Celestia is best pony. I want to cum inside her and "accidentally" call her mom.
Pony Holla Forumsread Simulator
Other urls found in this thread:
They don't even have feet, don't get how anyone could be attracted to them.
foot fetish bro detected
Here's some feet for you, fag
ska and scat is best music
So, what's the deal with airplane food?
it almost sux more than ur mom
10/10 story
I would have just told him everything was in C.
that fucking thing looks autistic
why tho
It sucks because you have to go to the bathroom with a friend to eat the good stuff.
my anthro squirrel pony porn looks autistic? Egads, what a surprise!!!!!!!!!
people ask me that all the time. some theorize that this is hell and Im some sort of demon sent to torment them. I can only laugh and shrug. I do what is in my nature.
dude fuking what
Mile high club, eating ass.
fuggin weirdo
Fucking ew
fuck a horse
quad get mfk
xd nice meme
Wasted on pony bread
hahahahahaha fuckin saved
I want rainbow dash's socks not this.
Celestia socks look better.
Any high/cute socks on any of them are welcome.
Keep 'em coming. Wish I could be smelling their socks.
bet you'll like this one
My headcanon has human Celestia more full figured, more motherly in shape.
of course it does. = )
Fuuuu. Wish she would make them smell her boots/socks/feet after.
I want to cum inside princess Luna
the level of depravity here has risen nicely. i wholeheartedly approve.
Make it happen captain.
She is like 10k years old, she'd be a total MILF.
Her VA is 46. I'd cum inside her and call her mom.
you are an inspiration to us all!
Imagine banging her while she does Celestia's voice. Oh Celestia, I'm a degenerate.
have fun with that
TFW will never kidnap celestia and milk her
I'd rather be abducted and forced to service Dash's feet after her races.
forgot image
haha alright you glorious perverts im going to go get a few errands done and purchase an apple to put up my ass for Gaeburn's amusement. See you guys later!
later Holla Forumsro
Have fun!
PS RIP dead star trek actor. Skip to the 2:50 mark for a stirring memorial by Monty Python
Why'd we stop posting pics?
faggotry is to blame no doubt
Post with me.
I don't have any, I just came for the socks.
Find socks and join us
Socks are pretty good
Girl's sweaty socks best smell in the world.
identity crisis
no u
user Friday is every day
considering purchasing a Gaeburn tee shirt
Do it fgt
good plan!
Hey anypony got an invite to discord?
God i'm tired today. I have no energy for anything
Still went to gym, but i don't think what i did today was worthy of calling a workout. And i even slept for an extra hour in the afternoon.
How many guacamole bowls do you own?
Well at this rate might as well go full Jeb you low energy trash.
Luna, Yes.
G'day guys.
I gotta leave in an hour, but that means I have an hour to shitpost!
Dubs, Yes.
Yay Rap!!
How's u? :3
Who's that?
Reporting in for the Skittyhole club.
That has to be real life friend of Blewby.
welcome fellow skittyhole appreciator!
naw, my IRL diaper friends are cuter.
Heya rosey, ho'wre you?
I'm getting closer to telling my brother that I'll smash his fucking phone if he leaves the alarm running like that again.
but otherwise I'm good.
Seriously, alarm goes off at 5 am and just goes cause he can't be arsed to turn it off.
nah. I'll smash it next time.
Like, I get up at 6 am, but that shit isn't fair.
He's not even up yet and it's nearly 7.
Wooo! 3 Luna posters in thread!
G'day, how're you today?
You're right!
That's one too many, I'll switch to best pone :3
Heya Rubles
Tired. You?
You're dead to me.
Im Blewb dammit!
just been rudely awoken this morning.
but I'm ok.
Sorry Blewby~
Rosey usually calls me Rappy too :P
Ayyyy Rap
Ayyyy Blewb
I've got something for you Darling.
I Hope you Like it.
Yes, I post using the rising sun.
i added the troll face so i kinda stand out. You can get a little emblem too so we;ll all know you
How're you today?
Fair enough :3
How're you today?
I'll stand out cause no one else posts aj
kinda cute trap/10
Woke up about an hour ago. Need to get breakfast.
As I said, I'm tired. Any plans for today?
theres a reason for that lol.
thats odd both our aussie posters post applejack and Braeburn. very curious! in a related story I\'ll be putting an apple in my butt tonight to please Gaeburn
when music turns shit, blame shit drugs and society
But why not Luna? And how are you doing m8?
I'll not get breakfast today though for lack of time.
I'll have lunch though when I finish work :3
Werk then exam.
Cause peoples know thye're not worthy of her :3
Azzy likes trixie and rararara he's a aussie too!
You need to eat breakfast Rappy its super important.
also, i dont care about those other posters who probably arent real. im convinced all aussies are apple ponies now.
Haha, it's possible :P
I'll grab something small on the way in. :3
Cause I'm in an AJ mood :3
You know what makes a good breakfast?
hey rap
Call it brunch, have steak and eggs. Or at least eggs and bacon… either way, make it full of breakfast protein.
