The Official Pony Holla Forumsread

The actual bread

Other urls found in this thread: still hate jews/movies/5956608/

What a Faggot.

I want to cum inside Princess Celestia and "accidentally" call her mom.

much better. thank you rap

We literally have one rule dude.
the op image be a non lewd pone.


You know this, there's been huge arguments over this, and I'm not about to sit through another.

yo bread hows everyone doing?

You spastic faggot.
You don't even know how to Embed a link from youtube.

tfw you get drunk and really want to keep writing code for your project and realize you can't understand jack fucking shit in this state

Hey mizz, how're you?

When are you going to post your hand?

fantabutastic. how `are you?

it's not even that, I do what he does often too, fuck embedding cause video looks tiny unless you edited settings like a fucking dipshit jackass autistic fucking faggot als sometimes you want the video to open as a supprise so they don't see what it was ebfore a la verga








I am ok with this





That kinda makes sense.
apurale marica me voy a aburrir.
post a pic of your hand.








im fine just high yourself?





I wonder if some one got hard by looking at these ITT.



What's going on!


What the fuck happened?





i had morning wood before i entered this thread, thanks for the help

post more girly cocks.












cory in the house is best anime


I'm not disappointed.

I don't want to.. here, have an old pic



wrong checkbox


how do you make a tissue dance?
put a little boogie in it




legitimately offended








a Justin le gusta el semen de caballo.







i used to put a tissue on my penis and pretend its a member of the kkk





top men




working on it


but why user
what did anyone ever do to to you

What kind of magic is that?

I'm being serious about wanting to cum inside Celestia and "accidentally" calling her mom

wow. me too.




I wish it was a joke, but it's not.



I plan on getting a lifesize plush of her and a bad dragon mare pussy

Needs Diaper FFS!
Where is Justin?
did he passed out?

I wish I never saw that.





I don't keep track of him.






The wolf among us is a fun game





So far it is. Only got killed once.






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The art is really nice and it's a fun story

you make?

This is the best pony fag thread ever.

How many beers you drink so far?






I just used up the last of my tonic water. Still have lots of gin though.

I will give you a custom flower bouquet if you drink eleven


the script? yea

this pleases me.

Do horses masturbate? And How? They don't have hands.

yay! More people will soon be joining Skittybotnet!

They clop

k, i see.

it burns!

kinda like this




Creating and posting new Travis is always a pleasure.


No it doesn't!


Keep up the great work.



Ya lo habia mencionado a Justin le gusta el semen de caballo.

My pleasure.

I tried to make a sad song the other day



chingas a tu puta verga india pata rajada pera madre culero chapete maricon lambe huavos



she has such sexy fangs

Hey that's pretty good
reminded me a little of the song in the dead island trailer which is very sad



man, I can't even got off on this kind of torture.


S not torture is just me saving all the stuff you draw and post when I'm around to see them.

Que yo me chingue? a tu puta perra madre india salta pa atras.

no te hagas el del culo chiquito bien que te ha de gustar el semen de caballo.

Hola, es esto una guerra de Travises?

yo skitty what program do you use for beats?

I wish I was like the characters of dragon ball z in that they had access to a time chamber where they spent years doing things and could just come back out at in what appeared to be a short time frame so I could just spend years trying to play the piano. My autism would probably be very OK with that.


seeing earlier drawings remind me that I suck.

Draw new squirrels and I will post those instead!

they will suck too. and I lost track of my tablet.

Hasta la Muerte!


I did some more reading into how Gameboy hardware works. It is a mindfuck, and I cannot imagine how much they had to pay those fuckers to work with this shit. Just kidding, they were paid peanuts.

Noes!! None of them suck!

anyone know anything about health or doctor stuff? I have something weird that happens to me I want to figure out.

that is factually inaccurate.


These are great.

I was like wtf for a moment, if ruby thinks it's hard I can't imagine wtf is going on


That is the tragedy of life, we only realize what we should have done when the time has already gone by. But you can make the choice now to give your future self in a number of years the ability to expertly play, with just hours of practice a day. You can do it if you truly desire. But yeah that thing sounds way easier. Though I thought it didn't affect time but increased gravity to enhance training difficulty. maybe there were two chambers

ask turky

Yo estoy condecorado con honoris causa en la u de travis en cuanto a guerra y operaciones PSYOP.


