Femanon has made her way to Holla Forums!
Anyone who doesn't know, Femanon is a generic thirsty attention whore like most femanin a except she is a 2D character
Femanon has made her way to Holla Forums!
Anyone who doesn't know, Femanon is a generic thirsty attention whore like most femanin a except she is a 2D character
Post cow udders
post your massive titties
So she's in every way better than femanons? I'm fine with this.
Post tits or gtfo.
I don't see a timestamp.
It's a trap.
Post Dick or gtfo.
It's a shoop. I can tell from the pixels and from seeing a number of shoops in my day.
I can live with this
Fire extinguisher in pooper.
I remember you, great to see you're back.
We need a timestamp.
don't be shy qt 3.14
can you sneak us some nudes from your artists phone?
So, she's Nicole?
*oh snap*
Shouldn't femanon have a bird?
Come on don't play these games with me, honey. We both know she has nudes.
Not Eyebrows, many of the drawfags left us and I have no idea if he's still here, but I missed you too bea. I hope life was treating you good.
Soo… how about you slip a finger up your artists vag tonight and make her feel good?
no one wants to look at your shit
You were cute together. I liked watching you two. It reminded me of times when I still had feelings.
Soo, how much for them nudes of your artist?
Glad to see some oldfags made their way over. Welcome.
hi guys its me
missed you too, m8
this thread is what we need
thanks for contributing to making Holla Forums great again.
I always thought Holla Forums was made up of all the anons from old 4chan. I was right.
Can you tell your artist that I think her drawing skill is hot and I like to know her name? Well, more than that but I bet the nudes topic will come up again. Something to remember her by, just calling her artist is a bit weird. I hope I don't creep her out.
*the majority of Holla Forums
true, you're still here.
What's your name young lady and plz stop hitting your brain-child. That's wrong,… on some level at least.
hi everyone
tell us.
paint is master race but the pencil is better than the brush.
I'm onto you merchant. You cannot hide.
You have to give us hints though. Katy.
If I could guess I wouldn't ask, pumpkin.
post your artists tits
dirty things? like… dish towel?
I-i …could never do that though. You are an innocent and pure female worthy of being admired. M-m'lady
Here this is one of my favourite Katanas (Japanese knight sword), I hope you like it :3
good post.
*so my next guess is princess, to keep it going.
I know.
spoken like true samurai
Can femanon guro herself?
So is this the designated drawthread now?
shadows or no shadows? how do i be less shit at this?
are you email autist from Holla Forums's OC thread?
AAnd she is ignoring me ;_;
Why can women not into nice guys?? All women are cheap whores only self obsessed and nothing else. But my mind is called to higher plains. I d-don't even want her attention. I'm above that. I don't need anyone … ;_;
ol' hatched wound
Bill O'Reily
… fiancee?
no, just saved them all
nice try but there is a fine line between sweet talk and being autistic
Hey bruh.
show us your feminine dick
I think you are being too harsh on him. I understand that being ostracised can hurt a lot.
it's also kinda her fault after all
w-w-why you post this?
I think he tried to impersonate me
I think you are taking your online personality to seriously.
Let me try too: dirty attention whore too pathetic to score even betas in real life that has therefore to beg on image boards wet yet?
lick your artist in the private part ;^)
wait until I get the collar
pls respond you are my waifu and I'm not like those other insensitive males abusing women and being Christian ;_;
acknowledge my existence pls senpai
Yes. This is good.
You're a wretched twat who deserves all of this abuse.
"it's" you airheaded klutz
No, I won't allow such degeneracy!
we're waiting bitch
there are private parts to be licked
I…am so sorry that I've said all those mean things to you. I was just so excited and thought this was special after I've shown you my Katana and everything. I just wanted to be loved.
I am so happy right now. Thank you. My lady
Did I just get cucked?
Tits or GTFO cunt
show pussy
very good
I wonder what you'd look like in a wedding dress :^)
post femdom-on-user
stop posting then
i have standards and am not interested in girls whoring themselves to strangers. What would your grandma think if she saw what a failure you are?
pls no bully
really femanon i want you to want me :x
anything? How about you put a collar on your artist and make her bark. Don't judge me.
you gettin' better at this impersonating thing but did you ever think you're the problem why we can't have nice things?
o-oh god, lewd
what do you want to do to user??
it looks like he's putty in your hands
draw mewtwo for me op
O-oh god is artist joining in now too
So your grandma IS seeing you. Marvellous.
