The guy that charged Trump on stage is now begging for money on Twitter to pay legal fees

Lmao you can't make this shit up


Other urls found in this thread:

Is is against their TOS to raise money for a defense fund

I don't know know.

That's usually only applied to non-progressives.

I hate all these things.
Where people play money in advance like kickstarter, pateron, and gofundme
And when people just donate money. Like on twitch and other streams. It just baffles me. How can someone just have the mjndset, "this amount of money is worthless. I will just give it to someone I like for free."


It's pretty explicit, it says you can't establish or donate to a fund set up for defense of someone alleged to have commited a crime. Someone should contact support, claim to be wanting to donate, and ask them to verify if it's okay and within the rules. And screencap it of course.


Holy shit, it's on friggin' camera. No amount of money can give him a good defense.


Still, he's right.

If only this dude had fired. Damn cop had to white knight the commie.

Ummm. I am 23 and in liquid cash I could maybe scrounge 7k.



He's too busy doing commie things.

I have $11k.

t. blue collar wage slave.


Holla Forums, if you're not able to shut this shit down, you suck, get on this

Ugh, gofundme let's you keep your Sheckles even if you don't make your goal. But cucks gonna cuck and give this goy all the money he needs.

I hope he rots in prison.


tumblr/reddit detected. fuck off.


Maybe 20 is too young, 22 then.


GoFundMe hates him. Great.
It's glorious to see how much normie support Trump actually has.

It literally is. Battery is the physical part. It's why there is often "Assault & Battery".

Assault is creating apprehension and / or threatening someone, and / or causing fear.


They're the female demographic in the world.

Except for all the others.



The fuck do you think this is, the 1990s? Sorry, faggot, but the world is currently a giant pile of shit for anybody in their 20s or early 30s, at least financially. It's a new lost generation.

This hurts reading her garbage.

When was an attempted murder charge brought against him?

Your fault.


Report this faggot

pro-tip: "if you can not afford an attorney, the court will appoint one for you."

Do they know literally anything?


How the fuck do we shut this fucking faggot down?
I'm actually fucking triggered .

There's rope for you too.

That's a great counter for this faggot. Say, "Why should we give you money when Bernie needs to keep fighting!"

I'm 28.

It's no question that GoFundMe will shut this down because if they don't it'll get national attention. But do you guys think they're giving it this amount of time so he can be allowed to keep whatever he makes? It's already been up for 6 days.



You said a 20 to 22-year-old should have 25k in liquid cash. Either you were born rich, or you're a fucking retard, probably both.

At 20 to 22 most people are either in college or working a shitty job.


Like I said: your fault.


Yeah whats his problem with a government funded attorney? Don't leftist want all their shit paid for them? It's already paid for but this dip shit is still trying to raise money?

I didn't go to college dipshit, I'm working a job.

Now why don't you explain how the fuck you would have 25k in liquid cash at 20-years-old.

They aren't aware that you can get an attorney free already. They're retarded leftists. They cry about the constitution and the law constantly but don't know a single thing about the law.


Explain how you would have 25k in liquid cash at 20-years-old. In detail.

I admitted 20 may have been too early so I went to 22.

Either way: work.

Do you save your money or do you buy useless shit? Do you use coupons and only go grocery shopping on double coupon day or waste money?

You don't need to be one of the coupon nuts they put on TV. It takes 30 minutes once a week to go through coupons in the paper.


Of the three people my age who own their own house three had a lot of help from mom and dad.

Very few people can afford a proper life without help. Rent is a killer so unless you can stay at home for a while you wont be able to save up properly.



Do you know how much a car costs? Do you know how much rent costs? Do you know how much food costs? How do you think people pay for these things when mommy and daddy don't buy them for you?

Fucking retard rich kid. Keep on pretending you're where you are on your own, and that the rest of the world just doesn't know what they're doing.

I think this might be sarcastic

Goddamn it's so fucking hard to tell anymore

Can I pay $100 to subtract $50 from his total?

Pro-tip: the economy has always been shit-tier or worse.

If my grandparents made it through the Great Depression then little faggots like you and your an heros will make it through the Great Communist Push.




