The Watchmen is now canon DCU. The New 52 was created by Dr. Manhattan.
DC Rebirth
If Alan Moore were dead, he'd be spinning in his grave
But why?
can't wait to hear the old wizard's thoughts on this.
of course he'll hate it, i just want to know if he'll cast any curses on dc. which makes me wonder, what if the shitting of the comics industry is his doing via black magic?
He doesn't cast curses
So he's the one to blame for this bullshit…
Well, it's definitely stupid but it's not worth getting riled up about. DC are basically in reprints anyway. Once this fails and once they fail to make their planned cinematic universe commercially viable, they'll be completely in reprints.
or so you think
Makes sense. DC has been dick-riding Watchmen since it came out, and simply won't let that dead horse die.
Hell, we got to see what happens when DC tries to bring the "Watchmenization" obsession to general audiences, and they all fucking hated it. But DC won't ever stop.
Sure, why not. They already made those shitty prequel comics. Why not go whole hog and fold Watchmen into the DCU, admitting that they're completely creatively bankrupt.
Also, what's the context there? Batman notices they were being watched and finds the button?
They won't let it die because it's one of the few books they have that critics feel "legitimizes" the medium. So just like when they folded Vertigo titles like Sandman, Hellblazer, and Swamp Thing back into the DCU, they feel by bringing Watchman in, it elevates their books. When in reality, it just cheapens what they're absorbing.
Plus they can't ever let it go out of print or else the rights go to Alan Moore. So they need to make sure it continues to be a viable "brand".
Webm related sums up my feelings on the subject.
foreign scum detected
Prisoners of Gravity is a really good show, some amazing interviews.
And those are some really good trips, checked
honestly you have to give props to jackie haley, not many people would give enough of a shit to act through a mask
Haley was good. The movie was shit, though
Haley fucking owned that movie.
I didn't hate the movie but I saw it before reading the comic
From the preview
I dunno how I feel about this. I just hope that there are certain elements removed from DC by this change. Court of Owls and didn't like the mystical history of joker.
There is nothing to be fucking gained from it. Watchmen was single story with a beginning middle and end. It doesn't need a continuity with infinite parallels. I prefer the old idea that was being bounced around where the Watchmen was in universe comic book within the DCU.
Is Wally not black any more? Have they finally seen reason?
Get rid of Victor Fries' new backstory too.
Him being the most sane relatively and pitiable man in Arkham separated him from the rest.
he looks a little like that hero guy from that animu thats airing now
>someone else
Not to mention that origin would only work of Freeze didn't have one to begin with.
As it stands, he has a legitimately creative and sad backstory that makes him unique. There was no reason to retcon it like they did.
I always thought that speech was good crazy-talk, but Frank Miller really knows what it's like to be inside the head of an insane person probably because he's lost his mind himself
Wasn't that explicitly pointed out as bullshit?
There are two Wally Wests now. One will be in Titans, the other in Teen Titans apparently
DC is too lazy and incompetent to come up with anything new.
except a fresh untapped set of heroes to ruin
I love getting riled up, but this was probably just a fucking joke that you retards flipped out over.
Arrogance? Editorial mandate for grimdark grimderp?
I think they misunderstood who Victor was. Until that one horrible day in the labs, he was just an ordinary cryonics scientist trying to save his wife. Nothing crazy about him. As far as I know, the only reason he's in Arkham and not Blackgate is due to Arkham's facilities and higher budget, plus maybe a few psych difficulties coming from his condition.
If he turns to crime outside, it's usually though not always to do with needing money, either to continue his research or to survive let's ignore Lazara for a moment. Were it not for his condition and what he's done, he could probably stay out there no problem. Back in the original cartoon, even Batman saw why the man was hellbent on revenge, and sympathized enough to get him a legal form of it.
All these things together combine to make him different from the rest of Arkham's crazies in a tragic human way. Why do you think you see him so rarely when they stage breakouts? He's not really a part of the "family," and never was. Making him another delusional crazy just makes him boring.
Also, every good Mister Freeze story that I've seen had a "Poor Victor" moment. Holy shit, that Christmas Annual.
Don't blame poor writing and lore rape on grimdark. There's nothing wrong with the grimdark genre, or stories with depressing and pessimistic atmospheres. The problem is when people try to artificially transform a franchise or character into something that it was never intentioned to be.
Fuck, I'm tired.
Is DC just trying to piss off Alan Moore so they get free publicity? As much as they want to ruin Watchmen, they never can, the original comic still exists, it's a complete story. Only morons would bother reading anything more about the characters or setting.
Ah, sorry, I meant an unnecessary mandate for grimdark, which might've led to a clumsy and ill-conceived execution.
To fulfill every retarded comic book fan's wet dream
This was the inevitable end of it. After all the new PROGRESSIVE! characters fail they'll bring back the old ones and rehash them to shit and the entire universe will be huge and cluttered with duplicate heroes because SJWs don't recognize minority characters unless they're riding off the coattails off a white male character.
Just look at fucking Marvel. TWO FUCKING spider-men, TWO captain americas, TWO Spider-women, and TWO Thors, and there is probably more I'm forgetting.
Alt-right Rorshach that shitpost on Holla Forums and call people cucks when?
