The master reading list

Greetings Holla Forums. Scattered across the board are various book/reading list threads that although are good are generally disorganised. In these threads people ask for suggestions and a plethora of books are thrown at them, some good books, some obscure new age bullshit books. I was wondering whether anybody would be interested in creating the ultimate reading list. It would contain hundreds of books and it would have an easy-to-hard structure that we would progress through and hopefully become intellectual powerhouses by the time we're done with it. I have some early plans for a structure but if you would like to help, please submit all reading lists/subjects/books of note that you think should go into it.

My structure goes something like this (relevant links/reading lists) are included:
- Philosophy
- History
- Economics
- Politics
- Left-wing books (know your enemy)
- Business/finance (possibly incorporate with economics)
- Christianity (even if you're not Christian it's good to read some literature about it)

That's my basic structure. I have some decent reading lists/links collated that we could go through and extract the decent works from and slot them into the relevant categories also:

- (beware, this guy admits to being a marxist but it is a generally good list once the garbage is extracted)
- leddit /r/philosophy recommended reading although I'm unsure how good it is.


- I only have leddit's reading list for this which I'm sure is riddled with junk. Could do with assistance here.

Again, if you have recommendations please feel free to suggest them.

Other urls found in this thread:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg!4MJE0L6Q!teKAfBlT2m3Ija-Tun-EFw!cZoSEbpC!kdnYuLw3hvYSus9uZl6PRQ!kd5w1ZYI!xPhi-lbqNQooP_b0xzLkGQ!pYRnSJaC!HrC3Siqyioo9PjdGMNWs3Q!LotEVRxT!YE-YrG6SZ54nJqltrYN8Nw!eMs1HDRD!LJcwVTJXhhx1a5bUu2l0dg!scMFjYZY!MKTKFWGVVuA7kV4OMHgkcg defense conceal pistol&qid=1462555112&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1!ZlcTnKKR!ZlcTnKKR!h3Qc7Kk3ipdmQC38D4bnsS6sS5U0LlCHHJU2FCt1GoU!pJNACA5R!yRmrvwQwHAVSwBrhkuj1Ow!VA8RBIDY!pJNACA5R!yRmrvwQwHAVSwBrhkuj1Ow!UcMA1AZb

I have Will Durant's "The Story of our Civilization" in epub format. I could zip it up and throw it in a vola.

All 11 volumes I should say.

Have any of you read this book? It was recommended in a video I watched.

Dropping a few lists, we can build off and edit these as necessary.

I read it back in highschool. I don't remember much except that the guy made smoking fashionable for women.

Could someone post the Holla Forums reading list infographics that always float around? I'll try to slot them into the appropiate categories.

OP here again. I'm thinking some sort of collaboration tool would be needed for this. Google docs would be ideal but I'm not touching that. Any ideas?

If you're looking specifically at nation-building, you can't go wrong with Based LKY's memoirs and views on politics.!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

Like these?

Found a couple of leftist reading list infographics.

Link isn't loading for me for some reason. Is this the 520gb collection? It's a great collection but lacks order/structure IMO.

That's all I've got

You should check out /pdfs/, OP

No, it's a smaller collection

woops, just realised something related had been posted.

Share some of your reading habits.

Do you read a lot?

Any fiction at all?

Pic related is what I'm going through now. I read two or three books in a week, depending how busy I am. Mostly e-books, because poorfag.

Don't really read as much as I should do but I know that needs to change.

I saved this a long time ago





Mother of god… There's a shit-ton of books here now. I'll save them all and try to establish some sort of order.

I looked through my Holla Forums folder one more time and saw that these two weren't in the thread either

Don't have the attention span, right?

I used to be the same.

The trick is just to force yourself to do that. Ten minutes a day, and then gently adding minutes if you feel like it.
Start reading, right now, something you've always wanted to read.

Reading habit is acquired, and you have to work for it. But it's quite rewarding, trust me.

Yeah I try to sit myself down and set a timer on my phone and just not move for that period of time but with some texts I just get irritable and have to get up and move.

Slightly unrelated, but we should also try to compile all the Holla Forums-related audiobooks into a Mega folder or torrent for people who aren't willing to read books themselves.

I have the same problem, I can't even force myself to do it either, especially not during exam time anyway…
Anyway, some guy gave me a list of books that are rather quick to read and I've been trying to go through them first and lose my habit of having no patience/will.

Some of the books which are relatively quick reads and not too densely written:

Some good, accessible books you could just read the first chapter of:

I hope this helps you.

Audio books might be a good gateway for you. Listen to them while jogging or something.

And choosing what books to start with is important. Don't start reading Spengler or Junger right of the bat.
Setting too high standards is just counterproductive.

I'd recommend something campy and fun, while maybe still political on a level. Like Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers


The Unnecessary War by Pat Buchanan, mp3.

Thanks a lot, that'll definetely help.

