Do you guys know about other good actual "Slice of life" series? i.e: not fantastic representations of real problems

Do you guys know about other good actual "Slice of life" series? i.e: not fantastic representations of real problems.

I just rewatched "As told by Ginger" ever since I was 8 years old and back then I thought it was a shitty and boring girls show but nostalgia brought it back and I decided to give ir a chance.

Results of the first episode.

It was pretty damn nice.
The characters designs were ugly but the animation was soo smooth, the backgrounds well done and illumination and effects were very good.

The characters were fairly stereotypical but weren't really hammered and they felt incredibly distinctive from one another, even the bullies where truly distinctive from one another.

By the way the bullies, despite being seventh grade ones felt like a legitimate thread. Smart, cunning and with those emotional radars they have.

The humor was way better than I was expecting, it actually made me giggle about 5 times without any unrealistic or exaggerated build up. I believe it was just too subtle for me to catch as a kid.

The plot wasn't original but it had a fairly realistic build-up and realistic consequences.

Still very girl POV oriented but very realistically and understandably so.

Man and I used to think this was a bore.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fucking autocorrection.

That first pic.
I didn't remembered Ginger being so fucking hot.

I remember enjoying Pepper Ann and the stuff they slipped in.

They actually aged during the series so she becomes a 15yo hottie by the end of it.
She actually has already a nice figure since episode 2 when she's 12 but she mostly uses a sweater.

I remember the puberty/PE trampoline episode well
she flashed the whole school

Good show. That blonde best friend was a cunt, though.


Weekenders was solid. I remember fondly. Mostly because Tish was my cartoon crush.

best slice of life comin through

Tishing as usual I see.

Yeah I've been trying to start watching this but I'm caught on watching South Park for the first time also.

I didn't watched this ever. Gotta try it out.
Kinda gives me a "Lou" feel.
Even though I watched only a handful of episodes of it years ago it really made a good impression.

I look at slice of life anime and I see sub-genre.
I see school slice of life.
I see town slice of life.
Period piece slice of life.
Occupational slice of life.
At its best I see dramatic slice of life.
I want to see that in a cartoon, actual drama.
Never going to because you can't market that toward kids, not since BTAS.
Glimpses of drama, episodic instances, but not a core overarching dramatic story.

So I just started watching Ginger too and I'm already in episode 3.
Is not the high drama of slice of life that
wants but is really good anyways.

I'm really noticing it has really good dialogue too.
So I'm really liking it.

How so.

Well, certain lines really crack me up and are delivered so naturally that just pass by as part of the style. I really notice them because I truly wasn't expecting them in THIS show.


The popular Courtney?
Idk man, she seems cool, I mean she has an aggressive personality but isn't a total bitch like the other popular girl.

No, Dodie, the one with the pigtails. Courtney is actually decent in comparison.

Wait what?
I know I'm in episode 3 but…
Wait, what.
Now that I think about it she has been putting sinc some passive-aggressive peer pressure on Ginger.

But does she evolves intoa cunt later on or what?

Oh, yeah, she gets worse. She has some really awful episodes where you wonder why Ginger still puts up with her.

Just a quick question.
Is this mentioned or lampshaded in any way?

Very rarely gets what she deserves as for the lampshade her mother has the same shitty personality.

But she gets BAD.
There's no way the writers didn't notice it it was clearly intentional. The bad writing came on the little she suffered from her actions.

Proportionally as for the TV rating she gets Cartman in levels of bad friend.

I just finished the third episode.
The same until now, great animation, tangible and believable characters.
That by the way they don't feel like cliches any more than real people can do so.
And everything is so grounded that it really manages a connection.

Is nothing magical or anything. Is a true "slice of life" but the execution is so good that you're just intrigued how are they gonna proceed with it.

I'm very sensitive to cringe and this has lots, but good cringe, intentional cringe much like "Peep Show" levels of cringe and awkwardness due to very well build up cringy situations. And I found myself tolerating each one like it knows how much cringe is enough.

Its still very girly regarding its POV but is done so well and realistically that it doesn't bother me.

I watched ATBG when it originally came out. I felt kind of weird as a guy watching what seemed to inherently be a girl's show, but I did really enjoy it. It was different from everything out there, a guilty pleasure.

Sorry mate, I don't understand the Kabbalah that well.
Although I'm pretty sure Doug should be in Hod and Disney Doug in Malkuth along with that stupid dog.
Fucking wasted joke.

About the other ones idk the Kabalah heriarchy.

I liked Braceface.

I don't want to sound like a tumblr fan but I totally see Courtney and Ginger pairing.

Well, Courtney is so obviously gay for Ginger but I don't think Ginger is.

As Told By Ginger was fine until it got over-focused on romance.