Kek, you and your sun goddess
G'day, how's it going?
Don't tell me you wouldn't.
Egg and lettuce sammich!
Not the sun I wouldn't
identity crisis
im a tripfag circlejerker. i dont understand why this surprises you?
good plan!
celestia milk on cereal?
its going good I woke up from a nap and how about you
I'd rather just have the milk straight from the teat
lol sounds like he's quite the heavy sleeper! :P
I used to get that sometimes when I slept over at my cousins' place and one of them had work at 8 but we'd all slept late and wake up early just to make some silly morning jokes n get back to sleep lol
and you still don't know how to recognize me without a name…tsk tsk
I'm good, heading to work soon.
nah he was awake.
just wouldn't turn it off.
haha, nice.
have fun
Hi beeps.
Eww lettuce. But I suppose it's probably not the worst lunch you could have.
Greetings KHAAAAAAAANNNNN!!!!!!!!!
here, have an upgraded version of this WebM you posted
haha yea, there's just something about those mornings that were funny really
also hope you have a good day!
just a leaf, it really makes the entire sammich taste so much better.
egg sammich is great though.
Thanks Canon~
hey there and ok
You should try using VP9+two-pass encoding, it does quite some fine magic when compared with VP8
Oh hi Raptor
Sorry! Solaire?
Strix, Strix, Strix, Strix, Strix, Strix, Strix, Strix, !
An hero on cam
Going to work now, have a good one guys.
Leaves taste gross tho.
You too.
Looks sweet!
Now if only they were in stock lol
Have a good one Rap!
Later CaNoN!
Raptor pls
Fresh OC from /furry/ drawfag.
Me too Japan, me too.
I hope you were up in time for summer sun celebration this morning.
Awww Raptor is off to work just as I get home.
It looks like Tia was expecting to get ridden a bit differently than that.
That's not today, is it?
I'll ask for sexual later.
Yes today is longest day of the year. The day ponies celebrate Tia raising the Summer Sun.
Good. Don't leave the Princess wanting.
Japan-kun. What is your favorite site for momlestia content? This is a poorly veiled request for spoon feeding, but ive been out of the game for a couple years and im relapsing. I need my celestia fix.
Well, fuck me in the ass with her horn, I missed the raising of the sun, though I will be around for the setting.
I used e621, google, and this thread. Some stuff I edit a little bit myself.
What you need is a good Chryssimom.
Also, call me Solaire.
Last image in set.
Hi Cannon. Stealed your Luna pic!
Well at least there is plenty of time today to enjoy the sun.
As long as its not Luna. No offense Luna fags, but i need motherly love.
[ ] YES
[ ] YES
[X] NO
ooooooooooooh is skittyhole finally here?
If I convinced you to steal it, then I must be doing it right.
ya dun goof'd
squirrel pls~
So, fellow pony motherfucker, what shall we call you?
If I can pick any name, I'd prefer to be called Lotion. Not sure which character I'd use to post with though.
Gay name
Para Skittyhole.
Without lotion, every man on this planet would have a much lower quality of life.
I don't use lotion when I imagine glazing the sun over.
Thats heresy Solaire. Thats like not using a tissue to clean up afterward.
Made a Commercial for TV.
I can get so happy that I can produce my own lube.
What would one call Celestia and Chrysalis ship?
Celis or Chrystia
Gonna have to think about that one I guess.
kms forgot image
Chrysalis facis is like"Oh Crap! What have I done?"
300 more posts and you woulda had the get!!!
A true goddess.
Only time will tell.
Here's a better solution to the one I posted last time.
Some people were complaining about completely disabling content security policy on all websites just to use namesync here.
To only disable it on 8chans Holla Forums board you can use chrome.google.com
Remove the previous extension I guess.
In the options area erase everything and add
[# Holla Forums only: whitelisting namesync on Holla Forums Holla Forums: ["8ch\\.net
actually use:
[# Holla Forums only: whitelisting namesync on Holla Forums Holla Forums: ["https?://8ch\\.net/b/", [ ["default-src", "default-src 'self' namesync.net namesync.net"] ]]]
got a fix for firefox?
Nope. I don't use that.
There is one but you have to toggle security back on manually when done with namesync
bleh. ill make do til then
I just checked firefox addons site and can't find anything that works on firefox 45.
Why don't you just use this then? gitgud.io
just toggle security:csp to false and namey works but you have to toggle it back on when done.
thanks tho
fucking flood bs
neat trip trips
debil trips.
teh Princess needs someone to keep her supplied with coffee!
Oops Debil Hitler triptrips!
I'd make her coffee.
ppl keep posting this at me and I'm still not tired of it
if I could make a bed out of links to that video I would sleep on it
yeah but ppl were being pissy about disabling that as if it's even used anywhere else important other than Holla Forums, this is a relatively new thing in browsers and many sites do not use it yet, not to mention that the internet has functioned well without it for many years.
CSP policy is just a new feature browsers are giving webmasters to help protect their shitty exploitable code and be lazy, this is why Holla Forums is using it, it's because there's a bunch of ppl here who will just paste whatever code into the custom JS field and this CSP policy prevents that JScode from making http calls to other websites outside
good catch
Feels bad man.
