Can he be redeemed?
He endorsed Romney over his own Father, what do you think lol.
Only if he helps me get my keys. They fell down under my car seat and my hands cant fit.
Redemption is a long road.
Remember Trump was saying that some of the people who have called him to jump on the train said some mean shit about him before and he was surprised they were willing to join up with him. He fits all categories.
This late in the game and only after its guaranteed that Trump will be the nominee; he is only doing it to get in line with the shift of the party.
He looking slightly better right now than the #nevertrump Neocons but that isn't saying much. Though he can be redeemed depending how he acts moving forward.
interesting timing
Fucking cuckold. Indignified submissive little bitch. I hope Trump will use and discard this manlet like a napkin.
Maybe he'll make Rand great again?
Yes, please.
that third picture Jesus Christ
President - Donald J Trump
Secretary of State - Ron Paul
Must be 5'9" for redemption.
I miss fucking with Randlet lolberg on here.
on one hand yeah, but lolbergs were pretty annoying.
Why the fuck do American politicians have such an obession with kikes and their culture? I know your country is a zionist state but jeez…this is just going too far
Somethings are impossible.
The trip to the wailing wall is a signal that you will continue the judeophilic dicksucking. AIPAC has a 99% attendance rate by congressional politicians.
From the comments:
"Paul would reject a nominee for mass murder, treason or perhaps criticising the gold standard but he can tolerate raw incompetence, war crimes, extreme forms of religious and racial prejudice, serious threats to the international trading system of the kind that has in the past led to general wars throughout the world, a bullying kind of ignorance that comes through the minute he begins to talk. Rand Paul does not have merely low standards for the American Presidentcy, in fact he has no standards and will accept even a crude, bullying, dummy who is a pin headed flack for other ignorant, intolerant people, narrow minded and callow people. With friends like Rand Paul, who needs enemies?"
There are millions of Southern/Midwestern Zionist Christians that politicians need to appeal to in elections so they can win.
These people believe the modern state of Israel is the biblical "Kingdom of Israel". I am not kidding.
Trump isn't going to that mother fucker.
Jeb!'s ad spending is what really gets me here.
wat a cuck
He went to AIPAC, it was CPAC he didnt go to.
Well Trump did go to AIPAC, but I wasn't talking about Trump because he isn't a congressional politician. Reading comprehension nigga, do you has it?
Meant the wailing wall.
Cool your jets young one, I know Trump won't.
This is an interesting feel, I need time to contemplate.
I still don't understand how Bush managed to spend so much in such a short period of time, and find no success whatsoever. That money could have done a decent amount of good, but rather it was spent on that moron, and it went straight to television companies and whatnot.
Honestly what did he do wrong? They had fights during the debate but that's just the game. Rand wasn't doing sneaky or nasty shit, he was just being himself and he lost.
Why does Holla Forums seem to prefer Eric over Donald Jr?
European who isn't that invested here.
Eric is a presumed Holla Forumsack
He kept moving left and trying to appeal to the cancer infecting Libertarianism while maintaing cuckservative-like positions. Literally the worst of both worlds.
He thought Ron lost because he was too "extreme" so he made himself a milktoast middleman, instead of recognizing the anti-establishment upswing and going farther extreme. He was blind sided by Trump's campaign and instead of allying himself with Trump, he took the establishment side.
I think the emotional negativity towards him is due to the great potential coming from that opportunity which he squandered for the sake of want to not look "racist" and such.
Rand Paul is still better than the vast majority of people in Congress, not that that's a particularly high bar.
Nah, fuck him. Black lives matter too much to him.
Can someone redpill me on what was so wrong with Rand?
Its because he did some good things like fillibuster the Patriot Act so people actually liked him. Then he cucked hard on Black Lives Matter and similar shit and went against Trump as much as he could. People are always angrier with people they initially liked.
hair color. I dont trust black hair and brown eyes
He said the same thing a month ago; specifically mentioning Trump would have his endorsement if he did win the nominee
Cucks love a strong man.
His father had already dropped out, user.
Probably not, he still believes in equality.
This basically makes him a nigger-lover.
I like how the Trump Train might be adding a family car for the Pauls. We truly live in interesting times.
As long as Randlet rides in the trunk its fine by me.
You must really like the Randlet to give him such a spacious place on the Trump train. He should just have a child booster seat next to Papa Paul.
Absolutely not. He's still a weasely little Black Lives Matter supporter
Its time to bring the party together and sometimes you have to start small.
betrayal is 10x worse
I was half expecting him to take some sort of "Libertarian" high road.
The prospect of Hillary after 8 long years of King Nig must put things into perspective.
Agreed. It's also the beginning of the end for the cuckservatives. Even the smallest cuts add up.
No one is being paid to shill for Hillary. It's a Republican-funded lie and a pathetic attempt to smear her campaign.
Nice meme.
Trump is a nigger lover too.
Had it been Rand Paul vs Clinton, we'd be standing with Rand.
Trump is the same
nice sage btw
It didn't take long for Holla Forums to fall back to the underdog state of politics once Trump started pushing for anti white cabinet members.
Donald Jr. isn't Trump's son.
Well we know the Cruz Shills were actually Hillary shills I mean no one actually liked Cruz so how could he have shills over than dan
damn, I made a thread on this earlier and it got ignored….
guess I should've used red text haha
yes he is, he looks a lot like him
yeah he may be a total cuck that wants the US to become as brown as mexico, but at least he doesn't want more wars in the middle east
One day such calumny will be illegal.
I can't believe someone would fuck up that hard with such a huge budget for ads from his family
What a cuck.
He has always maintained that he will endorse the eventual nominee and he was one of the few republican contenders who said he'd even endorse Trump.
Donald Jr seems to be the most politically active of his children. He also follows (and re-tweets) the DemsRRealRacist account
Randlet the Cucklet falls far from the tree, but if his endorsement brings in Tea Party cucks, we'll take it.
Compared to some of the staunchly pro-immigration senators, he's trying to make America white again.
how tall is he?
found my own answer. ~5' 6 1/2"
I think the divide between libertarianism and Trumpism is too deep to call him "redeemed". Ron Paul won't stop trashing Donald Trump, and part of that will be true of Rand too. He'll be an effective stumper and quite frankly if libertarian and nationalist become two major wings of the party, I'm okay with that, anything to get rid of the evangelicals and neocons.
according to Jewgle but this seems a bit generous
yea, There's no way
where did you get that?
looked up his height, got it in meters, converted.
was he's dad the candidate?
it's almost like he was backing he's own party in the elections, shocking
came here tp shill for the rand
Which is Trump you little faggot goyam slave!
NO! He won't even say the Don's name. Fuck this beta faggot!
Don Jr. is also the only child of the God-Emperor who managed to not marry a Jew. ;-;
Randlet is a whore. Who cares about the endorsement of someone who will bend the knee for a paycheck. He built his career off of his father's name and then betrayed every ideal his father had. Fuck Paulberg, the weaselly little jewboy.
I'm 5'8 myself from a 6'0 dad and 5'1 mom
Fucking womanlets, when will they learn? They only exist to bring more suffering into the world.