Getting your politics mixed up. Rorshach is an objectivist based on the philosophies and protagonists of Ayn Rand. Holla Forums hates Rand because she's "Jewish"
Holla Forums is retarded, Rorshach is not.
Actually according to Moore, they're all retarded, but Rorschach and Ozymandias are the worst of the bunch.
Rand is retarded, though. And she ruined Steve Ditko.
Fuck, I didn't even notice that. I'm losing my mind browsing these boards.
Just give him back the one Paul Dini wrote for Batman: Mr. Freeze, where he blames Batman for his wife's death.
While I agree that the Watchmen did ruin Western comics, it's the not fault of the work, but rather the fault of those in charge at the time who decided to just stupidly copy it's most surface elements without realizing the damage it would do to their brand.
I'm certain that the sole reason Alan Moore was even hired by DC is because some idiot saw Miracle Man and thought "This Moore guy really gets superheroes".
It's from Rebirth #1. People with early copies are starting to post spoilers from it.
Newsarama's review of it confirms the Watchmen page is real. The entire comic is meta-commentary.
But, user, this is a literal case of blaming the Watchmen.
Everyone is 10 years younger, Whatever Happened is canon and all other kinds of fuckery. I want to die.
when do they reveal the joker?
According to the rumors, there's THREE Jokers now
got a link or source on that? I want to get mad
#50 ccomes out on the 25th. Time to get real fucking mad, boys and girls.
Dear lord, Another one. What happen with that Convergence shit and NEW YOU bullshit?
Wait, Don't answer that. It's obvious that it failed.
So what, they're retcon New 52?
Nu52 was a mistake, so they pull convergence out of their arses. Besides pandering to Nightwing lovers like myself, it reboots ALL previous crises. Infinite, Final, Zero Hour, Flashpoint eetc still happened, but every single world/dimension ever written exists, brought back by Brainiac's bitch, Telos.
This was mostly done to appease people who hate nu52, everyone, and to make reprints make sense.
Rebirth is not a complete reboot, but rather just takes all the characters with ongoings and a few others that will get ongoingsand makes their backgrounds easier to get into as a new reader.
I dont know how theyre justifying it, i havent kept up with news.
Question: whats the deal with the dimension travelling Superman?
Last I heard of Supes he "lost" his powers and run around beating people up on jeans and a superman t-shirt, and the other day I read some random Supes comicbook and theres this other Superman married to Lois and with a kid running around and being the focus of the story.
I may be out of the loop but are they rebooting again?
This ride is going on full reverse now.
Ever read "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow", written by Alan Moore and drawn by Curt Swan?
That's what's happening. They're making it canon.
I've read Convergence and all of it's tie-ins.
Nothing affects me now.
I've lost the capacity for great anger over comic books. They've baited me so often that I've ascended to a level beyond such things. Now I just look down and smile, knowing that the more dead wood they stack beneath them, the greater the eventual fire.
As I last checked, no. He is still Pale Man. But an writer could of said otherwise. From what I remember if that end is that batman just accepted jokers mystical past.
Hell, he even says "I'm nutty!" in the opening of the classic cartoon!
I heard Convergence Shazam was pretty good.
Oh, it is, but it's an anomaly in a sea of confusing, poorly written, insulting shit.
I have been tricked many times in my life, but this one hurt me most of all.
Yeah. Outside of Shazam, the rest of the event was two months of DC fucking you in the ass.
My the first time in my life, I was proud of the Direct Market after that shit. They fucked DC right back, which is why Rebirth is happening.
Reasonable way to get him mad at Bats (indeed, probably one of the only ways to get him persistently angry with Bats). Keeps him Gotham's tragic villain, gives Bats a stab of guilt similar to Diniverse Two-Face.
>remembers Batman Beyond's Meltdown
OK..the last panel on the pic is awesome.
What about Convergence Blue Beetle or Convergence Justice League International? I heard that was good. And something about Convergence Titans….but I'm not sure.
I see nothing wrong with this, and the only thing I would change is to make the degenerate Bruce Jenner.
Well? He DIDN'T kill anyone.
They had a taste for human flesh and needed to be put down. They could never be rehabilitated.
Who wouldn't be? It affected you a great deal. :^)
Rorschach is the sanest person in that book, next to Comedian. They're the only two who REALLY understood just how bad shit had hit the fan.
The craziest motherfuckers were Adrian and Manhattan.
The most sane is Nite Owl, followed by Laurie.
Comedian was just a cynic, and the way Manhattan acted was pretty understandable considering the position he was in.
Rorschach and Ozymandias were completely insane.
Nite Owl was a child-like innocent who was rocked to his core when he found out how bad things were, and most likely would have killed himself after the squid without Laurie to lean on. He yet might yet if they ever broke up.
Laurie had been a perpetual victim of one abuse or another over the years (her mother, her step-father, etc.), and her lack of rationality is proven when she starts fucking Jon. Sane girls don't fuck married (or common-law) atomic weapons.
Why don't you pirate it and find out? I could tell you it was bland, forgettable, and riddled with continuity errors(like all of Convergence), but people don't usually believe that until they see it with their own eyes.
Outside of Shazam, nobody gave a fuck about this event and it shows.
