Hey boys! Here's a show that teaches you that girls will always get the upper hand above you...

Hey boys! Here's a show that teaches you that girls will always get the upper hand above you, and never get punished for their fuck-ups, because girls are always right and you have to work hard to become presentable while girls can do whatever they want because look at how cute they are when they're weird and random!

Also, I have no idea how to deal with love stories and have a obsession with re-introducing romantic tension that I've constantly put down before. Golly gee! I love fucking with the shippers though!

He hates shippers, and that episode was recycled. He's a total beta though.

They brought it up again during Weirdmageddon II.

Don't forget the episode where Mabel brainwashes two people into loving each other and nobody calls her out on it later in the series.

Not to mention that it was not only two of their best friends, but it totally destroyed their friend group at the same time.

I actually started watching Gravity Falls after I saw how all of you said it was feminist propaganda and I have to say I didn't see any of that. Everyone has their own ups and downs in the show and nobody lives a perfect life and only Soos and Robbie are in a relationship by the end. The show must have really touched a nerve with OP and his ilk. The fact that you decided to be this upset by a children's cartoon show says you need to be kept away from television, lest another show incur your autistic rage once more.

Yea its just contrarians be contrarians. The show does have legit problems like the pacing of the final act, and the fact that mabel never really gets called out on most of her bullshit.

But I still love it anyway. I'm glad I waited till it was over to marathon it. I don't think I could handle all the downtime between episodes.

Oh no, season 1 is pretty perfect, especially dat ending.

Season 2 was rushed and Mabel gets away with too much shit.

I can agree with that actually.

Fucking love the ending to season 2 though, despite its faults. My dick exploded when they brought out the mecha and rock version of the theme song.

Also it's worth adding that season 2 was needlessly rushed.

Hell, I HAVEN'T EVEN FUCKING FINISHED THE THING. I'm waiting on the last episode since I haven't gotten around to it.

Now, there's was a time where I'd never have an episode of gravity falls unfinished, even if I had other shit to do. But with his constant hiatuses after every. single. episode. Hirsch has just instilled this sense of apathy in me. I stopped caring about the mystery plot, I forgot what was going on because it had been MONTHS, and what little there was kind of sucked because he was just finishing it up because he had to. They started revealing everything at once and throwing away that sense of awe and mystery the show once had, and numerous excellent scenes are buried among the mediocrity.

Yea I can see how people can dislike it with that viewpoint. The fact that Alex on twitter is an ass wouldn't help I suppose. Paints a whole new light on series for me honestly.
Still love the show overall though. At least its dead, and buried so it can't be ruined by outside forces right?

As do I. I just hate that it has this stain on it now, it could have been so much better.

This, it's also too new to be rebooted. It can rest safely in the ground, alongside motorcity and tron: uprising.

This part was cool.

My only problems with the ending were that they spent way too much time hammering in that Stan was mad at Ford very time he showed up on screen for the first half, but then when Stan loses his memory he gets it back less than two minutes later so you don't really get digest what happened before it's already fixed.

It's definitely the strongest of the finale episodes for me, with the first Weirdmaggedon episode being a close second.

Nah I like the first better, it was just perfectly directed and executed as its own episode.

Many anons didn't understood that Mabel and Dipper's character arc gets resolved in part two exposing how Dipper was also avoiding to grow up by staying with Ford.
And I don't blame them, not only the implications were subtle which is good, but also rushed which isn't.

A thing I didn't like is the character mining.
Steven Universe has a lot of character exposition that comes as forced and "telling but no showing".

Gravity Falls is very good at "show don't tell" a thing most people still have it hard to understand but still many actions are pretty vague so haters are as correct as fans regarding issues at the show needing a lot of author confirmation.

But the thing is that there are many great directors that are also very good at subtle exposition and still managed to get solid characters like Martin Scorsese and David Lynch.

Still a new director just managing "show don't tell" is still pretty impressive.

Dude, fucking proof read your posts. Your writing's all over the place.

So are you gonna buy it Holla Forums?
Or are you gonna download a pirate copy.

I don't think it's feminist propaganda so much as it is "Hirsch had some issues regarding his sister that Disney paid him to work out over the course of 2 seasons and…I dunno, seven years? Let's say seven years since it fucking feels like seven years."

Mabel went from being a sweet character to being a ball-breaker hiding behind cuteness. I think it's safe to say that Flesh Mabel was running the show during Hirsch's childhood, which is why he's such a relentless betafag now.



So it wasn't just the portal, Fiddleford had to put up with Ford's bullshit everytime.