Well they don't. You just know every little mistake in them because you drew them.



so I can tell you exactly why they suck, and they do.

no, that's another chamber thing, im talking about the chamber they used when they initially fought margin boo. they used it before to train for a long time iirc, it's the place that's on top of a huge pole overlooking earth called the lookout

Find the darn tablet and get to drawing then!!!


Nice, now make that wchar_t and _O_U16TEXT and add:

even Travis Joined the Skittyhole club.

Haven't seen it in years and years
I don't even know who that is
maybe time to watch again
Stop messing about and make a training time machine


Top kek

This is one of your finest works, Vinnie.

So… what I was reading into today is the Gameboy's boot sequence, and where the dicks everything is laid out into memory. Basically, when the Gameboy boots up, it's going to execute about 256 bytes of code Nintendo wrote to make sure you're not executing any cartridge they didn't put their rubber stamp on. What does it do? It checks for a Nintendo logo at a particular spot in memory on your cartridge, and it displays it. If it doesn't find the Nintendo logo, it locks up the system. On cartridge, the first 16K bytes are going to be mapped into memory bank 0, and everything else gets swapped in and out of memory bank 1 in 16K chunks, as controlled by the code in memory bank 0. But that 16K code isn't all your shit. No, the first 256 bytes are just the interrupt vector table, and after that, another 80 bytes are dedicated to storing the Nintendo logo, and your publisher information. So instead of having 16,384 bytes to control the rest of the game, you have 16,048 bytes. And beyond that, my compiler seems to waste another 176 bytes just putting in some weird startup code that I can't really make heads or tails of what all it's doing, other than the fact that it disables interrupts and eventually loads my code, which is located at address 0x200.

Messing with poor helpless bots.


some reason a lot of my friends make jokes about my grandpa having time machines, he has engineer status and locals poke fun at it

also this is a really mexican area, and apperently mexicans love dragon ball z so there was no way to avoid it, ended up loving that animaymay

This is fucking glorious every time I watch it in the banner I laugh.

Thanks Travisposter.

Hasta tu que eres puto te gusta DBZ.





No problem, Vinnie my man.







>Nice, now make that wchar_t and _O_U16TEXT and add:

Ruby, can you do this?



This is good stuff





Travis is far superior than cocaine.


Travis approves this.


Not on a Gameboy, I can't. It doesn't support C++, and it certainly doesn't support unicode.

I only did coke a few times and hated it. Did crack a few times too and liked it too much.

sad, i just want to see ayy lmao in a GB :(

how did you managed to scape crack?
every one says it's highly addictive.

I'm not sure if that image means anything else but CB is pretty stupid, there's better AIs out there, wish they were more public like CB tho

that's kind of why I never fuking liked gameboy, i mean sure I did actually enjoy some pkemon games tbchwu but there was always a bunch of shit going on which is why i hate it, never did I dive into that deep of a context, intellectually much less programmatically to see what was happening but have read enough to know that anti piracy stuff really fucks the potential of what could have been.. like literally just give up you're gonna make money either way, possibly even more if you just let people be free and do their thing amirite?

well I shall admit, yes I did like the anime

They killed the only AI bot I liked.

where does wezdor live again?

*slinks around nimbly*

you sneaky bastard.


So do I.
but the US version has some stupid electric guitar noises, they took away all the Japanese soundtracks and it sounds like shit tbqh.


It is. I did it for 3 days straight.



well at least Travis got those trips.

Black people seem to really love it too for some reason. I wonder why that is?
Do you think maybe he does have one?


the capital is Ljubljana


I wrote a bunch of shit then realized this actually seems more like a religious question so the answer is a lot simpler. No. I do not. I am not religious at all, not because I am atheist, agnostic or christian, I just never give mind to it, never think of it. So I am not in on it. In that regard, yes, I do in fact not fear what comes next simply die to disregard.


dude they had some sick ass fucking songs, lemme get one


Starting to either hate or be rilly rilly jealous of this guy

US version does kinda suck soundwise.

