UK Guardian shitting itself over Austrian elections

If you guys didn't know, a "far right" politician might get elected president of Austria pretty soon. As usual, the UK Guardian is shitting itself like crazy. Take a look

pic=the journalist who wrote this pile of alarmist crap

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My fav part of this bullshit article:

I look forward to the day Trump is inaugurated.


So this is why EU was formed, so that if any country's people might go into a direction they don't want, they can "sanction" them.

Eu must go.

you just figured that out?

I knew that a while ago man

If only Farage had a chance at getting the UK out of the eu. Other than that good year!

I'm slow.

Maybe the problem is the EU?

What are the cases that allow a country to leave the EU?

Wooow apparently we still are important.

well they can leave, but they will just have to accept a few nukes dropped on them to prevent fascism rising

Wont your future president get killed off anyways by the jews just like Jörg Haider did?
Right wing politicians that get ahead have this weird habit of dying in purely coincidental accidents.


Your grandparents defeated fascism in 1945 so the British can be ethnically replaced in their own country.

Every time you invoke the Second World War, people start questioning the righteousness of that war in the light of Britain today.

And more and more are going to see the war as a massive hoax that it was.

it's like the author is trying to convince himself he's right, it's kind of pathetic

I almost feel sorry for him, he doesn't realize what a cuck he is, he thinks he's

One grandparent was a miner and another was a Lithuanian-Jewish violinist

Always right.

I was waiting for them to address this, holy fuck they went full retard though.


The Guardian is a literal far left propaganda agency. It was established so that the “liberalism” would have a permanent voice in Britain. It is not a business and is not a news agency.

It isn’t a secret, they are proud of it.

The fuck?

He hasn't even fucking done anything yet and they're screeching the country should be thrown out for daring to presume it's allowed choice.

Being elected as a right-wing politician is not "a severe breach of fundamental rights".

How the fuck do people even buy this bullshit as legitimate?

and to think i literally named the photo 'not jewish' because I was sure he wasn't Jewish…. ironic

Sometimes I think all leftists are as retarded as sub saharan kafirs

I get the feeling the getting out of the EU is the Far Right's goal to begin with.

These people really are insane. I thought it only applied to their treatment of mudslides but they really do hold the view that "if you fight your enemies, they win".
They're demanding as a punishment something that the "far-right" already largely wants.

Ha! Knew it!


Because indoctrination.

Go ask any young kid in a "progressive" country/area about things they should have no idea or opinion of at that age, yet they can blurt out the most scripted and fed answers.

ahhahaha, this.
this is how retarded the cucks actually are

Hilarious isn't it?

I just never expected people who drank the kool-aid to make it into power

Where are these centrist governments? I only know of far-left ones.

They never drank the Koolaid. They just shill it.

What would this "far right" leader winning actually mean for the people of Austria? What would he most likely do?

Annex Germany hopefully

Trudeau I think actually has drunk the Kool-aid, unlike the others. He seems more sincere in his idiocy, though that may just be acting skill.
Doesn't matter either way, he's still earning a rope like the rest.

A dealer does not get high on his own drugs.

So if Trudeau wants to win he should kill himself.

Referendum is in June nigga, there's still hope



His ego and his cuck behaviour overlap. He loves the attention, being told how good he is, and it's so easy to parrot this bullshit. He gets nothing but praise.

In some ways that's what I want Trump to do. He will be attacked by the powerful told to fall in line with the globalist agenda, I hope his ego makes him a strong candidate to fuck them off.

Feels like hope man.

I used to think that, but then we get idiots like Trudeau and Merkel, or anyone in the Swedish government, whose decisions defy all reason even from a machiavellian standpoint. the clueless are occupying leading positions now, which, if you apply the Gervais principle, is pretty fucking scary.

it reminds me a bit of how obongo went to visit the uk and told them to be good goyim and cut out all this brexit business, else he's going to start fucking with trade deals or something. it doesn't matter that it's a choice being made by the citizens to change something to what they actually want. all dissension must be punished

Most people in the UK voting for Brexit didn't like that fucking coco shunter blackmailing us.