Reminder that ginger's nigger boyfriend cheated on her and mega-bitch dodie of all characters had to call him on it
And then he didn't visit her when she was stuck in the hospital

Is my imagination or Ginger actually gets whitewashed.
Or was clearer drawing by technology?

You're either a Canadian or queer

Felt the same way as well. Another thing that was nice was how they showed that Dodie is an asshole to Ginger while also showing that Courtney is spoiled nice kid.

The finale movie was bullshit though. Ginger getting back with Darren felt too forced and unrealistic.

Dobby please.

And they did that after the whole special seemed to be about her getting over him. Could've been worse, though. She could've gotten with that faggot from the summer camp.

Too bad about all the Klasky Csupo mouth going on in As Told by Ginger. The character designs are so close to being decent.

Came to the thread to post this.

As told by ginger was pretty good, especially the episodes focused on the guys. I could never watch it again because my Holla Forums influences cause me to be disgusted by race mixing.

Daria was good when I was younger, and it had it's original musical score, but the show did not age well.

Hey Arnold is still fantastic in every episode except for the one about his parents which as an extremely distorted vibe, like it was made before the show had time to flesh out and is a throwback to a pilot or something, not looking forward to the new show.

I hated Pepper Ann just because when it was on I had already watched Doug and did not really watch that kind of show at the time

great show, everybody hates Peggy

Doug was surprisingly good when I think back on it and I need to get some episodes and watch it again, however I have great fear that it will be dull and borring, dat porn music intro tho.

Recess was great across the board as far as I remember

I see nothing wrong with this.

sorry, I forgot

didn't they get back together or something?

Braceface was very comfy.
The story could get boring sometimes but it was ok overall

Thanks to the not so invisible hand of nick.
Especially since the team behind ginger made a whole episode about Ginger getting over him.


What was it with Andy?

I just arrived at episode 8 of Ginger (The hairy legs one) for a second I thought that I was witnessing the first weak episode since the problematic wasn't as problematic as previous episodes, especially since the last one was the neglectful dad one.

But it didn't matter, the characters are so good that if it matters to them it matters for me even if it's the more teenage wangst yet.

And they still followed the more realistic approaches, downright to discussing the problem with your parents.

No waiti just realized why is ita good episode.
The problematic wasn't hairy legs, its just disguised like it.
The problematic is Miranda aggressively putting Ginger aside from Courtney again, this bullies do feel threatening.

Further proof Holla Forums are mirror-SJWs and just as easily triggered.

nah man

I mean it's a good show

but imagine watchign a movie with a black guy a few seats behind you going "awww hell nah" and "sheeeit" all through the movie

You can watch it but it's just not as enjoyable so why bother

No user, here's the difference

"I disagree with this, so I won't partake in it."


I just hated that the ginger/darren shit was pushed so hard for so long then he fucking cheats on her, dumps her for a hawt cheerleader(a nigress at that) and then he doesn't even visit her when she's laid up in the hospital
And yet despite finally getting over him in the finale, the two still get shoved back together in the end
The fuck was with this show

To be fair, they made a kazillion threads of how how much they hate this, and then they say that the thing they disagree with is actually some part of a conspiracy to destroy the white man, and anyone who like/support said thing is a cuck, a jew or a nigger.
So yeah, there is a difference but it is not that big.

I'm sorry you were transported into a Holla Forums MS Paint comic user. Must suck.

"This content is so degenerate and I'm gonna make that clear to everyone else whenever I see it. If you enjoy this show/game/movie you are a cuck or a good goy!"

"This content is so problematic and I'm gonna make that clear to everyone else whenever I see it. If you enjoy this show/game/movie you are a racist or a mysogynist!"

There is no difference, the countless threads and posts about "muh racemixing" and getting butthurt at any show that has it and making that clear when ever it dies is proof. Stop defending such a hypocritical board.

A week ago I had some troubles with Holla Forums in a Holla Forums thread.

Long story short while we all agree that a great deal of blacks where niggers I said thati surelY was something cultural and ingrained in the, well ghetto "society".

Then an army of stormfaggots came redtexting bogeyman at me stating that it was a genetic thing and that niggers where born niggers.

Then posted some graphs that only proved that most niggers are black and try to use it as evidence that it was a genetic and not a cultural issue.


You sure showed him with all that projection and greentext'd ad hominems, user. Completely obliterated that argument and made him look like a huge fool.

Yes I did. Glad you recognize that moderates are complacent faggots with no meaningful solutions because they cannot possibly engage with any issue.

You only say that because the solutions they offer aren't Final.

