Unpopular Opinion Thread
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half of what you posted is a popular opinion
the other half is retarded
back to 4chan pls
Wait…how did you know I'm from 4chan? You must have seen my posts before.
Also what makes you think half of this list is retarded?
But they do…
I know they do. But a lot of people disagree with me.
all of those are like the extreme of things besides the rap pop and r&b texts
what the fuck did you just say. I am a /fit/ /k/ Holla Forumsack. you can go kill yourself.
You filthy kike trying to make us look bad.
I fucking hate kikes.
dysnomia is actually a good mod.
this is rude to say, but it's not really an opinion. it's just fact. he's bearded, obese, and would be considered unattractive by societal standards.
I hear "Weeaboo" a lot, but have no clue what that means.
I see.
Did you know that Bernie Sanders would have ended the war on drugs?
Sounds about right.
Although also
How so?
Back to cuckchan
Racial and gender equality. Lack of prejudice. Diversity. In an ideal world those would in my mind be without question worthy ideals.
In the real one, I suppose they have their price.
I just think he's the one who'll best handle the economy and only popular candidate who will not fuck with guns
agree in part actually (dude's image in the beginning fucked his chances up)
I thought this was an unpopular opinions thread?
An ideal world literally does not nor will it ever exist.
Equality is a false god.
Does that mean one should not hold values which would exist in that world?
It's hard to define, to begin with. At the very least, equality before the law sounds like the bare minimum.
OP most of that list is normie shit and the farthest thing from an unpopular opinion. Judging by your love for Bernout (who is on record for stating he's voting for Hillary) I'd wager you're quite the dumbshit as well. Probably a newfag fresh from neo-4chan or Reddit.
I hope you don't mean diversity in the workplace as in, having a half black half white board of directors is somehow a good thing.
Or equality as in you actually think women are treated as less than men.
I don't want to jump and think people here are retarded too quickly
I don't think Bernie Sanders is a political genius if he's losing support.
And I don't think it's very smart of you to generalize like that. "All X are Y"
the dude is a fucking dumbo
equality is a false god like previously said. believing in true 100% equality leads to the bullshit we see today where men think theyre woman and woman think theyre men. this doesn't work at all because BIOLOGY and will lead to societal collapse. take woman in combat rolls for example, the majority just plain cant physically do it, are failing the training. but wait and we'll see them all passed anyway because MUH EQUALITY and will end up with a weaker military and lowered standards. now apply this to every facet of society and tell me if things will be better.
gender roles shaped society, not the other way around.
I think it might be. That's not to say that it's better than merit.
Again, some are, by some people. Would you want to be a woman in teh middle east or maybe in parts of africa?
Not to say America or Europe are perfect (although I'm not saying they are "muh 70 cents per a dollar!" imperfect either).
Well that escalated quickly.
So there are idiots who would (and do) lower the standards to in order to get brownie points, therefore women should just categorically be disallowed to serve in combat roles?
Well then, I guess since there are some people who would prevent women serving in the combat roles categorically (because MUH GENDER ROLES), that means the standards should be lowered in order to accommodate women's lower physical capabilities, mmm?
You know, since we have thrown away merit as the basis for which to decide, might as well just have two retarded ideologies duke it out between themselves.
Which sounds like a losing strategy for you.
Out of which follows what exactly?
user, there's absolutely no justice in doing anything that doesn't go by merit. Anything else is just a form of nepotism.
Except feminists don't concern themselves with the middle east. That's exactly the problem. They complain about micro aggressions and being called 'guys' when somebody says 'hey guys!'. It's fucking pathetic. Furthermore, they SUPPORT Islam so by your own logic you should consider them and their 'ideals' your enemy.
I'd even go as far as to say it's imbalanced against men in the west. I work in the software industry. Women get an easier entry than men do because so very few of them are interested in software.
Nice blog
Which one won again?
I do not disagree.
Yuh, hence
Well, yes and no. I'm for supporting liberal Muslims like Maajid Nawaz.*
SJWs are against throwing all Muslims into one bag, which I agree with. They just take it to ridiculous lengths. I mentioned earlier that diversity in real world has its cost. SJWs seem to ignore that part. They refuse to take into account that if you accept a bunch of people from the middle east into your country, the cultural differences are obviously going to cause problems, on average. It would be nice to just be able to be all egalitarian, subject everyone coming in to the same amount of scrutiny, let people with all sorts of ideologies flow in without discrimination and let those ideologies stand and fall on their own merits.