SHUT THE FUCK UP AND MAKE SHIT WORK JUSTIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
argh dubs!
hello again
I thought you would like the aesthetic, not that is might be anti-don tho. still looks cool
do anything neat today?
188 posts to go
Not really, somehow woke up feeling sick.
So just spent most of the day developing this browser i'm creating. It still needs work but it's more functional that I left it yesterday.
And yourself?
is there a linx one or a os x ?
Eek! Squirrel! Someone get it before it eats all the bird seed!
You should drink some water, I bet you don't drink nearly enough. Is that different than the bread theme thing? can I have it?
I put the boats in today so I can take them out on the solstice, gonna be great. also got a mani/pedi, spa package with milk and honey, it was divine
Nice dubs
This place that sold birdfeeders had a webpage all about how to keep squirrels out of the feeders. I posted about how I couldn't keep the birds out of my new squirrel feeder and it was getting expensive shooting thebirds and asked what they did to keep them away.. I wish I had screencapped the reactions I got.
Fucking flood detection bs
I lurk misc occasionally so I'm always slapped with the stay hydrated meme. The bread theme thing? Yeah, that was just some CSS I threw together for the heck of it, this is a totally different thing I'm doing. It's an NWJS package and not really something you can just run on your computer really.. The objective is to create an opensource 4chan/Holla Forums desktop app. I posted some info here the otherday and the autists of the community went ape shit over me somehow trying to get rich with it by datamining or something.
So, who will get the git?
Justin es un Marica.
Celestia wants you to speak proper Equestrian.
also, sounds great. I haven't gone boating in ages. mostly because if I do the DHS, NG or DPS helicopters will follow you around and occasionally fly just feet above you. It's very irritating.
that's whats written on the page.. so I'm guessing it won't work on other OS
So waddup guys?
Who are you?
Well you should do some datamining, why wouldn't you? wasn't Seven making one of those?
You really should make sure to drink enough btw
That's unfortunate, even though your water is salty
also if you dont add me back i will literally drive down there and suck your dick
I am Solaire.
Getting close
Who shall get it?
Sol? Not enough crotch tits.
El Sol es para Maricones.
who cares they just some shitty eights anyways
80 off
So close.
its fine I'll figure something out
I am the one who knocks
Shit list fam.
No. Stop.
Are we there yet
P.S. I'm back
I can't wait
40 to go
Not soon enough
So very soon….
oh god, here it comes
Getting closer
here it comes
on the way
Luna is best pony confirmed
I want to cum inside Princess Celestia.
Get noew.
how did we not get it? very embarrassing
iirc he was using java, probably not the best language for a desktop app on windows tbh but it would be for a mobile app, but there are already a lot of those.
wtf .. I did…
oh god it's horrible
We lost the get to THAT?
oh cool
Shit sucks all around
you are doing god's work, sir!
i would've helped
but i got cockblocked by the DNS crap
To a drawfag.
This was shitty.
Some attention whoring drawfag no less. Who isnt even good
If he is actually drawing those as the thread goes on he will get good.
Going out for food. Back laters.
Need sleeps, nighty all!
Goodnight canon.
the lack of names is the worst thing ever
This tbh fam
its a travesty
at least we're being sensible and using identifying marks.
how so?
Good night everyone.
I think so too. I kind of always wanted Holla Forums to be user, I was just used to it from 4chan. we're a secret club once again just like old times
We all know who you are blewby.
Skitty is a Maricon chupa penes we all recognize him.
Skye is a faggot too with a cute snek.
Solarie is the autistic Templar that praises the sun.
CaNoN Posts the worst pony evar.
Discord doesn't post Discord.
Sleep well.
Like the jews
except for those of us who use the furry browser, who are screwed
We have multiple Luna posters and Flutterposters tho. plus not everyone always posts their horse. Im sure there'll be a workaround for namesync on firefox eventually, but for now, fuck not having names
I cannot discern these people.
And at this point we should be able to tell who a poster is from their images and how they write. Especially since there are like five people left. just makes it less dull imo
Shitty browsers come with shitty experiences.
furryfox is based browser. google ultron is almost as good tho
You remind me this guy.
Don't take it as an offence.
im not fat
Then this guy.
yeah the removal of names resulted in reece and ruby to stop posting, I feel as though some of the people who stopped posting did so because now they lack access to the reputation profile behind their tripcode, absolutely devastated
holy shit what site did you get that pic from?
Reece and Ruby are two of my favorite posters. Smokey and Gae are number 1, then Reece Rap and Ruby and Miraclepet, then Canon, and then the new posters, and then it goes on into the lower levels of poster tiers
did they? what a terrible loss…
I assume smokey didn't take it very well
shit taste tbqh
A most joyous consequence.
Nobody cares.