So does anyone want "The Story of our Civilization"? Durant has an excellent writing style. It's a history book that's a page turner. It's 11 volumes going from early man to the French Revolution. I plan on uploading it to the Holla Forums vola. But not unless someone is interested.

I've just remembered a subject I forgot: writing. Writing's obviously how we communicate our ideas so being a proficient writer is ideal.

Definetely interested. Is it generally a right-wing view of history though?

I've been thinking about making a right-wing pop culture reading list.

I would think so. It went through the history of India up until Ghandi I believe. Rather than crying about hwite oppression, he explains that a great amount of good comes from colonialization. Brits tried to rid the caste system, fucked up the Thuggies, built the railways. All that good stuff.

Sounds good.

No NatSoc

I never really trusted Will Durant since he had a kikess for a wife.

What counts as Holla Forums lit when it comes to fiction?
I'm almost done these two books and so far they both seem to have some Holla Forums like themes.
American Psycho is very anti consumerism/materialism/nihilism, and actually manages to incorporate some vague feminist themes whilst simultaneously criticizing modern women.

Cuckoo's Nest is about a bunch of men who've been completely emasculated and castrated by some old manipulative bitch in a mental hospital, which seems to me to be a statement about the feminist movement in its entirety, it also depicts niggers as being violent animals, at least from the narrators POV.




from TRS

Libgen (Best Research Portal):

Book Resource Pastebin:

Propertarianism Library - The Great Books of the Aristocracy:!0F5GXTjS!oGdz8UP5JbcleNMy6YKLvg

Library of the Dark Enlightenment:!4MJE0L6Q!teKAfBlT2m3Ija-Tun-EFw

A compendium of philosophy for the Alt Right:!cZoSEbpC!kdnYuLw3hvYSus9uZl6PRQ

Diversity + Proximity = War; The Reference List:!kd5w1ZYI!xPhi-lbqNQooP_b0xzLkGQ

Sydney Trads Recommended Reading List:!pYRnSJaC!HrC3Siqyioo9PjdGMNWs3Q

Holla Forums Monthly Reading Collections:!B4dB2SzQ!h_pMC30v2a_y31iD0dy0sg

The Julius Evola Library:

Casey's Library:

Holla Forums /pdfs/: -

Collection taken from Holla Forums:!LotEVRxT!YE-YrG6SZ54nJqltrYN8Nw

Hyperborean Collection:!eMs1HDRD!LJcwVTJXhhx1a5bUu2l0dg

Online Liberty Library (For Libertarians):

The Silmarils Library:!scMFjYZY!MKTKFWGVVuA7kV4OMHgkcg

Avant-Garde Reactionary Book Collection:

The Colchester Collection:

k0nsl's Collection:

Krystallnacht Library:

Antimony Group Archive:

Balder Ex-Libris:

Katana17's Collection:

Metapedia's List:

Tom Metzger's W.A.R. Library:

Solar General's Ebooks:

Holocaust Handbooks:

JR's books:

How to find university textbooks:

Okay there's tons of resources/books here now but I was hoping more that we could make some sort of order for them. Would anybody agree that philosophy is a good starting point for a Holla Forumsack? The problem with philosophy is though that it's quite dense reading and it might put people off of reading so I'm thinking maybe start with about 10 right-wing books and then progress into philosophy?


Philosophy should inform your politics, not vice-versa.


At this point I think it's going to be virtually impossible to create a well ordered list from all the resources provided.

Pfff, that really isn't necessary.

Also, I wouldn't recommend Evola and traditionalist works until much later for people, because Evola basically lashes out at everything.

The WASP question looks good, I've noticed a lot of Aussies and Kiwis are being hit with the 'you have no identity' line lately, despite being British for all incentive porpoises.

Survival must be your number one priority. Not ivory tower philosophy.

"Man is what he is. A wild animal with the will to survive, and (so far) the ability, against all competition. Unless one accepts that, anything one says about morals, war, politics, you name it, is nonsense. Correct morals arise from knowing what man is, not what do gooders and well meaning old Aunt Nellies would like him to be."

Robert Heinlein.

Political science is just a subset of philosophy, m8.

What are you suggesting?

I think he's saying that realism should come before idealism.

Can we try to categorize these books at least? Can we establish books that are easy and books that are hard? When newbies are trying to get into reading and they are presented with a shit-ton of lists they're just going to be overwhelmed. We need to establish some sort of order.

I began with this, it helps a lot.

Unless you're more at the level of pic related in which case I have no idea.

I actually planned to put the Greeks first. What did you progress to after that?

Start reading books on survival and self defense. You are going to need them sooner rather than later. The barbarians are already inside the gate.

