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very nippon. great yellow.
Actually, it's Cristal.
In fact I'm Chrystel
I know her, she is @PredatorRat
Yep, i thought that was a myth but then i saw that picture.
Fucking asian women , why are they so masterrace
i think you should be wear of coat leather
I don't have many pictures, anyway there is some.
go on
lol, last one.
So a guy decided let's bring this chick and make her wear a weird ass tshirt and some dbz power detector and then cut a heartshape in her pants and make her hold a pink toy gun .. What is japan?
Japan it's crazy place, bruh.
If you have moar , please go on kind user
do you also have cute women in traditional japonese dresses?
Japan is an idea.
And ideas have heart shaped assless jeans.
Those are usually some of the best ideas.
Its at tragedy she doesn't go nude
Iiniku Ushijima, a goddess
She's beautiful.
true story, my friend sleeps with this chick. he says shes totally a mental case and is out of her tree, but so good in bed that it doesnt matter. he pays for her apartment rent and utilities though.
File that under "things that never happened".
I trust in your word, because when she does live streams she looks really crazy.
she does live stream in this url:
Its online right now.