get yer best pony here
Official pony Holla Forumsread
Other urls found in this thread:
This is now a Luna thread
This is now a Celestia thread
Celestia rules this thread.
Get out.
how did you even know it was me
i had literally no image or name applied
best princesses
Because it's obviously Iza. Also, you were the only active user in the thread this far
is always Iza
there was another user earlier in the thread and it was 2 hours since my post before that
But anyways the point is that I learn from this experience and not take it out on the objects in my immediate area. You plan on getting anything special?
My Iza senses were tingling. In all the right places.
Not even Hotline Miami? That shit's only two dollars and fifty cents
also Hotline Miami 2
some days i think i won't be able to watch the world vurn
Fuck flood detection.
You aren't even posting that much
Well, you're posting best pone, so carry on!
she is real
Proof, please.
Oh.. you fucking cunts didn't even link the new thread.
what a fucking stupid way to link a new thread
should at least take the 500 mili fucking seconds it takes to put new thread in the post
fucking jackass
I was kidding…
pls come back ;~;
What up?
Eating breakfast fish while I read todays news.
Trump said "nimble" in an interview today and it's cracking me up..
also the house they are using as a backdrop is so fucking huge I'm jealous. It looks like a grounded space ship and I want to live in it.
wow, a six letter word. you guys must be so proud of him. Thats huge. huge. big.
So what's Solaire up to aside from worshiping the horse of sun?
Hoping the EU falls soon. Eat shit, Merkel.
I know all about nimbe. I have the best nimbles. I have huge Nimbles, and another thing. SKITTY IS A MESS.
So if you know about Holla Forums's "nimble navigator" meme and clearly are aware the reason it's funny is because trump's subtly acknowledging this shady memehole in the internet, what's the point of your patronizing comment about me being impressed by trump using a big word?
It feels like you wake up triggered by me and impulsively feel a deep seeded need to condescend over me.
That witch.. She's like an alternate reality Hillary. Yuck.
Even Princess Luna would do better than Merkel.
I actually dont, though I recall you using the nimble navigator sobriquet in the past. I DO wake up triggered by you though.
Your skittyhole triggers my boner.
Princess Luna would be best ruler.
Kek, sure.
Who is this Nigel Farage character? I like him. Reminds me of Trump.
Remember when David Cameron said Trump is "divisive, stupid, and wrong"?
Well, look who was just forced into resignation?
Literally cannot stump the Trump.
Reality has a pro-Trump bias.
List of the Stumped
-Ted Cruz
-Marco Rubio
-John Kasich
-The Pope
-David Cameron
-Bernie Sanders
-Fox News
-Hilary Clinton
-Countless others
Why is she so perfect?
She is glorious.
If only I could be blessed by her incandescence.
Wezdor, would you have a princess orgy with me?
Only if the balls dont touch
Surely senpai Pia will be here soon.
Probably cucking you, fucking Luna behind your back.
Time for work, be back in a few hours.
But Pia is my qt Luna gf, silly
Break a leg.
not srs
skittyhole is life
Welcome back! **i missed you ♥"
Alt version of that pic?
What's up?
missed u2
Yes pls, it is better
I'm finishing up my report. It's due in about 3 hours, and i have one paragraph left + a million pictures to annotate. Listening to music along with that.
How about you? Had a busy morning?
With no time to spare, fantastic
What are you listening to?
We need to claim this get for best princess btw
as for what I've been up to
Yup, like every one of my reports ever. I even turned some in literally 20 seconds before the deadline.
Currently listening to Green Day: Holiday on loop. It spices up the boring routing / writing and it's catchy. I switch the songs out every 10 minutes or so.
And getting the get was my plan all along!
Also, fix your steam, that's productive. Or go hang around the gym and maybe push some weights around, even if it's your off day, it's sometimes fun to do.
Why would I wanna grab myself
I was thinking about going in a bit and then going to hit some balls at the range later. But I would be gone for awhile. Maybe I can take some Jack3d and do a high speed low drag workout.
Twenty seconds? I too like to live life dangerously. I haven't heard greenday in awhile but I used to like them a lot.
Do you have an image picked out already?
you irl
i could grab you.
Oh right, i forgot you'd have to leave thread to hit the gym, didn't I. I'm not one to hold you back from your gainz, though, just be back soon! And what's Jack3d?
speaking of which, that DYEL user from the other day was actually me. Sorry!
And i have no picture picked out yet, i'll probably panic click one and claim the get just the same c:
am I wrong?
I can go whenever, I'm not too worried. It is about two hundred yards away and it will probably be empty. Jack3d is a workout supp that got banned a few years ago, but I bought a lot before that so I still have some. They still sell it but without the good bits.
i thought it might be, seems you like to take your name off for personal pics which is never a bad idea
how tall are you btw
I will be the holly holm to your rounda rousey
lol no
Id oooooo win
Sweet! i have my gym within walking distance too, it's so nifty
I posted that before i knew you were in thread, and your verdict crushed me too much to admit it afterwards.
I'm 178cm.
Also, get is close! get ready!
I just made a new cashier at the local store have a nervous breakdown serving me bread.
you really are the best
I told you this would happen :3
I'm surprised the text on the pic was relevant, i didn't have the time to read it
Such an incredible feat on such a fast board.
you did it
I'm proud of you
I should have claimed it for the skittyhole, i regret it now.