It's not an anti piracy technique, actually. It's an anti homebrew technique. Or more specifically, it was a way to make sure that people could only develop games for Nintendo systems if they paid Nintendo to give them a seal of approval. If they didn't, and they put out a game that did work on the system, they'd be getting trademark infringement for shipping a game with Nintendo's logo without their permission. Sega pulled the same shit. Of course, Sega lost in court when they actually had to enforce it, so it stands to reason that Nintendo could not defend it either.

oops wrong image


lel friend I was driving with earlier was whining i only have accelerated punk rock on my trucks usb to listen to

Do I look like a god damn atlas to you fagballs?

That is interesting because many people are comforted by their belief that something greater awaits them after death. To think that there is nothing beyond is unsettling. But I guess another way to go about is is to ignore it entirely, which will work to a point.
Are you drunk yet?

1911 thats what you needs to get. Also musics.



OMG la cantidad de arena en tu vagina es impresionante.

Sorry man I wont listen to the US version it makes me cringe.

there you are magnificent bastard!





wait u mean tay ai from twatter? I HOPE

no other bot was as fucking BASED, RACIST and fucking awesome

*creeps closer*

I wish, I'd go back and change everything between us. I theorize they like it cause it's a show about beaing brutal, when you are raised as a black person or mexican I imagine brutality is a status, DBZ chars define the benchmark for i how barbies define sexiness for tumblrtardlerinas


that's some streight bullshit and still again why I never liked nintendogs

I like to think the best is here and now, this is the best it ever gets… to me.. at least.. I have no confidence in the future.

you mean the 9mm? I have one :P

Este vato.. andas a la verga entonces no

is it just me or does this sound like johnny bravo??

I liked her before she became racist.

It is.

Is it one of the 9mm from way back then or more modern?

*brandishes gun*
We hardly ever talk, skitty, have a seat.

I thought maybe it was because played a lot on cartoon network so it was more normal to watch, also the only anime accessible to average kids. But what you said makes sense as to why they would like it. Gotta be careful if t=you ever do get a chance to use his machine, tinkering with timelines could have very unpredictable consequences

Fair enough, it's as good a way to live as any, maybe

is for pussies.

get a .38super

Postea tu mano y las escuchare.
cuantas cervezas llevas?

*lays down*

Why is that?

Discardio ilu ;_;


cops use it

.38 super creates rings of fire when you fire it.

who goes there?

Just some faggot.

Shoulda been asleep hours ago. Night all.

I think it's a fine caliber

Yeah but so do bigger calibers so why not get those


I want to stick it in yr skittyhole.

… Okay, good.
How was your day?

Ah nothing out the ordinary.

they are super hard to come by, anything past .357 magnum and .44 magnum around here.

also .38 super is so hot it can penetrate soft body armour, I think it was level III A, if I'm not mistaken.

Travis poster Joins the club.
Fuck yeah.

I fell in love when she became racist.

idunno according to my grandpa and a thing it says on the side it is a government issues something gun, but it's legal to own

sorry im intoxicated and the shit I said hardly made sense, buy yeah think about it, in areas like this it always comes off to me that being hard, making stupid decisions and acting suicidally for stupid fucking retarded reasons is in fact a status symbol, and that happens with a lot of mexicans, the mentality they have when they try to come here

I like being over there a lot, they have the same mentality towards me a lot, but different. gotten personal with some and told a lot of people over there look at you like a super bad ass cause texans are very rare there, usually they don't want to cross and communicate and only rarely do some animarse like me and my friends, animarse.. i think it means animate as in involve

never had a 39… actually i think I do.. no, wait, it's a 32. never used a 38, I have a 357 isn't that biger?

I'm going in dry.

More plz!


Mouse gun.

There are two commercial .38's .38special and .38super it's basically a 9x21mm loaded super hot.

I have a 357 isn't that biger?

Yeah .38super is a .356 diameter bullet but .357 isn't suited for auto loading semi automatics.


I will take a look to the secret 32gb link of clop.

Now kiss me.

sorry I'm not in the mood right now.


Not gonna with that attitude darling.



So be it.

I'm back

I think I smell what you are cooking. You have to prove your manliness in that culture, yes? And it could be called brazen for a texan to move freely back and forth across the border so they see you as having big brass balls which they hold in high esteem. Are you still drinking?


Sir do you know why I pulled you over?