4chanclas honey.
oh and squirrel is right up with ruby and rap and reece.
you are one of my lower tier favorite posters
I will lewdpost extra hard to make up for their absence
I know that guy and will say no more
He's still posting.
nothing'll stop smokey from posting
I don't think so, no. he's just using namesync too
No shit. Dear leader said that anyone that can't be bother to get namesync can fuck off and stay fuck off.
pls, put me lower on that list
thats true. and I plan to as soon as it wont leave me vulnerable to assfuckery. Leader must be obeyed
skitty isnt even on the list. theres a list of my favorite holes though. guess what hole is at the top of that???????????????
No Way!
I used to collect Cringe worthy pics, for the cringe threads in 4chanlas Holla Forums I have like 150 pictures of random cringy people, they help me to avoid, becoming a ridiculous cringy person.
You can turn it on refresh it then turn it off.
Just Imagine filling Justin's butthole with cum.
dammit now i have another boner to deal with
thats a wonderful idea!
i also collect them…. for science
justin is skitty?
I feel that urge too.
Masturbate and post cum to worship skittyhole.
I miss Reece.
that feekl
I have seen people call Skittyhole Justin, so I assume that's his real name.
or maybe Jorge or Fernando, or something Nahuatl like Xicotencatl.
Or maybe His Name is Skittyhole tortilla Tamal Elote Massivefaggot.
Godspeed user!
HIS REALL NAME IS SKITTY! There is nothing but skitty and his hole
Imagine, if we could change his real name to Skittyhole with out he noticing, until the police comes to his ranch, to complain about shooting at road sings.
Wait do you not even know what he looks like? Why do you worship his boyhole? he is a three hundred pound black mexican with muttonchops and a thick mane of greasy black hair which extends to cover his back and chest. i can only imagine how dark and dirty the area around his grundle is. but hey if that's what you are into i won't fault you for it
The fuck you on about?
we have a warrant here for an alias "skittyhole" we'll need you to come with us, but first we'll need to search your skittyhole for contraband
I'm Just Joking with Blewby we Invented the Skittyhole Club.
I have seen his Eye and forehead.
I have this impression in my head that he is somewhat good looking Idk tbh.
Oh my! I'm choking!
whatever helps you get your dick hard
Just don't end up looking like this Blewby.
Keep yourself in shape and groom yourself properly.
Delete this.
he's gonna die alone regardless of what shape he is in
That's me. Delete it.
2/10 diaper peasant
this is true
y r traps so qt
aside from the obvious feminine body with a dick
and dicks being more aesthetically pleasing than a vagina
they usually strive to and care about being cute and submissive
at least that's my theory
unlike biological girls who either don't care, or assume they are cute anyway because they have a vagina
You probably want marshmallow cock in your mouth right now, don't you?
Scoot scoot smoke weed everyday
hey guys
How is dear leader doing this lovey Monday night?
Heya Noire!
hey guys
hey there
i'm alright. how's it going with you?
blessings of hitler be upon you.
may Leader smile upon you, Leader!
hows you?
I saw that list you bastard. Am I a lowly poster?
Hey, how are you doing?
Pretty good I'd say. Got fucked over in two different place on different days. Fucking hypocrites I tell ya.
i'm good and redoing my webms and how about you?
Well of course I do.
youre not on the list with skitty and skye. youre ok/.
im just playin star wars battlefront 2 and chillin
Well enough to get fucked over.
how's it going?
you mean in gta? what happened this time?
damn good. figured out a way to use namesync without fucking my security, and got some fun new screencaps
and how do you do that?
the namesync fix, not the screencapping.
Yall fuggin silly
just turn off the csp, refresh, and then turn it back on. once the namesync is on it stays on unless you refresh
Post Machoscoot! please Blewby.
My degenerate Rants are being kept in screenshot.
eh, that's still a lot of work for casual users.
i'm trying to find the easiest solution for people who would rather not have to deal with it every time they open a tab here.
What have you got so far?
Better be or I'll go to Kansas and beat your ass back to Canada, after I'm do with Socks of course.
No IRL. Parents order 3 full ribs from Swiss Chalet and the fucking morons couldn't do that so the bitch told my I'd get a refund and they gave me 2 and a half ribs and no money back. Bastards then at a "full service" station, I ask the guy to fill my generator and he told me to "do it yourself". Fucking asshats, I tell ya.
Next year, during the Islamic month of Ramadan, I shall have pork for lunch every day.
yeah Reece and Ruby havent been in as much since it started. Reece I can understand cuz theres two flutterposters.
you cant die. not until I taste the sweet nectar of your skittyhole!
squee! i'll be good
I'd do the same with you but I can't care enough to keep track of their shitty holidays.
Pork is gross tho
that it's easier to just use a specific browser for the threads, and not use it for other stuff. maybe we could get someone to make an official Holla Forumsread browser.
You meant to say Skittyhole days.
I'm scared.
Ruby here, I've been in Holla Forumsread every day since the full anonymous bullshit. Also, the pork everyday post was mine.
It's not so much a holiday, so much as a way to punish people. Something I learned from my boss, who is Iranian, is that women are required to start the fasting at 9 years old, while for men, they can avoid fasting until 15.