It gets a little quicker near quints
not you too
Out of the corner of my eye I just see her literally fast walk to the back room looking down
I think I made her really nervous lmfao
We don't call you xXxPu$$ySlayer69xXx for nothing, Skitty
It's just a little banter. Something I said a few times going for quads.
thank god, those skittyholers are atrocious. skitty is not much of a lewder, and he is definitely not a femboy, he is a rugged mean meme machine
Probably a fembot, or maybe a qt trap. I grant you authority to pursue. Was the bread good
this is well made tho I'll admit
did you submit it for banner
I just find the word 'skittyhole' hilarious. It's so silly.
And everyone knows skitty has the dankest memes and the longest rants
Indeed I did.
Holy fucking shit you unbearable attention whore. Kill yourself.
It's because I like to speak really loudly that makes them feel awkward
atrocious are we? You low level skim milk mook mulch muncher.
That's not very nice
Now i imagine you yelling "I WOULD LIKE BREAD" at the cashier and then just staring at her.
It is a funny word
I don't eat that stuff. Don't like it.
It's like cake bread with dry frosting on top
not like that u retard
you've heard me talk before
skittyhole is love
skittyhole is life
says the mongoloid unironically sporting an outdated facebook meme
Is that not still bread? I think I know what you mean but was it good?
he should probably go shove some tobasco up his ass amirite
you cant even hadnle my memes. i have the best memes. fantastic memes. my memes are the best. skitty is a mess. skitty is a waste. skitty is so weak, it's laughable.
I like my version better.
Maybe Dysomnia would actually do it, he's like that.
lel I made this one
Just the mere thought of it happening makes me laugh.
Me too, luckily I don't think I've lost enough brain cells to end up doing that yet.
Yes and Yes.
Where's the porn
The important part of that sentence
I'll be a bit slow on my responses for the next hour or so, don't wanna miss my deadline~
Post Justinhole.
Was this at a panera or something?
i already did it. Skitty promised to eat it afterwards, but so far has not delivered.
I understand, you mustn't be distracted
That sounds pretty epic. Saved that on my soundcloud.
no, regular store that also happened to have special breads.
I'm fine with distractions, i'll just take a bit to respond, is all~
yeah I need to delete that one immediately
Tried but it made me feel dirty. maybe I keep image but leave it in trash
Barth2032 should have gotten it.
I don't want to fall deeper into this shameful shithole.
I'm already embarrassed of MLP.
It will be there beckoning you to use it. You cannot resist.
But you are perfect the way you are.
If I was perfect I would be working out at the gym atm and having a 9.5/10 gf and owning a CBR1000rr.
That artist really likes his Luna x Discord, huh
If I had a son and I cached him watching Anime or ponies, I would beat the fuck out of him, for being a massive faggot and hope that teaches him a lesson of how to be a man.
I got that impression, cute ship tbh
I thought minorities just abandoned their offspring.
Most of the time is (poor/ex convicts) fucks are the ones that abandon their kids.
here's the source for one of those muzzles yesterday
No earthly power could, and I am but a man
Thanks OP for a best pony Holla Forumsread :3
That is so cute
luna always a cute
Would you abandon me, Discardio-kun? ;_;
Can't argue with that
You always a cute
I would.
There is no one worth keeping in this thread.
I would take Rose and that is about it.
Oh… awkward.
Heya Ruby how're you?
where are you taking me?
There was a cool dude in 4chan a homeless guy in 4chan that lived in a van.
he was cool and chill.
but I never get in contact with Anons outside the Imageboard.
I like having Anonymous Ethereal friendships full committed friendships are a headache.
G'day Rosey, how're you?
Doing well. Got up a little bit earlier, so enjoying my free time.
'ello, Rosie. How goes it?
We are going to Nell's. Gwendolyn's father is buying it.
They are not onerous when they are online only.
Cool, I got up because I heard my name called, but there's no one in the house. and now I'm up :3
wasn't asleep, I was reading stuff, just snuggled in bed cause its cold
The image keeps expanding! :o
Also, hi Canon!
not bad. not amazing. neutral.
looking for a cure for razor burn. how are you?
very okay. how are you?
lord of cinder gwyn? I'm confused.
how's it going?
Sure does
Hi Wezdor!
how's u?
No, the maître d' at Canal Bar.
hey canon.
wow, we're going to some fancy sounding place like that? score!
i dunno
not bad
tell me what to do
I cant tell I haven't kept in touch with any poster.
that's like the most Important rule of posting in chans.
1 Never get in touch with Anons, tripfags or namefags.
2 Never click shady links, if you suspect of any link run an URL scan, but most of the time isn't worth clicking on links.
3 don't take it personal.
Just remember people in chans are useless losers, that have too much free time, worthy people are working or having fun, in the outside world.
Work. 30 mins to deadline
i'm still here~
Are you on winter break down there?
Doing rather alright. Think I might catch some more Pokemon later on.
how have you been?
Shoe on head!
get to it then!
If its just shaving, use a different shaving foam, and use aftershave as well.
If it's not about shaving your face then… don't apply aftershave. it'll burn your dick like nothing else
Not yet :(
Heya canon, how're you?
So exciting!
gotta catch them all!
ah, y'know. busy. how are you?
ha, hahahaha. haha. it does
nah, I just think doing it in the shower was a horrible idea.
Wear something fabulous!
Your experience may vary.
warm water I think only works when your skin is used to the razor you're using.
thats another thing, use a good razor
they probably wouldn't let me in if I did.
I got a fusion proglide, and I just bought new razor heads this morning. last week I did pretty good, the only difference I can see is that I did it in the bath instead.
Planning on bringing the cat ears, are you?
Doing my best :p
Yeah, fair.
use some kinda moisturiser then it might help.
I dunno.
I don't tend to shave my body at all….
Hey Rap
I'm gonna quiz you on popular american culture, k?