Right now I'm reading a book on carrying a concealed pistol. defense conceal pistol&qid=1462555112&ref_=sr_1_1&s=books&sr=1-1

All right so perhaps the start of the reading list could go something like this:

Mythology – Edith Hamilton
The Trojan War, a new history by Barry Strauss
The Iliad by Homer
The Odyssey by Homer
The Histories by Herodotus
History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
The Oedipus plays of Sophocles

Plato - Apology
Plato - Euthyphro
Plato - Crito
Plato - Symposium
Plato - Phaedo
Plato - Republic
Plato - Parmenides

Aristotle - Ethics
Aristotle - Politics
Aristotle - On poetry
Aristotle - The organon (the order: categories, on interpretation, prior analytics, posterior analytics, topics, sophistical refutations)
Aristotle - Physics
Aristotle - On the soul
Aristotle - Metaphysics
Aristotle - Rhetoric


Are there any philosophers who need to be absolutely avoided? So far I've got Satre, Rousseau…

My point is that you should have a standard for ideals, what you truly believe about religion, etc. before you waltz into politics, rather than vice versa. It makes me cringe whenever Holla Forumsacks try to choose a religion that supports their opinions on politics, rather than vice versa if anything.

Who did it better? Greeks or Romans?

I'd avoid Satre because he is exhausting to read and you can't really learn that much from him.
Rousseau I'm not so sure, since he influenced tons of leftists.
But I'd guess that leads us back to the question if you should read your ideological enemies.
To which I'd say yes, because it helps you understand them better and therefore be better prepared against their plans.

Those people are smart. They want an ideology that serves them.

You want an ideology to be your master. Why don't you trust your own judgement?

My whole point is that we should seek the truth, but I guess I can kind of see your point. If what they think benefits them includes what benefits all of society, then maybe they are smart, but I don't think you should search for the true religion around what your preconceived notions are. At that point, we might as well all just consign onto Christian Identity.

What's the deal? Why no STEM books? What good is this knowledge if you can't build a trebuchet to rain fire down upon your enemies. Seriously though, if you wan to become an intellectual powerhouses you need to understand at least some STEM.

Also it needs religious books beyond Christendom. Same reason you stated for why leftist and Christian texts.

I mean if we could actually order and structure a reading list with the books we have right now I'd be more than happy to include STEM books as well but at this point this thread is just like all the other threads where we dump resources and reading lists. What particular STEM subjects would you suggest though?

Well I guess it depends on what you really want this list to be. If you are just looking for a laymen’s covering of the topic then I could throw out some books by Sagan, Hawking, and such.

However I feel like you want to turn this into the Idiots Guide to being the Übermensch. In that case being the perfect man requires more than a cursory glance at the natural sciences.

In that case I could recommend some (about 8-10) textbooks for self-study as the only way to learn science is to do it. I wouldn’t suggest anything that will turn you into a theoretical physicists (although I would give you the groundwork if you wanted to try and learn it) but just enough for a high school education on how the world works around you; with some basic engineering skills to boot.

See pic related.

So all of them?

I guess if they're already on Holla Forums and want to strengthen their views philosophy/history should be first.

For the uninitiated fiction should be first, you can see if they'll be responsive to certain ideals while still keeping them entertained enough to not just dismiss it outright, or get bored before finishing. I know in previous threads some people deride those that read fiction at all, but you really can't rely on just intellectualism to convert the masses.

Beginner fiction:
Starship Troopers
The moon is a harsh mistress
Lord of the Rings
Animal Farm
Brave New World

Philosophy primer:
Mythology – Edith Hamilton
The Trojan War, a new history by Barry Strauss
The Iliad by Homer
The Odyssey by Homer
The Histories by Herodotus
History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides
The Oedipus plays of Sophocles

Plato - Apology
Plato - Euthyphro
Plato - Crito
Plato - Symposium
Plato - Phaedo
Plato - Republic
Plato - Parmenides

Aristotle - Ethics
Aristotle - Politics
Aristotle - On poetry
Aristotle - The organon (the order: categories,
on interpretation, prior analytics, posterior analytics, topics, sophistical refutations)
Aristotle - Physics
Aristotle - On the soul
Aristotle - Metaphysics
Aristotle - Rhetoric

How about that so far? Any more suggestions for fiction?

Intents and purposes, not incentive purposes.

It's not as bad as it looks as most of these can be summed up with very little studying.

It's a branch of philosophy so I wont really count that as part of my STEM recommendation. Especially as you already have philosophy listed as a category.

Now this would be the most heavy study as it is the foundation of all knowledge. You could sum up everything that I would recommend in two textbooks precalculus and calculus. Three if you really wanted to follow Lincoln's advice on that every man should read Euclid's Elements (although these days it might just be worth picking up a geometry textbook). And four if you want to throw in some Differential Equations (only real college level math on this list) if you want to be able to do useful stuff with the math you learned.

This can be summed up in one modern textbook. Anything beyond that is just expanding on ideas for your satisfaction.

This can be summed up in one textbook but there a few topics that would require further study to really grasp it. I.E. stuff like Organic Chemistry. However those are really topics onto themselves and well beyond what I would recommend an average person need know.

You only need one textbook on this topic.

Nothing a everyman would need to study too deeply on assuming you know the stuff stated above you should be able to piece together anything you would miss from studying it.