Since in the end, the good ideas will win, right?! Egalitarian values, freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of religion, those are only natural outcomes towards which the society evolves, yes? So even if you let thousands into your country who do not share those values, there is no need to worry about losing your culture!
*Acutally I'm a cold black heart dirty athiest so that's partially pragmatism talking; but partially it's freedom of thought
Never heard of it. Never been there. But I assume you've had experience of posting there.
I agree with you completely. But unfortunately the majority of Holla Forums posters are Trump supporters, so they're not going to understand or agree with what you said. They live and breath hatred. They believe in racial stereotypes and they're against women in power. They generalize everything. That's just who they are.
I've had friends who were defensive about Hillary Clinton. Ironically they don't know a thing about politics. Their excuses were always this "A vote for Hillary is a vote for Bill's third term".
False. The only dumb ones are the people who are against Bernie, doesn't understand what he stands for and thinks he's bad for the economy. Do you love smoking weed? Do you love doing meth? Do you love doing drugs in general? Because he was going to end the war on drugs. Idiot.
I don't think that's what he meant. I think he meant everyone should be treated as equals no matter who they are. Like if I was to hire someone to do a job, I would hire the one who is most equipped to do the job with experience, without looking at it from a racial or gender point of view. Like say if a black man were to apply but had less experience than the white man, I would hire the white man. And if it was the opposite where the black man had more experience than the white man, I'd hire the black man.
Anyone who is for ending the war on drugs, is a political genius. Sadly people are dumb enough to vote for Trump or Hillary. You have a problem with me generalizing? Yet you're okay with Donald Trump generalizing? Don't be a hypocrite.
Doesn't matter who won. Bernie is still a political genius. Sadly only idiots are voting for both Hillary and Trump. We could have ended the war on drugs, if Bernie won the nomination.
Yeah, that's what I meant. It's not a particularly complicated concept.
I am not sure how many people here agree with it. My guess would be, even a lot of Trump supporters do. Some of them just might be convinced though that if you leave it that way, white people/men specifically will naturally arrive on top (or already have, really). And they might be convinced that if you try to fix racial inequality, you are effectively trying to bring the white man down by giving unfair advantages to other races (and conflate you with SJWs, since those are trying to do the same).
He's a shyster politician that stands for nothing. Hope you didn't donate to his scam to get Hillary elected.
Yup. Unfortunately some people are too stupid to understand that concept. And unfortunately some SJW's push their views a little too far to the edge, to the point where you'll get called a racist if you don't hire the black man, despite the fact he has less experience than the white man. It's a vicious cycle that continues til this day.
I actually agree that The Beatles suck.
I never donated to any politician. I think it's a dumb thing to do, especially when you don't know if your candidate of choice will win or not.
1) Bernie Sanders isn't corrupt. He's basically the democratic bizzaro version of Donald Trump.
2) Democrats in general were opposed to Bernie getting the nomination because of the fact he isn't bought and paid for.
3) The fact that Bernie won states, made corporations worry.
I think that harsh minimalism in technology doesn't go far enough.
I wish gay pride were banned.
Democracy is overhyped; you spend too much time talking and never get anything done.
Art that has absolutely no aesthetic beauty whatsoever isn't art.
Mosley's version of fascism may actually be good for Britain.
I personally like game of thrones, not just for the story, but the scenery, the music, the effects. Some of the actors are nice to watch too, I like Tyrion and Daenarys is just sexy.
I agree, it's absolute boring braindead shit.
The media and the banks certainly seem to want you to think that.
Well you're entitled to think that, but I'll point out that these aren't unpopular opinions by the way. The hip thing to do is to hate Trump.
Again not an unpopular opinion, and again just swallowing what media and establishment are singing.
I sort of agree with that one.
How can you call democrats idiotic degenerates then come out with that? SJW's are degenerate retards, and your opinions are more popular than you think.
Agreed,so why the hate on anti SJW's? lulz.
I think PC gaming does get too much hype, and some of it is a racket so all these retards go out and spend thousands of bucks on unnecessary parts and gaming rigs, but I guess we could say the same about people and their cars. I've used PC's myself since the late 90s and never been much of a console user, but people get far too pretentious about their le pc gamer bullshit. PC's are good because of the endless things you can do and customization, not because some faggot can spend 10,000 bucks on one to make up for his tiny penis.
I agree with that one, though they were good in the 80s and 90s.
I agree. Half life and half life 2 were great, but I don't see what I have to respect Valve for after that, just seem to be greedy opportunists and haven't come up with too much of their own. And Gabe is definitely a slob.
Agreed, fuck Stan Lee.