Indeed they did! They quite rattled the market with that outcome as well as they really didn't expect that to happen, but it did!
makes me wonder if other countries will follow in UK's steps for a way out
Wish we had something like a Lebexit here where we could vote to dissolve the government that ain't doing anything to pull us out of this failed state situation.
oh also I'm doin good, just chillin n studying a bit :P
how bout u?
oh, keeping busy eh?
I'm doin good, done with Week 5 of this summer semester (still got 3 to go) and I'm just chillin n organizing some files here and there.. pretty chill night here
That's the spirit!
It wasn't as exciting as I thought it would be
Only Fluttercord is worth watching.
Luna and Discord is total heresy.
I concur only because Luna is a niggress.
among other things. you did say fabulous.
cocoa butter lotion, cause I used to be fat. :33
fun stuff.
Ruby posted a link that makes it look like france is now considering a frexit as well!
Super exciting!
I think you probably could do a lebexit… but it'd involve a lot of guns and killing :P
chilling to the max!
I have the whole weekend and I'm going to take it!
I will wear my tail.
you have a tail?
7, 7 questions.
1) What does 'Fam' mean?
2) What does 'Straight fire' mean?
3) What does 'It's lit, fam' mean?
4) What does 'rn' mean?
5) What is 'Hazing'?
6) What's a 'Fuckboy'?
7) What does 'The ratio' refer to?
1 family
2 dunno
3 no idea, exciting? big? happening?
4 right now?
5 being a cunt for no reason
6 feminist slander
7 hip to chest.
or crazy to hot
gosh damn it.
seen it.
1) Eh, it means friend that is like family.
2) Fire basically means great or awesome, as in this party is straight fire.
3) Yea, basically.
4) Yea
5) Being a cunt to someone before they can join your group (like a fraternity, sports team, etc)
6) That, or going to a party only to try to get laid
7) Nope, the ratio of males and females at a party/college
I'm sorry i took so long, i was just finishing up the report. But i'm done now! So i'm all yours for the rest of the night to do whatever you want~
1 fam is literally derived from family :P
2 fair
3 awesome
4 awesome
5 yeah it was a huge issue in britain not so long ago, particularly in blue collar jobs.
there's a book based on it, but I can't remember the fucking name of it for the life of me.
6 you mean theres other reasons to go to a party ?
7 we just call it a sausage fest if it is one
So it is done? Good job.
Whatever I want huh?
1) ya and fku
6) To have fun and hang out?
7) Tomato tomato
Took me long enough. End product was 33 pages long.
And you heard me~
Managed to catch up with Gae yet?
not my fault if some one is so fucking stupid they cant read the name field
Oh my, so long
A bit, why ask?
It was a long, hard ride, but in the end it all came together
That's wonderful, there's nothing better than coming together
name pls?
So, what's the plan? It's only half past midnight for me, the night is still young
i dunno
What do you have in mind?
Scoks control yourself!!! such levels of lewd is simple unacceptable!
I'm up for anything, really
s-sorry nacon!!
I still need to gym at some point
How long's the gym open for? If you in an hour or two, i can just head off to bed then
i'll also need source on that
see! even back then you posted such extreme lewd things that got your posts deleted!
I can wait
Congrats on the get. There really should be more people checking this.
Woo! Official seal! Say, while you're, here, can you make this happen as a banner?
I've already added it.
Kek, you're the real MVP
I still like you remember how we got our naming fun! :3
So, you decided what we're doing yet?
my nigga what do you want most In the world right now!?
Very fun stuffs!
This is a trick question. Is it skittyhole?
You could come over and we could watch some movies on hbo. Maybe take the boat out and watch the sunset. I've got a bunch of thc gummy bears if you are into that sort of thing
August at the soonest, i'm afraid. Do you have any way for me to listen to you play the piano? I'd love that
10/10, laughed loud enough to startle snek
Do you have the components to make a teleporter? Maybe I do
Good god
Yeah, it sucks we don't live closer. You got a mic that works? We could go chat up a bit
hello Holla Forumsread
I actually don't know but I bet there is one. I've never used it. If so maybe I could do a quick thing on piano, but I am not sure. let me check
Hope you find one!
Now that i'm done with all my work, i realized i forgot to go buy blueberries today :c
I tried to do record a little on vocaroo but this laptop mic doesn't seem to handle piano very well. Came out really distorted every time. It sounded terrible and made me sad.
Did you ever finish that last one? Or did you let it live so that it might sow tails of the terrors he saw?
Do you sound okay at least? could just talk
You said no mercy, so there wasn't any~
Go out get more!
It's 1.30 in the morning, Silly australian!
surely there's 24 hour stops with blewberries
I wish
have you even looked?
Nigga i know there isn't any. I don't even have to consider looking.
kek, sick bastard
I cant find that other picture you drew of what I supposedly looked like
I dunno
Maybe later, I never really do vc
Good man
I just saw a two hundred foot yacht leave the harbor. Its wake was massive, wish I had the jetskiis in, could probably have gone ten feet above the water
I'm not a monkey
I've got it, give me a minute to find it
Go to the source. Find the berry fields and take what's yours
Found it.
I guess I'm like carl from aqua teen hunger force
He has captured his visage immaculately
Oh come on~ Why not?
And those things are massive, one was in coming into port when i was at the seaside appt, and it looked like a Trump wall was moving in
Didn't mean to offend, sorry
local blueberries are much smaller and less succulent
Beautiful. Absolutely stunning. have this too
I dunno, I like talking to people irl, it's just the mic barrier or something
what in gods name is in that taco
Do know where they import those berries from?
Wow he actually did it
very nice
This is the zenith of autism.