I've heard its 288 pages long so probably buy it, its pretty cheap anyways.
The journals where burned.
The pics are imprinted to the page.
No invisible ink.
tfw you realize this is the journal that Grunkle Stan photocopied in episode 21.

Wasn't Stan's photocopier shown to be capable of cloning humans though? Because I don't see why it would be able to do that but not pick up invisible ink. Especially since there's real photocopiers that can uncover invisible ink depending on the types of bulbs they use.

Probably it can only clone sentient beings.
As far as I know it could be magical.


Well, people still care about Batman's leaning superheroes and Teen Titans animu.
So, obviously character design isn't everything.

There has to be a better way to describe this. I don't know where people got "potato" from, but it doesn't really describe that formula/style at all.

More focus on backgrounds?

I'm not sure I would say that's something exclusive to these kinds of shows so much as it is a convention of animation.

I mean more that potatoes aren't really a distinct shape. They're rounded and some can be lumpy, sure, but potatoes have a particular lack of form to them that makes them seem almost featureless and indistinguishable as its own unique shape - which I don't think accurately describes what's happening in the Calarts.gif image. If I was going to describe an animation style as being potato-like, I would probably pick shows like Bob's Burgers or something similar.

The Calarts.gif images however have a very specific shape and all seem to use the same underlying structure. If I had to describe that type of shape, I would say it's closer to a beanbag chair that it is a potato.

But even then, I don't think naming the face shape really does much good if it can't describe the underlying creative inbreeding that's the real problem.

This. I know so many people who are anti-SJW/anti-feminist/etc who love Gravity Falls. Hirsch might be a douche in real life, but he didn't inject his politics into his work like a lot of people like him do.

I recognize you annon. With your foreign-ish spelling. Peddling the same claptrap. What if we DID realize they where supposed to be arcs, but where done so shit we didn't like them?

I really hate how this art style pervades over most shows nowadays. The only time it is tolerable is TAWOG just because they atleast shake up the art style with different characters.

There's 4 guys in Holla Forums
Who are you talking to?

That's really impressive considering he's a MASSIVE BETA.

I was referencing this guy:

He pops up every once in a while in every Gravity Falls thread arguing that we just don't get the brilliant character arcs. I argue that they are shit.


If you actually had sisters you would know they are annoying, they're bothersome and get away with it.

Alex Hirsch isn't condoning it, but it is true to life, and introduces conflict which moves the story forward. If Dipper's sibling was just like him it would be boring. That's writing 101, pair up two opposites for humor and story. You autists think every female character exists as propaganda to make boys into cucks, when it's been happening for decades. Get a grip.

Just reminded me of the time in Spongebob when the main characters were Bob and Squidward and they were the ones having adventures together and Patrick was only there for comic relief.

Remember when that unicorn was completely right? Teaching Mabel that being a good person means not ignoring your wrongdoings, and doing good just to get something from someone isn't truly good.

Even when the plot requires Mabel to grow as a person they out right refuse to hold her accountable.

Having an annoying sibiling doesn't mean they have to get away with everything.
It's a recurring theme in american cartoons, and american cartoons only, that the sister:
-is a total cunt
-gets away with anything

Anime for example don't do that shit so no, it isn't "writing 101", it's "american shitty writing 101", it may not be propaganda it IS a cultural thing.

On top of that, the episode were Dipper was at fault for NOT BEING INTERSTED in that little gook really drives the point home.

Your country is founded on Manginas and Cucks For All, but that doesn't mean we have to like it.

To be fair, before the reveal that unicorns are assholes Mabel does actually do a genuinely good act by stopping the others from stealing the unicorn's hair despite the fact that letting them do so would benefit other people. But it's kind of a "blink and you'll miss it" moment since they move on to unicorns being scam artists about 10 seconds later before it had any time to sink in.

the worst part is that this has been a very common theme in cartoons for decades now.

Yeah, cartoons usually make having a sister look undesirable while anime tends to make having sisters as the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Whatever, the only big issue with Gravity Falls is Mabel being too annoying and too useless. I know she's supposed to be wacky and is just a child, but in comparison with Dipper she is retarded.

Also OP is just one of those faggots who went full contrarian after witnessing the koolaid konsumption kult, so now sees conspiracies trying to bring down the fellow males everywhere. In short, a retard.

He hates shippers, Republicans, Trump supporters, right wingers, people who own guns, Christians, straight males, white males, automobile drivers, and anyone over 6 feet in height.