Mostly yeah. There's some good songs and artists but I don't know how it even became a genre. Pretentious crap mostly, or 'le african americans' trying to make up something of their own and pass it off as culture.
Pop doesn't really encompass anything, it's just whatever music happens to be popular at a given time. So you can't just claim it all sucks. A lot of popular music has been terrible, and a lot has been good. Stop trying to be so edgy.
Some, a lot. Some of it is good.
Hell fucking no. Decades in senate in bed with the democrats and he's achieved very little, and now he's running a presidential bid on some idea of being anti establishment. He's voted the same as Clinton like 95% of the time over the decades him and her have voted on a senate issue.
Hell yeah, I'd fuck her bloody. And yeah feminism is retarded and she's either retarded or sinister (aka she either believes her bullshit, or she hates men and wants to destroy them) I believe the latter actually.
I agree with almost everything you said.
Trump is an idiot, but he's also a political genius. Idiot-savant, I guess.
I'm anti-SJW and I'm not neither ugly nor an atheist.
Hillary Clinton is a horrible person, but she's no idiot. She's successfully played the game for decades and will probably be the next President of the United States.
Underage fag detected
Sperg? That's not even in the English dictionary. Terrible attempt at an insult.
1) Good for you that you like Game Of Thrones. I find it boring. But then again, I'm not into medieval themed shows.
2) The media/banks didn't convince me of that. I've already made up my mind about Trump supporters the moment I've debated against them when it comes to Bernie's politics versus Trump's politics. They take things way too personally when it comes to Trump, as if he were their father or something.
3) I don't care if it's a hip thing or not. I simply hate him for valid reasons. I heard his speeches and I disagree with him on everything.
4) Nope. I made up my mind on Republicans because they are very idiotic when it comes to politics. Voting for Bush is the dumbest thing anyone can do. Same with voting for Trump and allowing him to win the nomination. I guess Republicans want dumbasses as their candidates for president.
5) Anti-SJW's and Democrats share more in common than you realize.
6) I hate Anti-SJW's because of how obnoxious they are. SJW's are just as bad as them. I can't agree with either side, especially when SJW's are hypocrites and Anti-SJW's make themselves look bad and don't give a shit, which obviously gives ammo to SJW's. But then again, my judgment is based on what I've observed from Anti-SJW's the likes of The Amazing Atheist, Mr.Repzion and ReviewTechUSA.
7) I agree with you completely. PC gaming is good, but the community of PC Master Race is retarded.
8) Yeah, my problem with Nintendo has a lot to do with their decisions and policies.
9) Indeed, rap music is just a stale genre talking about money, drugs and women.
10) I'm allowed to hate on Pop musicians such as Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson, *Nsync and many others.
11) Bernie is a political genius because many of his ideas are very good. Unlike Trump or Hillary.
True. And nice pic of Anita you posted there.
False. Underage boys would totally love Game Of Thrones. I'm mature and don't give a damn about it, especially since I have a girlfriend and don't need the excessive nudity.
A lot of people are stupid, but I wouldn't say "except for me" because there are a lot of people like me who are smart enough not to become a part of a group of idiots such as the SJW's, Anti-SJW's, Juggalos, etc…
Not believing in evolution IS the next step in human evolution. A few reasons here.
1. Atheists have VERY few children. No atheist country has a birthrate above replacement value.
2. Religious people tend to eschew birth control and have very large agrarian style families if they are more devout. They could even be polygamous.
3. Religious people can band together very easy. This allows protection in large groups you aren't even related too.
So how can this be related to evolution? Genetic predisposition to suspend disbelief or believe in a higher power. The atheists die or are killed, the religious breed like crazy. If a gene exists to allow this, it wins.
Truth is irrelevant.
No one said anything about "needing" it, but being perturbed because you saw a fucking boobie is weird.
Of course you do
Only one of those is a group, son. You can be anti-X without forming a fucking group or caring much about it.
People disliking other people for exhibiting a given trait doesn't make them the equivalent of the exhibitors of the traits they dislike
So "no throwing all Muslims into one bag" is not their ideology. Their ideology is "forgive every bad thing Muslims do in the name of cultural differences!". There's no law in the US against immigrating muslims, all people are saying is they should all abide by the fucking law.
He just whined with a bunch of ad hominems but he didn't say they were wrong. Having anger issues doesn't make somebody wrong. I wouldn't give a fuck about the looks or anger issues a person has if he's right and making good points.
On the other hand, he did imply SJW are wrong because he talked against the things they think.
I agree completely.