Polish sausage, pepperoni pizza, bacon cheese burgers… there's many ways to eat pork that aren't disgusting.
you have full service stations?
i think we have like one in the whole city here.
used to be all over the place when i was a kid.
Sausage is ok, pizza is no, bacon cheese burger is yes.
Blew, what are your favorite pork dishes?
stop being gross
for anyone on chrome I posted a better solution to the one before.
Celestia's pussy is my favorite dish to pork.
Si me lo pides en español y de forma cariñosa lo considerare.
But there is no warranty just be aware of it.
shitterpost explorer?
skittyhole days are best days!
i love apple glazed pork loin,. make a vinaigrette with applebutter, apple cider vinegar, and a nice neutral oill
being muslim or into islam sounds like the shittiest fucking thing ever.
I'd blow myself up out of frustration ASAP too if I was one of them
There's at least two of them in my region but those stations are pretty sketchy like water in the tanks so they died out since the first major gas hike before the economic crash.
SKITTY EAT MY ASS HOTSAUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmm.. that could be arranged.
What's going on?
Blewbs is that you?
It's difficult to tell who you are when you don't post cloud kicker or cyber reece. you need to be more identifiable.
Admittedly, pepperoni is some of the worst examples of pork, although I've had some good pepperoni before.
Damn, that sounds scrumptious. Serve with some nice, cold, hard cider?
It's the worst of you're a woman.
this tbh fam imo
add some thyme and liquid smoke seasoning to that vinaigrette and slice into the pork about a half inch, filling each sliver with a slice of apple. keeps it uber moist. you can use that vinaigrette for a marinade or for an awesome salad dressing. Oh yeah, cider would be great with that dish, and maybe some stuffing
I don't post pictures on mobile. Need to conserve bandwidth.
How to prepare the stuffing?
make a normal stovetop box stuffing but maybe add extra sage and a sliced up apple. use green or yellow apples. red apples get too mushy when cooked
I remember I was like that for a good while at home because my ISP kept disabling my internet at 12AM so I had to use my phone.. not fun
You have to tell me how do you have your butt!
doesn't work for me.
actually i'm not sure how to get namesync to work with chrome.
??? im not quite sure. its just always been there
My Bad.
I meant to say shave your butt.
Solo espero a que Skitty me diga algo lindo, para que lo deje de molestar, aaaaaah
Worked perfectly fine for me on chrome 53.0.2773.0 canary. Are you sure you are on https?
i just use a normal disposable razor. its easier to do it when youre not in the shower, just lay down and roll your butt into the air and go to town. Just like Skitty does every night
i mean i don't know how to get around chrome's bullshit store crap that doesn't allow third party extensions. i see solutions but they all require me to get balls deep in the settings.
wait, wat
what 3rd party extension is involved?
I just use tampermonkey with namesync+4chan-x in it and that CSP override extension.
Nobody spaces their replies like him.
This extension failed to modify the response header "Content-Security-Policy" of a network request because the modification conflicted with another extension (Tampermonkey).
MAKE IT SIMPLER JUSTIN YOU DEADBEAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>Holla Forums741548
Blewbs is that you?
I actually get that as well and it still works.
i don't know.
i got nothing.
Reminder: "NO U" ≠ psychological projection.
A Tankie a fucking Tankie.
Basically a Soviet Nazi.
but it likes pony diaper pics, so im down with that.
Who else
Let's summon Reece, post Yellow Quiet.
Posting quiet pone.
Creamy fucking memes muh doot
Also, I have no more Golden Butterfly
Reece, it's Ruby. Come out and play!
U 1st
Do NOT come out and play.
Ruby my Favourite faggot.
REEEEEEEEEECE come be cute!
I'd sue over something like that. Make them pay for the hours that you paid for, for which service was not rendered.
Aww, you're a cool faggot yourself :3
Please come here Reece, I miss you.
yeah, screw that. and then they bring up my browsing history in court and everyone see's I was posting around you and blewberry
literally social suicide
you cannot kill that which is already dead
we'll testify for you in return for getting to touch your skittyhole
Reece, come and join us on rabbit.
What's today's stream about?
Nothing yet. Probably tard pastas or some shit like that. Maybe some cum inside.
speaking of, anypony got a link to discord? i forgot to go there and now i cant get in without a link
Hey guys.
won't be here long going out with a amte for a bite to eat
Blewby, I had egg and lettuce sammich for breakky :3
good Rappy!@ glad yopu got some breakky!
You're really good at this projecting business aren't you :^)
Accusing people of projecting is the purview of the projector themselves. Plus this is a different person sorry
trips confirm
Your comment is text book projection though.
What's Going on!
A TANKIE with Fillies in diapers Oh come on!
thankies Rap!
I want to project my peen into your skittyhole
That sounds exactly like something that someone who knows they are projecting would say.
heh nope it wont work. whatever WP did to ban me that last time it hasnt gone away. oh well.
I didn't even notice you had your name now blewbles hahaha.
Nice :P
I'll ask him for you.
but he'll probably require you to post your diaper stuff in the appropriate threads for it
Some one Kill me now.