What, pray tell, does this spiteful little imp LIKE? I mean wasn't Gravity Falls supposed to be about "muh love and understanding"? Or did that only apply to family members, another way of saying "Us Jews stick together, goyim."?

Any citations proving your point? Or are you just accusing people of everything wrong you can think of because they said a thing you disagree with once?


But why user?

Yeah, but it was established that Mabel ignores the moral of the episode out of fear for growing up.
So that didn't lasted long either.

Well, the 2014 sdcc second season trailer was a fuck you to shippers.
He hates Trump and Trump supporters we even made a thread about it.

I don't know about everything else except that Grunkle Stan owned ten guns and Alex wanted him to use them in Scary-Oke but Disney wouldn't let him.

Damn, that would've been great.

It was about him wanting to fuck his sister.

To add to this, I recall there was also a thing on Hirsch's Twitter where someone asked if Stan would vote Republican since he's clearly not for gun control if he owns 10 guns, and Hirsch responding no because of something about gay marriage.

I think there was another where someone asked him what Candy and Dipper's "ship" should be called and he responded with "Wishful Thinking" or something similar.

As it turns out, I don't have sisters, but you couldn't know that. I DO have a daughter who does her level best to get away with shit and my dad's twin sister was forever trying to control his life from cradle to grave. I'm well aware what sisters can be like. My point was that Alex was using Gravity Falls to work through some things.

An artist using art to vent his shit.
No shit.

I always thought that Stan wouldn't be republican due to his past.
Being in prison 3 times. He must have witnessed some shit in there.
Probably he lacks a lot of morals besides the love for his family.

i don't think its feminist propaganda, but more the product of a beta, and they rarely know how to write women

like, he keeps putting them in situations where they should be called out, yet they aren't. hell, one character even says he's completely wrong for wanting to pursue his lifelong dreams just because his sister is crying over not having her brother living with her 24/7. nevermind this is clearly after the invention of shit like skype

on top of that, the entire show has an insane number of pacing problems. just a few i remember off the top of my head:

and those were just pointless filler episodes between tale of two stans and weirdmageddon. you could literally have any of the plot relevant points over the course of a single episode

The point of the D&D episode was to show how skewed Ford priorities were.
The running for mayor one is to show that Stan had the same self-esteem issues than Dipper once Ford is around.

that one broke at the end of the episode, didn't it?

look, my main complaint is over how the episodes feel more like they're wasting the little time they had left

if you knew you only had a small hand full of episodes left, why not spend it tying up the loose ends you did at the finale? have an episode where Ford learned what happened to McGucket. have an episode where Ford learns how well Dipper can handle his own on a mission. hell, even have an episode were Mabel feels like there are things coming between her and her brother to make her whining all the more realistically built up

Hardly anyone is saying that, but good job broad stroking everyone.

other than sending people on wild goose chases, how are the unicorns assholes? just because their hair CAN help people doesn't mean they should just give it out

shit, if i had magic hair & people constantly asked for it, I'd probably fuck with them too just to get them to leave me alone

Yeah, he's a massive douche in real life, but like someone up in the thread said, he doesn't seem to inject his politics into Gravity Falls.

considering today's writings, i see how people view that as a positive & think it's worth praise of some sort

then again, i'm an oldfag who remembers when writers wouldn't do that unless it was for the sake of a joke usually, so to me it's always been more of a neutral point

at the end, I view him as a good, if not great, writer when he's at his best (season 1) but by the end of this series it really showed me just how mediocre his writing is

I can attest to him not liking Trump and republicans, I mean the thing about him though, he just doesn't disagree with them politically like a normal person would, he's like alot of far leftist now a days who have a moral superiority complex which makes him a gigantic douchebag. Seems to be anybody who labels themselves "progressive".

I've always thought that this particular head-shape looks more like a bean. I generally use the term "potato" to describe something thick or bulky.

Gravity Falls was great. He did something a lot couldn't do that are like him. He didn't let political correctness and identity politics destroy it. I know many people on the right who loved it. It's a simple show about Twins and the wacky world they live in.

The people talking about Mabel always getting away with stuff, that's a pretty common trope. Obviously for him it's personal since it's supposed to be about him and his sister, but you can see that in many shows.

can we stop saying tropes and get back to cliches, please

or is this turning into that shitty website that all but blows Whedon for being some god born of flesh

The unkempt beard should be a dead ringer.

I don't care I just want to know where could I get some sweet potatoes right now, I have a cravin'


I thought the potato was just referring to the way all those cartoons draw a smile.