You can talk to me, I won't bite, i promise~
And those are american blueberries.
Wellp, time to use a new trip, i'm a retard
A little too excited weren't we.
Skittyhole confirmed get hype
of course we are excited
we are all hot and bothered thinking of skittyhole
I really liked that trip too
Shush you two, i admit my mistakes
The best I can do at the moment is strongly consider it. And I don't mind biting.
Looks like I'm off to the berry farm tomorrow, I know of one on the bluff
Yes it looks like the thrill of the hunt got the better of you. Good find, but a tragic loss.
What's the worst that could happen? You don't mind biting, so that's not it.
Find some juicy succulent ones
Worth. I have enough trips for a lifetime
Always funny when that happens.
Sooo, britain just brexited, is there going to be a skexit as well because of the new banner?
It also seems like you're using an incredibly obsolete version of chrome.
why's that?
We all use skittyhole navigator. its a secret browser
What do you mean? It's just Chrome, what's wrong with it?
And i main firefox, i just had too many tabs open, so the videos were slow as shit. I'm on chrome until i need something from FF again
That, and FF doesnt show my fancy luna name properly
Are you suggestion I leave from Holla Forums?
wurst people in here
I can't really say
Hi Batman!
hello guys
ur wurst
Nah, I'm just asking if you will cause skittyhole is a thing now
G'day, how's it going?
I bet you have a lovely voice
its going good and its my birthday
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday KhAAAAAAn!
I'm ok with that.
Thank you :)
Happy Birthday KHAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe maybe not
happy birthday
Happy dubsday
a) the fuck did i just watch
b) Narrator has a sweet voice
I'm sure you do~
krusty kunt flakes
thank you's
Happy birthday friend~!
They look like they'll fall apart at any moment
going to do some groceries, bbs
You will find out at some point
Where's my skittyhole around
I never took you for such a shy guy~
The "Anonymous" part should have given it away.
I think it's adorable for a massive guy like you to be this shy, though
not irl I swear, but yeah
post socks please
That is exactly how I imagine you.
Errr, wrong guy.
How massive is he?
He'll tell you himself if he chooses to do so, sorry
hello Holla Forumsread
Post lewd Bernkastel.
I don't think massive is the right word.
Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson is massive and I'm half a foot shorter than him. And my lifts aren't even that heavy, but whatever.
I thought he meant your cock.
You're still really tall by any standards.
sauce pls
I wouldn't know that, though
Socks are weird?
I would not have been surprised by the way things are going between you two.
Nah, just that pic is weird
If you say so
I can't believe there is no sauce on there, it looks really dry
What's so weird about it? Socks make ponies happy and they wanna buy them! Look at Lyra and how happy she's with socks!
Hiya Smokey!
I know right
The store is kinda sexual is all
hey canon. how's it going?
i want a sandwich
With extra mayo?
the judgment I receive from somebody who makes a joke out of themselves frequently and gets off to what even the average degenerate on this site finds appealing is nowhere near as offensive as your idea that I'm somehow susceptible to it. as for the meme attention, it's quite cringey, yes. I'm just glad there are miles upon miles of wire and signal that separate me from that degenerate vermin.
Anyone wanna give me their two cents on a computer build I cooked up?
Well that's the brand image of that store, but as you can clearly see the customers think of it in a more happy manner!
Doing pretty good, ate pizza, chillin, might head to bed soon-ish.. also gotta renew my debit card so I'm thinking to do that tomorrow
how bout you?
That Freudian slip.
You forgot the GPU
No seas enfermo tu también
If you don't mind sharing
i'm fine, just playing arma 3 and watching historical documentaries about aliens.
my keyboard knows what I'm thinking
*squee* i heart you too, skitty.
Sharing is caring
And i didn't notice that one
Not the keyboard, but your fingers which speak through it. It is a damning case against you I'm afraid
Hiya Sidd!
Sounds pretty sweet! however I've read that "3" in HDDs is something to be avoided as failure rates are higher in those for some reason, but it was a while since I've read that so things could have changed by now
also you forgot an important element.. GPU?!?
ooh neat! Thought you didn't like ArmA 3?(or was it someone else I'm thinking about…)
also what documentary you watching?
Aww thanks
skitty finds our skittyhole cult appealing
My pleasure
Sieg Heil!
I'm not 100% sure about the mobo, there's like a hundred different ones out there with varying specs. Makes it annoying to decide.
I've got a GTX 1080 which is being bottlenecked by my current cpu, hence the desire to upgrade.
I only really went for the three since it's not really not much more then the 2. As for GPU see above comment. Mine's too good for the computer I've got.
i'm trying out the new jungle map.
i still don't care much for a3. it's the only game i own that makes my system chug. also the futuristic stuff is stupid. but there's always mods for that.
i'm watching ancient aliens. it's a stupid show that's about the farthest thing from a documentary you can get. so i was just joking about that.
okay sorry
Sweet rig
what is going on in here
I'm not srs
terrible things
a holocaust against my internet reputation tbqh
literally me itt ever since blewberry
I wanna hug you so hard right now~
are they figuratively putting your jews in the oven?
woo hoo
oh good
if replace jew with internet reputation, then yes
help me miracle
pls give hug
skitty agreed to eat hot sauce out of my rectum and then got cold feet. now hes trying to cause drama.
That sounds pretty nice!
but which version of the GTX 1080 you got? hopefully not the founders edition right?