I request a doodle of you apologising on your grandma's grave.
yuo of maded me howney
i wan see that putang getting annihilated
wait is it one doodle per user
o-or am i just not interesting i'm sorry
lol, dat dick
You fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab you to death and play around with your blood.
I draw vagina girls too, motherfucker!
I came.
I've changed my mind you are honestly funny and witty :3
so most likely just a trap :(
Why is she unhappy?
Hitler is your nan?
pussy/bum annihilation now
pls, didn't mean to be mean
I'm forcing her to strip against her will cuz I know you're into that shit.
meant for but might like that too idk
m-more of
or whatever you want i mean
hehe I have no objections
y'all fucking guro/strip/woof shitters should hang up a picture of your waifus and hang yourselves next to them
i second femdomguy
this guy is a cool guy
give me your hat
Can I have a Femanon saying something like " gas the kikes race war now" while gassing kikes and race warring pretty pls
Well tough luck, because your comment made her wet and now she wants to touch herself while you watch.
It's all in a day's work for me.
I mean
I-if you want
That was the plan all along.
ohh you can almost see her pantsu
Fuck you OP I said draw me Mewtwo you fucking whore.
sheś an attention whore. Mewtwo would steal all her glory.
take off your shoes and let me lick your filthy foot
wait really uhhh
k-kettle, or alex
you're really going to doodle a character rather than an user? rectangle glasses and shoulder-length hair
t-the way you draw bodies is fucking adorable, by the way
Mewtwo>femanon tbh
femanon and artist>mewtwo tbh but that's pretty fucking adorable too
seriously I'd be fine if it was just mewtwo tbh
if femanon and the artist fought in a katana fight to the death who would win???
more mewtwo
Is the artist portrayed in the drawings supposed to be how you act in reality and the 2D attention whore supposed to be the physical form of the bottled up horniness? Because if so, that's exactly what I look for in girlfriends and what makes me cum oceans.
retard, the person drawing it is a guy larping as a girl. don't assume an user is a femanon until they post physical proof.
o m f g this is actually really r-really hot i'm sorry
I, I want you to put it in, I want you to make me yours femanon
Yeah but mam, sir or baby won't. Artist didn't even tell me his/her first name. Which I still like to know, for science.
don't abandon the thread :c i was gonna collect up all the images and relevant posts and put them into one big long lewd image
a-also your porn is seriously fucking hot
How about you lick this instead, bic boi.
I'll just leave this here
this is probably the most cringeworthy thing I've seen on this site. kill yourself please.
i think it's fucking fantastic in the most autistic way possible
gee thanks, I value your opinion and will think about your proposal
that's not how you spell artistic…
((Woopsy forgot the picture)
do it alex, beg her
quads make this so much better
((it's okidokes m80 this is seriously good))
A-AHN, t-thaaaaaank you, fffemanon, nnnh
I want you to fuck me any way you'd like, oh god, please let me please you!! I'll do anything
((we full autismo rp now huh))
Quit being such a beta bitch boy. This is what everyone thinks of you faggot
what are you, gay? you don't like good porn?
nah I allow it. We've seen worst here on a daily basis even if it were the truth.
She should probably put her panties back on then.
Almost 200 replies in and I've yet to see the author getting deepthroated by her creation
What the fuck
depends, how old is she?
Good porn referring to the stickfigures that this drawfag keeps shitting out?
I'll pass, thank you very much.
The issue here isn't the porn, it's you being an overwhelmingly pathetic cunt that I take offense to.
This is another visual representation of your faggotry, in case you're too dense to understand
then go the fuck away, I want some stick figure femdom
But Jesus looks pretty bad-ass in that pic. That's like the polar opposite of faggotry.
Go fuck yourself asshat, 'cause there ain't anybody who's gonna pop your cherry for you.
If you're having an issue handling my criticisms, maybe you should take a moment to reevaluate your sad shitshow of a life.
If some random anonymous asshole on the internet can make you break down in hysterics, maybe I ain't too far off on my assessment of how much of a failure you are faggot
I think you are projecting. He just told you to fuck off and you are the one getting mad.
Nah, get the sand out of your dickhole
My telling you to fuck off is the same as you telling me to fuck myself
"Good porn referring to the stickfigures that this drawfag keeps shitting out?