Each would have their own textbook. Not saying you should learn this bullshit. I did and I feel smarter for it. But holy shit was it boring as hell to learn.

Like Xeno-sciences anything you would want to know about it could be pieced together from what you learned above.

Install Gentoo. I don't really know if CS has a place in this thread. Know how computers work, how to build your own, and understanding some basic code can save you a shit ton on money. On the other hand if you want to learn that shit go over to /g/.

While I am sure it's probably useful I don't know shit on the topics as I went to school for computer science/ math and got to skip the shit out of those. So I would be the wrong person to ask.

All of that shit is just applications of topics learned above. It's all practical shit so assuming you understand their bases you shouldn't have any trouble figuring out. I wont shit up this list with recommendations on the topics.

All covered by other things in this thread.

If you want I have a few PDF's of textbooks on the topics I recommended. I could zip and upload it for you.

I'm just not sure whether we're getting a bit broad including all this STEM though. There's a shit load of books already that are directly related to politics itself in the thread.

Just off the top of my head. To clarify though: Does Beginner in this context mean a beginner in a Holla Forums sense aka normie or a beginner to reading in general?

I guess both. A Holla Forumsack who might read lots of posts here but doesn't actually read books and hasn't done it in quite a while. This isn't a reading list that is going to attempt to red pill either if that's what you mean. It will merely strengthen our knowledge and arguments.

Try to understand whats being said in this picture op.

This is OC specifically made for the quality improvement of Holla Forums.

50 books in spirituality as approved by Holla Forums.

The supreme list of the masterworks. Transform your thoughtpatterns now.

Achieve master level symbolic thinking.
Achieve master level moral warfare.
Achieve master evel spiritual language.

(all from christianity, islam, judaism to western,eastern,ancient and modern forms).

I tried to avoid having islamic or judaic books, but the few suggestions that came along were inavoidable.
The (Conclusion) for the book, is the conclusion that the book tries to deduce. Read the book if you are interested in how this conclusion was reached.

[Author] - [Title] (Year) (Conclusion)

St. Augustine - Confessions (400) (Religion can give peace to a troubled [degenerate] mind.)
Richard Bach - Jonathan Livingston Seagull (1970) (The purpose of live is not simply to survive, but to seek perfection in yourself.)
Black Elk - Black Elk Speaks (1932) (Consider the whole of life as one, the seen and the unseen, spirit and matter.)
Muhammad Asad - The Road to Mecca (1954) (An evocation of the beauty of the Islamic faith and its role in humanity’s spiritual evolution.)
Richard Maurice Bucke - Cosmic Consciousness (1901) (The experience of “cosmic consciousness,” or enlightenment, is part of human evolution.)
Fritjof Capra - The Tao of Physics (1976) (Physics and spirituality are two sides of the same coin.)
Carlos Castaneda - Journey to Ixtlan (1972) (Respect the world by taking responsibility for your own life.)
G. K. Chesterton - St Francis of Assisi (1922) (Extreme gratitude enables you to see the world afresh.)
Pema Chödrön - A Guide to Fearlessness (2001) (We grow by shining a light on the mind’s dark places.)

more next post…

Chuang Tzu - The Book of Chuang Tzu (4th century) (The best life is one that is in accord with the unseen universal order, or Tao.)
Ram Dass - Be Here Now (1971) (Are you genuinely seeking greater truth in life, or merely playing the game of recognition and success?)
Epictetus - Enchiridion (1st century) (Appreciate the world as it is, not how you would like it to be.)
Mohandas Gandhi - An Autobiography: The Story of My Experiments with Truth (1927) (Life is not a series of events but a series of revelations about how we see them.)
Ghazzali - The Alchemy of Happiness (1097) (We exist to learn the higher truths about our relationship to God.)
Kahlil Gibran - The Prophet (1923) (Bend your view of your life and try seeing it such as if you were a spiritual being having a human experience.)
G. I. Gurdjieff - Meetings with Remarkable Men (1960) (Most people sleepwalk through life. Reject convention and become your own person)
Dag Hammarskjöld - Markings (1963) (Don’t allow your vanities to sabotage your life purpose.)
Abraham Joshua Heschel - The Sabbath: Its Meaning for Modern Man (1951) (Set aside time in your life to honor God and all that has been created.)
Hermann Hesse - Siddartha (1922) (Instead of striving for great spiritual heights, gain peace and power from the acceptance of life as it is.)

more next post..