Skitty cuantas cervezas llevas ya? putito.

bescause we were having a conversation and I disappeared on you for 2 and a half hours?

Justin, get drunk and re-add me on Steam so you can get all self-conscious and then rage for no discernible reason before deleting me again.

More for my Favourite faggot.

Hey rap


These tributes please me.

Can't, sleeping pill just made me feel really dizzy, but I still cant sleep.

holy shit the shit I said doesn't even make sense
friend came over and im panicking, i can't type atm

did ken go

Heya Rosey, how're you going?

I can't sleep without pills either.

lol this dumbass

im guessing that's for me and i said something weird

It's fine I understood it

not yet

I managed to stay clean from that thist for 2 months.
I would have fallen asleep if I used weed but nope I aint gonna use more shit.

how Ironic.

Heheh, that picture. I'm fine, just saying hi.
How are you?


Do you have a card?

No, it's because I go on steam and see that you have gone and got virtually everything on my wishlist for me, and that's the nicest thing any of my friends have done for me. I would feel guilty accepting them all so I am going to select one so I don't burn a hole in your pockets (unless steam doesn't work that way) but I really have to say that I am touched


Discord what'd happen if I just casually drive through mexico city like this?

hello Holla Forumsread


I'm glad to hear it :3

Still chilling having a good time?

Don't, just take it.
it was less than 20 bucks, just accept and hush.

Hey bread, sup?

I don't know what this means

hi guy

Is a hug for the Justin.

does this look scary

just high yourself?

how're you doing?

Probably this

G'day Mizzy, still high?

aren't u darwin? refering to me as a mage sounds twilight zone tier

what's good in the hood? avoiding suicide I fucking hope

No, don't have any right now, drinking a little bit though. Got a good buzz?


just high thats it


More or less. Cut my fingers on a pan, being a jackals, kinda hurt.

Well, forgive me for not having any shipping images featuring a rapist.

you're from here right> america?


here all weed is Illegal.
well you can only posses 5 grams, but it's still illegal to buy, sell, distribute and transport.
so fuck the police.


Is that your Hand?
The Mexican army and federal police will end up spraying hot lead in your skittyhole

Y-You too…

Get back to me when you're smoking a man's drug. Like mugwort.

One good thing about California is the clubs. Top shelf flower. Edibles and capsules. Its like a candy store.

best song ever

better listen to it u fuckin noob

How's skye the last couple days?
I ask cause he doesn't tend to like good ideas and britain just made a great one!

And how's you?

haha nice

a jackals?

which one of these hands u thinks mine?


this is my vision

Jackass I mean. I slammed it into something, and it shifted between my fingers, cutting my middle and ring finger on my right hand.

What the fuck is mugwort?

Skye voted leave though, glad you think it's a good idea. I've seen a few people call the ones who voted leave racists.
Skye's fine~ he's been working hard and been busy though.
I'm fine too, watching Son the Park and drinking



Hello thread goers

the guy holding the AR and the beta mag looks somewhat skinny.
the guy with camouflage jacket, has manly hands but short fingers.
the guy with the yellow jacket his hand its too blurry.
you forgot to blur the face of that one guy.

I will go for the guy holding the AR and the beta mag.

I saw a thread on /x/ about it years ago. I wonder if it's still on there.

sort of a lewd image btw

hello BP how're you?

Not even gun dealers want to sell long guns because they are too hard to hide.


Obviously that's my hand, I took the pic. and that is my lawyer friend, they are utterly based, go fuck yourself.


Hey buddy~

So do you actually know what it is or?


Im doing as well as i can do

I keep waking up from bad nightmares…ifs like 4 im the morning and this is the fifth time ive woken up

Whats up with you?

Hi ya ruby

Whats going on in your world?

Cool, I wonder if I can get some.

OMG! jajajaja.
I'm so dumb sometimes.
it all makes sense now.
judging by your short fingers you must be a little short don't you?

Spiritual protection?
I don't really know to be honest.

Pokemon. Pokemon is what's going on.

There's a lurker

I was joking :P
I was hoping he'd come in at that moment (cause he usually follows you like that :P )
and yeah, the remainers are idiots, just ignore them.
They're literally fear mongers that have bought into the fear mongering of the leftist media.
this is the best decision britain has made in the last 40 years.
aside from the falklan isles.