The fact that you have a problem against my opinion over the excessive nudity on Game Of Thrones is pathetic and idiotic. Maybe if you found the girl of your dreams and had a relationship with her, you too would be like "I don't need to see anyone else's tits, when I can just see hers". But since you don't, you'll be forever alone.
There is no group that I'm a part of. So yes it is possible to be anti-anything.
The best part about this theory is it offends BOTH Fedoras AND Christfags. It doesn't even need to be genetic. Just cultural.
- The Beatles are overrated
- Seth Putnam is an American Hero
- Local elections are where the magic happens. It's how parts of the country legalized gay weed here, starting at the local level and working it's way up. Besides, most people don't vote for anything outside the Pay Per View Presidential election
- You don't have to enjoy or even care about philosophy to enjoy reading Socrates.
- Arcade games were the first true and best multiplayer experience and it will hardly exist as time goes on
- Social Justice is nothing more than controlled opposition
- Of all the current event items that fly under the radar, countries like Canada getting rid of their precious metals that once backed their currency is the most alarming thing no one brings up in any public domain. You know, besides the environment, war, and all those happy fun talking points that just fade into the background
SJWs are just mental gymnastic & verbal jujitsu experts. Social Justice has no quantifiable metric, therefore it has no end game. It's misdirected outrage through a PC filter.
It's tricky because SJWs are a more common name than it's ilk that have been around for a while. Example: ruthlessreviews.com
Jews aren't bad people
While Zionists / ZOG is a thing and they're behind alot of the bad things in the world, a person being a jew doesn't mean they're automatically part of the ZOG machine. Theres plenty of jewish people who are just average people and are basically goyims themselves.
Literally the only qualification for genius in politics is winning. If you want a political genius, that would be Trump. Came out of nowhere and beat ass.
Mark Zuckerberg is still a douche bag though.
False. Bernie is a political genius due what he had to offer, which forced Hillary to steal ideas from him. The same way Obama stole ideas from John Edwards.
What you say contradicts itself and you sound insecure. Join the winning team and be proud of something in your life for once OP
He didn't have anything to offer but empty promises.
I don't know how that contradicts itself. I'm certainly not insecure. But I know for sure Trump isn't going to win. This election was rigged for Hillary to win unfortunately.
Empty promises that somehow threatens corporations? Yeah, okay.
John Edwards ccasts "Cheat on my cancer stricken wife during presidential campaign." It isn't very effective.
Obama does not cast steal, Obama passes turn. Hillary eat child, sleeps in silvaynianian loam.
B-But rigging the presidential race would be as anti American as rigging the world series.
Pick a moral system you cuck
You are either a hypocrite, someone afraid to have an opinion on literally anything, or you're trying really hard to be edgy.
Weaboos are westerners with autism that think anime is knowledge of Japan.
Bernie would end the war on weed, not the same thing.
Kill yourself
I think John Edwards could have been the new Bill Clinton, had he won the nomination.
It's already been done, Bush won twice.
1) My moral system has nothing to do with politics, dumbass.
2) Or none of the above. I don't fit in with SJW's because they would find my love of porn "sexist". I don't fit in with Anti-SJW's because I'm not racist or homophobic. I speak the truth, which is why my opinion is unpopular with any group…Republican, SJW's, Democrats, Anti-SJW's and even Juggalos.
3) I don't watch anime.
Tim Sylvia is the heavyweight MMA GOAT
But it used to be though
Only Sikhism will save the world.
Only Islam will save the world.
YES (all candidates are pre-picked and the whole system is rigged, all parties all politicians are SHIT)
YES (sometimes, but some are legit good people worried about the world being messed up by jerks)
YES (the very rare few are legit hero's though)
not really
from all my experiences and everything I have seen about them and played at my bro's house they do everything better than sony, and sony does everything by a longshot better than microSHIT
I don't know
but ooga chaka was good
kinda… sometimes he does cool stuff though
steam, playstation, and xbox microshit all suck big toilet dick
YES (only ever heard a few good ones)
YES (only ever heard a few good ones)
YES (only ever heard a few good ones)
YES in some ways. Liked Ron Paul better
didn't even need to be said, 200% retarded YES.
sure whatever.
most mentally ill are not actually mentally it. it's more like, the smartest people in society get the most shit and suffer the most and have the most problems because they see the world for the way it truly is. if things were better, the world was better, they would too be better.
don't ask me how I know this, it hurts too much
what why what? dude little girls don't even have curves or shit. you crazy. females are sexiest at around 20's
I feel like a huge amount of all animals are shit, but the very few very rare cats and dogs and parrots and rats, some very special individual animals are so fucking lovable and cute and clean and healthy and well behaved that you wonder how they came to be.