I'm actually sad about the whole thing because
But many writers like to make one reference after another to better writers who wrote shit decades and decades ago to try and make their shit run popular via osmosis.
They're going to do it more often now.
I and others are not going to get every little reference, but also a lot of big references central to the fucking plot and have a worse reading experience for it.
This shit discourages me like nothing else from reading a comic.
It is reading a comic from issue 1 and then being told
Then you try and read it from the start and it devolves into references to other books year after year still creating this asinine tapestry of references.
I pick up a an indie book and 9/10 it is either edgy shit, SJW shit or both.
I pick up a manga.
Writers and Artists make the manga because they felt like telling an interesting story, not because they had a deadline.
No shitball writers taking the reigns and shitting up the book.
No crapstain artists who can't draw for shit taking over and ruining the art.
No political ideology shit.
No reference blurbs.
No cross pollination.
No immersion destroying adverts.
No need to buy a bag and board.
No need to buy overpriced trades with no industry standard size.
No race or sex lifting shit.
They can have characters get married, they can do whatever, it is the creator's fucking characters.
The creators are practically the only ones who can ruin their creation.
A lot of the problems with mainstream comics can be attributed to the rise of the Direct Market. Instead of selling to all audiences as they did with newsstands, comics started selling directly to the nerds, which demanded more continuity, more "mature" comics, more expensive printing, and more superheroes. The medium changed radically to meet their incredibly niche needs.
Rorshach being retarded was the point of his character.
tfw there will never be an actual ironic cartoon of watchmen.
why is everything Alan Moore?
The man will reveal his powerlevel and burn DC down with fireballs at this rate.
It's been over five years since I read a new DC or Marvel book, and I gotta say, it feels pretty damn good. Now I just stick to silver and bronze age stuff and manga.
The direct market needs to burned to the ground. It's not like there's even a lot of comic shops left. Most of the one's I've been to lately have an ever shrinking emphasis on comics and are more into collectables and board games. The one in my home town had such a drop in comic readers over the last couple years that it doesn't even order any books for the wall, only what customers request for their file.
What happened to Convergence?
I heard that it was suppose to be heroes fron different universes duking it out and bringing back fan favorites.
After that, I heard everyone hated it, what happened, why was it so hated?
Taking aside the whole shit story.
Imagine for a moment what YOU'D do if you could merge universes, or send heroes from one world to another.
Would you send the robo-zombie shit from the Forever Evil comic to the Just-a-lotta animals world to fuck shit up.
Have them clash with Ultraman and his transforming Loli Superwoman?
Have Kingdom Come heroesstop them?
Fucking hell. This comic is too good for its time.
I hate what they did to him. They fucked his shit up.
The "gave" him a chance at redemption. They made him think he had a chance to grow old and die eventually. They didnt even tell him when it failed. He would probably have agreed to try again and again until they got it right. It would have worked out to everyone's favor.
But no.
They had to kill him.
To be honest the story is good, so having emotions about how it goes down is something good for the story.
I always found the issue to be that western comics refused to continue on in life. Meaning heroes grow old and die. Than replaced by their kids as protagonists or antagonists. New stories and personality would be created and/or killed off. Most heroes we know of to this day are from WW2 and look to be in their 30's. Hell in manga there are "sequels" to old stories where the old cast make cameos at best. I dunno, just figured that western comics never actually moved forward.
If comics had definable ends, or if superhero identities could become "a mantle" like they were almost intending to be in the 80's with the JLI, having "diverse" characters wouldn't be too bothersome.
DC could also probably have their cake and eat it too.
This shit would work as long as the next gook who takes on the Green Lantern mantle goes around with the name "Guy Gardner",
DOESN'T, go around with the name "Guy Gardner"
It wasn't so much bringing back fan favorites as it was RAPING fan favorites with terrible writing, shit art, and glaring continuity errors. The main Convergence title was nigh unreadable.
Already you're ignoring the retarded premise of Convergence. The story wasn't villains running amok, it was heroes vs. heroes fighting each other for NO FUCKING REASON OTHER THAN THE PLOT DEMANDED IT.
Still, I'll entertain your request. I would team up Azbats with Adam West Batman to save sixties Gotham City from the Bloodstorm aliens. While it would be rocky at first, Azrael finally getting strong mentor would teach him what it means to be Batman.
Isn't brand recognition like the only thing holding comics afloat? If they stopped rehashing Batman, Joker, Superman, Lex Luthor, etc and moved in a new direction or even, god forbid, created a new franchise that's not about costumed heroes, would anyone give a shit? People like to compare comics to manga, but graphic novels was never a big part of our culture like it is over in Japan. Maybe we are too different to compare our industries fairly.
Is there anything that Alan Moore likes?
Just wait until they "retell" the story and shit over it in the same way they shat over everything else they had.
Then a new movie to top it off that follows the new Watchmen and not the old one, and it'll be fucked for good, since the majority doesn't care about old stuff.
HP Lovecraft
John Dee
Iain Sinclair
Any kind of hallucinogen really
You forgot
He probably enjoys a nice thick bush.
That's already way fucking better than anything Convergence can do.
Holy shit user. I want that.
Do more.
