We Need Extra Shitposters!

Holla Forums here, requesting backup and extra shitposters to the SJW front. The comments section is still heavily lacking in ASCII art and shitposts. We need the heavy artillery necessary to trigger the jewtube staff and turn loads of normies against them.


Other urls found in this thread:



Got bored and made this, don't ask why.

We need 200K dislikes!

I can already see the articles:

Anyway, another useless "me generation" to contribute to the ever growing debt, centered in what they are instead of who they are and what makes them worthy, being protected and catered from the outside world and the harsh reality.
A calm sea never made a skillful sailor, we can only hope a storm occurs.

You can't do anything against the jewtube bot army of likes

Trump is the closest thing to a storm we'll ever get.

You already lost: you're taking it way to seriously.

Not your personal army

Gentlemen, you can't fight in here! This is the War Room!

They deleted my genderfluid comment

gb2 >>>/tumblr/ newfag

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We can outnumber them with hordes of burner accounts.

We could spam ascii from encyclopediadramatica.se/Ascii en masse, anyone else have other ideas?

Yes, write a bot so we can use to spam.

I can't write bots worth my life.

You might get more recruits if you paid them. I hear the JIDF have a good model you could copy.


We already have a thread about these faggots cocksuckers, come here:

It's full of leftypol autists.

done nigger now stop making treads about this

fuck off, faggot.


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seriously, fuck this shit

If this whole tumblr cancer leads to pedophilia being actually accepted, then maybe I should support this.
