I know a big chunk of Holla Forums can't program. Get in here and learn something.
A Fizzbuzz is a simple test to make sure you have some grasp on programming. The rules are simple:
However you do this is up to you. Efficient, inefficient, readable or unreadable, it doesn't matter. Just post a FizzBuzz in the language you choose. Here's one in Perl: #!/usr/bin/perluse warnings;use strict;use feature "say";#Takes one number, Returns the number, or Fizz/Buzz/FizzBuzz.sub fizzbuzz { my $number = $_; return "FizzBuzz" if ($number % 15 == 0); return "Buzz" if ($number % 5 == 0); return "Fizz" if ($number % 3 == 0); return $number;}#Applies FizzBuzz to the first 100 natural numbers and prints the resultssay fizzbuzz($_) for (1..100);