Depends. Familiarity is needed for sure. Unless cities or continents get nuked Gotham, "Star City", Metropolis will always be there. Avengers tower/mansion and Tower of Justice will most likely be around. It's not so much "future" like 2099 series but more like heroes who existed in the 60's as adults are old foggies now and could be around to mentor the young'ns in the now. You know, you'll see a statue of "X" hero who died in the 1950's and the statue says what date and you could find that comic to read related to that piece of history. It'll feel more meaningful, ya know? Heck even have the grand children visit for the extra feels who are heroes now. My main issue is that the current heroes are who they are by name only either way. Their personality or morals have taken a 180 and merely a shadow of their former selves. Imagine all the sjw propaganda being said by the kids of the old heroes and just these clashes of view points with the old guard. "Did I raise my kid right?" Kinda questions popping up. And others like it that aren't deep but definitely meaningful.
Sorry watchtower. Should of gone with hall of justice. I just mash them sometimes.
You're all missing the point. None of the characters are wrong, that's the brilliant part of Watchmen, every character is sympathetic. Who an individual reader chooses to side with is based on their own personal beliefs and worldview, even though Moore clearly disagreed with Rorschach's point of view, he was never dishonest with the characterization. That's one of the things that makes Moore such a great writer, he never tells the audience how they should think.
No wonder comics have been so grimdark.
Leave it to a guy who came from a universe whose superheroes were all cynical deconstructions of themselves to fuck it up because he doesn't get superheroes.
That's a silly opinion, but you're free to have it.
Forcing new heroes to fill in the shoes of those that cane before them would make for great stories too.
Wally West is pretty much the only example of it done right.
Imagine if Dick had been forced to do theverything same at the same time. There are a lot of possibilities.
He means Manhattan himself not Moore. Manhattan fucked up the DCU because all he knew about superheroes was the fucked up shit from his original universe. That was the joke user was trying to go for.
Oh shit, you're right.
Oh jesus christ.
Mind you, Naruto did end, and is now continuing as a sequel about his son, Boruto and yes, that is a nigger in the woodp, er, cast. Which I suppose is the mantle-passing later posters referred to. Naruto did start around 20 years ago, so it was about time. If Batman was a title passed from father to son, we'd be on the fifth generation by now.
The British football comic Roy of the Rovers did actually retcon in the father-to-son idea, though he had also had a kid who was 10 years old for 10 years. In the 90's the kid grew up fast and became a premiership player himself. then it got cancelled
Or hell, we could've had Ambush Bug.
Then again…there's Killer Bee. But then again, I don't get what's Holla Forums's definition of nigger.
She's this guy's daughter (he married a black ninja for some reason; I don't think they even knew each other), and is basically him except black and female.
Despite being fat like her dad and black like her mom, she starts thinking she's adopted. No, Naruto still isn't written well.
It never was…well, the first invasion of Konoha was good….and then it didn't just roll downhill, it rolled down a fucking valley.
Keep in mind that the Direct Market was originally conceived as an alternative to mitigate the money lost on the newsstands. The stands and distributors could straight-up swindle publishers for refunds and then sell the unsold stock themselves.
That's not to excuse the idiocy and greed that permitted collector-aimed gimmicks to proliferate (among other things), but I'd say that assigning blame to how comics are sold is kinda pointless now.
That really only says something about how stupid Moore is. Ozymandias and Rorschach are the only two characters in the comic with any actual principles to speak of.
It's not the direct market's fault that comic books suck now. It's Marvel's fault and it's because they decided to collapse the newsstand completely in favour of a direct market instead of maintaining the two and profiting from their symbiotic relationship.
Look, Jim Shooter gives a very good explanation of what went down.
He likes Herbie Popnecker.
I've read it. It's got that weird charm of Jimmy Olsen, but Herbie's too savvy. He lacks the naivete of Jimmy, which makes Herbie's strange adventures inferior.
Herbie's co-creator and writer, Richard E. Hughes, also wrote some Jimmy Olsen stories, so there's that.
I doubt Moore actually said that Rorschach is retarded. Crazy, yes, but that's not a controversial position. Rorschach is crazy.
I believe Moore intended Rorschach to be viewed as a completely deranged maniac. And he was. The problem is people thought he was right regardless of that, because he at least had a damn grip on himself in contrast to the basket case that was the entire rest of the cast.
Wonder how Marvel would've gone if they didn't can Shooter.
Better, most likely. The 80s under Shooter were as good, if not better, than the 60s under Stan. You had Stern on Spider-Man, Miller on Daredevil, Simonson on Thor, Byrne on Fantastic Four, Claremont on X-Men and a bunch of other good people on stuff. Shooter really knew how to run the business and he actually solved a lot of Marvel's problems at the time.
You know what would be lot better? JUST AGE THE CHARACTERS IN REAL TIME! That way they wouldn't have to constantly reboot continuity every goddamn 5 years or so! Dragonball does it, why can't DC and Marvel?
2000AD does that already
Both Slaine and Dredd are old gezzers, the ABC Warriors are centuires old, etc.
Aging characters wouldn't guarantee good stories though. At best, it's just another gimmick that's still dependent on writers managing to craft something readable in spite of it.
Because it sure is all the better for it.
where would you put him?
JoJo does it and is better for it.