Saw the thread you linked, gonna ask mum if she's heard of it, she's into this stuff

the bloody gory times.
now all mass media is bought by the government, and they no longer publicize as much gore as they used to.

try to control your nightmares i do just change your nightmare

Maybe. I don't think any kind grows where you are. I could be wrong though. I'm sure you could buy some, but I'm not sure where from.



pokemon is always fun!

Ive had terrible might mares the past couple days
And now ive figured i might as well not sleep anymore

That would be easy but its not something i can control
Usually its like demons and stuff just messing with me
Its really messing me up lately.

Well I'm glad leave won, EU was censoring right wing politics and hate speech, plus I want to live with Skye in England and would prefer mudslimes weren't trying to enforce sharia law or killing people when I arrive.
Did he want to remain at any point?

Well it's perfectly fine to stay up all night and just chill in Holla Forumsread. It's what I'm doing!


it's not actually me, the rest is true

Mum's watching movies at the moment, I'll ask her in a bit.

You sneaky faggot…


Kek, you know whats funny about that?
You and skye are on their hitlist.

I dunno.
I was just making a punny

so who's that baddie supposed to be


Ooh, very cool



I have accidentally downloaded 2 Luna pics trying to reply to you.
Islam is a shitty religion anyway, any country where it's the main religion is ass backwards and third world.


You know it baby.

You gotta give them credit for keeping women in the kitchen, hanging the faggots and degenerates tho.

I feel like over exposer to thread can leave you with cancer

I love having new Travis to post. Thank you, based Discardio.


Haha, it's a sign!
Praise the moon! Worship your night Goddess!

Niggers eat snickers?

I am a degenerate though.
also they sexually dominate younger men and don't acknowledge it as gay, they're retarded

Maybe cancer will fill up the hollowness I feel inside

It's an absolute pleasure.

I do like moon goddesses, Artemis/Diana, Ameterasu, both bae

Haha. I loved that movie. :33


Aw, they do? But I like snickers.

So what?

Yeah they are hypocrites haven't you seen one before?




Wait I fucked up, Amaterasu is sun goddess, Tsukuyomi is the moon god.
Gwyndolin is the trap moon god, he bae


So I don't want to hang. Shockingly.

Lewd! But yes I do like the night

Nope all cancer does is make that hole bigger

try this on for size… it's …. a little out there, fair warning.

I feel like a chocolate easter rabbit

Well played…

try music

Kek :P


Haha. I liked it. :3 I didn't understand a single bit of it though.
This is one of my favorite songs from a band that is quickly becoming one of my favorites.


So how're you?

look at it from the bright side no Faggots.

I gotta get ISIS and cartel beheading pics.

I'd rather have no Muslims

Never heard of them before.
You might like the stuff squirrel links as well, like this!

I'm ok.
Passable I guess.

I feel great, but only because I'm taking the entire god damned weekend off from everything ever 5eva.

I've started to control what I eat much more from yesterday as well as more excercise and such.
I used to be fit, and I wanna be fit again.

Go to best gore. They have pics and videos.

I rather have no Faggots and Jews tbqh.

I feel that this is a very powerful song that reflects all of my inner complexities and struggles Cool song you got there Raptor

South Park ended, John Oliver is on, have yet to change the channel, why is this man such a complete cunt?

Heh, I don't have to work to be thin, good for you though. And everyone needs a break.

How about we compromise, no Muslims, Jews, or those flaming fags that think Mardi Gras is fun.


This is the one version I really like;

Thin =/= fit

Heh, yeah. I've clicked a few links they have posted. They have really interesting taste… Heh, the name of the band reminds me of them too :P

Isn't he that dickhead that literally just talks the 'popular' opinion so that his ratings go up?

Squirrel is the bestest!

I was going to do the kids bop version but it wasn't ironic enough

dime por que to portas como un chapete?

Well no but I am pretty as a feminine girly boy.
Like I said, good for you, it'd be great if you did get fit.

This is the popular opinion? He supports Shillary, is against Brexit, and has a legit Jew nose.

Naaah lets leave it all like it is.
You be a faggot.
So do I and most of the ppl ITT.

Heheh, yeah, they're pretty cool.