Oh right, that new dlc, thinking of getting it also, looks interesting
and yea, the game's engine is pretty dated and doesn't like multi-core utilization so well, so it's usually bottle-necked by the CPU
and yes, an ArmA wouldn't be an ArmA without tons of fun mods around!
shame 15 years later and the newest game doesn't support more than 144 single non-grouped units and you still can't walk inside an aircraft in static or in motion
oh lol, I thought it was some parody or something, guess the sleepies are starting to get to me
Have all the hugs
It's time to burn it down and start fresh, it's what you've always wanted don't waste the opportunity
Where do you suggest I take it now?
arma 3 will be a great game by the time arma 4 is released.
i'm pissed that they seem to have solved the framerate problem in dayz standalone but won't be applying the fix to arma 3. that new island makes my rig chug like a cement mixer. i can handle altis but tanoa has too much foliage.
and you can't walk in half the buildings. it's chenarus all over again.
It is the founder's edition, I was too impatient to wait for the others even though I should have.
I haven't had any issues with it yet, but I'm already considering the idea of water cooling despite the extra cost.
aww yiss
The answer my friend is blowin in the wind
Daily reminder
needs a skittyhole version
So names are back now?
How goes it bread?
Yea, but then they should have most of the bugs sorted out, also I do hope they use a new engine for the next title that is better optimized
Aw that sucks, yea I'd imagine alot of foliage will eat up resources, what CPU you got again?
I never did play ArmA2 as much as I did the 1st, I don't know, the first I would spend so much time just trying crazy war scenarios…especially with aliens and zombie mods, I know you can do that in ArmA2 but there's just something about the 1st one that kept me there, and I like ArmA 3 as there's plenty of stuff you can do over the previous versions
aw, well as long as the temps stay in check and you got get below the boost clock too much I guess that's okay, how much did you pay for it if I may ask?
I'm thinking to get a Strix 1080, but every card is like diamonds now as they're always low on stock so it might be a while before I get that opportunity where I'm from
yay its gau!
I'm back
It's going pretty good, just chillin n organizing files n stuff, how you've been?
Welcome back Rap!!
i have an old cpu. i probably need to upgrade soon, but i'm not doing it just for one game.
arma 2 was never finished so i have no reason to think a3 will be. i dislike the way the cars drive in a3. too floaty. the cars in arma 2 felt more real.
Hello back
After taxes and such I paid just over 1K for it (canadian).
Part of why I got it was I managed to get it while they were still in stock on release day, otherwise I probably would have waited for the others.
There's a neat all-in-one cooling system I could get for my cpu that I could expand to do my gpu later if I want, but it's like 290 bucks minimum just for the cpu portion.
Thanks Canon :3
Just cooking lunch.
omlette with red capsicum half an onion, some mushroom and 6 eggs, salt pepper.
not having it all myself of course, that's way too much egg and stuff :P
As for temp the highest normal it's seemed to sit at so far is about 60 for The Witcher 3, though it did get up to 80 at one point. Anything else I've played usually has it sitting around the 40s,
Hi blewby! Buy any new dragon dildos recently?
I've been ever so good.
I hope that your organization goes well. Is it interbuttz or important files?
Naw not really. Shoved a bottle of hot sauce up my arse for Skitty though. Howabout you?
I was about to ask for some more lewd princest.
you should read this Blewberry.
you'd enjoy it.
there's a diaper wearer in it :3
And a chef!
That's not a bad price given you got it on release day, here the 1080 fe costs(with taxes) 1071cad and what's funny is that to get it you have to "special order" it which means you gotta pay 40% down payment and wait for like 20-25 days for the company to get it
I'm also waiting for the RX480 to release in a few days so we'll know what's the deal with that card at that much cheaper price
guess you just gotta see what's best for your cooling plan and your budget
From what I've read the card's default temperature settings lets you go up to 82C before it starts "throttling" below boost clock towards base clock
oooo that sounds like some delish stuff! I sometimes do that, but minus the capsicum and instead of 6 eggs 4 for breakfast, really super stuff! :3
glad to hear!
thx, you could say it's a mix of both, really scrambled around on my desktop and other folders
Kanashi comic i don't have, gimme
Like I said, not all for me, so i put in extra :3
So that's what you call it
i will investigate!
Wanna rabbit?
Call what?
No, no trust blewby, trust!
The diaper wearer isn't the lardo!
Kanashi has the best faces
Those bell pepper things
its twilight fat diaper fanfic. why?
hehe yea, 6 is quite alot of eggs indeedy :3
I think they also call them bell peppers
I've got MSI afterburner running now with a custom fan curve, so it shouldn't have any real problems. I'm also only going 1080p on a 60hz monitor for the moment, so it's not like I'm pushing it super hard.
As for budget, I've got enough saved that I could basically get anything and everything I want. I'm basically shooting for the best I can, so I don't consider upgrading again for quite some time. Right now my total cost after taxes and such is sitting at about 2K, but that may change if I decide I want to find a case that'd support how big that all-in-one cooler system is, plus the cooler.
No Blewby, its a RL Story about this family that had to put up with a lardo for 3 months, but he's in gaol now.
story was on the news.
trust me its worth reading, the fat one isn't the diaper wearer.
Just a touch too much haha :P
I usually only have 2
nice build still
Grody. Also happy birthday
i wish you were here for hugs. Also source
LMAO I saw that fire coming a mile away
What hotsauce was it? I hope it was empty…
Once you get past the cap a big bottle of frank's red hot seems like an excellent rectal massager.
Whenever I was organizing I sometimes didn't know into what folder to put things.
He has a really nice and unique artstyle
did he set fireworks off on it?