Imagine having Volume #2110 of Jonathan beating the shit out of Dio, who is still a vampire.
For the most part, yes. Mangas usually aren't afraid to show the passage of time and the changing of the world. This is why stories set in the 90s are set in the 90s and don't have to be shuffled awkwardly up to 2010 in desperate attempts to stay relevant.
In fact part of DBZ's decline in quality was NOT changing with the times, when Goku was supposed to retire from protagonist status and be replaced by his son Gohan, which could have had much more interesting results than where we are today.
Yea but JoJo is the work of ONE guy who still works well because he understands why it does.
The problem with comic books is that eventually shit writers will replace the old guard, and ruin everything about it to push an event or something, because they don't understand how to make it good.
Its how you get from X-Force(Series written by a couple of guys with a goal in mind, and was awesome) to Axis(Shit event made to sell books).
Which was supposed to happen at the end of Cell Saga but the fans wanted Goku back. I would've been OK with Gohan going around being a dorky superhero.
I can't believe they shat on that moment in Axis.
He would've grown out of the role. Videl would have been forced to get stronger.
Stronger than Tien and Krillin. Picollo would have gotten stronger.
Gohan would have ended up dying for Trunks like in the Alternate Universe. Probably during the Buu saga.
Trunks and Goten have a more friendly rivalry than Goku and Vegeta. They end up being bros and travelling the galaxy with Pan during GT.
From there the possibilities are endless.
Holla Forums is to Rorschach in the same light that SJW's think they're V
This much is true
Nope. Trunks was there for no fucking reason. Goten never left earth.
I'm just saiyan what an original timeline would have been like if Goku ever stepped out.
I've seen all the real stuff.
GT is underrated.
It's meh, really. I get the earlier parts was to recapture the adventure days of the original Dragon Ball but turning Goku into a kid? They couldn't use Goten? At least we have overprotective father Vegeta. Seriously, would love to see that as a series or an OVA
give me sauce on Dr. Manhattan making the nu52
He repented. He was willing to be normal again. Judging by how he used that doctor's first name and took her with him to the cemetery, he was even willing to move on and let Nora's memory rest.
It wasn't even kind of situation where "Batman teams up with Mister Freeze!" cool as that would be
The poor man finally gets a break, a chance at a normal life, and then it's yanked away from him.
When Mister Freeze seeks vengeance on someone, it's never for something petty. You end up feeling as torn as Batman when watching him, if not rooting for the guy to win. Now that's some skillful writing.
I'll say it again, as I've always said it. Kishimoto can not write female characters to save his life. You put your characters in 3's and consistently they end up being useless. Is Sakura the Yamcha of Naruto? Yes. She never surpassed Kakashi. That's how bad it was.
I liked Ten-Ten just because I appreciated her gimmick of "throw a thousand pointy things at a fucker's face." And her design was somewhat cute.
If Naruto was made 20-30 years ago, Rock Lee would have been the protagonist, and Naruto the sympathetic rival he would sometimes team up with.
Shame about the utter lack of personality though.
He was a teenager/young adult in GT's time frame. There would've been no point in using him. You already had Trunks at the same age
My problem is not necessarily that they made Goku a kid. It's that they kept him that way, even long after they dispensed with the pretence that GT was going back to Dragon Ball's roots.
fucking jews ruin everything.
Convergence: House of Mystery. The able caretaker Cain tells the tales of various "spooky" DC heroes as they try to stave off a vampire invasion from the Red Rain universe. This would include stories like Etrigan The Demon fighting Vampire Batman and Dr. Thirteen trying to disprove the existence of the Red Rain universe. Maybe add in Lord Andrew Bennett for some color.
Convergence: Crime Syndicate of America. The CSA get more than they bargained for when they get into a mega gang war with the ruthless, super intelligent crime boss…CLARK KENT? Since Convergence #0 implied the Imaginary Stories are now separate earths, the evil "Killer" Kent in this would be from Superman #230.
Those are two I just pulled out of my ass. I screwed up with the Azbats/Westbats premise. It's supposed to be the BLOODLINES aliens, not Bloodstorm. An easy mistake to make. Also, the sixties rogues gallery will get Blood Pack powers.
meant for
The Rebirth Teen Titans are looking kind of animu.
did beast boy have an encounter with Dr Crystal?
Another name for the shitheap of arists I don't like. Why does the pile grow ever higher?
Raven feels like Noodles from Gorillaz
Yeah, but it's yanked from him because the company:
A: Doesn't think he'll want to try again, when it's made clear he DOESNT want to be immortal and would welcome death if the procedure goes wrong.
B: Is more than willing to keep hush about the first time failing.
Both are great ideas, thanks for playing along with my autism.
Man, both sound like awesome stories. If the horror one had the art like the Vampire Batman comic, it'd be stellar. Maybe even inspire more horror comics in the modern age. I know there's a few good ones, but the last "major" one was the Archie one for me. Anything with Dr.Thirteen is awesome for me too. Loved what they did with him during the last Crisis.
The Killer Kent one is neat too, I wonder what villains he'd hire to fight off the CSA.
I'm a shit artist myself but I don't like how the shadows work on this art-style.
Raven wearing pants is heresy.
Oh, you beautiful fucking faggot.