>>>Holla Forums741571
>>>Holla Forums741582
Please I beg for mercy! you Skitty! shot me!
With a shotgun slug!
I thought Holla Forums was a deranged lunatic place.
Holla Forums was actually interesting to read!
Not any more!
You get what's coming to you.
haha yeah got that temp fixed.
naw no need i was just curious to try. I only posted diaperpony when Smug was still alive
And that sounds suspiciously like something someone trying to attribute their own unpleasant traits onto others while simultaneously denying their existence in themselves would say.
You're an actual wetback aren't you.
Your Spanish is better than your English, you are apparently a socialist and have these wild mood swings in the thread frequently.
What do you think about the Don?
Less projecting and more making Namesync simpler.
In this comment you exhibit very clear traits of a person who is so ashamed of themselves and their behaviour that their only recourse is to accuse others of that which they hate most about themselves. Does that sound like something you would do? I just thought you might want to know your comment makes you seem like that type of person.
Holla Forums and Holla Forums are two sides of the same idiot coin. They're both a little nutty. That does not make them uninteresting, however. It is fun to point and laugh at crazies.
I already made my suggestion for chrome. Fuck firefox.
sounds like projection m8
NO, FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
isn't lefty pol just a wee bit nuttier?
and when I say wee I mean lightyears
No thanks.
Your only defense is accusing another of being defensive, you know what that means? You are projecting
pls let me project my peener into your skittyhole
What exactly am I projecting again?
project yourself into the sun
Well, okay.
imaginary shitposting
I have no idea. The only thing we should be projecting is our posts in our executive bread boardroom while we engage in civil discussion
Probably. Leftists can get rather crazy.
Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?
Whats love got to do with it?
I'm not, I'm not even in the US just so you know and be happy about it.
Yeah I know, Having good grammar is key for getting a decent job here, I don't get to practice English as I would like to, so I'm really rusty and my writing skills are iffy because well I shitpost.
you are apparently a socialist.
Wrong again.
My wild changes range from a Misanthrope all the way down to a what ever, but I would like to think of myself as an individualist.
Ant-freemarket-trade Populist, Ultra Nationalist, Fascist or as I like to call any politician Engaña Pendejos.
Your writing English is better than most Native English speakers write it. Dont feel bad.
I'll still keep mine, thanks.
Have you seen the moon tonight? It's beautiful
keep your heart. i only want your skittyhole
Sadly it's true, I just grew tired of Politics.
Spying on that faggot moon just happens to be another one of my hobbies. I have a few telescopes, one of them autonomously tracks that mother fucker to no end ever since I was looking at that thing and noticed something seemed to be orbiting it close to ground level a few years back. that moon creeps me out. Yes, it's beautiful. I just wish it was a lot closer to the Roche limit, we could have had an impressive volcanic moon like Jupiters IO, but we don't, and that bugs me to no end.
Oh cool. Another layer in the onion that is skitty. Do you think maybe you saw the secret cia base up there? It's supposed to be pretty well hidden but you never know. I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel, I am cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor, illusions never changed into something real, I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn. It used to be a lot closer and moves away an inch a year or something. Imagine how it looked when it was full a few hundred million years ago. I wish we had more than one moon as well, that would be swell. Is there any way we can make our moon more interesting?
I think you need an upgrade btw I know you can get a better pic than that
It's a full moon on the summer solstice. Won't be another until 2062 or some shit like that.
Holla Forums used to be fun for me, but then all the Libertarians left, and it became just as much of a one ideology board as Holla Forums. Knowing that the size of the two crazy groups are growing, it only makes me want to arm myself more, just in case one of them tries to throw a revolution and I have to protect my family.
Im also peeping that lil bitch right now. it won't be a full moon/ solstice combo until 62
yep. I saw this as I was about to hit enter and refuse to delete what i typed fucking sue me
I'm not criticizing your post, just commenting on it, user.
I don't even know why I have more than one telescope though. I should probably sell the other ones.
So my suspicions were correct.
Alamejor me doy cuenta de donde perteneces y lo vento al hormigero. de los años de juntarme con el lion beto quintanilla me quedan suficiente conectas para hacerlo. alrato me watchas compita, andamos recio, zoombando en mi troca blindada asta la verga de pase
I'm Responsible for this two great evils meeting.
I hope all of that was a euphemism for you fucking him in your truck.
I know I know
clop to diaper pony pron. its the only thing you have left now.
Needs more ponies licking dicks in a cute way.
Tia gets summer sun celebration and Luna gets a full moon on the same day. insanity!
ill lick ur dick in a cute way u faggot
I honestly have no idea what I saw, it was probably space junk. Though I think a lot about how large that thing must have been for me to even be able to see it. I used my cellphone through the optics thing, I could connect a regular camera for it but I never bothered.
I searched and searched but just couldn't find any of that on my comp.
Are you threatening me?