I agree, the genetics compliment each other. asian americans are usually very cool smart clear minded people who see through the bullshit.
agree with you 100%
I'm not even an sjw but I think that gender concepts and society brainwashing you since the beginning to see yourself a certain way is total bullshit and should be illegal. I mean so what some people have different things in their pants but I rather the world be free and people just "be people" and just be like "hey I'm jack and I have a dick or a cunt or whatever" oh okay fine who gives a shit want to be friends "yea"
and society and life just goes on. it would be cool if some giant masculine body building wresting giant could just walk into a mall wearing a pink tutu and people just don't give a shit. in a world like that I could go to the mall dressed as a pirate and feel like nobody is going to judge me because everyone already doesn't judge anybody. every fucking day could be halloween.
I just said that everyone should have the right to spout their own "special" breed of bullshit. Not that I agree with any of them. SJWs and Holla Forumsacks are both fucking retarded.
you do realized voting is a joke and the system is rigged right?
I don't like Undertale or Overwatch. I don't think the fanbases ruined the games, I think the games themselves are shit.
both good theories.
That explains a lot.
Very true.
Yup. Sometimes anyways.
I've witnessed enough to know that it's true.
My reason for saying Nintendo sucks, is due to their bad decision making ever since the time they were trying to sue Galoob over making the Game Genie.
Hillary actually broke down in 2014 privately when Trump hinted at running.
She said something along the lines of "He's going to ruin it! He's going to ruin me!" or something.
Gr8 b8.
Brexit was a mistake
My best friend is similar to you.
There is a level of intelligence people can reach which ultimately diminishes all want for progression. Which then leads to regression and isolation, if not severe depression as well. Others might seek to be "clownish" or "weird" to make up for the lack of personal drive. Easy example being Einstein.
Lots of ession here.
Brexit is a mistake due to the Red Dragon creeping in from the far East.
American aggression rising from the saber rattling and refugee crisis.
Russia still maintaining an aggressive footing despite internal problems at every level.
The next decade will be difficult and cold hearted with the rate things are proceeding. I am severely unhappy to be a part of this generation because of this.
Some of your points are definitely unpopular opinions. But others just really come off as baiting.
Mussolini is better than Hitler if you're talking about personal drive and "origin tale", otherwise Hitler was a far better leader in the end. Mussolini tried but drove the country he loved into the ground.
Props for making an award for women who birthed 15+ kids.
Game of Thrones does suck.
Along with Walking Dead.
I've heard Bernie was a bum in his early years and anything notable about his life is related to politics.
I would've voted for Bernie, but seeing as it's Hillary v Trump now, I'm all in for Trump. Even if he could be a master manipulator right now and not mean a damn thing he's saying.
The autism is strong with this one
So what's being a cancerous tard like OP?
ITT: walls of text
There are a disturbing amount of SJWs on Holla Forums Holla Forums.
Lets hope they're just underageb&s who haven't grown out of being retarded yet.
True. But I mentioned those shows specifically due to how popular they both are.
Maybe a better term to describe them is "Meninist", even though that term was coined as a joke. Anyways they are a group of white men who criticize feminists and SJW's obsessively. The majority of them happen to be fat, ugly and bearded. I'm not saying I disagree with them or that they're wrong. But I am stating the obvious about them.
Congratulations. Your depiction of a 2011 hipster is totally relevant and because it's in image form it must be true.
Your opinions on Trump isn't the only thing that make you and people like you mouth-breathing retards.
If anything, its just a symptom.
False. Everyone who votes for Trump is retarded. Just like everyone who votes for Hillary is retarded. There is no cure for that kind of retardation.
this true, every american is retarded
was it the lead in gas or the fluoride, who knows
I dont disagree that trump is the lesser evil there though
Besides those are buzzwords from the left, to us it's reality.
Yup. Too many idiots out there. I find Trump equally as evil as Hillary. One isn't less evil than the other. Which is why I supported Bernie Sanders. He's practically the Ron Paul of the Democratic Party. I remember supporting Ron Paul over Obama or McCain in 2008. I voted for McCain that same year.
Like I said, I don't fit in with anti-SJW's, I can't bring myself to use racist or homophobic slurs like they do.
The plight of society is what creates new ideas and inventions.
A Utopia would stagnate and would end up halting our progress.
why would you need progress once you've reached utopia? do you have a robot fetish user?
Brexiters are idiots and the future will prove me right.
What a Wonderful World
I find it funny how the movie that is literally about how creating a Utopia is impossible is being loved by SJWs who want to create their own utopian safe spaces.
Whatever you say, retard.