I've always liked gregorian chant so there's that :P

si means yes

That's why I quotation marked it 'popular'.
its the media's popular opinion.
What they're pushing and want people to think.

I'm a little worried though… I hear fitness increases sexual stamina as well…

What're you up to yourself currently?

Por que te amo tontito.


does sausage mean sausage in spanish?



Please I hate Mardi Gras, it's stupid and makes conservative gays look bad.

Sexual stamina is always good!
fuck these likes in the media though

Not a hell of a lot. Lying in bed watching YouTube videos and shitposting.

not when you average 90 minutes D: what's going to happen to me!?
Yeah, they're faggots.

Haha, about the same for me :3

You're going to become a sexual god!


They live under the Radar in Iran.

But I can concur those pride march faggots are annoying as fuck.
they need to be gassed.

I can get behind a song that gives me hype (video is fastest paced song I can think of off the top of my head)

Living the dream!

idunnno actually..


I'll have to share myself around!
I can't be selfish and let only a few people have me.

Gae and I were tlaking about that last night funnily enough.
Gay =/= fag
fags are disgusting degenerate fuckwits.
gays are not.

reminds me of this;

Damn straight!

but si means yes? si ? yes?

When skitty gets his boy pussy wet he links my posts multiple times.
how adorable.

I'm on my last legs Travis poster.

Uh, sure.

And exactly, fags are fuckwits

If that means you're going to sleep so am I.

Dream of Travis.
Post Travis wherever you go.
May Travis smile upon you!

Depending on how generous I feel I might have to share with two or more at once


I thought he was sleeping.
Forever Autist.
Poor guy.
makes me wanna quit MLP.

Have a good one, Discardio.

Dream of Rarity with a penis.
Post Rarity with a penis wherever you go.
May Rarity with a penis smile upon you!

Generosity is an important thing in life

Good job, dumbass.

Nicely memed, nicely memed in deed





Generously ram your cock against their cervix

The people will flock to me as I bestow the favour of my love upon them

You should look up guides to increase cum production, for reasons

I said favour not flavour!
I dunno if I'd be That generous with most people

Fill all of them up though

With what?

hello Holla Forumsread

Yes, hello.


tha'ts like, the third time you've said that mizzy :P

I thought you were going to say cock honestly hahahaha

im high and popping in at different times

Too obvious, need to mix things up occasionally.


You too?


Ooh, ooh, guess what I'm getting soon!


A dildo moulded into the shape of Skye's penis?

I wish

Chastity cage

hmm never thought of a chastity cage seems a bit extreme for me

That's reasonable

id be fine with being mounted tho

Being mounted is my second favourite part of sex
right behind the actual penetration~

ur all wurst


Good morning everyone

How high are you?

kek nice

lol fair enough

I think I just redpilled my mum…


by justifying a dookey in the urinal?

No just showed her a video of a black man saying some political things about Nazism and Jews and told her that all the big names in media were Jewish. I even added in Mark (((Zuckerberg)))


kek still hate jews/movies/5956608/
Don't know the source but he speaks no lies as far as I'm aware

Funny thing is she already didn't trust the media and knew the swastika had a deeper meaning than just being a symbol of Nazi's she just never associated either with Jews

whats wrong with that priest?

I think that's just how black priests talk.
Also I think he's wearing an ankh




Brb shower




Fair enough

I'm heading to bed.
have a good one guys.

Goodnight Raptor

He lost me when he said that circles are symbols of the sun

He's not wrong, a few cultures did it

so what if swastikas weren't bad

There are those who only associate it with Nazi Germany and get 'offended' by it.
These people are worthless btw

A better question would be
so what if jews weren't bad

Is everyone dead?


Back from the gym. Jesus, first it was scorching hot, close to 37C with high humidity, so i was sweating bullets like crazy. Then after like an hour it started pouring rain, except the rain was warm too, so it was now hot AND wet. So i just walked home all drenched in sweat and rain.

And turns out because i didn't eat much yesterday, my breakfast wasn't big enough this morning, so i was spent halfway through my workout with no energy left.

What a mess. Anyway how are you guys doing?

Welcome back. Not much, just waking up. You?

At the moment i'm catching my breath under the nice cool AC, while i wait for Pia to show up


Even snek thinks it's hot

but who is pia?