You know, I hate X-men. I really hate the X-men but I would read the shit out of the X-force books if it had more moments like that.
Oh, and That Deadpool is awesome.
Whoa, wait a minute friend. Do you REALLY want to use Toriyama as reference. The guy who forgets half of his characters and wait until the last minute to do a chapter.
His Non-dragonball work is pretty good, though
I said this once and I said it before. Boruto is a shit. A whiny little spoiled shit which considering his father's backstory I suppose this was the logical result
Oh my god, I didn't even notice the lightning bolt.
Welp, and there goes any hope I had left.
Have fun keeping your secret identity, Flash-in-the-Pan.
They just swapped out cyborg with the Flash as if that will make it better, but cyborg was not the problem.
He's black.
I'm saying the problem is that he's still black.
Also, now he will be really really fast which will make stealing bicycles almost too easy.
Loving Black Flash's redesign.
Old one was way too edgy for me.
he liked this
i love this
irrelevant comics franchise latches onto overrated series created by one of the biggest douchebags in comics
moore himself states that he hates the costumed superhero genre and thinks you're a child for liking it, so I don't see why he or his work should be held on any kind of pedestal
Apparently he liked this, too
Every fucking time.
Here's an idea
Somehow, Limbo got pulled into the event and Ambush Bug is now leading a team of cancelled and forgotten heroes against another group of heroes that time forgot.
Dude, Convergence: Supergirl Matrix was the Ambush Bug comic.
And yes. It was terrible.
Sir, it's far more than that.
What I find interesting about this thing of "Creation Blue Hand" began in the 50's to explain and justify the existence of the Green Lantern Corps.
Because the Maltuasians, the oldest race of the universe, they decided to dedicate their lives to political and development of the universe, thus making the Guardians of the Universe?
Well, the explanation given was that ages ago one of them decided to investigate the origin of existence against the advice of others and in the experiment saw a blue hand creating the whole fucking thing, the hand of the Creator, but he in doing so created a connection between the beginning of life and the present moment that releasing something nefarious in the universe. Because of this great sin, the Malthusian decided to take over and repair this great crime committed by them and have dedicated themselves to helping the universe and its beings.
Already Watchmen was created to serve as a deconstruction of this whole thing superhero. What would superheroes really? Well, would be mediocre people like everyone else and even more fucked uo still. Reality sucks.
In the comic ironically we see Dr. Manhattan, as a child, reading a Superman comic. At the end of Dr. Manhattan comic part into space in order to create something more uncomplicated than human interactions.
If Dr. Manhattan fact created the "DC Universe" is based on his childhood heroes perhaps this explains the fact that there is "evil" in the "DC Universe". When the Malthusian, Krona tried to investigate the origin of existence he opened a link between the reality of the Watchmen universe and the fantasy of "DC Universe", contaminating the UDC with pessimism and violence of Watchmen reality.
Because that's what the publisher is trying to say, the success of Watchmen contaminated the future of the comic industry itself, giving birth to was "darkness" and "mature" of superhero comics.
After Watchmen superhero comics, especially DC, became more adult and violent. DC is riding this wave nonstop since 80 becoming increasingly edge. Publisher was not so before Watchmen.
The last episode of animu Teen Titans came out in 2006.
It's taken DC ten fucking years to capitalize on the series success. Ten. Fucking. Years.
This isn't some fucking Teen Titans Go! shit. This is DC only now realizing that the original Teen Titans series was incredibly popular. That's how long they take to get up to speed on anything. A fucking decade.
It was Krona. Krona saw the beginning of the universe, but the machine he created to do so exploded, causing the universe to shatter and become the multiverse. Among the universes created by this was the anti-matter universe of Qward. It is from Qward that all evil flowed into the multiverse.
My neckbeard has been satisfied. You may continue.
I don't get it, what's not to like about that scene?
Superman was always cheesy, and was always a family man. Why wouldn't he be crushed that an illusion that gave him everything he wanted was taken away from him?
Moore wrote the story that episode was based on.
how fucking hard is it to get Raven right? Why is she a punk now?
what else is he famous for?
Would you prefer her to be "emo"?
I would prefer her to be "well-written."
Extra points if they make Raven a feminist or something
Raven looks like Ryuko from Kill la Kill but more edgy
That's pretty funny, tbh. I laughed.
52 Cards in a deck
plus 3 jokers
No one said there was anything wrong with the scene. Moore hates adaptations of his work. That episode was an adaptation of his work. Apparently, according to Bruce Timm, Moore liked it.
Is this actually as bad as it looks?
Are they still going with the Sups/Wonder woman thing for ReBirth? I'm pretty low on the knowledge of comics overall but I always found that match up to be…plain. Boring even. The couple is kinda too perfect and the only flaw there will be is that a 3rd wheel pops up. From which it did in 52 and even then it was cringe. It all ended up playing out like some High School drama where the perfect couple of the school are having some problems because one, if not both, are having an affair. That's all this coupling will ever be. I kinda liked Superman and Wonder Woman with mortal partners since they saw their partners worth in more than just being not super human.
By shadows do you mean the very slight gradient changes on some of their faces, because I'm seeing jack shit for actual shadows.
Can we all agree that DC died when Didio first started coming to prominence in the early '00s?