Aldous Huxley - The Doors of Perception(1954) (Escape the habits of normal perception and see things as if for the first time.)
William James - The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) (If a person’s religion succeeds in making them more whole and providing inspiration, then it works.)
Carl Gustav Jung - Memories, Dreams, Reflections (1955) (Modern life must be enriched by an awareness of dreams, an appreciation of myth, and a sense of mystery.)
Margery Kempe - The Book of Margery Kempe (1436) (Intense spiritual experience can change the life of even the most unlikely person.)
J. Krishnamurti - Think on These Things(1964) (Become a real revolutionary by learning how to think beyond theconfines of culture.)
C. S. Lewis - The Screwtape Letters (1942) (We can only know what is good when we contrast it with what is not.)
Malcolm X - The Autobiography of Malcolm X (1964) (Go beyond color and creed to see the basic unity of humankind.)
Daniel C. Matt - The Essential Kabbalah: The Heart of Jewish Mysticism (1994) (Self-fulfillment is only achieved through greater knowledge of God.)
W. Somerset Maugham -The Razor’s Edge (1944) (Attain real peace by moving beyond the ego’s fears and wants and living a life of the spirit.)
Dan Millman - The Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book that Changes Lives (1989) (Lose your self-importance and adopt a strategy of unreasonable happiness.)
Michael Newton - Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life between Lives (1994) (Physical death is merely an event in the movement of a soul from one domain to another.)
Thich Nhat Hanh - The Miracle of Mindfulness (1975) (You become a different person when you are fully aware of your thoughts and actions in each moment.)
John O’Donohue - Anam Cara: Spiritual Wisdom from the Celtic World (1998) (Approach everything in life in a spirit of friendship.)
Robert M. Pirsig - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974) (A purely rational approach to life leads to madness. Peace requires us to look for the unseen quality or truth behind appearances.)
James Redfield - The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure (1994) (Meaningful coincidences are a sign of the spiritual evolution of the human race.)
Miguel Ruiz - The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (1997) (By consciously adopting agreements with ourselves on how to act with integrity, we begin to take control of our lives.)
Helen Schucman & William Thetford - A Course in Miracles (1976) (Miracles lift the veil of misperception, revealing truth and love.)
Idries Shah - The Way of the Sufi (1968) (Spirituality is not only about emotional security, it is also about finding a consistency and truth.)
Starhawk - The Spiral Dance: A Rebirth of the Ancient Religion of the Great Goddess (1979) (Belief in the sacred feminine and the spirit in nature is the oldest religion.)
Shunryu Suzuki - Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind: Informal Talks on Zen Meditation and Practice (1970) (A peaceful and intelligent mind can be attained through simply sitting and breathing.)
Emanuel Swedenborg - Heaven and Hell (1758) (The heavenly world is as real as the mundane one.)
Teresa of Avila - Interior Castle (1570) (Inner spiritual progress can motivate great earthly achievements.)
Mother Teresa - A Simple Path (1994) (In addition to physical help, give spiritual solace to those in need.)
Eckhart Tolle - The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (1998) (Transform your life by the simple realization that the only time you ever have is this moment.)
Chögyam Trungpa - Cutting through Spiritual Materialism (1973) (Sometimes the desire to be spiritual is really a hankering after psychological security.)
Neale Donald Walsch - Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue (1998) (God’s thoughts may be more accessible than you think.)
Rick Warren - The Purpose-Driven Life (2002) (We were created by God for a reason. If we know God, that reason will be revealed.)
Simone Weil - Waiting for God (1979) (Spurn the collective mindset and create a spirituality unique to you.)
Ken Wilber - A Theory of Everything (2000) (It is best to adopt an explanation of the universe that involves consciousness as well as matter.)
Paramahansa Yogananda - Autobiography of a Yogi (1946) (The story of the man who brought yoga to the West and his revelation of spiritual secrets.)
Gary Zukav - The Seat of the Soul (1990) (Achieve authentic power by letting your spiritual thinking rather than your common thinking guide your life.)

Thus spake Zarathustra is essentially fiction.

In that case, maybe cut demons because it's quite long. All other books are not too long if I remember correctly and should be manageable even for beginners.

These are good so far, I'd say we need to move onto organizing the political books now however, as that's quite a bit of philosophy. A smaller section on beginner fiction like we have now is fine I think. Should we start with Hobbes on politics?

There is way too much stuff here.
Fundamentally you should understand that all philosophy is hierarchical as the universe is hierarchical. Then you need to understand the differing polarities, masculine and feminine.

Pretty much all religion has this. The key is that rationality is close to divinity, Plato understood this. I will give you my short book selection:

Plato Republic, profound best book ever written.

Swami Rama, Enlightenment without God, profound best book on Hinduism and I've read them all.

Evola, Sex and the metaphysics of love. Profound, best book on the reciprocal relationship between masculine and feminine
that forms the bedrock of reality.

Modern Western Philosophy, Franklyn-Merrell Wolff consodiates western philosophy, Which has been a dead end since Descartes but he does his best.

Then you need to start looking at the more hidden aspects of Hellenic philosophy and the true meaning of science not the modern bullshit. Look at veritasluxmea reviewer on amazon for this (theoria apophasis on youtube).

Honorable mention: Brian Magee, confessions of a philosopher.

Most of the works from Plato and Aristotle are a few hundred pages at most I think. We're missing some key philosophers though like Nietschze, Heidigger, Evola etc but I'll start the politics section off. Hobbes can go in. Maybe Machiavelli's the Prince?