He literally halped the cause, even more so that he'll be irrelevant this November.

Hmm, maybe they'll just destroy the EU themselves.

At the end of the day, all leftists are the same and must be dealt with accordingly.

Also, their contempt for actual democratic legitimacy is becoming painfully obvious now.

The EU was specifically created with the intent to decrease national sovereignty in as many European countries as possible.

It needs to be completely dismantled and destroyed, just all the other globalist organisations.


i can see it now


These people literally have soviet mind viruses causing them to self destruct thier own nations. 60s soviet propaganda was designed to get useful idiots to destroy their own institutions and hate themselves. Combine this with critical theory cancer in higher education and you have western leaders with terminal mental illness. I've run in elite higher education circles and the group think cancer is thick as fuck. It's almost not their fault in a sense. This is why there is hope in Trump as a business outsider not exposed to this group think.

This is where the perverse jewish mind excels. Because they are stuck on their absurd contradictory torch they are forced to abandon any attachment to consistency. Instead they make their philosophy and beliefs math whatever is convenient at the moment. This makes them immune to their own poison. They don't believe anything to begin with so they are free to pick and choose whatever ideas are convenient at the moment. Meanwhile white cucks can't extract themselves from the mental box because of a need to be authentic.

EU is/was CIA project




Isn't he going to get shut out like Le Pen?

Paul Mason is Marxist posing as an economist. In his book PostCapitalism he argues that the answer to globalization and free market economics is Communism. He's a fucking spaz,


Articles like this are actually wins for us.

Noone who wasnt already retarded will be convinced by this bollocks and to everyone else it is an undeniable affront to actual democracy and an excellent point to start people going down the path of thinking maybe the status quo isnt so great.

Its impossible to defend this blatant attempt at controlling countries and as a result people will realise that in turn they are being controlled.

Very nice digits.

Well then it was your mistake for not spreading the message more quickly. If everybody knew that, the EU would not exist today.

Hey guise, doesn't it seems to you like a really surreal experience to notice when somebody expresses visible disgust at the idea of a country regaining it's values and generally prospering?

One thing in all honesty.

If you guys make it to turn the tides at last, I want to participate in the controlled opposition. Keep the cucks in a constant circle of pain and crushing their resolve again and again. They deserve to feel at full force what they brought upon others.

i really really hate the guardian

This is fucking ridiculous. Holla Forums is losing it over this shit?

The biggest newspaper in Austria publishes Articles in favour of the FPÖ all the time. Norbert Hofer criticizes Muslims for their anti-semitism.

They are basically our Republicans (Austrian here), and unless you want to claim that Republicans are inherently anti-mainstream, there is no reason to get excited.

Yeah, just like George W. Bush amirite? *facepalm*

Fucking hell man, are we alt-right or are we just right-wing? I don't get this anymore.

Get to work niglet.

I wonder how much we'd have to pay some of the Muzzies to lynch this fucker (and others like him). Might as well get some use out of the sandniggers before purging them.

Does anyone else remember in the 90's a far right pol tier austrian leader got elected and then the country got blockaded and then he mysteriously died and then the opposition party took over. Most blatant political assassination ever.

just gonna keep scrolling

RIP Jorg Haider probably

Welp. It's happening.

arguably more blatant was that Dutch guy who opposed the kebab invasion and multiculturalism in general, and got assassinated 9 days before the election he was projected to win in a landslide

Forgot about this. I will be surprised if one of the major European nationalist leaders is not killed in this round.

They will do everything to do the same to every single other far-right party/candidate that is winning.

Must watch out for trump

The only thing Brittania can rule is how tight their asshole will remain from all the Poo in the loo and Sandniggers they brought in after defeating da ebil nutzis.

Wow its almost as if local issues in a country make it impossible for all countries to have the same priorities and leaving the EU is a good idea

It means don't feed the trolls faggot.

murdered in jail is paroled? why hasn't anyone killed him yet

Suspending countries from the EU because they elect far right leaders? I have a feeling it's not as bad as it sounds. The sooner the EU breaks down the better.

