Places to hang out on the internet

i'm looking for internet places to hang around and waste my life reading comments from people, but it has to be something "newer" and more niche and less eternal september than reddit or chans.

soylent-news and hackernews are okay middle steps, but not ultimately cool enough. any suggestions, even for specific interests? bay12games forums (dwarf fortress) can be sorta nice.

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This is why jews control everything, if they want something they'll do it and corner the market and become a monopoly before any competitors exist, while everyone else complains and wants things to happen for them.


Something Awful

super sucky replies so far.

The LinusTechTips Forum is alright

Yeah and tek syndicate too.

Travel back to 1999 and get on USENET.

JanusVR is a new browser that's pretty cool, I recommend looking into it then hanging around talking to people, I think it's like the coolest concept but not enough people use it.

you cant ask this on chans because of the retard chan kids that post meme shit all the time, nobody wants them around.

the problem is there's a lot of us that aren't like that and really want a place to chill. I do too and I'm frustrated that I can't find one.

Game FAQs board, specifically the Skyrim board used to be a riot to hang out at and talk shit about imperials. Haven't been there in years though. Lots of good memes came from there.

Something Sensitive is good for a few lulz as well

People are not >>>Holla Forums. Report&move on.

This website is so far down the shitter that I'm honestly thinking about getting the band back together and rebooting my childhood vBulletin forum, just to have a place that I can post on and won't 504 on me every five minutes. I probably won't, because dealing with php is too much of a pain, and nobody can get off of Facebook, reddit, et. al. for long enough to post on a second board, but the thought has crossed my mind. Subsequent exoduses have brought the post quality down, but the board being broken as shit is the most pressing issue at the moment.

Reddit. Seriously, reddit is perfect for you. You'll fit right in there.

kikewheels has forsaken us

if this post 504s its my last post on this shit site


Jews wait for you to do it, copy you, and destroy you. Or weasel their way into power. Or buy you out.

When botspam came, I wish Usenet took the direction of servers providing logins in exchange of registrations with captchas instead of dying and letting Web forums which are not standardized, not scalable or decentralized to rise.

Fuck this place is broken

Anyone remember &t?

all the cool kids are hanging out in the cloud these days

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