Bad princest, we need princest with Celestia.
looks more like crafty effects tbh
nice! looks like you've got everything covered basically. I hope to get something similar myself, but I'm aiming for a 144hz monitor to go with it.. I don't have a rig, so this being my first one is gonna be pricey, but I'm willing to do it not to have to worry for a couple of years
I should have the cash for such a build by the end of the month, which is nice considering amd will release the nda and officially launch their rx 480.. alot of stuff happening this year!
hehe yeah, if it's just eggs I'd eat 2 only, but if it's something extra that constitutes a full breakfast I can eat 4
Yea, we gotta get those fine details in check and make sure everything is in order!
oOOOOooooooh in that case im totally down for it. sounds like lulz. heres a fatty story for you too
just some Tabasco. Odd shaped cap. Yeah Frank's has that weird thing below the neck so its almost like a plug.
yeah i think those are stock after affects fires
still funny though
Someday ♥
Fair enough
yeah… dunno what it is, but I can't stomach more than 2 either.
That's one of my favourite ones :3
I'm more-or-less happy with what I've picked so far.
My main concern at this point is if I wanna get one of the Ekwb Predator coolers so I could hook up my graphics card on the same loop at some point.
I'd love to get a 144hz monitor as well, but they're pricey for a decent size. I'd have a hard time settling for anything smaller then the 27 I'm using now.
Hi Raptor, it feels like forever since we've spoken
glad you like! i couldnt read your story because reddit a shit
I know the feeling, how're you?
I just woke up and killed a fly. I was going to let it live, but it made the grave mistake of coming back into my room to annoy me some more. How is everything in Wallaby Land?
Yes, in the not too distant future
Get in fgt
How not too distant is not too distant?
I am a diva main.
Need sleeps, nighty all!
hehe yeah, same here if it's just eggs
I think I'd be happy with a 144hz 24" 1080p display to be honest, anything over my 15.6" laptop screen atm
Sleep well.
frigid cold
God damn.
I just had lunch and am hoping I'm not still hungry in another 15 minutes :3
goodnight Canon~
It will definitely be this century
I mean, i'm free for the whole summer and all
I work too much so I put off eating so I'm always pretty hungry. Getting anything off of steam?
nice and how are you?>
I'm gonna be pretty busy for most of july
After that I think I could be good to go
already purchased dark souls 3 haha.
I'm filthy :P
Heya Squirrely, how're you?
I'm prolly gonna have to buy some steam games now darn it.
It it good? I thought it would just make me regret purchasing it. I'm also thinking of getting hotline miami but I don't know if it's any good
Hi good. Was looking at steam games and storm knocked power out here. Not gonna buy any till storm is over.
that sucks
2 made me ragret, but 3 is apparently really good.
and hotline miami people love haha.
there's plenty of good games :3
Do you have doom yet?
That sucks :(
Is cool I went to friends with eclectricalicity and played xcom instead of spending monies.
Not bad. The usual semi-bored. You?
I might only be able to book one room at villadeste btw it will be the busy season
I only have $2.50 left, I can't get Doom, so I'm deciding if I should just knock it off with HL Miami. Believe it or not I actually got a little grossed out by the trailer, despite my years of degeneracy
Te emocionas
i'm good just hot in my room
did you have fun today?
I'm watching Ted 2, will this be a waste of time?
Just let me know in advance which date you're planning so i'll have time too.
And i won't be around much tomorrow, i'm having a bunch of friends over for board game night. Probably 2pm to 9pm your time.
I'll still be up for chats on steam if you manage to get that working, though.
wow such banner
Tie to become an alcohole.
Should I invite someone to drink with me or just shitpost here for tonight?
Lejos de la mongolez de estarte molestando estas en forma o eres gordo?
I got to shoot aliems and send them in foautopsies. Yeps!
and get drunk.
with us.
Yes ofc
What game will you play
Invite me and then we do both
I'll drink with you. Making a gin and tonic soon as this posts.
What gin will you use?
Lords of waterdeep, Warcraft board game or risk. Maybe some of each.
And i want in on the skitty drinking and shitposting please
bombay saphire
Sounds like a fun time
We do need to go to skit's and have a party at some point
Yum, great with tonic
Tall glass filled with ice,squeeze lime into it,shot of gin and top off with tonic water
Nambe, nada asi por favor :P
ya me han visto unos que otros aqui
my families uncomfortably anti everything, I would have to screen u before you are allowed past the gates.
I guess probably…
That's the plan! still not as fun as your trip here will be i think
Skitty lives in a castle, it's totally dope
I only drink them when it gets past 35 deg
Stop telling ppl about me
haha, that will only last you so long~
Aku is amazing :3
haha really?
do I have you on steam on that note?
invite your friend to shitpost with oyu here
swer 2 god I will… do something..
*makes a noise*
Oh no Skitty so scary :o
you aren't fat?
He is an asshole from what I have read.
Sounds lovely, I might have one to but I will use plymouth or hendricks
That's sensible, you said I could come though once and I plan to even if I get shot driving up
They will be different times that's for sure
Yep probably going to buy Broken World maybe some others.
there are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits
Looking forward to it~
And try and fix steam chat so we can talk tomorrow?
Never had either. Are they pretty dry?
I actually do have this ONE friend I have been wanting to bring here, interesting guy I would think, he's one of my only friends who is fluent in english, spends a lot of time in mexico, has songs written about them and is very well connected. I'd bet he'd be posting the most shady pictures, I introduced them to 4chan and they really liked it, he's even commented to me about the ponies and he knows about smokeys chickun meme
u know im playing.. I sounded really stupid
oh god first beer and im already drunk af ogsdpg9-4-tw
anyway turns out I have to go for a bit
Never heard of that one.
where do you have to go?