Probably not you, if you have to ask~






Oh god it's raining so much right now. I love it. The clouds make it as dark as at night too. i'll post pic from cellpone


Roof view

time to party

time to put my name back on


What up?

just climbed out of bed and got breakfast started, now it is time for pone. howabout you?

About to start getting ready for work.

aw sounds fun. anything cool goin today?


Not really.

Nice Luna

awww im sorry. maybe it'll be a neat day because you'll get a fun surprise



you might just!

who else is here to scootapost? ooooooh yeah





pinkie might. she can travel through time and space, because pinkie

iirc, in the comics Celestia travels to alternate universes.



huh didnt know she could do that. neat!



Pia still isn't here? :c

im here. i can be ur pia



I'm sure Pia will show. He promised.

brb goin out for a run

Have fun!


Off to work!


You can only cum to one waifu you disloyal cur!

I was up till five so I slept in a bit, then had to wipe the morning dew from the gunwales the prevent the sun from burning into the woodwork. Still need to give her a detailed clean before I take people out. Sorry I'm so late. Still need to go to the berry fields too, but maybe I do that at night so I don't have to pay for what the earth gives freely
How are you?

Heh, and i got up early so i wouldn't miss out on you being here. But i'm afraid i only have about 30 minutes left before people start showing up for game day now :c

And i'm doing pretty great now that you're here~

evening gentlemen and more gentlemen

Oh no, I'm sorry, I probably should have checked here before going. Waking up early is the worst.

I don't like waking early too. These time zone differences are not very helpful are they?

But i still think we have enough time for some affection~

hello reece

There's always time for affection 💜

Just got a heads up message, 15 minutes. Better make it count ♥

It isn't much time, but the candle that burn's half as long burns twice as bright


You will think of luna while you play your games

also hey

I could still post from mobile, but i have no pictures to upload from there. Not SFW ones anyway

(why did this post not submit?


I think i'd rather think of you while i play

You should
I like the idea of you looking through lewd pones while surrounded by your buds


ooh hey, can I have the full image of that plz?

Pia please, too lewd~

You should really get some other means of communication working, it would make talking so much easier

that's better


Hey! I was gonna post that

I know this really isn't the best way. I really need to get new phone/comp and maybe this is just the impetus I needed



Mobile Test post. Pia is cute

Phaggots phaggots everywhere!!

Not even skype, steam or teamspeak work for you? :o

And the dinguses got lost on the, i have another 10 minutes at least to harass you~

ok ok

I think I like when you mobile post


I think ill use this extra time to uh… blow of some steam before people show up. You seem to get me going~

not on phone at least. i think maybe I can get steam going on comp tho
i hope they get lost again

!!! Wezley! I didn't know you were into lewds


oh good, I'm glad I can help you relax before game day

Do try that!

You saw nothing. Nothing at all

I'm pretty sure you have the opposite effect~

daily reminder

I will

Oh? Well let's hope your friends don't notice

Afternoon, bread

hey it's been a while

how's you?

It would be kinda Hard not to notice hehe puns

Pretty good. Enjoying the weekend, since I had to do stuff all last weekend.

if only there was a way to solve this problem

Oh my~ Anyway friends are here, so i'll be replying from mobile from time to time if i can.

I love you~

have fun~

still posting animeme i see

How about you?

not much right now thanks

had a spooky night with vidya is all

What else would I post? I haven't watched any new MLP in eons, and I have a lot more variety in my main screenshots folder than my MLP one.

Spooky, eh?

People found my coffee machine and it's now the main attraction

a game called "Layers of Fear", has some legit "look behind you irl to make sure there's no monsters behind you" moments. I got the good ending on my first playthrough too so I'm mad proud of myself tbh

How many people do you have there?

Is that so?

yup, I legit felt like an anime fan on prom night

pretty good


have you played mighty no. 9? it's pretty bad

Me plus three. We are playing warcraft. I havent played it before though

No, and I don't plan to. I never had much faith in it.

are you into hentai?

Not particularly. I've never found many where the art is much good.

there is literally a pretty big spider on my floor right now. Is there a spider on your floor right now?

Pony erry day

tfw will never own a reeceypet

Who the fuck has wez fell in love with?



you're back!

did you smell the weeboo or something?