They're not even intermediate.


my Holla Forums sensibilities will allow me to watch this after all

this about sums it up, see vid related
you may not see it right now, but Holla Forums sees it as an attempt to normalize race mixing, and we see it fucking everywhere on TV

I'm not saying you shouldn't watch it user, just that I could not

Storm fags are insufferable
there are at least 5 different groups with dissenting opinions on Holla Forums
Christians, Pagans and athiests always seem to go at it for whatever reason
embed related is 3 different kinds of Holla Forums whatching shitty race mixing propaganda at the beginning of the vid

It's partly genetic partly cultural and mostly (((them)))

You can't be a moderate because one side will always brand you as the other and nobody sees the middle ground of compromise and nobody remembers history so all moderate efforts will be fruitless because everyone is stupid one way or another

Here's your reply and pic

Why do you faggots care which consenting adults want to be with other consenting adults? If Holla Forums truly cared about stopping "white genocide", they'd get out of their basements and get into relationships instead of being NEETs.

I wasn't saying that you were telling me not to watch it. I just think it's sad that you wouldn't watch a show for such petty reasons.

It's not like it's the Ghostbusters reboot where it's obviously propaganda. Something like that is completely reasonable to avoid.

Hey I was right.

Because the common perception on Holla Forums is that if whites dissappear then the entire planet is fucked and Holla Forums fucking cares

user I don't even remember the show that well but these days any reason not to watch a show is a good reason because I don't have the fucking time to watch shows I barely care about

Alt right is a multinational movement user

About white people, not the planet.

user we also care about our homeland and the honorary Aryans

ya damn fool

Holla Forums is the WE WUZ KANGS of white people

I don't think that works user

Except white people actually were kings and shit.

We historically dominated the world on all fronts. Eat a dick, faggot.


Pretty sure that's the joke.

Though if you wanted you could interpret it seriously and say that Holla Forums is obsessed with past glories that they're barely even connected to yet act proud of it regardless, much like an average hoodrat being proud of WE WUZ KANGS. That motherfucker was never a king, and neither was any of us.

the greatest black man who ever lived was Shaka Zulu

All others were shit

Gotta go with Carver,

he actually didn't

Please stop posting this ugly as fuck faggot comic everywhere.

Why do you need a reason? Isn't "I don't want to watch it" good enough?

Nah, Holla Forums are the Dindu Nuffins of White People

I had a post calling you out for claiming hive minds and making shit up, but then I realised that there's no way anyone here will buy the bullshit you're peddling.


I think it's more "I don't care enough to watch it again" but I cede your point

Holla Forums doesn't really believe 6 million jews died and generally the belief is that it was an economically motivated war, much like the first world war

wrong on all counts except Anders Breivik, who did nothing wrong
any looting going on during those riots?
any fatal injuries or cop car tipping?
in fact cite one of those riots
pretty sure idealized Holla Forums land has a death sentence for rape
we're just as native as those "native americans"

Just the first couple of articles I grabbed from some Googling. Second one includes plenty of African riots as well.
Funny thing, Googling for sports riots somehow still throws at me Huffington Post whining about how mean the media is to black people.

How progressive.

Even if the Holocaust didn't occur, Hitler still started a war that killed millions, devastated swathes of Europe, and inevitably allowed the rise of Communism.

But of course, invading all your neighbors like a pack of wild barbarians is okay when Hitler does it.

Regardless of what they believe about Jews you can't even deny Hitler did a lot of wrong, causing a war and invading other countries and all that.


You say this as if riots are okay as long as they don't loot.

They still act like whites never commit rape at all.

Is that why you guys were there around the same time they were rather than arriving later?

So in this post you try to claim I'm wrong, but proceed to defend one of the mass-killers, act like there was never a white riot and justify being invading "Cultural Enrichers"? Well done.

We also care about the planet.
As a matter of fact, white people are the only once that care about preserving nature.

There is some Indian Canadian called Frank Raymond (dothead, not featherhead) that wrote a book about this. He also did some interviews for Red Ice Radio.

If you don't believe in the holocaust then Hitler did nothing wrong.

Hapa Jew
True, he's a pretty funny guy. Sued the state for violating his human rights recently and won. Showing us once again how fucked up the system is.

In certain European countries like Sweden, Denmark and Norway rape would be almost non-existent without the invaders.

The natives were allowed to fight back and lost. We're not allowed to fight or even talk about our displacement.

Besides the indians were savages and nothing of value was lost. Whites however created everything that matters.

Murderer 77 leftists and traitors.

I'm not even gonna entertain this one.

So if aliens are real and invade the planet one day, but rather than "Kill all humans" Hollywood-style, they just decide they want to colonise America and kill off any humans in the country that try and fight back to the take-over. I guess that would be okay since you were allowed to fight back. I mean, they'd have superior technology, so clearly in comparison we're just savages for not being enlightened by their ways?

Literally "IT'S OKAY WHEN WE DID IT!!!"

Don't cut yourself on that edge, Holla Forumskiddie.

