Hey Holla Forums, what poppin? I went to a renaissance fair today.
Hey Holla Forums, what poppin? I went to a renaissance fair today
You do anal?
Got some of Ye Olde Collagen Injection, eh?
Your lips looks like a inflamed vagina.
All the better to nut upon.
Superb colours user, but those lips, yeah. Lose the lipstick
Stop lying. You leave the house looking like that everyday.
Post more picture.
How dost thou this fine day, milady?
Hey Cute.
Not exactly collagen but yes lol
I guess, a lot of people like my look
I wish haha I want to look like a succubus everyday
Forgot to post another picture for those that requested it lol
Definitely cute. See anything fun at the ren fair?
A lot of fat people mostly, and some mega creeps trying to take pictures of me without even coming up to me and just asking for one haha, this is like my third one so its not as exciting as it used to be.
I figured I would give you guys a treat haha
Tell us more.
Like what
Nice Pair
Thanks :)
Its a beautiful, sunny day, can the twins come out to play?
You know… :^)
You are Harley Quinn and your cover is blown!
C'mon show us your boobs.
Its ok ill just Blow my way out of jail
You're really fugly op, and you've had your nose badly damaged. Those lips really belong on a fish, but don't worry because you have the eyes to match.
The overall effect is one of profound stupidity, so you'll be forgiven by most people, or pitied anyway. (That's why nobody asks to take your photo. It wouldnt be polite.)
now if you had 3 tits….
Please come and show us your pair.
Posting them right now to my snap which none of you will ever have haha
Look, however bad your father/uncles molested you as a child is no reason to trash your entire physical being. Stop ruining your body, and go see a psychiatrist. You are quite obviously suffering from mental health issues, please seek help.
unless you're a tranny or a Jew, then just kill yourself :)
The fuck happened to you?
Ah, so you have Cluster B. Which disorder?
fat tits
eh….id fuck it.
A little haggard, but dem titties. I'll give her a reason to be haggard.