You need to get a better phone at some point too. But yeah sell all your telescopes and have pappy build you an observatory with all that extra sheet metal. I hope I never have to see such a lowqual pic of our sweet sweet moon ever again. Btw does the moon have a butthole? I swear there is one right there I see it right now what an absolute slut
He was flirting with you.
what kind of teliscoop is it?
the kind you use on squirrels to watch them being naughty
fuck this dumbcunt movie
why am I watching this
Thas called skype silly!
What movie?
Luna is just licking the ass end of the day fullforce
how are you not on skype with me yet?
pitch perfect TWO
Excuse me, why do you call it tia?
Ponte pilas chapete! no conoces los claves o que?
ok, I'll cease ever taking pictures of it again.
meade teliscope
i forget the specific make and model
which is it?
celesTIA no aunts involved.
short for celestia, not meaning aunt.
Google translates this horribly, Skittles. English?
Please do~
Nope, You write in a Northern/Texan Style that I can not comprehend.
He writes in awful Spanish in general.
idunno why i never made the connection.. I'd hear people on /mlp/ call her tia frequently and just wondered why they were calling her aunt..
I wish I could take a pic but the cam on my phone is broken. It's there and I can prove it if it is the last thing I do.
Please don't stop your astronomical photography, just get better pics is all I'm saying it's the least she deserves right?
I won't tell you for fear of your judgement
my aunt's biligual so we called her Tia sometimes too. Celestia is just a pretty long name
Don't tempt me ill do it
So you know a little Spanish?
that's why you recognized the Tamales and named them correctly.
Justin, limpia mis dientes con tu verga.
you name the place and I will be there in five hours or less
that must be what the tenth dentist recommends
Ya no le digas nada, si se enoja te secuestra con sus compas en su troca, te mata y te quema en su rancho, o alimenta a sus pitbulls con tu cadáver.
You must be from Argentina than. Anyone from Mexico would have known that slang. I pick it up from chatting with golfas and zetas from la frontera so it's not a texan thing.
you're right, also
Now you have to tell me. TELL ME!
as if my judgement even matters, oh pls
I want a movie to watch..
Como si fuera a salir de su casa.
Who Wants To Change My Diaper?
Argentinos know some good steak. I hope you're
an Argentino so we can talk steak. Why is it most mexiniggers always burn theirs? Its clearly not a latin thing since Argentines dont eat their meat like dirty niggers
It DOES matter. but if you must know it was nottellingHA I hope you find something fun to watch, have a good one, bai
Name fagging is enabled.
I liked it better without the names. Disable them.
Where the fuck you at?
Or maybe he lives further south in Mexico than you normally visit?
I pick it up from chatting with golfas and zetas from la frontera
Good none of you know where I'm from
But I really hate the Racism between any one.
Argentinos vs Mexicanos.
There is no need to fight.
I owe you one. Want me to put some hotsauce up my arse for your amusement?
did me asking you to do it in the other thread help change your mind?
thanks babe
I owe you one. Want me to put some hotsauce up my arse for your amusement?
people who eat steak well done are not the same race as me. they are niggers
Chickun is headed to Las Vegas in September!
Why did I know this would be
Hey man can you give me a Ban for 5 Days this place distracts me way too much.
Pls no Permaban just temporal.
I talk to people all over Mexico, not just the boarder area. We all know the same language. Only way I can figure he wouldn't know the typical slang is either they are a sheltered kid or not from mexico.
No, I need your presence here to enable more Justinposting.
Why did you disable it in the first place???
You would just evade anyway.
Give Me Hug!
for teh lulz
I cant evade my Perma ban from 4chanclas so that ain't gonna happen.
what is this name fagging?
Do not leave me alone with these people.
When is the last time you cleared cookies. Oldchan likes to stick you with a cookie that tells them you are banned.
i love to namefag. now i have my identiyty back. i want to sing a happy song? i feel like i am the princess in a disney movie after the bad part of that movie is over.
No segas mamón! Ni que fuera narco~
it cant be fixed. nothing will ever be ok again
You are Welthy.
You live in Texas.
You talk to Golfos and Zidosos.
You attend to cock fights with shady people.
I just wish I don't end up skinned alive.
I still think you are cute and I have some weird attraction to you.
Fact about me, I have some, relatives that fled to Argentina in the Spanish civil war.
(I rarely talk to them)
Mexico and Argentina most hated Latin American countries in Latin America.
I'm Still here.
So has sido parte del hilo por un tiempo ya entonces… Pensaba que todabia eras nuevo o algo. Pos que le digo, si se oye medio sospechoso. Pero anquea fuera verdad, que se le hace? Por favor, sabes que te amo.
Quédate aquí conmigo.
Republicans, I hope?
So cute.
Do you need cuddles, mexi-friend?
So you Remember?
It is still creeping me out.
Y yo a tí.
As far as I'm aware, they weren't politically involved, they just fled after Franco and the Falangistas took control over Catalonia.
Much appreciated you are the best faggot in Holla Forums ever.
oh the wasted HD space.
*snuggles the rarara-fag*
Night all.
This was for you too Blewby.
De casualidad no conoce a un chavo de esta comunidad que esta estudiando ser doctor? Le dicen trucky, alias el chupa riatas.
