Marvel has been cucked. DC has been cucked. We need a new, third party company that brings uncucked comics. Would you not buy comics if they looked somewhat decent and had a "no sjw pandering" seal on the cover? I WOULD
There's a marketing oportunity here. A gap in wich a wedge can be inserted and a huge comic powerhouse can begin to grow. This could very well be the new Image comics, we only need artists and writers with balls of steel, daring to start a new business. There's money in it motherfuckers!
Marvel has been cucked. DC has been cucked. We need a new, third party company that brings uncucked comics...
Do you realize that you're automatically creating an anti-SJW pandering company.
No pandering is good comic.
Why did you decide this is worth making a thread for
A comic about two space cadets.
One is a girl who's pretty badass in combat skills but is emotionally broken thanks to a neglectful mom and an asshole of a dad, refusing to grow up and stunned to be a quirky teen.
The other was an orphan raised by nuns in a catholic orphanage and no one adopted him, but he's a lot more balanced and feels the need to protect people, he's more normal badass than the super soldier than the girl is.
They become a couple pretty early in the series as they fight together in several armed conflicts around the known galaxy ordered by a shady goverment against a rebellion.
Their personal conflicts are generated by their clashing point of views and their relationship usually has problems regarding the girl's lack of maturity and the guy's lack of flexibility.
We should start one, let's call it Holla Forumsmics
We'll publish any and all comics made by people from Holla Forums assuming they don't pander to SJW agendas. Then assign "ranks" to comic creators, so people who create high quality comics will be promoted more and low quality shit will not. Highest quality comics may be printed to physical comics or turned into movies.
Nah, I believe that we should accept every comic and only focus in their overall quality, like the art, character and plot sense independently of their agendas.
So you can make your social justice commute comic as long as your characters make sense and they aren't obvious mouthpieces.
You're just setting up to become another DC. Kikes will infiltrate our ranks and use their funds and connections to produce top quality comics and slowly take over everything until they can produce absolute garbage and nobody can do anything about it and even Holla Forums will defend them.
You're answer to propaganda comics is to make more propaganda comics.
Well gee whiz, mister, I can't see how that will go wrong.
I would have said Avatar until that fucking disgusting SJW run in Crossed Badlands.
Is just that a hugbox is a hugbox.
Op, here. I was thinking about a company with no sjw pandering, not about a company with anti-sjw pandering. I'm not talking about a company that doesn't hire women or minorities, but about one that doesn't have quotas. I don't care if they have women heroes, I care if they try to portrait everything as a struggle between dumb evil men and righteous empowered womyn. I want it to be sjw propaganda free, not to be any kind of propaganda.
I would pitch that.
How did she become a super-soldier?
Why not Valiant?
Eugenics, not on her specifically since by that time were banned but a close ancestor was the result of eugenics.
Anyway, the regular soldier by that time in the future is already more fit than many Olympic winners today, so by proportion this girl it's in the average of women's height which is 195cm.
Do you honestly believe this is going to happen. We're going to have a ranking system on the imageboard.
No dummy, he's saying that if you base your company off of zero pandering, that in itself is pandering, not to not hire women and blacks. Putting giant "no sjw pandering" stickers on the cover of comic books, which is just the most brilliant idea I've heard safe next to someone telling me to swallow a steak knife, IS pandering. Not only is it pandering, it's goddamned cringey and humiliating.
I'm tired of 4channers coming here and making shit threads and not understanding what anything is.
This user is right. Remember that Holla Forums has tried that magazine format of 'we'll publish anything' twice now. It never goes anywhere because it seems like a good idea at the time and you're in the zone when making it then it falls the fuck apart. Either someone becomes a dick or people running it will have other shit to do later on and can't devote time to it.
What was the first one we had? Pulp comics right? Wasn't that dead after almost a year? I think they released two or three online issues.
I'm surprised it happened at all, considering there's basically no audience for it, but ourselves. There's no way someone sees 'hey lets make our own comic line to show those pesky SJWs hee hee hee' on an imageboard and think that's a good idea without having half their brain gone.
A comic takes a lot of time and effort, you can't just belt one out on a whim, and expecting several anons to put aside whatever they're doing to do that for the sake of having an lol wacky xD thread is goddamned ludicrous, not to mention fucking retarded.
Who made this thread? Was it a 4chan refugee? Only someone from that repressed shitstain is dumb enough to suggest "no SJW here no sireebob" stickers on covers. If you say I'm wrong, you're a dirty liar.
Everyone's on the same train here.
So ideas thread?
already started.
Steel balls you say?
Come on man we've already got two threads for ideas stuff.
Arguably, but so WHAT? It's pandering to the people that actually buys and enjoys comics. It's advertising to comic fans "this is a product made for you to enjoy, not to advance an extraneous agenda".
If I had proposed a sticker that said "no pandering", I could see your objection, but there's no contradiction in what I proposed.
I only said that Faith is the first thing you see when you go there. And IT IS JUST TRUTH. So you can't tell me there is no sjw pandering there, when the first thing you see is sjw pandering, the character.
Faith has been discussed here a few times, 4chan tourist user. She's not a strong empowered womyn body positive pandering character, although it looks like it at first. There's no scene where a bunch of white men make fun of her for eating a hoagie or anything like that. The concept of her being fat is never even brought up at all from the issues I've read. She's just a superhero who happens to be fat.
Apparently she got this way because she's teleknetic and very lazy, not to set some sort of example to young girls everywhere.
One type of pandering isn't suddenly better than the other, shit thread maker. Pandering is pandering. And pandering is bad writing. When you center your entire comic business around "THIS ideology isn't allowed here guys! We're anti-that ideology!" you're the same exact shit as the diversityprogressive crowd, using comics to peddle a message instead of some interesting stories with some interesting characters. That shit's webcomic tier, user. That might be controversial over at Redwood's house where you came from, but here it's just trying too hard and embarrassing.
I would not buy it. It would look like it is made by a 15 years old youtube commenter.
Comics are dead and there's no way a new company could survive, let alone thrive. Honestly, OP. You're better off finding a small group of dudes, and creating a webcomics umbrella. Granted, webcomics aren't what they used to be, but you have a better chance of being a success online. Especially if you plan on pushing SJW buttons.
Also, a "no SJW pandering" seal is kind of stupid, as others have said. When I see people doing that, it feels less genuine and like they're just doing it for money. Just let the content speak for itself. Besides, put a big ol' pair of titties on the cover and that will get the message across.
A week ago I had some troubles with Holla Forums in a Holla Forums thread.
Long story short while we all agree that a great deal of blacks where niggers I said thati surelY was something cultural and ingrained in the, well ghetto "society".
Then an army of stormfaggots came redtexting bogeyman at me stating that it was a genetic thing and that niggers where born niggers.
Then posted some graphs that only proved that most niggers are black and try to use it as evidence that it was a genetic and not a cultural issue.