White is a color

saying white isn't a color is like saying purple isnt a color. both are combinations of primary colors, white just has one more.

prove me wrong, faggots

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White is a blend of all colors in the form of light. Ever seen a prism divide pure light? Search it up

Sorry-I thought you were saying white wasn't a color. Nevermind.

is nigger a color?


When people say white/black aren't colors they're talking about purely in the realm of visual arts like painting




Team Player Travis

i would argue black is only a color in the visual arts. effectively it's the absence of color otherwise. granted, "true black" doesn't really exist except in the case of black holes and even then it's debatable.

You're correct, true black is the absence of light and thus doesn't really exist.

white and black r colors. Is there white paint and black paint? There r. Is there a transparent paint? No. White and black r colors. Transparent and translucent r not

yes, it's called epoxy.

thats some paint, nigger

saying white is a colour is like saying homo sapiens is a race

white = all colours

you don't describe the whole as one of the parts

it's great transparent paint if you want to use it as such.

pink isn't in the spectrum and therefor not part of white. so either white doesn't consist of all colors or pink isn't a color.

thats a varnish

pink is in the spectrum

Purple isn't a color.

ok, then varnish is transparent paint.

no it's not, retard

no, its not a transparent paint, its a varnish. Its a layer of protection, not a color

i didn't say transparent was a color, i just said you can have transparent paint. unless you define paint as having color and if so your argument is circular and retarded.

why do u paint?

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to make art

show me art made with transparent varnish exclusively

I think they call that woodwork

wood is the canvas in this instance

so its sculpting, not painting and the varnish is used to protect wood? get the fuck out of here, faggot

i can use it to make certain surfaces shiny. im not a painter, but you could have one portion be painted with epoxy to make it reflect

whats a "color" and how is "shiny" it?

i never said transparent was a color, i was just demonstrating that the argument that "if there's a paint for it, it is color" is retarded.

varnish is transparent. Transparent isnt a color. Paint r made to achieve coloration. U cnat made a paint thats hot, intelligent or sour. Colors r what can be used in paint. Your argument is shit, mine puts things in categories u can use.

if you argument that paint requires color, you cannot make the opposite argument that color is what you can make a paint from. that's like arguing that all americans are fat because being a fat fuck is a requirement for being considered american.

but i can make the argument, that color requires medium, which is, among others, paint.

and actually i can argue, that i have to make paint out of what already has (is) the color

color requires a medium, ok. transparency does as well.

ok, but then you can argue transparent paint needs transparent shit.

but u can have transparency without the medium. nothing is quite transparent


neither can u, clearly

Are you trying to say that White is beyond interpretation, & is God like/ Superior???

Of course white is a color. Black isn't. Dumbass.

There are tons of clear paints you ignorant motherfucker.

are you saying im wrong?

Do I really have to remind you?