It's my opinion that a person can not be in control of the world around them if they don't understand it. This requires full knowledge of philosophy, history, economics, politics, mythology, and stem. Life is a journey of learning so to skip over the fundamentals in a disservice to yourself.

I understand the American school system has conditioned kids to feel that stem is useless compared every other topic in the universe. This has always sounded to me like "don't think to hard or you wont have room for feminist dance therapy."

These are all logic based topics that have grown from and fertilized western civilization. If you think these are useless to the goal of making Holla Forums an intellectual powerhouse then don't include them. After all this is just the humble opinion of one shitposting faggot. Either way I'll leave a mega link entirely in your hands.!ZlcTnKKR

ITT I am a retarded faggot.!ZlcTnKKR!h3Qc7Kk3ipdmQC38D4bnsS6sS5U0LlCHHJU2FCt1GoU


We've currently got a thread up here:

I'm able to edit the OP there so it might work out better. Please come and contribute.

Is there anything on basic stock trading/bonds/market etc?



Anyone got the Politics screencap?

The following works have been selected because each of them has something of value to offer the Aryan reader by way of information, ideas, or instruction. This does not mean that we agree with every single word in them, or that you will. Most are written by our own people, but some are outright anti-White in content, while others contain leftist propaganda or perpetuate liberal stereotypes. Learning to read such enemy literature between the lines, to garner the truth and wisdom while scorning the lies and the malice, is in itself a skill which racial nationalists should cultivate and master.
Most of these works are available in bookstores and public libraries, although many are out of print, and you may have to hunt a bit or get them on inter-library loan. To assist you in obtaining those which are not readily available, we append a list of racial nationalist booksellers at the end of these recommendations.
A final word: inevitably, we will have left out someone’s favorite book or author. This will largely be due to the fact that I have not myself read some of the works in question, and I hesitate to recommend a work that I am not personally familiar with, so please don’t take it amiss if your favorites are not on the list. No derogation is intended. The corpus of Aryan racialist literature in the English language is far more extensive than the few titles listed here, and in future we hope to publish an even more extensive list when resources permit. Remember: cliché though it may be, it is a truth that those who will not read have no advantage over those who cannot read. So turn off that damned tube and get down to the library!


I think somebody was trolling.



The expanded edition is better.

nah, I think I'll pass on reading the ramblings of a nigger muslim

if you really want to understand everything clearly, you study logic and epistemology.
learning how to think is crucial when being confronted with any material.


Mah niggahs.

Anyway, you forgot pic-related. Even though he didn't write it, I'd say it's the most relevant book today, since he speaks about what made America great, what's made her stumble and fall, and what threat China poses to the West in the future.

We did a massive thread on the origins of white European strength, intelligence, creativity, and beauty. It included lots of books and essays of right-wing philosophy and history on the Indo-Europeans, Greeks, Romans, Nordics, Anglo-Saxons, Celts, and so on. I'm not sure if you're interested in the more specifically racial stuff since you seem somewhat big on Christianity, but I also added a handful of books on Christianity in the thread because I think it's a profoundly important part of our heritage, no matter what one might believe. Although it's a bit disorganized, you might find many of these titles very interesting and helpful. I also tried to cut out many of the cheesy and new-agey suggestions that some other people put in. But I did keep the genuinely compelling stuff like Julius Evola and Alain de Benoist.

For now I will post a couple png images of these selected titles that appeared in the thread, and later I will reorganize these books according to some of the categories you mentioned to make it easier to sift through.

8ch thread:



wew lad. I'm not big on Christianity, I simply included a Christianity section because although we may not be Christian it's important to read up on and respect an institution that held civilization up for thousands of years.

I appreciate this. Please feel free to visit our board at >>>/overman/ where we have another thread like this as well.

I'll list works that'll be handy for taking on SJWs/Progressives.

"Why the West is Best: A Muslim Apostate's Defense of Liberal Democracy", "Defending the West: A Critique of Edward Said's Orientalism", "Koranic Allusions: The Biblical, Qumranian, and Pre-Islamic Background to the Koran", "What the Koran Really Says: Language, Text, and Commentary" by Ibn Warraq

"How the West Won: The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity" by Rodney Stark

"The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity"

Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1400-1800 by John Thronton

"Blood and Soil: A World History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur" by Ben Kiernan

"Why Did Europe Conquer the World?" by Philip T. Hoffman

The Atlantic Slave Trade in World History by Jeremy Black

"Nations: The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism", "War in Human Civilization" by Azar Gat

"Islam and the Abolition of Slavery'' by William Clarence-Smith

"The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims" by Andrew G. Bostom

"Race and Slavery in the Middle East" by Bernard Lewis

"Women and Slavery in the Late Ottoman Empire" by Madeline C. Zilfi

"The armies of the caliphs: military and society in the early Islamic state" and "The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates: The Islamic Near East from the 6th to the 11th Century (Second Edition)" by Hugh Kennedy