First s/s was the wrong 1 sorry about that

do you know how much of a faggot you are?
fucking whiny little bitch who doesn't even deserve to be here.
Holla Forums was not made for under educated peasants like you.

Spoken like a little faggot that is waiting for opportunity to come knocking. You know why I don't give two shits about you millenial NEETs? It's because your generation actually thinks people owe them shit.

You faggots can't even be bothered to get off your own fatpig or skinnyfag asses to do trivial teenage work like mowing lawns, shoveling driveways, cleaning gutters, or simple gardening. You can't be bothered to look for opportunity when there is so much life to bitch and moan about.

The reality is you have to start somewhere. Even McDonalds is a great starter job. But no, you faggots have to whine with your pierced face and emofag hair to your pisspants parents to buy you new skinny jeans and lame songs on iTunes. You wouldn't be caught dead serving a fucking cheeseburger with your dyed hair, hole-punched face, underdeveloped legs, and overall shitty fucking life attitude.

You and your loser friends are laughably pathetic.


Make a positive change in the world, kill yourself.

I'd say you're trolling, but there really are people as stupid as this.

I've got a job, retard.

Yes, I get my parents to buy me everything, that's why I wrote: How do you think people pay for these things when mommy and daddy don't buy them for you?

Hopefully you're just shitposting, but chances are you're a fat old fuck who grew up in the 70s or 80s and believes everything he hears on TV about millennials and how they ruined the world. It must be nice to scapegoat the generation you fucked over.

You sure showed me with that incredibly specific string of insults that describe next to no one who actually exists in real life.

prove it with a timestamp picture

He's just venting, user.

Prove you're not Jewish, post a photo of your dick. Be sure to do it in the mirror so we get a look at your face as well.

Looks like those media types all too willing to give him a platform for ratings abandon him when it matter most for his predicament. Hurt his chances even by letting him flaggelate. This dumb leftie just got a harsh lesson in how the world really works, despite the hugfest his professors taught him the world was (that he needed to protect with violence, how can they not see the contradiction? The irony is delicious).


The SJWs don't depend on people's perception of them, as they don't live in the real world. We're taking the heat for their faggotry. The elite are great at strategy; this turns their two greatest opponents, the old and young working classes, against one another.

Trump gives me hope because he has beaten them at their own game, this grand strategy, several times the past few months.

Nigger, shut up. If anything boomers are entitled whiny fucks. You should listen to how much they complain about everything, including their own children for basically doing what they've been told all their life. There are millenials who are barely old enough to vote and most of them are still in college or have just one or two years in the job market, yet somehow this is a reason to chastise a generation that hasn't even gotten started in life yet.

Gen X and with the help of the good millenials (the non-failures who didn't turn hyper-liberal) are the ones who will save the disaster the retarded boomers created.

You fucked over all of us. You're gonna hang on the day of the rope too.

Public attorneys are shit though, we need the government to pay for private ones :^)

There's not even any starter jobs you dumb fuck, the economy is in the toilet because you retards handed everything over to the kikes.

Every fucking time with the boomers, they are utterly incapable of understanding that the economy has fallen apart from when they were kids. These are the ones who had everything handed to them, including the opportunity to just walk in somewhere and get some basic job. All those jobs have gone to fucking immigrants now, what little we COULD have done has been erased by the minimum wage.

Boomer hate is always, ALWAYS justified.


you're right, this is work people used to do when they were teenagers

Now 30-60 year old mexicans do it

right, except again, there are people who are in their 40s working these jobs

If I dont see a mexican or asian working a fast food joint (in socal) its usually a middle aged white guy or black chick

also, all that advice means shit when the managers are spics or niggers

where do you think you are?

Is that what they call trying to get on stage and bumrush a presidential candidate surrounded by the SS these days?

Kek, is there some way we can make his misery even worse?

we could go full /baphomet/

voting for trump

reported him. see if I get a response in the morning.

This guy is an actor and they always beg on gofraudme

My guess would be sucking cox at the local gay cruise area.

Stuff like Twitch I can understand. If you enjoy a busker's music you give him a trivial amount of money, right? Same principle applies.

Kickstarter can be good for covering production costs for people who have a good working prototype of something, but I hate the way established companies try to use it (and still fuck up!).

GoFundMe and Patreon are just begging bowls for the worthless.