Wolfman? Come on, dude's not that bad.
The costumes look decent but they're ruined by the lineart being too rough and thick
Fuck, I miss this show.
That and the long ass fingers.
You misinterpreted my post. Marv Wolfman is a good writer (in my opinion anyway). I was asking if this is actually a good comic book, just marketed really poorly.
In all honesty the designs look more suited for a cartoon than they do a comic, also place your bets on how they'll fuck up the inevitable Watchmen redesigns
Dr. Manhattan's blue dong will be shrunk.
I looked in my Holla Forumsllection, and it turns out I have the 2008 Raven issues.
So I'm going to storytime the first issue, just because.
The art for this book is pretty bad. Everything looks like it's melting and it's a perfect encapsulation of when every fucking teenager was trying to be animu.
Still leagues better than the shit we get now.
I really don't mind the Raven costume redesign.
It feels weird to read a mediocre comic that doesn't have social justice shit in it.
Just look at that splash page.
Hey, it's the Medusa Mask, and Dan Didio can't even write a proper memorial without shilling his products.
The story isn't all that interesting, even if it's being written by Wolfman, and the art of that shitty quality you get when comic companies try to imitate the Japanese style. This book isn't really worth the time or effort to seek out.
Slaine is a superhuman demigod
ABC Warriors are robots
You are right about Dredd through
I just remember him now for the shitty crossover with Marvel Universe
Im checking aaannnnddd… yep, still mad about this
Which one? DC vs Marvel? All Access? Amalgam?
It's hard to not remember Bloodlines when it gave us the glorious Hitman. Did you know it's also being remade by DC right now? The Bloodlines, of course, not Hitman.
On the contrary, I've heard some call the leads of DC and Marvel "American mythology."
Do you not count Terry McGinnis here?
And those people are fucking idiots.
American mythology is shit like Bigfoot, Area 51, and conspiracy theories. Batman and Spider-Man are just fucking adventure characters.
So, wait, now DC is canonically fiction *inside of fiction*?
AND C: Derek Powers is a fucking dick/psychopath.
I'm completely at a loss at what DCucks want at this point because it literally seems like nobody at that company can do anything without you chodes immediately calling them faggots and losers.
Zack Snyder said he was going to make the most visually spectacular cape flick in history and you all turned on him in 2013
Tom King said he'd be bringing espionage and actual detective shit into Batman again and you all hate him now
Geoff fucking Johns is retooling the DCU to bring back your precious Wally and JSA after years of the Jew52 and you all hate him now because he's bringing Watchmen into the mix. You are all calling him a hack who was never good because, for some reason, you're butthurt that Alan Moore's DC shit is along for the recanonizing despite every discusssion on here about the wizard has always repeated the same mantra that "Watchmen is overrated and Alan Moore is a whiny butthurt cocksucker."
Seriously, can you queers at least be happy that DC hasn't gone full Marvel and had every other comic dictated by webcomic shitters who inject mansplaining and sexual harassment into every fucking story? Can't you be thankful the DCEU is going to tank so they can continue focusing on comics and making them about superheroes doing super things?
It's no wonder they've held off replacing the New52 this long; you little bitches are gonna piss and moan no matter what they do. You don't deserve it.
then that automatically means it is part of the DCU in it's own universe
good goy
Geoff Johns pls, stop, you're too obvious in your shitposting.
Is Raven pregnant in that solo series?
starfire looks like a sex god.
holy shit I forgot how shitty ultra comics was.
If someone knows how to archive, let me know.
Yes, yes, I'm a newfag, etc.
Anyways it looks like they might finally be trying to move away from grim and gritty.
That's a good sign, just wish it didn't come at the expense of Watchmen.
Didn't you know? No one's allowed to be happy about anything on the internet.
Insert link into, get snapshot of webpage.
Personally I'm hoping that DC's top men are actually able to weave something readable out of "Dr Manhattan vs the DCU". At worst, we just get another Convergence-level event that turns out to be superfluous reading.
yes see:
which by the way the main villain in The Multiversity is called The Empty Hand.
Further mention to another series by Alan Moore; Swamp Thing.
In it we see the hand of God and that of an anti-God
Rorshach is not a objectivist, his ethic revolves around deontology. Which pretty much means that you should do the right thing all the time no matter how bad yours or someone else's situation is. Hence Rorshach's "Never Compromise" quote
Fuck you, DC.
I think user meant that in a personal way. Some objectivists have a very similar ethical standard.
Steve Ditcos guy in the iron mask person dude is an example.
Isn't Rorschach based on a Ditko creation to begin with?
why did Ditko shove so much politics/philosophy into his work?
There are no retcons in DC. Everything is canon.
Multiversity was a fucking mess. I don't care what shit you're smoking, and I don't care how clever the whole "the universe is just music" shit it is. It was executed poorly.
Yeah. He's fucking Holla Forums He hates degenerates, and has no empathy.
Odds are that it turns out that Dr. Manhattan didn't kill Rorschach, he just sent him into the DCU? And then Rorschach meets Wonderwoman, or one of the superheroes that DC turned into faggots for "muh diversity", and hilarity ensues.