Nighty Furry corruptor.
Nope mi valedor aquí todo mundo o es un chupa pitos o un joto desenfrenado.
Es lo más Masculino que me veras hablándote.
Jeje aunque ya no te joderé con lo del Skittyollito.
oh ok, as long as they weren't with Franco. Catalonia was a great spot in the war. I think the CNT ran the city for a while.
think i might skitter along to beddies
Wait, you were discardio the whole time? You have a fetish for calling me a "shady nigger" don't you.
also i have no idea what you just tried to say
get new puns
Literally who?
The one and Only.
But I still Like you.
Yes Homo.
It was a wild new a Approach to the Holla Forumsread.
I enjoyed it a lot until, you started mentioning the Narcos.
skitter is actually a normal verb. no pun intended.
I will try to translate myself.
Nope Mate everybody in here is either a cock sucker or a deranged faggot.
It's the last time I talk this masculine to you.
I wont fuck around with the Skittyhole anymore.
Yes Homo you are my Shady drunk Nigger.
ignore this post
Well then… makes me glad I've got an adblocker on.
i have like a mental filter for those adds, don't even pay attention to them. would have never caught that.
why use a clit pump?
fucking name fags
Hey Az, how're you?
cause he has a small dick?
I don't fucking know, man. Women are weird.
Ayyyy, Azzy wazzy!
suspiciously more psychologically energetic than usual. feels good man. hows your end?
eyyyyyyy Rubu
because pumping your fempenis full of blood feels god man
Decent honestly.
Worn from work and stuff, but I'm good.
just had my car fixed and serviced, cost 700 bucks.
preordered a 1080, which should hopefully be here soon
preordered (although it's scummy of me to have done so) both dishonoured 2 and titanfall 2.
everythings ok atm.
more like -2k ATM
you should probably get a 4k monitor ASAP for that card you won't regret running 2x AA
I'll pump your fempenis.~
I'm happy with me 32" 1080p thank you :3
thx 4 the offer dove
yeah but that's like 10% of the card
unless you get an 8k vr headset i won't complain
anyone else here about that brit that came to the US trying to kill donald trump?
what the fucking hell would drive you to do something that idiotic?
unimaginable cuck status
time travelers man
Even crazier: he literally told the police everything. Motherfucker is not gonna get a plea bargain. He's getting full prison time for being a fucking retard.
I find it weird to throw away your life for such a shit reason, it makes me feel bad. Trump is great, he's like the holographic rare pepe you always want to get in the pack of cards. I wonder what his parents are thinking, this isn't even his own fucking country.
Also that webm I posted was an update of my personel browser, I fixed the tab thing now (after fucking hours)
Dun care getting card!
Jesus Christ skitty you stumbled onto something htere
Skitty fell on my dick. Webm related. RIP.
y tho
HAven't seen you in a while.
How's it going?
You must not know skitty too well.
Pretty good m8
no u
whatchya been up to?
das rite, double dubs faggot
Trying to get back into Source SDK and making maps, masturbating, vidya, masturbating, and sleeping
no u
nigga uwat
ǝ̢̛̠̳̦͙͍̭̙̳̑͑͆́͒̏̽̚͘͜p̜̯͈̫̪̣̗̬͔͆̆̂̿̋̓͛̈́̓̈́͜ı̛̝̯̩̪͈̣͓͉͖̯̈́̈́̀͆̇̀̿͘͝s̡̛̤̳͓̱̟̫̩͙͉̓͊̄́̌̔͋̔̌ú̡͚̦̝̹̠̻͉̹͒́̓͊̆̓̿̈͌͜ı̙̖͈̥̪̥̣̗͇͔́̈̽̂͐̈́̓̀͐͝ ̮̗̱̤͙̖̥͓̣̿̆͛̂̍̋̿̏͊͘ͅd̛̛̻̫͓͇͓͍̝͓̰̺̆͑͌̈͌͠͝͠ņ̨͈̻̲͎̞̥̳́́̓̀̈̑̇́̈͜͠ ̲̼͍͇͓͙͓̼̞̥̄̽̅̌͋̓̆͐̋͝ǝ̢̨̡͕̣̞̯̯͖͔͗̌̑̋̀̚͘͠͝͝ɯ̨̠̖͇̺͉͙̻̜͚̒̓͊̌͒͋̉̌͘͠ ̭̳̟̫̣̪͙̟͇̮̑́̇̍͊̓͐͊̉̚ǝ̧̢͔̳̩͖͈̲͓͖̆͗̍͌͆̄̋́̕͠ʞ̺̳̩̩̝̰̱̰̗͌͑͛͆͊͆̀̎͒̓ͅɐ͕̪̬̟̦̱̬̙͉͈̈̅̋̾̓͒̃̽͑̕ʍ̡̩̗̩̖̯̠̭̆̅̾̀̇̔̏̌̃͘ͅͅ
sounds like fun.
[imagines fucking a prolapsed uterus]
das gay tho
I really like this video. Especially 6:45