Weedman is a spokesmodel like autust Steve Harper.

They take their marching orders from above.


underrated post

face rubbing intensifies

I expect salt stocks to drop due to excess production.

this isnt the first time something like that happened to austria
the same thing happened maybe 10 years ago when jörg haider (fpö) became very popular

I'm sure the austrians are thrilled at being lumped in with the rest of us "central eastern europeans".

what are you testing?


another look at the asshole incarnate, Mr. Satanic Mason

Having an ancestor from Lithuania he should at least be aware of the negative consequences of "the good war" - unless he really doesn't consider communist rule and the Iron Curtain negative.

He says his grandparents didn't defeat fascism to see it return to the mainstream? Well, my grandparents didn't crawl through a sewer to see the west fall victim to supranational leftist tyranny.

Funny, the left is all "smash the flag, burn the queen" until fascism is mentioned, they they turn into super-patriots and start going "muh grandfather, muh Churchill"

It is if the EU continues to exist once your country is out of it. You won't be able to trade with any EU countries, which, for the 1st one that leaves is every other European country…
It will destroy your countrys economy even further.

The only solution is destroying the European Union, not leaving it.

thx for this bro

What the fuck is wrong with these cucked new networks? (((Guardian))) and (((Huffinton post))) are always trying to stir up panic.

And to flood Europe with "refugees" via (((FREEDOM TO TRAVEL))) after they hop over the boarder.

let me guess, he's a moderate/centrist

It's like he doesn't want to give western civilization over to foreign hordes or something!

No he's actually a pretty rightwing guy when it comes to immigration and nationalism.

Look up FPO in Austria, it's a very good party. Not actually extreme, really, but they have good ideas and they are gaining power. They won't take leftwing or Islamic bullshit, either.

George Bush was an obvious shabbos goy. Looks up Jörg Haider he may not have been a National Socialist but he was definitely not a kike puppet.

Check out the BBC shitting itself even harder, this article is by the ((((((((British)))))))) journalista Katya Adler

They're scared, alright

German staterun cuck media also vomitting up its guts about elections in Austria, here


kek, the cunt was probably raised on "the Soviets did nothing wrong, the Lithuanian goyim are incorrigible anti-Semities that had it coming (say what you want about Stalin but at least he didn't killsixmillionjews"

yea, this

Top fucking memes lads.

This is so confusing OP.

You echo "far-right" as though it's a marxist controlled op. Then the rest of your post paints it as actually being far right. This two are mutually exclusive. Explain

Jesus Christ, look at that shit.

Fucking Lugenpresse

far right is just a term to malign is my point, calling something "far right" is no different than calling something "evil" for leftists

Yes, please.
Pretty cute how mad they get about him, especially when you consider how little influence the president in Austria has.

Not too much, actually. Just a symbolic victory which will cause the other parties to panic and jump a couple of feet to the right, since the President is mostly a figure head in Austria (a bit like the Queen in England), the real power is held by the Chancellor.

Wouldn't be surprised. Pretty sure Britain calls Farage far-right, kek.







how fucking new are you the Brits are having a referendum on leaving the EU this year just because of him

Yeah but the no vote is 10 points ahead on average

right now it's neck on neck with 20% undecided, besides issues like TTIP and the NHS being at risk because the EU wants to abolish it might swing a lot of votes.

norbert hofer is not jörg haider you fucking retard







Oh guys don't worry slippery slopes don't exist no reason to worry about a new Hitler rising to power.

and what happened? suddenly he dies under mysterious circumstances and the banks go to shit for "speculating" their money away.
Discrediting the fpö for years and labeling them as useless/dumb.
There's even shit in the newspaper that tells you that fpö voters have in general a lower education level than the rest of the voters.

That's a huge load of bull if you ask me

Lol the germans are probably sad because Anchluss 2 electric boogaloo is about to end.
Have fun, americucks!

magyars and slavs were always fighting the good fight. Danubian confederation now.

slavlover detected