Whats the most Tech Illiterate thing you have seen IRL?

Whats the most Tech Illiterate thing you have seen IRL?

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Holla Forums

Internet Explorer has better security than firefox.

The sign should say ==ONLY USE GOOGLE CHROME==

the reason they use only IE is so they only have to secure 1 web browser.
using firefox and chrome means removing addons, java and plugins from both of those browsers too which they are probably not staffed for.

they always say please use "opera/chrome/firefox"


"using firefox cannot display video"

loads of bullshit on the net

the "you must ask before putting a cookie" law

Nice attempt at red text.

This and those faggots trying to ban encryption.

I posted a job ad that required keyboarding at 100WPM. I asked the applicants to email an attachment of their results from the online typing test.

About 25% asked them if they could do the typing test from their phone.

It's tech illiterate because

It makes me sad that computer literacy is declining so rapidly.


Laptop that needed replacing because all the USB ports have been physically bent and broken, the keyboard is somehow missing keys and it's all covered in a beige film of filth.

I saw a person carry an open laptop around by the screen.

My best is around 50WPM on a small subnotebook keyboard.



I wanted to say XML, but that's special kind of stupid rather than tech illiterate.

Just saw an ad for new Windows 10 Intel laptops where a guy loses all the money in his bank account because he didn't use a picture password.

my mother.

but she absolutely must have muh facebook, can't live without it.

When I was 12 I threw one of my computers away because Win XP gave me the blue screen of death.

How young were you?

in middle school I reinstalled xp every month because I didn't have a product key.
I could still play runescape that way so it didn't matter.

This is muh average typing speed pls hire


The TI guy my mom hired because her craptop was slow

I did the same shit

I kept a diary from middle/high school and everything was about people bullying me and how my teachers hated me



Was gonna post this.


This is now a WPM thread. I can only do about 63 - 88ish on average.

oh god i'm wheezing

10 years old, that was 11 years ago.

another time

other minor events include:

70WPM here, still not good enough for the job

I don't think I have any records that go back as far. Parts failed and got replaced. The earliest I've got are probably cringy teenposts

i know it sounds pretentious as hell to use ncurses apps instead of gtk or qt, but they're so much more lightweight and easier on the eyes. i'm sick of this shit everyday. what do i do

stop stepping out of the basement, solved all my problems

The average Linux circlejerk:
Nigger give me a break

Nigger, Holla Forums is way too fast. It has too many low-information posters who can't even write a fizzbuzz, so all we get are linux install threads, idiots taking bait, and software war threads because that's all they are familiar with.

When /g/ first moved into Holla Forums en masse, it was the cream of the crop who were sick of the low-information posters sperging out over consumer tech - like OP. One day out of nowhere, Holla Forums was hovering around 4th most popular board and we were full of people from other boards who didn't know dick about actual tech shit. Not sure if it was the chicken or the egg there. They never left and now we're flooded with /g/-tier refuse who only talk about trivial things because that's all they're qualified to talk about. Just like immigration, if you only take in a few they learn to assimilate but if you take it too many at once they irreversibly alter the culture and force the natives to change.

Is this pasta from a few days ago? Could swear I read this post before, unless you're just the same guy who made the first post using the same general banter..

someone sperging out in the thread about how dead this board is



I don't care if it's pasta, the delusion is amazing either way.



So Holla Forums doesn't exist IRL and is but a figment of my imagination?

ur hired my man

) =

install windows 10 and google chrome for the best internet experience

I have seen my sister several times.

Computer technology is magic to her.

get a thinkpad m8.

Are you pretending not to know how "IRL" is used?

High is 86.
Average is 80.

What did you do to try?

I found these on a computer I had when I was around 10.

I used to make custom cursors.

IRL basically means in person.
That picture should have been named me.jpg.

No the filename definitely should stay you.jpg


Yep, you.jpg it is.

You don't have to "win". It's okay to get something wrong and move on with your life.

That's great you know user. Now you just need to do it.

How long are going to keep this up nigga


Holy fuck my mom is the exact same way. WHAT UNIVERSE AM I IN AGAIN?

Step it up, kid.
1st has text and punctuation, 2nd has loose words
fyi some inhuman typists can hit well over 150

Hit adjacent keys in one stroke (like ed, ki, lo, ju, tr, za, fr, hy, though not we and er; those require separate fingers).


at least i have dumped entire macrochan so i could have access to all those cockmonglers and shoe kicks

I can understand how to hit multiple keys with a downward stroke/flick, or even side to side, but how the FUCK could you hit multiple with an upward flick? My fingertip'd just hit the edge of the next key and fuck up the whole motion every time.

didn't get the job. :'(((((

Those are just kiddies getting their feet wet. I remember back in 2007 I started with Ubuntu and the coolest thing I could think of doing was muh cubes and jelly windows.

I couldn't figure out commands or how the filesystem worked, or anything of the sort. You, of course, eventually learn shit and make your computer usable. Today, I've fully switched from Windows, not because I believe GNU/Linux to be superior in every way, or because I'm a l337 h4x0r, but because it both respects my freedoms and I've grown accustomed to it. Does X crash? Yes, does stupid shit happen? Often, but it's a small price to pay for a free operating system that runs on any hardware I throw it on. Even a debian-based distro like Ubuntu can teach you things. You must not rage, but mentor these young users, but remember to not spoon-feed either.

The kiddies will learn and grow glorious neckbeards once they learn to rtfm.


Use the ridge or base of your fingertip (close to 3rd phalanx) to hit f and the very end to hit r.