Holla Forums has changed

Holla Forums has changed.

it's no longer about original content, epic GETs, and win it's an endless series of reposts, perpetuated by newfags and trolls fail - and its consumption of Holla Forums, has become an unstoppable cancer. Holla Forums has changed.

At least we've got 0PIATEFag


hi !WarOpIAtE.

This is some delicious pasta.

;_; was it that obvious?

t. retarded newfag whose entire contribution to the board is being an insufferable faggot and whining constantly, without actually making any OC or a legitimate effort to make this board better. You are the cancer of this board, not us.

It was pretty obvious.

You take imageboards too seriously, fag.

t. op, the faggot that takes imageboards seriously enough to whine about one's supposed declining quality.



I would like to I have no solution to stop the undress meta complaints, only meta meta complaints.

OP, I need some pills.

I also cannot spell or type well.

it's up to you guys to change the state of the imageboard, i'm not going to delete the endless meta threads because then it would just make more.


I was in this thread on 4chan from two days ago. Fuck you op.

That's why I pointed out the irony of my own lack of solutions and/or effort.

I know what must be done but I'd rather goof around shitposting and bumping the baitpasta. It wasn't a serious complaint dys. :^)

Now fucking die you cancerous attention whore.

I never understood this meme

lets build a picture together like Holla Forums does every month


I think on some boards people can tell when the BO posts even as user, by what they talk about and how they say it. That way they can still participate without directly announcing their presence, and not everyone could tell. They were participating as just another user.

I don't mind at all, and actually like when the BO gets more involved.

Oh look. It's this thread again.

Also could a vol please clean out the leftover spam in the gore board shilling thread?

Starting here and throughout the whole damn thing.



Why don't not start a draw thread or pic related?








Seems you are expecting more than reality.

No Travis?



we did good on draw thread



really good

well personally I had a good time doing this












Who else listened to moots farewell radio show

You're not special or oldfag. I heard about it and I didn't listen because 4chan already sucked large penises by that point.

That explains moot's big mouth