I'm converting to Islam.
I'm converting to Islam
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Hey, it's the Queen of /b
Which roughly translates to, "I am retarded."
The words of Yahweh aren't widely twisted to convince his followers to kill nonbelievers (anymore, that is). Also, good luck being raped then forced to die for your new faith, OP.
God wants people to die. That's why He blessed us with mortality. Everybody dies, and objectively it does not matter how one dies — it is society that gives the manner of death meaning. Now, it is possible to evade death and some people have done it and have even been given a green light from above to do so, but from the point of view of modern society, in general, God is evil. Nobody can understand how His mind works, not even the most high angels and saints — not even the demiurge can understand how God works. Whether He's forgiving or not, whether He wants people to kill in His name, nobody will ever truly know; there will ever only be belief and faith. I believe He does not want people to kill each other for any reason, that He has given us all a chance to be who we wish to be for so long as we pay for our sins once we die — not all sins are equal, and certainly this means that as murder is by far the gravest sin it is also the one that people will pay the most gravely for in death — and, personally, I believe peace without tolerance of differences is possible if we formed our own communities or all became one community; in reality the latter is never going to be possible so it is best to stay peaceful and take care of one's own soul as it is the most valuable thing we have.
In short, I don't think God cares if you kill in His name, but I can't know that for sure. I want to go to Heaven when I die, but I know I'm going to Hell and that I'll stay there forever (or at least very close to eternity) because I have been a very sinful person and deserve to be burnt over and over until there is nothing left of me to burn. I only wish that I will not burn until I die.
Religion is for retards
Boxxy is queen
Many Muslim girls are beautiful. According to the fundamentalist Islam, women are the property of their husbands and it is acceptable to rape any woman who do not dress modestly enough for public, so I also do not understand why such autists dislike it. Perhaps, you are atheists, I can tell it is not only this though. Many things the autists of imageboards erect upon are the same Islamic fundamentalists erect upon. No homo, no liberal, etc. In the old 4chan Holla Forums many of the autists loved gore and wanted to see the violence of any kind, this is the same as the fundamentalists in Islam. Both groups hate the modern mainstream media as well, however do use it for personal advantage as hypocrites. It is another common ground that Islamic fundamentalists erect upon the Nazis and the death of the Jews, the exact identical to Holla Forums and many Holla Forums autists as well.
I disapprove of fundamentalists and terrorists, I wish they would calm, but for Holla Forums autists to agree with them in most things and then still hate them, makes no sense.
I just want someone to kill.
Have you considered becoming a nigger?
Their is no God
because there are no exceptions to our undying hatred of EVERYTHING.
case and point, we even hate each other.
It would be good if it was done unironicly
i want to cum on her teeth
The thing is, Jesus is held about as high in Islam as he is in Christianity. The difference is that Christians see Jesus as the last prophet and Muslims see Muhammed as the last prophet. There is also the debate of whether Jesus was the literal son of God or not, but no one takes that literally except cucks. I wouldn't be shocked or disgusted if it turns out when I die that there is some kind of universal revelation of the truth and Jesus was the literal son of God, but I'd be surprised and I'd question why he didn't bring about the peace that was supposed to be brought by the last prophetic figure in all major religions of the world. Then again I'm Aravali, meaning I believe that the concept of prophethood isn't as black and white as most religions see it as, and no one takes syncretism seriously for some reason even though it's the most ancient type of religious practice. There's some universal truth behind everything, but it's impossible for the average person to figure out what that is; it takes a long journey of successful cleansing reincarnations and atonements for past sins, something which most people probably fail and go to hell for however long it takes to cleanse their sins after which they're reborn at their default clean slate and have to start all over again.
Top kek.
Say what you want but that Jesus still looks hot as fuck and at least he isn't a fucking greasy child fucking desert nignog. Also what do you mean low fucking energy sexy Jesus pushed a boulder all the way around the earth or some shit, does Moomad even lift? Funfact: he don't. Besides SJWs hate Jesus and love Mooham, so whos the real cuck?
Uh… no, he didn't? He did do miracles, but so has every other prophet, including Muhammed.
this is now a converting to islam thread.
Converting To Islam Saved My Life Louis explains how Islam was game changer in his life
I'm actually an atheist
Trips confirm
The statement by itself is true, christians, muslims and jews are all revering the same god. It is not what the fighting is about.
It is about trying to force your way of living on others.
And then people bitch about the ethnic braindead Muslims raping Scandis.