Dump the Trump

On this day, in celebration of the Donald.
We dump the meme's that made this day possible.
Meme's, photos and cartoons welcome.

Other urls found in this thread:







should be

stupid ass.





the don told me to tell you
"you have to go"



Feels ;_;








I can solve the puzzle, Alex.
Cunt Stomp the Tramp!

Look at that extension in Trumps follow through,









How about read the the OP.

wtf are you on about user





Shit, my mistake, I'm retarded.

Yeah, I just got it.

I interpreted what OP posted in a manner of stop using the memes that got him there, like a shill would do to try and stop Holla Forums from using memes, rather than this be a thread of dumping all the trump memes into one conglomerate landscape of beauty.

Again, I'm retarded, my apologies.

Every time I see someone tee off I think of teeball and keep waiting for them to run the bases.



Here's the video

where's the original?

no hard feelings user
it was just a play on words
this train has no breaks

in my post folder
man don't get a Holla Forums mod on my ass


Trump like eating his pizza, has a unique swing, his backswing is under his downswing but he has a great downswing to correct it.

No wonder he murdered Rand Paul on the course.




requesting MAGA hat edit


sorry user my shoop is broken



That looks fucking awesome. I don't know why they thought that would dissuade people.


I love golf. It's one of the only non-pozzed sports out there.

dang user coming strong with a five post
bring it negro


yea I thought it was fine
who the hell would think that is a bad future


Golf is the white mans spirit in Sport form. The rules alone could only be made by Europeans.



Hope you don't mind a few anti cruz/anti rubio memes mixed in.






The edit made it even better.

first pic
aww hell yea

Damn,my little boy was in the hospital when I saved Trump throwing that spic over the wall.





AG should be Crispy




You're right, that's a very old one before cruz crashed his campaign.





as long as you're aware.

have a rare Trump


Whoever made these deserves to be called a Knight of Trumps Golden Army.


Where does "feel the arm" originate? Is it an Italian phrase? It's a good one.

So my man Cruz isn't gonna happen apparently, tell me about this Trump character. How is he going to make America great again?

An oldie but a goodie




I really, really like the color scheme on the tank.


European sayings often include the word arm.
In french for example you say "Avoir le long bras" which means to have a lot of power or in german "Der lange Arm des Gesetzes" which means the power of the law.

Very interesting. Not in Britain though?


not that I know.



top wew


First known TRUMP meme of this election cycle.

Holy fuck, date of death of Mussolini was about a year before Trump was born. FUCK! Benito Mussolini is back! So whom did Hitler return as? And is that who's Trumps secret VP running mate is?

I'm surprised nobody got butthurt by your Subject line

Check the bottom right corner of the mussolini image

muh oc

There was at least one person who was


Tell me straight, Don.
Will you win?


Will the wall huugee?

shiiiet made a typo
meant to write

So what do we call Comrade Sandberg once Shillary goes to jail?
Commie Bernie? Breadlines Bernard?

American KanColle fans. Apparently they make doujins based on the US ships. Haven't gotten around to checking it out.

But the polls aren't open yet here in Commiefornia.

On this day, we, Holla Forumslacks, realize, finally that we made history.
We won all of our battles, but we haven't won the war. Yet.

Individuals don't make history.
People make history.








oh god what a fucking manlet hahaha

The "long arm of the law", or "heavy-handed" are probably our equivalents in English.

Ever notice that Hillary has no memes at all?

The people really hate her.





Top Kek.

I wish there was a "save all images in thread" button

not creating a save all images script






I personally think the 2 on the right corner look like the leftist's view of "retarded right wingers".
The whole pic is fucking awesome, but those 2 dudes makes me hesitate.






user I am not sure which pic your talking about



The Trump one with the blimps the conversation is all about ?

I thought so.
Well it definitely is a dig at Trump.
I think it backfired on some of the MAGA crowd




Bump for Trump




So I was looking through the Masked Girls channel and just noticed this.
I guess I'm a slowpoke. Wish I'd seen it sooner, but better late than never.

The words "dump" and "Trump" close to each other:

Asians can be so fucking weird.