"Challenging the Boundaries of Slavery" by David Brion Davis

"Understanding Human History" by
Michael H. Hart

Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1400-1800 by John Thornton

"The Cambridge World History of Slavery: Volume 3, AD 1420–AD 1804" by Keith Bradley

"Daily Lives of Civilians in Wartime Africa: From Slavery Days to Rwandan Genocide" by John Laband

"Ethnic America: A History", "Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One", "Economic Facts and Fallacies", "Intellectuals and Race", "Race and Culture: A World View", "Conquests And Cultures: An International History", "Black Rednecks and White Liberals", "Affirmative Action Around the World: An Empirical Study" by Thomas Sowell

"Kit Carson and the Indians" by Thomas W. Dunlay

"God wills it! : understanding the Crusades", "The Concise History of the Crusades", by Thomas F. Madden

"The Crusades" "God's War: A New History of the Crusades" by Christopher Tyerman

"Prehistoric Warfare in the American Southwest" by Steven Leblanc

"North American Indigenous Warfare and Ritual Violence" by Richard J. Chacon and Ruben G. Mendoza

"The Killing Compartments: The Mentality of Mass Murder" by Abram de Swaan

"Galileo's Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science" by Alice Dreger

"The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature" by Steven Pinker

"The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do", "No Two Alike: Human Nature and Human Individuality" by Judith Rich Harris

"Evolutionary Psychology in the Business Sciences", "The Consuming Instinct: What Juicy Burgers, Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal About Human Nature" by Gad Saad

"Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950" by Charles Murray

"Evolutionary Psychology" by David M. Buss

I'll list works that'll be handy for taking on SJWs/Progressives.

"Why the West is Best: A Muslim Apostate's Defense of Liberal Democracy", "Defending the West: A Critique of Edward Said's Orientalism", "Koranic Allusions: The Biblical, Qumranian, and Pre-Islamic Background to the Koran", "What the Koran Really Says: Language, Text, and Commentary" by Ibn Warraq

"How the West Won: The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity" by Rodney Stark

"The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity"

Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1400-1800 by John Thronton

"Blood and Soil: A World History of Genocide and Extermination from Sparta to Darfur" by Ben Kiernan

"Why Did Europe Conquer the World?" by Philip T. Hoffman

The Atlantic Slave Trade in World History by Jeremy Black

"Nations: The Long History and Deep Roots of Political Ethnicity and Nationalism", "War in Human Civilization" by Azar Gat

"Islam and the Abolition of Slavery'' by William Clarence-Smith

"The Legacy of Jihad: Islamic Holy War and the Fate of Non-Muslims" by Andrew G. Bostom

"Race and Slavery in the Middle East" by Bernard Lewis

"Women and Slavery in the Late Ottoman Empire" by Madeline C. Zilfi

"The armies of the caliphs: military and society in the early Islamic state" and "The Prophet and the Age of the Caliphates: The Islamic Near East from the 6th to the 11th Century (Second Edition)" by Hugh Kennedy

"Challenging the Boundaries of Slavery" by David Brion Davis

"Understanding Human History" by
Michael H. Hart

Africa and Africans in the Making of the Atlantic World, 1400-1800 by John Thornton

"The Cambridge World History of Slavery: Volume 3, AD 1420–AD 1804" by Keith Bradley

"Daily Lives of Civilians in Wartime Africa: From Slavery Days to Rwandan Genocide" by John Laband

"Ethnic America: A History", "Applied Economics: Thinking Beyond Stage One", "Economic Facts and Fallacies", "Intellectuals and Race", "Race and Culture: A World View", "Conquests And Cultures: An International History", "Black Rednecks and White Liberals", "Affirmative Action Around the World: An Empirical Study" by Thomas Sowell

"Kit Carson and the Indians" by Thomas W. Dunlay

"God wills it! : understanding the Crusades", "The Concise History of the Crusades", by Thomas F. Madden

"The Crusades" "God's War: A New History of the Crusades" by Christopher Tyerman

"Prehistoric Warfare in the American Southwest" by Steven Leblanc

"North American Indigenous Warfare and Ritual Violence" by Richard J. Chacon and Ruben G. Mendoza

"The Killing Compartments: The Mentality of Mass Murder" by Abram de Swaan

"Galileo's Middle Finger: Heretics, Activists, and the Search for Justice in Science" by Alice Dreger

"The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature" by Steven Pinker

"The Nurture Assumption: Why Children Turn Out the Way They Do", "No Two Alike: Human Nature and Human Individuality" by Judith Rich Harris

"Evolutionary Psychology in the Business Sciences", "The Consuming Instinct: What Juicy Burgers, Ferraris, Pornography, and Gift Giving Reveal About Human Nature" by Gad Saad

"Human Accomplishment: The Pursuit of Excellence in the Arts and Sciences, 800 B.C. to 1950" by Charles Murray

"Evolutionary Psychology" by David M. Buss

it's a short read, and not all Holla Forumsacks are in their mid 20s. no need to be anal about it.