Or maybe just the Joker, and then proceeds to just murder the crazy motherfucker.
how typical lol
Well i got into Mangas and yes it was shounen stuff i started with but can you recommend stuff that isn't shounen?
Which one?
The answer is: Yes.
Do you mean Mr. A?
Rorschach would brutalize the living shit out of a nazi, he was the opposite of a socialist.
He's not Holla Forums you fucking idiot. He beats the shit out of criminals regardless of their race or gender whereas Holla Forums would just go after jews.
I am still trying to figure out where I can read Mr. A I checked all the big torrent sites and got nothing.
He's a fucking ugly ginger and he spends most of the book trying to fight Holla Forums's wet dream ideal man. He is not Holla Forums
There's actually no proof of this.
I don't buy it. From the moment it was announced, Rebirth was clearly going to play on fans emotions and desires for a competent DC. They're like an abusive husband romancing you up with promises of change.
Look beyond the writing and you'll see nothing's changed. Dan Didio and Jim Lee are still in charge of DC, which means the editorial problems are going to continue. After the first year, we'll be back where we started.
so did anyone jump ship to marvel after this shit?
marvel is doing better :^)
Nigger, what are you talking about? He only finds out about Veidt's machinations in chapter X.
My ass.
I mean to be fair, he didn't know it was Veidt but he was still trying to figure out the shit he was doing.
Just didn't know it was Veidt.
Veidt killed the Comedian. Rorschach's trying to find out who killed the Comedian and why. He's fighting Veidt even if he didn't know that Veidt's the enemy.
And Veidt is Holla Forums's wet dream man, make no mistake. Blond hair, blue eyes, probably German given the name Veidt (a possible reference to actor Conrad Veidt, basis of the Joker)
You're missing so much of the rest of the story if you actually think that.
Seriously, you're trying to psychoanalyse him and ascribe an unconscious motive that he's already formed to him.
No idea what you're into genre-wise so (edit: now that I've "finished" I can say that this is pure shitposting in no particular order for quality.)
Just a rough snapshot of good stuff
Hotel - A few short stories, the first one is Scifi masterpiece tier
Urasawa: One of the best mature manga authors, all of his stuff is worth reading
Monster- Doctor treats a young killer. Leads to a long chase across europe.
Pluto- Retelling of a single Astroboy story arc. Personal favorite.
20th Century Boys- What do I even say? It's good
Action - Protagonist goes through a lot of killing and some good feel
Holyland: Kid frequently bullied, enters rough world of streetfighting, In same vein: Shamo is a similar, but more violent manga
Berserk: One of the most popular works out there. Violence, gore and suffering abound.
Vagabond: Fictional retelling of the life of Musashi Miyamoto, one of Japan's most famous samurai
Vinland Saga: Vikings
Song of the Long March: Female Protagonist in Dynasty era china
Dorohedoro: By far the most surreal and dark fantasy world I've come across, gritty morbid magicladden world
Helck: The most powerful human and suffering. Starts a comedy, but it's been golden suffering since.
Hoshi No Samidare - Strange shonen premise, but filled with feels and incredibly underrated.
GTO- Thug with heart of gold turned teacher
Nickelodeon- Series of short pieces that tie an entire cast of character together.
Voynich Hotel- Same author as above manga, but even better
Mob Psycho 100 - Same author as One Punch Man, psychic OPM, but with character development.
Onanie Master Kurosawa - Drama and feels. It's worth the ride.
Koe No Katachi: MC bullies deaf girl and then is bullied. Only read the oneshot, but it I'll definitely be reading the longform
Bokurano- Group of kids roped into piloting a giant mech to protect the earth, but it requires something vital each time. Turns into a series of character vignette of teens trying to make peace with the world before it's their time.
Horror: Uzumaki, Gyo or anything else by Junji Ito
Bradherley no Basha: Short tale of a failed prison appeasement system using the state's young girls
Qualia the purple - Ever bullshitted quantum physics so hard that you made the best mindfuck?
Mature Perversion:
Sundome: read till the end, feels trip
Nana to Kaoru: two teens entering the world of S&M bondage
Random others that are worth your time, I need to sleep-
Mahoutsukai no Yome.
Barefoot Gen - Aftermath of the nuke, classic
Kuro: A cursed girl and her cute lovecraftian Cat
Tokyo Ghoul: Anime a shit, brought a shit fanbase. The original has a lot of hidden symbolism and such ex: tarrot numbers hidden in panels which connect to the work
Akumetsu: One-man-army terrorist spree to reform a corrupt japan. Pontificates on various current japanese societal issues.
Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro: Fun/dark fantasy shonen about a demon detective and his pet grill. Other work by author also a worth reading shonen.
Light novels:
Mushoku Tensei: Neet gets into fantasy magic work. Makes this life count. A journey from birth ->adulthood. just enjoy
Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria - #1 rated written work on myanimelist out of all manga nad light novels. No spoilers, just 7 volumes.
Are you trying to give me eyestrain? Bigger, please.
Because he's like all ideologues.
The suits wanted Goku back.
Doesn't that go against the core concept of Watchmen?
Is that tumblr's new anti-Holla Forums buzzword?
shush son
Didn't Alan Moore shit talk manga a while back or something?
I remember it being in the list of things he hates.
Gee I wonder who might be behind that post?…