I think I might need a new computer to do that but might give it a try
I dunno but the plymouth is pretty junipery
You laugh but I'm gonna come
I dunno what broken world is then sorry :P
Well i hope it works! And i made you miss gym, didn't i? It's, what, 23.30 for you? sorry :c
The gym can wait. I still plan on going it will be sort of late though
Blah, it's getting bright here already. I don't wanna leave yet
Sounds like it would work with tonic then.
I'm a Dildokin.
I racially identify as Eastern Standard Time
You madman, I plan on doing that a lot this summer but the light of dawn can seem so harsh
It is pretty delicious. I would also like to recommend Tanqueray Rangpur, it has lime in it and is pretty much perfect for g&ts
Gets lubed.
Skitty where are you?
I almost got the tanqueray but decided to stick with one I knew
It's nearing 6 am. But who needs sleep when i've got you
Sleeping is for faggots.
haha, nice image :P
sure sign of a good time
I love trying different gins, gotta catchem all
Hey should I eat a thc treat?
I have something to admit. I kept it secret as long as I could but in reality I'm Scootakin and I cant sit here and take Blewb chickun posting Scoot anymore.
I don't know, i'm not too big on drugs, so i have no idea what that'll do to you
unless you count you as a drug
where are you?
this poser wants to ban chickun!
let the battle commence
Neither do I tbh, not really my thing and they are sort of strong, safe tho don't worry
I do count, low LD50 too be careful
Chickun is demeaning to Scootakin everywhere. I made sure to keep it off Derpibooru now I have to free Holla Forums from this travesty.
Drums of war are rolling once again.
If you're doing anything at LD50 levels, you can't really call it save, now can you
Why don't you get me snuggles instead?
You know he constantly defaces Scoot and can you believe he even posts images of her in diapers?!!
Nah the thc is fine I mean my LD50, but snuggles don't come close to that level so you can have as many as you want
Yea, who even posts images??
I wish you were here right now~
That is a wonderful idea! Ban all poni images from Holla Forums. Maybe create an isolation board for those who simply must post those culturally aprpropriating pictures.
I would be if I could
wew, pulled over…
It will totally work!
did you have a beer with the cop?
what does that pone have in its mouth?
There are great forces arrayed against me but I will presevere and save all of newchan from cultural misapropriation of poor innocent ponies.
a sling to toss rocks about
Rapter pls
Oh cool!
Post full pic!
pones are devious and crafty and highly proficient with archaic weaponry
I got pulled over coming back.. wanted to get home asap… Fuck I'm retarded, thank god it was the constable, guy knows me by name and he got pretty upset I was doing 10mph above 40, like wtf c'mmon
Ooooh, spooksy!
I'll make sure that I wont cross a pone any time soon!
And the fates smile upon you again. How much did you have to drink at that point?
Unhh, i don't wanna go sleep yet, but i probably should, it's 6 in the morning. one last kiss for goodnight?~
Please quit lewd posting!
RD is an innocent pone!
Pls no lewd!!!!
Are u 2sleepy?
Are you sure?
Well I'll admit, when I joined the threads in 2012 I was average fit, was in sports and stuff before. From then to today I have lost a lot of muscle mass, I posted my arm to see what people would say and got told I was pathetic and had better luck as a trap. Half my confidence died that day tbh
2 beers, or more like one 16oz'r and half another, half the other was in my cup holder but it's legal to drive and have it as long as the twist top is on it.
I'm not even sleepy at all, i just think i should get some rest at least
I'm not sure i'll be able to, thinking of you all night 'n all
Super sure.
Don't worry skitty, we still love you for the shitposting mexican that you are!
but I also get drunk very quickly/easily so 1 16oz'r is like 4 or 5 beers for an average person as I have more or less estimates.. I'm always the first to get intoxicated from my friends
Do I really look that Mexican?
I was just messing with you, sorry skits
So you wouldn't have gotten busted if someone breathalyzed you?
It's fun to post with you, I'm glad you staid up so late
No, don't think so.
I have a breathalyzer here, I should test to see what I come out to each beer.
how should i know, i've never seen how you look :p
I know this sounds like blasphemy, but if you get here a bit early tomorrow morning, we can have some more posting then~
Uhmmmm Interesting….
have you ever considered crossdressing?
You get drunk too fast don't you?
are you faking this whole drunkenness?
That makes things more efficient. I have to drink a lot of beer to get drunk and then I feel way too full
also it's alright
Why tho
I'm pretty sure I don't look jackshit enough to be a trap, I'm very sure I look very fucking male and I want to stay that way
Oh.. right
I forget… sometimes I've gotten drunk and spammed people selfies
rapters seen me, so has ken
Do you want to cum inside Rainbow Dash?
Stop what?
You should test for fun. I have a pro one in my car to see if it is safe to drive
You are right, I'll try
Good, felt bad about it, sometimes I cross the line
You're like my one cousin then.. he can just stay up all night drinking and drinking… at 6AM he still looks like he's buzzing and I am eyes wide open acknowledging I am drunk af and trying to keep my cool
Not to late to send one on steam right now
Yay~ I'll go take a shower, be back in a few, don't run off just yet
It's my uncles, he's not here atm, I'mma go check his rooms and see where it is
The thought as never crossed my mind.
L E W D posting
Well that's what coke is for as you well know. I bet you guys have wild parties tho
I'll be here, enjoy your shower
Do you think you can go over .20 tonight
I think you confused traps with crossdressing.
Crossdressers just dress like sissies while they are horny but it isn't a full time thing.
You cant get drunk with just beer that's too gay.
do you have any Tequila Whisky or Vodka at hand?
post a picture of your hand if you don't mind.