Double post. Sorry.

Bump. Thanks for all the books.

can someone make these available in pdf or epub? much appreciated.

/r/ing any youtube or mega links for audiobooks

For future reference Calibre ebook manager works wonders. I'd do it myself but I'm on mobile

Here are a handful:

The Biological Jew by Eustace Mullins

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion by Serge Nilus

Mein Kampf (Ford Translation) by Adolf Hitler

Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey

My Awakening: A Path To Racial Understanding by David Duke

Jewish Supremacism: My Awakening to the Jewish Question by David Duke

The International Jew by Henry Ford

The Jewish Strategy by Revilo Oliver

Onward Christian Soldiers by Donald Day

The Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds by Robert S. Griffin

Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin by Dietrich Eckhart

Psychology as Religion: The Cult of Self-Worship by Paul C. Vitz

Degenerate Moderns by E. Michael Jones

Culture Jihad in Tehran by E. Michael Jones

Living Machines by E. Michael Jones

On Leo Frank by Tom Watson

The Murder of Little Mary Phagan by Mary Phagan


The International Jew by Henry Ford

The Jewish Strategy by Revilo Oliver

Living Machines by E. Michael Jones

If it's not in anyone's list, I'd like to suggest Huntington's The Clash of Civilizations. It's not an easy read, but I've found it an interesting summation of events from 1950 - 1996 (its publishing date.)

Bonus, his theories piss off multiculturalists.

Someone might find this interesting:

I obviously can’t search the images, but Defensive Racism hasn’t been posted in this thread yet? Really?

Thank you!

50 odd Law Dictionaries / Law Books

You have no idea how long I've been looking for something like this.

Got a MEGA link for those?

What do you all use as reliable torrent sites for books anyway?

Use these, my friend:

No :^), but here are the books. bookzz is my general go to site to check the availability of books. For older titles I try as well, it has a lot of them, but almost all are scans of old books and are therefore big files.

Ordered this today, has anyone here read it? If so, what am in for?


Holla Forums ate my image

might is right

Just get it from the Barnes Review with a money order.

Thank you.

Thanks a bunch chap!

Bumping and asking if anyone has a good collection of German Conservative Revolution stuff.


Holla Forums books here

Huh. Was surprised they'd publish that. I wonder how much of this right-wing shit ends up at their book fairs in schools across the US.

More Scholastic filth.

Another round of Scholastic Holla Forums literature. The last is a personal favorite.

Has anyone read Civilization by Kenneth Clark? I saw a Holla Forums webm on one of his tv series of the same name.


It's very hard to recommend stuff when you have no idea where people are starting out.
But I do think recommending the Greeks is dumb. If someone is starting to read fiction you don't recommend Shakespeare.

Shakespeare is a requirement for highschool


As far as I know, new Falcon is led by Christopher S. Hyatt's (AKA Alan Miller) estranged son who doesn't know shit about the occult. Jason S. Black is still with Original Falcon, I think.

Bernays is the godfather of modern mass manipulation. Modern marketing, modern PR… everything comes from him. A diabolical genius.

i read the fountain head. It fucking sucked. It shouldn't be on that list.

just read it as a pdf on the computer

I still think Holla Forums would like reading it, even if its just to understand how the blacks relate to the political situation in america, especially the blacks that are on the verge to joining a black nationalist movement.

Protest-tute detected

Hi Learningchode



Anti-slide bump


It was much cheaper than the Barnes Review and I hate reading books on the computer.

Am I on a watch list now? A blacklist?


So, at which university✡ did you complete your Bachelor of Arts?

Morgoth's Archive

The Library - approx. 170 authors!pJNACA5R!yRmrvwQwHAVSwBrhkuj1Ow!VA8RBIDY

The Academy!pJNACA5R!yRmrvwQwHAVSwBrhkuj1Ow!UcMA1AZb

There is only one true watchlist. Every single person who was ever given a social security ID is on that watchlist. You may as well fuck shit up as much as you can, while you still can.


Kill yourself jew

before logic study you need the core foundation. The trivium method is the only Holla Forums approved learning method.

But seriously, though. Could (((potential employers))) find out that I've ordered Mein Kampf, and specifically MK Stalag Edition?

This matters because Stalag Edition is most recommended on Holla Forums, and thus it gives away that I browse Holla Forums.

I know it's speculation, but has anyone here heard of this happening?

I have never heard of such a case that someone lose their job because of a book they bought. And if (which i highly doubt is even possible) they find out just bullshit something about "that you want to understand the hate" or something like that.
I have told multiple people in my close surrounding that are in no ways Holla Forums-tier in any way, that i have read mein kampf, and they just don't care. They usually ask if its good and i reply like it is. That its a good book on Hitler's early life and experiences and what he thought about the world.

Greece is the recipe, Rome the meal.