant bong

that sucks because it seems like anytime nationalism or racialism is discussed among yuropoors it quickly devolves into ww1/ balkan sheep herder poop flinging over 5 sq miles of land. its kind of obnoxious tbh when there are a lot of literal shitskin terrorists crawling all over europe and they are talking about the sudentenland and the polish corridor and whether the irish can speak irish and all the rest of the stupid bullshit

Britanophobe detect'd

That's the thing. What the EUcrats did up until now was bad enough, but the worst thing, the absolutely worst thing they did - and for which they shall burn in boiling feces forever and ever - was marring the name of the European idea itself. Like a long-drawn kike plan of a whole 'nother level of evil.

They also had Angelo John Gage on to talk about how we can achieve full autism spectrum dominance if we stop naming the jew and only focus on their machinations.

This is some high level bullshit

His point is that complaining about Jews and doing nothing is a loser attitude. He doesn't say the facts about the JQ are wrong. Fuck, you 14/88 people are so annoying and useless.

He flat-out says not to name the jew.

Are you Dicky, or just an overly dedicated autist with a bizarre obsession?

OK I'm listening to the red ice podcast you linked me to, I'll see if you're bullshitting or not now

Yea he says that the Jews control the media and the banks, but he says we shouldn't let it make us have a victim mentality. We need to focus on why Whites are cucks, not why Jews are evil.


Like I said, he says not to talk about jews.

To be fair, most people I have tried to talk to just tune me out when I mention 'the Jews'. I have had much better luck naming their institutions though. If you mention the Fed is owned by Jews, people just write you off as a crackpot. If you say the Fed is owned by greedy and parasitic bankers, even lefties will listen to you.

Imo, it's a process. You shouldn't start with the heaviest bombs. You bring people in gradually, and once they see the harm the worldwide media, the oil cartels, and the central banks cause (all of which you can name without ever saying Jew), they are already an ally whether they know it or not.

I think it's enough to have a core of people that are fully redpilled on Jews, and then popular support from people that just oppose all of their institutions.

Forgot my pic.


You definitely have to tailor your message to your audience, but if Gage was right about only focusing on the machinations, we would have won long ago.

Yeah. I'm not saying ignore the Jew, or God forbid forget him. I just mean don't name him to normalfags until they are ready.

That's my general blueprint, anyway.

well I guess I'll go check out "kike-on-a-stick" thread #2356621

thanks mods