Oh boy, what do ya know. Let your guard down for a day, get fucked for life.
If these look familiar to you, it is because they were posted one.
Another brave /k/omrade of lolberturdianism has posted it in defense of the Holohoax. It is too late for me to say up but I did my part.
You can do it to.
The /k/ike:
From the way it saved the filename, it is quite clear what kind of "person" we are dealing with here.
Come on, spergs. :^)
Wanna do some mental gymnastic?
Thats about it. Given enough time I can shit on these myself but it is too late already.
Im sure some already counter debunked versions were made so if you could post it it would really save some time. Good night.
Bump. Thread will probably get slidelocked but whatever. IRC cliques and shit mods can do whatever they want.
fuck all that. majdanek hoax niggers. 2 million to 78,000. kikes btfo.
Obviously lolberturdians havent gotten the memo.
I know it isnt worth touching lowest subhuman like the /k/ike filth, but remember that their entire bullshit depends on a Holohoax boogeyman. And they shill for it. They shill for it.
Thats why it is increasingly difficult to stand the sight of the scum. They are irrelevant, their party and shit tier "ideology" is dead, but like that smelly nigger down the street, you just want to beat and kick them.
Too bad El Rato drops out today, so this will probably get no attention.
Well another time, another day I guess.
This is actually considered evidence for the Holohoax.
Look at the brave Allied heroes forcing German women to carry the totally gassed Jews!
Gassed bodies, bro. The proof that the Holhoax happened.
That 4, or 5, or 7 million Jews were claimed as being killed or risk of being killed is irrelevant.
The person who created that image completely misses the point.
The point is that the Jews were whining about an imaginary genocide, or risk thereof, years or decades before 1942.
See "The Treblinka Archaeology Hoax"
That's from Bergen Belsen, not a "death camp".
Those are starvation and or disease victims.
idk seems mad
And bump this thread and watch the documentary.
Thats true.
Why sage a good thread though?
Sure, dont sage this one though. Rato is out for good, we can focus on other things now.
I guess the Nazis waited until the Jews were almost dead from starvation before they gassed them.
Or maybe gassings causes a person to become emaciated?
I really hope that you are not one of the butthurt /k/ikes saging this thread.
To answer it:
Because there was no gassing?
Why are you posting these pictures if you support holocaust revisionism?
I believe the OP was attempting to debunk holocaust revisionism.
OP you are a retard
that "German" guy is well known on /k/ for being an autist and always getting into arguments
Obviously there is no proof of that, and the /k/ikes claim that Holla Forums hates Deutsch/pol/.
I post them because ironically, there isnt a single damn thing from these pictures that proves the Holohoax.
Oh hey it's krautsperg. The autistic german that is always trying to incite people to violence and get them to incriminate themselves who also happens to be an Israeli on a proxy.
I have one, simple question of those that might actually believe the Holocaust happened.
Have you ever seen a single, credible picture or film of the gas chambers in operation?
Typhus does. Though people dying of Typhus due to poor conditions due to the defeat of Germany is not a systematic program of extermination of the Jewish people.