I'll pass, thank you very much."
then pass, i like it
Look at the subtext of the picture dipshit. Neckbeard user is grovelling on his knees begging for another dude to acknowledge him 'cause he thinks the drawfag is a girl, picture's pretty accurate if you look at it like that
or, maybe I don't give a shit, and legitimately like the drawing?
"I ain't bootyblasted, y-y-you are"
Mhm, sure thing faggot. Looks like my message struck a nerve with more than just neckbeard number 1. Now I've got two pathetic dickbags arguing with me in order to try to forget about their own shortcomings
can we get stick femdom user back now please?
make that 3. You're kind of being an ass.
Of course I can say for sure but if you had any contact with females you would see the little telling signs. I'm pretty sure she didn't lie.
The more you acknowledge me, the stronger I get. Ain't it sad that your life has reached to the point where you're deriving sexual satisfaction from erp'ing with another dude pretending to be a girl?
I'd kill myself if I was that far gone, you should take my advice and run with it.
Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and an hero faggot
No, everything's not okay you lazy whore
Where the fuck is my shitty drawing of you throat fucking the author?
no fuck you
we all have wants, user…
shit falls apart when you leave, user. just continue >>5885565
link to didn't work, whoops
fucking god damn it what's wrong with links
this is the one i meant to link to, for sure, let's see if i'm just a retard
It's all good, business as usual.
You're basing this off of a picture?
Are you a literal retard user?
It's one thing to engage in this degeneracy, but it's an entirely different thing to actually buy into the bullshit.
If you really think that any woman ever would go out of her way to glance in your fucking direction, you have another thing coming man.
That's without even considering the fact that there just ain't no such thing as grills on the internet.
I could tell you that you've been talking to a fucking actual dog this whole time, but that means jackshit unless I have some way to corroborate my story
But what if I'm mean, beyond the machine?
hahahahahaahhaha oh man you need help
F-femanon, if you let me cum, y-you can cum too right?
I want to finish with you, y-you're so good at this and you deserve to finish and pleeease?? mmmh
Let me just say you're not the first who tried.
Are you forgetting where you are faggot?
Chans are like a beacon to the broken and the diseased. We all need help, otherwise we wouldn't be here. I'm just trying to point out some things which hold worth mentioning.
Any OC is good OC, which is why I have no problem with the drawfag himself, but all the other shit is too cringe worthy and autistic to bear.
Fucking shape up or ship out faggot, 'cause you're making us all look bad
Sounds like a personal problem.
Now look who's projecting faggot :^)
could you finish this >>5885701 first so i can collect it into one image?
Anyway, not like I haven't done so already, but it's time to derail this thread. Hope you guys like aquatic animal pron, 'cause there's a shitstorm of that coming your way faggots
we won't last the hour thanks to .
Don't take her for 6 month again or I get pissed.
You say it like it's a bad thing.
Dolphins are sexy as fuck
what a fucking slut
yeh, I know, I'm just worried I'll end up exiting this paint window by accident or unknowingly in the meantime and will have to collect it all again when we get the finale rather than getting to finish it up now
Kill yourself my dude
oh okidokes, yeah i can do that just give me a moment
I think I can do something for you, too, actually
And that was the last time we saw little Alex, officer.
Make sure you give him your phone number, social security and bank account details while you're at it buddy.
Hope the prospect of getting fictional pussy from a dude is worth it mang
Dolphin guy, mind uploading your entire folder somewhere and linking it here?
I need it for research purposes.
[email protected]/* */
I can write captions for your images.
I remember seeing an actual video once of a woman fucking a dolphin.
Got it anwhyere?
*hmamail.com, sorry. [email protected]/* */
femanon is qt floor(3). please post more.
What do you want to see? Got lots of stuff, maybe I have the thing you're thinking of man
Pune quit being a faggot.
It's not letting me email you, I'll give you mine.
You email me!
Pretty please, that is.
[email protected]/* */
breddy much
I'm recieving them but turns out hmamail doesn't let me reply or see images
its k though, now i dont have to post a proper email here to reply to you
Just email me with whatever account, bro, you know mine
d-did it work, i sent you one
This thread, I like.
Will you come back if we keep the thread alive???
I got her on skype, I'll get her back here sometime today
boink boink
is she rly a gurl?
and why is this thread not bumping anymore?