The Future That Could Have Been

I recently came across this article from awhile back and it legitimately made me a bit sad. Apple completely ruined what could have been an awesome future with diverse hardware capable of specializing in a whole array of independent tasks. Now, we've just got another iteration of 60 core, six-gajillion megapixel square boxes that break at the slightest fluttering of a leaf.

also, half of the phones in that article look like maxi pads

Other urls found in this thread:



That Nokia Kinetic looks interesting. A phone that stands up when it needs your attention.
Samsung has the Galaxy Golden, which is an Android flip phone only available in the east. Nokia had the N93, which flips around like a camcorder for recording video and it's 10 years old. RIM are still making phones that aren't rectangular slabs, but I'm not sure how long that will go on for.
I'm sticking with my BB Passport, but with every company moving towards Android/iOS and rectangular screens I don't think we'll have anything interesting in the future.

what a great technology thread

you surely are enlightened

I wanted the passport but ended up with a classic instead. Now that blackberry is switching over to android only, I may just go back to a flip-phone; either that, or try to make a nexus as libre as possible.

It's technology on a fucking technology board. Don't you have a browser thread to circlejerk in?


I miss horizontal keyboards so much. So easy to type on.

Anyone here manage to nab an n950? I used to have a friend with 2. Fucking hate him.



no wait have a bit more current one

heil hitler

and here is the best of current gen horizontal slide

when the fuck did all of /g/ move here?
Time to migrate again

All those phones look fucking retarded and a lot of them are still being conceptualized today at least in spirit through the whole "wearable tech" meme.

Please do leave if technology threads on the technology board trigger your autism so.

God I wish you would go, instead of complaining in every thread about how you need to migrate somewhere else. Just fuck off already.

The Samsung Galaxy Stratosphere II is better than both those phones but only slightly. I personally have it, it's not bad but it's not the greatest.
You also forgot the Blackberry Priv, which is miles ahead of all 3 of these phones.

heh, maybe i should link the first phone too



Everything there looks like shit

If you want to try and pretend to be futuristic and look like a complete fool in public you should just get an Aliemware laptop, supposedly it was designed by Star Trek stage designers


hitler confirms

Most of the look like crap

oy vey


This is now a lost tech feels thread

Steam powered cars

Th-thanks oil companies
Not like I wanted a steam/electric hybrid anyway


Niggee we've had Steam cars since cars were a fucking thing, in fact, for many years the fastest cars on the road were steam-powered, reaching speeds well over 150mph or more, and this is back in the 1920s

Why did petrol overtake steam?
Because steam wasn't perfect, it took a long ass time to heat the boilers up and they lost their speed benefits as cars became heavier with modern interiors and suspension systems

You want to know a real piece of lost technology? Gasoline Turbine Engines
Gas turbines don't use pistons or heavy transmissions, instead air becomes compressed and ignited with a fuel mixture, the compressed air is then exhausted through a series of turbines and heat exchangers to help cool the exhaust and utilize the heat so its not wasted, the turbine then drives the air compressor and drive-train to continue the cycle

Chrysler made a prototype turbine engine in the 60s
The engine was used for a single prototype car model, the Chrysler Turbine Car
Benefits of using turbine engines include the following;
-Less moving mechanical parts
-Naturally produces less C02, emissions may be reduced further via catalytic converter
-Is able to accept anything as fuel as long as its flammable, including alcohol, there just needs to be something to ignite to run the compression cycle
-transmissions are not necessary because a turbine has a maximum torque range at all times, much like Tesla electronic cars
There was originally the following downsides;
-Less efficient at low speeds do to the necessity of a high turbine idle sleed; Chrysler solved this through clever engineering, gas mileage on the Turbine Car is around 20 MPG, comparable to many cars on the market in the 60s
-High exhaust temperatures, again solved by Chrysler through specifically built heat exchangers, exhaust temps are lower than that of a regular car

less than 5 working prototypes are still known to exist

Jay Lenos Garage; The Chrysler Turbine CAR

Let's not forget Smokey Yunick's adiabatic engine.

The following is a random keyword the nsa monitors via STARLAN

Please kill yourself Josh.

I won't sage special for you.

Jay Leno's commentary is like an older, less jovial JonTron

Is this why the Jews destroyed Detroit user?

I have a Lumia and I use Windows 10 on it.

shit dude it really is, Jay even looks almost like what Jon would look like in the future, hell even their first names sound similar "Jay and Jon"
Could this be the work of meme magic?



Worst trips ever
get the fuck out

Either you are management drone, whose handling of shit involves yelling at (or be yelled by) people; or you shit is extremely trivial.

based nip man

so we /out/ now
so we Holla Forums now
so we /lit/ now
This doesn't deserve its thread here.

Today a turbine-electric car could go 1000km without refueling

Instead they keep adding shitty ICE