Not posting the best part of the riot.

Then why should anyone entertain your posts?
All are not created equal. If you actually think that what the Indians accomplished before the Europeans is somehow of equal or even nearing the quality of what the whites did then you are delusional.

Because mine aren't blatant ignorance. Hitler did everything wrong, and you idolising him doesn't change that.

Fucking KEK

classic liberals shooting themselves in the foot with their own arguments

that's the opposite of progressive user

you really don't know anything about history do you user

have a map illustrating how Germany and the Austrian Hungarian empire, the losers in world war 1, were divided by the winners

you'll notice the section of Germany that was given to Poland but still contained ethnically German peoples, the willful genocide of ethnic Germans in that area was what lead to the German invasion

also note the traitorous Serbians that started the first world war with the Serb assignation of the Austrian Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand

also keep in mind that it was Britain and France that declared war on Germany and not the other way around

and I could go on and on about the treaty of Versailles in which Germany was expected to pay for the entire first world wars expenses despite not begin the ones who started it

actually, Satan, the second world war is a direct result of the outcome of the first

did nothing wrong

it's a measure user

and from what was posted earlier only 1 person died in white riots and the higher property damage is due to white people having better things to break


kinda desensitized since rape can sometimes be "withholding sex" and "made me feel uncomfortable"
I have no idea where to even check stats on that one and how to compare populations

according to this
despite being like a 5th of the population they seem to commit twice as much when compared?
just a crap estimate tho

sorry that sentence doesn't seem al lthat coherent, was it rhetorical?

no looting stated
no fatalities stated except for exactly 1 guy in 1984 Detroit
destruction I wont argue about, were the best at destroying and we have the best stuff and were the best at getting drunk and doing stupid shit
and yeah, Breivik did nothing wrong, was defending his homeland from invaders

take your tumblr passive aggressive high horse indignation and stick it up your ass though

Don't forget Hitler was a big guy on preserving nature

well, he did take meth late game and make some bad strategic decisions, otherwise he was the good guy

this guy knows what's up

you should, you have no argument otherwise

yeah now it's "Look at these savages, not recycling and preserving nature like us"

sounds like they have the upper hand and can further us at the same time

actually they were doing it to each other before mass European colonization of North America
so yes, it was ok, in fact it was the norm

Hitler was a Vegeterian
believed we should treat animals well
believed in womens welfare
restored his countys economy from current year 2016 Venezuela tier to the strongest economy in the world
and made Germany great again all on top of other cool shit

so if you think poverty, treating animals like shit, treating women like shit, starvation and child prostitution where you can get a two fer with the girl AND her mother are right and just, then I don't want any part of your justice and would rather be a monster

here, just throwing out a big, "Cheers!" To the anons that stepped in to take the hive mind accuser to task. I had shit to do so I couldn't get stuck into his bullshit at the time.

I wish they would just stop it so we can stop going full Reich on them and just talk about some fun comics and shit

So in summary:

Hello traitor. Maybe you're precious Breivik should give you the fate the other "traitors" got.

He also put people in camps with bad living conditions.

Holla Forums logic hurdles, everyone.

tired because you're a leftist and you don't actually argue you just make statements and I'm tired of of countering all of your leftist bullshit

gonna go watch Dragon Ball Z



Guys guys.
Remember when this discussion was about Ginger?

I do

I was examining how this thread got so derailed just before I decided to give up on arguing

it got derailed HERE

when he got triggered


you helped and you know it

And that's why you're no different from SJWs. Replace "leftist" with sexist or racist or any -ist you want and it would read exactly like a Tumblr post.

I'm in episode 10.
And loving it.
Every time it seems that an episode's going the cliché way it just fucks my shit up.
It gets real, delivers the moral at the time it should be delivered.
No character acts out of character solve or create a conflict.
And even the little teen wangst problems look big because it looks big for them at the very least and some times they look big because of the implications to the problem.
I'm looking at you hairy legs episode.

I did enjoy how soild the show was

alright man

you don't actually argue you just make statements and because you do not argue any points this is a waste of time not worth the investment

Fred's Head.

I feel like I'm the only one who liked this show.

Not letting this thread die just yet because I just saw the season finale.
>Read that series is getting a remake this year.
>They won't do that again. on kids TV.

Also, all the thing with his dad. Carl has such big balls.

They're remaking it?
Oh, god, they're going to ruin it.

I bet they'll make this changes.

The only good think I can contemplate from this is that the creators now could pair Ginger and Courtney as they were the most believable couple in the show but chances are either Courtney or Ginger are going to be paired with Miranda because racial integration.

THE WORST is that they're probably going to turn Carl into other Hoodsey because God forbids that an heterosexual white bit be sure of himself and actually manages to do stuff without a girl's help.