The other place I post hasn't been entertaining me. And natsox sent me a fuck tonne of lewds today so I thought I'd poke in




Heya! want to be friends?


What's up?

you don't have a face tho

those diapers have a wet brown patch

Oh fun, I've never played any of those games you mentioned but it seems like a nice way to spend time with friends

tfw stands for that feel when

you have a crush on Velma from Scooby-doo too? neat.

it can mean both… also Blew never posted a pic of anything so I'll never trulyknow what he was feeling

Aren't we friends already?

Yeah I noticed that to, I was lurking for more pics for more Travis OC and stumbled upon a dating site, for people with diaper fetish.

not a lot. you?

im so sad my fave fell off = (


Oh ok its you haha. i thought someone was trying to spam us with diaper pron. Which dating site?

Is that you Blew?
you have a nice looking stomach tbh.

Velma? This girl isn't velma.

Watchin' some animu and enjoying some free time.

oh that place is a total scam if its the one im thinking of haha

that is, in fact, a grill. i dont do that trap stuff.

Sounds fun. im just looking over some paint swatches, its fun stuff!

Discardio, stop being such a massive homovan faggot. Holy shit.

Doesn't sound like it.

I noticed that the connexion isn't safe.
well I will have to lurk further for Travis Material.


I'm Listening to Sunni ISIS chants hopefully that will stop my faggotry.

shhhh just let it happen

hello Holla Forumsread


It will NOT.



The resemblance is not strong enough.

See? They look completely different.

then what will?

heya miraclepet!

Only death will discontinue the cocklust.


it is velma, she's just been given an animeme filter

Trust me, though. They are very different characters.

good plan. there are plenty of non scam places to find diaper pics and creepy insanity.

I want to reach eternal salvation.
not eternal damnation.

what show is that from anyway?


Continue posting semen demon with glasses.

Being here is unhelpful as well.

yo hows it going?

sometimes I wish i never poked the internet to see what's in it.


Pretty good. Enjoying the weekend off and watching anime. How about yourself?

just smoking thats all

how frightfully boring.


i see.

probably won't ever watch it tbh, i don't give anime that much love nowadays… last anime i saw was about a guy who went from being a badass gang leader to wanting to be the best highschool teacher ever.

What was it called?

Presumably Great Teacher Onizuka.


i… don't remember. . I watched it with Ruby about a month or two ago, was pretty alright actually.

It sounds interesting.

Sorry im so slow to respond~ game is quite heavy to think and tons of fun


the last anime i watched on my own was… where there's like 5 people stuck in a space station together and the one girl that's there is a hermaphrodite because of the planet she's from. Don't remember if that's actually a story spoiler or not but… yeah the anime was watchable

kind of want to remember it's name now


hello skye hows it going


Yknow me, I surviv

yeah im a bit well


i meant to say im horny

That's fine too~

you there!

tell me what anime I watched… please

Why ask me?

that chicks face triggers me and you keep posting it

That also sounds interesting. Sorry for late reply. Was folding clothes.

because reece only talks to people that worship his anal sphincter?

Why ask you what?


holy shit woke up with an ALL NEW level of THIRST

gimme all da water fam

because you're a massive weeb

and weaboo number 2: doesn't know


I, after having spent a quarter of a century observing the animalium of our great moist rock, the bees swarm to the hive, the cows stick to their pack, the hens amalgamate in the coop. Surely there must be a means to a method to deport all these niggers back to africa.

Uh, no I'm not…?

I was linking for him to ask you instead.

No worries
enjoy your game, while also thinking of lewdpones


We will have to share.

Wow, way to throw me under the bus like that. I thought we were friends.

i just feel like i want to be mounted

Oh, hey. It's you. hi.

We need a new thread, I'll make it.

b-but you post anime pictures all the time tho.


What you need is electrolytes, which are plentiful in urine

I took a shower just 30 minutes ago.

What did you end up drinking last night

A golden shower?

just 8 budlights… regular beer… a friend came over really late at night


My god, what a hassle. 8chin changed a lot in their html code.

Lewd ponies and lewd you

is ur app borked now

everything triggers you, you sjw jew fuck

So much lewd so little time, I hope it doesn't distract you too much



I'm trying my best. But were winning and its so exciting. Great game

I hope you win all the games

