The Piss Test

Let's have a test. I guarantee that none of you will pass it.

Right now you will get up and take a piss. Once you're done, wash your fucking hands. Report back with the results after reading this spoiler:

If your piss was even the slightest bit yellow, you're dehydrated and you just failed the test.

How did you do Holla Forums?

Fun facts:
Your piss is an excellent indicator for how hydrated you are. The yellower it is, the worse your dehydration has become. Your body pulls water from all of your organs in a desperate attempt to remain operable. The less water you have, the less cognizant and capable you become. It is also possible to remain perfectly well hydrated and produce clear piss for all your life contingent on how well you discipline yourself to remain hydrated.

"if it's white, you're all right"

Seriously though unless you're an athlete there's no real reason to be worried about how much water you drink (unless you're forthirsting).

I drink around 8 glasses of water a day, my piss is almost completely clear.

What do I win?

Your piss is also clear as water when you first start drinking alcohol.


what if it's brown?

You're fucked m8

implying you need cognitive abilities in this society

You don't have to wash your hands if you touch your dick with the back of your knuckle

The only time my piss is white is when I drink way more water than I need to

eating vitamin or protein rich foods nullifies your claim
having a weak body with a soft tone of musculature decreases your lifespan
decreasing your lifespan decreases your total knowledge and understanding
decreased understanding and knowledge results in lower awareness and wisdom
ergo your clear piss obsession decreases your maximum potential by a factor of how little time you invest in a healthy body

If your pee is clear you might be drinking enough water to wash yourself out too much, I think it depletes electrolites, maybe eat more salt, but idk.


i ran out of pee user

can i has yours?


Hello Cute.


So, what you are saying is… that urine is a racial construct?

if your piss is brown, urine a lot of trouble


I like to drink alot of water but then I drink a banana smoothie with some natural salt and some nuts and beans. I got to get back some salt, potassium, magnesium, etc.

That's fucking disgusting. If you need sodium and potassium, just eat a baked potato. Potatoes have way more potassium than a banana.

What a load of crap. If your piss is clear you are over hydrated and stressing your bladder.


I'd pass this piss test. If it was the other type I'd fail.


My piss is always clear because I drink 10 bottles of water a day.

failing to drink enough water to stay hydrated is high time preference behavior

if you don't piss clear you're an honorary nigger


My piss is always clear because I drink fucking tons of green tea all day.

My piss is invisible. Like, water splashes about in the bowl when I piss and I'm like "whoa, where'd that come from?"

Well shit. Just a tint of yellow… i must have drank too much sun tea today.

Naaaah, you're not REALLY dehydrated until your lip skin is peeling off.


Drink more water guize. Watery urine is far less odorous (as in barely any odor), compared to the knock-out face melting fumes usually emanating from normiefag restrooms. Plus being more dilute, it's easier to drink. Tastes waaaay less bitter.

I agree with OP. I keep drinking clear water each time I can and I've noticed my health is better.

And yes, I can check how much water I've drank by looking at how clear or yellow my piss is.

woman detected

Why would you drink piss if you have water?

To have double piss, obv