Hard to say since story structure parts and all that also fall under the trope label, like Chekhov's Gun or foreshadowing. That isn't something you can "cliche", necessarily (though you can perform it in an awful/hackneyed fashion).

you don't have to call them tropes

I don't think season 2 went as he planned, though. It could have been better.

Also, did anyone find Ford underused?

He wanted to make three seasons, IDK why he decided for 2 at the end.
Probably because these two took 4 years.

Storytelling conventions?

Why'd it take him three tries to use Dipper's actual name?

Probably because he doesn't know it. And suddendly realized he had to call him by his nickname.
Or rule of drama, most people probably didn't realized this at the very moment.

"Not what he seems" is filled with little nitpicks in animation but I don't care because I remember how excited I was the first time I watched it.
Art panders to emotions and the first impression is what it counts.

I don't mean that perfect animation for later reviews isn't good, just that I love that episode because of how I liked it when I watched it first.

Besides all those mistakes where there probably there because the people in the GF development team were so excited also.

Like that dumbass of "Cinema sins" most movies are filled with clichés and little mistakes that most times we don't care because of how absorbent it is.

I thought it was just as meaningless at CalArts

Well that's the thing: you first have to be able to accurately define what a problem is before you start analyzing how to fix it. Coming up with a shorthand term phrase to describe a trend only doesn't do anything for discussion if everyone keeps nitpicking the schematics of it. Terms like "noodle arms" work because people know exactly what it means and can therefore focus on talking about why they do or don't work.

But there's really no shorthand equivalent that's really stuck, since the style is more of a series of trends that have been caused by a variety of things - mainly that the majority of artists in the industries studied and worked at the same places and all share the same influences and interests (the number of current cartoons that reference Sailor Moon at least once, for instance) who ended up with very similar processes to each other, that put animation in a position where, at best, you end up with a bunch of shows that look decent enough individually, but start blending into each other when you look at them all side by side. (At worst, you end up like shit like the PPG reboot where the art direction of the original is completely lost because it was given to a bunch of idiots who are incapable of drawing any other way.)

Though I suppose it doesn't help that any discussion on this topic almost always devolves into people shouting "nu-uh" at each other.

Yeah, because magical schoolgirls are a realistic portrayal of gender roles.
In a country where the birthrate is plummeting because there's mutual disinterest in the opposite sex, you're slamming America, the greatest country on Earth?

If you ever watch the credits, you'll see that the cartoon was made by many, many people. The person who "worked through some things" could be another writer or writers, but you decided to crucify the face of the show. So what's wrong with referencing real experiences?

Grunkle Stan probably can't vote due to a criminal record, and until the mayoral race he was utterly ignorant of politics.

Maybe you fags should stop being on a constant witch hunt for subversive messages in children's entertainment and discuss what's actually real.

I'd rather have a great nephew enjoy a normal childhood instead of risking ending up like MacGucket after another experiment goes wrong.

That faggot should be taken as an example of how not to review movies, or even things in general. There are very few that are completely irredeemable, you should review things the way RLM or Ross Scott do, not have a tally of things that are "wrong" with the movie, especially when about half of them are subjective. He also gets away with it by saying they're 'for entertainment purposes' when it's pretty clear what he's trying to do.

Good point.

Simply put the show sorta just falls apart at the end. The ending was big and flashy, but superficial. And despite being many more times in scale then the first season finally, or even the midseason finally, was really meh in impact.

The show was very obviously rushed, but what they chose to focus on during the rushing didn't do any favors.

he's not even reviewing movies. he's pointing out shit that's strange, goofy, or just dumb in movies. he's basically the goofs section of imdb

it's not even substantial stuff most the time. how many times has it been for a 2 second newspaper not having a good article or something

I wonder what the logic behind using this shape of face is.

I only brought that up because someone asked for examples that showed Hirsch hating things anons above mentioned, and those things came to mind.

Though admittedly I only remembered the Grunkle Stan one because I thought it was weird to try and apply any sort of politics to him at all and because I've seen retards on Tumblr try to use it as "proof" that Stan's secretly gay.

as far as i can tell, they want to do similar to anime but with mouths. they want gigantic expressive mouths

It's easier as an animator to construct a head using a series of ovals. Furthermore, if the top oval is bigger than the bottom, it looks like a brainiac. If the ovals are identical, it looks like a peanut. If the bottom is bigger, it looks like puffy cheeks and a big mouth. This is seen as non-threatening and funny, so it's used often.

Stan obviously likes gals but hates being in relationships.

But her aim is getting better!