Samurai Jack 2016

First footage to appear tonight at 9 at the Adult Swim upfront


Get hyped Holla Forums


There's a thread already, faggot.

Anti-sage. This is new information. It would get buried in the other thread.

Yeah, no. There's already in a thread. Don't try to make up shit of something being buried, you just wanted to make a thread.

So you don't want to people to know Adult Swim is streaming actual footage of the new Samurai Jack series tonight? If OP didn't make this thread, I wouldn't have known about it and neither would you.

Fuck off. This thread is fine.

Okay boys moment of truth

This will either break us or give us hope

I'm preparing for the worst case possible
I've been disappointed enough in recent timeā€¦

Penguin Cam > Fish Cam


What fucking 9 PM is it? Eastern time? Since its 9 PM in Chicago right now

I was thinking the same thing.
OP might have fucked up, I don't see any actual date other than 'next week.'

Genndy's at this party, so something's happening. I think this is the premier for the new Adult Swim shows.

No it has to be Pacific its 10 PM right now in Ne York

Why does the Pacific rule all the fucking time zones?




Is this OC?

did it happen yet?

What time zone?


No its not airing at all tonight. OP lied.

OP shall pay with his blood


I should've known when he direct linked the fucking Outhousers. We were all duped into supporting Adult Swim's shitty streams.

The fact that we've had no news at all is a little worrying. It's apparently coming out this year but we've heard nothing about it other than that it's happening. Is that normal?

Wait Wait

I think I just saw fucking Aku in the background.

Or is the denial kicking in?

it's all in your head user. there was no aku. in fact, samurai jack was never a real show and was just a joke created by halfchan back in 2005

Were all memes

It happens all the time with Venture Bros. Also, see . Genndy was at upfront. I saw him with my own eyes. They even asked him questions, though this being Adult Swim, it was faggy questions because the crew was drunk.

holy shit I'm laughing so hard. well done, user.

easy there, monsoon


If CN has any forums or community whatsoever, you should try post these there.


And this is why you shouldn't trust duplicate threads with direct links.

How does it feel to be a stubborn piece of shit?


Although I doubt Network executive have any direct control over certain shows deciding to go full "Subversive" like Adventure Time did. "Hey, going on adventures is retarded, and Finn is stupid, you should hate him."

I still dont know how they fucked up this hard.

Cartoon Network was the SHIT it had everything comedy and action cartoons little anime on the side.

Boston fucked everything.

Nice OC, may your dubs help make it a reality.


At best 4 of those posts is the same user samefagging to get some attention. Just look how they're structured.

RIP comics and cartoons

Come on now.

That's the point, you retard. What do you think 'regurgitated memes' means?

I don't care where it's from, that shit's funny as fuck