But I'm not!
*I want to cum inside Princess Celestia and "accidentally" call her mom.**
Thought: Amazon and Dominos both have delivery drone technology. Could these be purposed for the role of delivering goods into North Korea without risking human lives?
Why even bother?
that place is a wasteland and not worth triggering a war let them be.
ya ok suure
girls have cooties tho
A corporation using delivery drone technology to smuggle foreign goods into North Korea needn't act under the color of any country.
Please stop posting ponies. Nopony ever askes Rainbow Dash who she wants to come inside!
I want horse cooties.
Let them die there is no one worth saving.
I would assume you already know how NK dictatorship would react to 2 US corporations delivering food to their population.
Ib4 South Korea and Japan get nuked out of existence.
Also, what do you do to austists?
literally ew
What if it's not a US corporation? What if it's a Sealand corporation using technology from a US corporation? What if it's the Italian mob?
I almost turned into a wolf and ate the woodsman but a hooker caved in his head with an axe before I could.
dontchu blush me!
Ill blush you!
I'm back! I'll be heading off to sleep then, i hope you sleep well and have the nicest dreams
I wonder if people in sealand get laid.
Goodnight, and good luck with you game sesh.
too late.
hello Holla Forumsread
Darn it
I blushed instead :/
Hai there.
Hey Rosey, how're you?
he doesn't do that though, he does smoke weed and drink at the same time which leaves me wondering how tf he does it.. he has a huge tolerance. and he's even shorter than me, but kind of fat but not obese… I don't wana come off as cocky but, yes we do. People I've invited, local store owners, sheriff deputies, cops and stuff, they always say they loved it, sometimes I will prepare by knocking over a shit ton of mesquites and throwing them in a 10-15ft pile in the back of the house, last time asked who wanted to get in my tractors bucket with diesel while I was drunk af, my jew friend actually did it, the mad man took the diesel and let me hover them above all the shit to spray the gass, went back to the house and let them light it with bottle rockets, also threw regular gas so it kinda exploded. wind was calm and gas spread in vapor on the floor so there was this nice ring of outward traveling fire that nearly reached us, looked epic. Fire department came over to complain, literally one of my friends so we just end up chatting and they take off. aside from that we pull out all the arms and let anyone shoot from a 5 gallon bucket full of .223, also have a raptor and some ATVs we let people take into the ranch as long as they're not too drunk
No, I dunno how much that is, when they arrested me the other day I was supposedly at the brink on .07 or something. also didn't find it I think he has it on them
I don't, I can't drink that shit, I lose it. Broke my phone just last month like a retard when I was drinking botella.
why my hand??
¡Hola! Yo me llamo dipshit
no different from earlier.
how are you? :33
Legitimately gross
I'll drink to that!
Mah you are a light weight.
Oh ok…
It was the first thing that came across my head.
pretty good honestly~
Hopefully i'll catch you tomorrow
hello how're you?
Yeah that qualifies as pretty crazy, sounds fun as hell. Comes in handy knowing all those people time and time again. I didn't know you had a raptor, cool beans. Next time you do that fire shit you should get it on video
.20 is pretty high and .07 should still be okay but you could get a DWI
What type of atvs do you have?
You will
me too.
good to know.
Take a shot, and I will too!
New bread.
NEW Holla ForumsREAD
The ATVs aren't mine. It's my cousins, the neighbore. He brings them over, has a raptor, polaris and some all terrain golf cart thing.. he has way more, dude has a shitload of little things like that and he lones them to me whenever or brings them over. I just have a few mototcycles, most not even working cause I always abuse them also meant roaming candles not bottle rockets
I've told you about the cars we sometimes take out to fuck up right?
I think I did
Oh cool, I have four atv that are pretty sick but I really need to get one of those side by sides they are a blast. And roman candles are the best I love fighting with them.
You did tell me about the demolition derby shit you do with those cars, that is something I would love to do
I nearly broke my leg not too long ago messing around with friends on the ATVs.. one thing I hate now is ever riding passenger with people on an ATV or motorcycle.. spooky stuff
never even get near an atv someone else is driving. It will try to kill you almost as hard as it does to its rider.
I've gotten away from a few bad ATV accidents tbh.. mostly cause I get scared and abandon ship before things happened
Yeah best not to put your life in some crazy person's hands like that. Did he flip it or something?
couple of guys were over and someone decided 4 wheeler tag was fun, stupid me decided to hop on with my best friend and he started to chase my friend when my friend in front just hits the breaks, guy I was riding with was leaning forward, one hand on the bars and slammed the breaks too before we hit, unfortunately physics kicked in, his mass went forward and pushed the handlebars to the left direction and we flipped out, motorbikes wheek landed right on my heal and wasn't able to walk for a while
oh fug
That sounds like a terrible idea tbh
good thing you didn't get paralyzed
t-thanks.. I've avoided other dumb similar stuff, some wrose buy avoided by a much larger margin unlike that certain occasion.
Marica a que horas vas a postear tu mano?
you missed it in the other thread?
Postear y crear travis te puede distraer.
You are a pretty lucky guy actually
Do you fear death?
I think the answer to that question will just be weird to be honest, I don't mean to sound edgy or full of angst. Answer to that is entirely dependent on context. There could be different circumstances and a different reaction to any of them depending on who is involved. If I like someone I will go out of my way for them.
I don't understand..
but if I don't like someone and knew they were in trouble, such as serious social issues, I would not bother unless they were directly related to me.
I see what you mean, you might take a bullet for someone or whatever. But I meant in a general sense. Do you fear what comes after? Or the actual moment of your demise?