He is so nu-male.

no but seriously I'd fucking do this (small scale, single batch deliveries, trying to keep as anonymous as possible to clients) over wageslaving my better years away if I don't get something decent after uni

lets hope the retarded war on drugs continues for a decade or two so I can benefit

This isn't fucking reddit, you retarded newfag
spend like three minutes looking around hatechan and you'll figure out how to format shit
until then don't pretend to know what the fuck you're doing on here, lurk moar. a LOT moar.

These people astound me.

I'm almost 30 and I have barely 15k in savings.

Haha okay I thought you were being serious top kek

Quit baiting you stupid faggot.

Any updates on this piece of shit?
Did anyone come up with any ideas on shutting this faggot down or did you just argue about 20k all night?

… how? Have you analyzed your finances, where does it go?

I'll give her credit for that, bretty gud bantz.


yeah you are full of shit, I know people who made 80k a year working at ford out of high school in the 80s and now they are a handymen who outcompete any youngfags trying to work under the table, oldfags are cancer, they have taken over lawncare, painting and other entry level jobs. my parents bought a house for the price of my undergraduate education in the 80s and now the houses in the neighborhood are worth 300k instead of 30k. thanks to cash for clunkers all used cars cost double what they used to in the 01-07 period. I take solace in the fact that while I get stronger you oldfags get weaker and one day me and a lot of young men who have been fucked by you faggots are going to get our revenge on you

protip all these jobs are taken up by oldfags who use their capital to buy shitloads of 150cc zero turns and high powered snowblowers to completely outclass start ups by young people and on top of that the oldfags usually selectively hire mexicans to do these jobs, often discriminating against white guys who are "just going to quit anyway" and make them pull weeds for 12 hours while the spics ride lawnmowers and smoke meth in the truck.

fuck the defense fund angle

what is their TOS on sending money to terrorists? this guy is isis, dont withdraw from that flank.

enjoy getting a nighttime visit from some mexican cleaners

probably auto maintenance and insurance, both of which got fucked thanks to bongo, I'm 25 and I had a nice little egg saved up from working through college but its fucking gone now since the cash for clunkers cancer made buying a beat up ford ranger cost 5k more than it fucking should

If hes anything like me dimminshed income + emergency expenditures. Seems every time I get to over $5k in savings something happens that requires me to spend damn near all of it.

Im 30 now. When I was 23 I was making 2.5 times as much per month. In between then and now everything fell apart thanks to the usual suspects. But on a good note I managed to fall in style and somehow grab onto a very nice piece of land with a house on it instead of falling flat on my ass.


.. I know that feel I need a fucking pic up truck but they are retardedly over valued.

Haha was talking about this to a guy who is 60 (I am 47) and we were laughing about how youngfags moan and groan about doing any work, at 60 he quit a career in electronics tech because bored and went into handyman stuff, he kept in shape and easily outworks fat videogame playing virgins. You can either pull your own weight (and try losing some of it) or suck on a fat one. If you think life is "fair" and you should be given anything, you are a bernie supporting communist.

Can we start a gofundme to raise money so we can pay an assasin to kill this faggot?

I've sent 5 reports from different IPs let's see if GoFundMe actually does anything.

Done did my part

For the love of christ hotwheelz I hope isis really did capture you


Not to mention we are in a rent bubble so most people who rent are being raped right now.

You are full of shit.

What you should have said was

But you have no idea what you are talking about.

Fuck off.

See above for an answer just in case you were seriously wondering. That guy is a fucking idiot.


bwahaha I thought this faggot was being funded by soros after i saw the photo of him making bail.

have we identified and doxed the communist cunts in the photograph with him?


get on my level wagecuck


i reported it last night and nothing has been done.

come on now. this is not a good attack vector. He didn't make the verion with saleel sawarim playing. That had to be a troll. By pushing it as being from him you look uninformed and then maybe other things you say will have to be looked into further.

He didn't make isis video, but he did make the original in which he drags the flag on the ground, along with all the other shit this faggot has done.

He went for God Emperor Trump and he is going to be ruined financially forever. Hopefully he also sees some time behind bars. Really hope Trump doesn't let him off easy. He is scum who needs to be destroyed.

Its still up.